//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.Boogie { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using BoogiePL=Microsoft.Boogie; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // for procedure inlining // this callback is called before inlining a procedure public delegate void InlineCallback(Implementation/*!*/ impl); public class Inliner { private InlineCallback inlineCallback; protected CodeCopier/*!*/ codeCopier; protected Dictionary/*!*/ /* Procedure.Name -> int */ recursiveProcUnrollMap; protected Dictionary/*!*/ /* Procedure.Name -> int */ inlinedProcLblMap; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(codeCopier != null); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(recursiveProcUnrollMap)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(inlinedProcLblMap)); } protected void NextInlinedProcLabel(string procName) { Contract.Requires(procName != null); int currentId; if (inlinedProcLblMap.TryGetValue(procName, out currentId)) { inlinedProcLblMap[procName] = currentId + 1; } else { inlinedProcLblMap.Add(procName, 0); } } protected string GetInlinedProcLabel(string procName) { Contract.Requires(procName != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); int currentId; if (!inlinedProcLblMap.TryGetValue(procName, out currentId)) { currentId = 0; inlinedProcLblMap.Add(procName, currentId); } return "inline$" + procName + "$" + currentId; } protected string GetProcVarName(string procName, string formalName) { Contract.Requires(formalName != null); Contract.Requires(procName != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); string/*!*/ prefix = GetInlinedProcLabel(procName); Contract.Assert(prefix != null); return prefix + "$" + formalName; } protected Inliner(InlineCallback cb) { inlinedProcLblMap = new Dictionary(); recursiveProcUnrollMap = new Dictionary(); codeCopier = new CodeCopier(); inlineCallback = cb; } public static void ProcessImplementation(Program program, Implementation impl, InlineCallback cb) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(program != null); Contract.Requires(impl.Proc != null); Inliner inliner = new Inliner(cb); VariableSeq/*!*/ newInParams = new VariableSeq(impl.InParams); Contract.Assert(newInParams != null); VariableSeq/*!*/ newOutParams = new VariableSeq(impl.OutParams); Contract.Assert(newOutParams != null); VariableSeq/*!*/ newLocalVars = new VariableSeq(impl.LocVars); Contract.Assert(newLocalVars != null); IdentifierExprSeq/*!*/ newModifies = new IdentifierExprSeq(impl.Proc.Modifies); Contract.Assert(newModifies != null); bool inlined = false; List/*!*/ newBlocks = inliner.DoInline(impl.Blocks, program, newLocalVars, newModifies, out inlined); Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(newBlocks)); if (!inlined) return; impl.InParams = newInParams; impl.OutParams = newOutParams; impl.LocVars = newLocalVars; impl.Blocks = newBlocks; impl.Proc.Modifies = newModifies; impl.ResetImplFormalMap(); // we need to resolve the new code inliner.ResolveImpl(program, impl); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintInlined) { inliner.EmitImpl(impl); } } public static void ProcessImplementation(Program program, Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(program != null); Contract.Requires(impl.Proc != null); ProcessImplementation(program, impl, null); } protected void EmitImpl(Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(impl.Proc != null); Console.WriteLine("after inlining procedure calls"); impl.Proc.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out), 0); impl.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out), 0); } private sealed class DummyErrorSink : IErrorSink { public void Error(IToken tok, string msg) { //Contract.Requires(msg != null); //Contract.Requires(tok != null); // FIXME // noop. // This is required because during the resolution, some resolution errors happen // (such as the ones caused addion of loop invariants J_(block.Label) by the AI package } } protected void ResolveImpl(Program program, Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(program != null); Contract.Ensures(impl.Proc != null); ResolutionContext rc = new ResolutionContext(new DummyErrorSink()); foreach (Declaration decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) { decl.Register(rc); } impl.Proc = null; // to force Resolve() redo the operation impl.Resolve(rc); TypecheckingContext tc = new TypecheckingContext(new DummyErrorSink()); impl.Typecheck(tc); } // returns true if it is ok to further unroll the procedure // otherwise, the procedure is not inlined at the call site protected int GetInlineCount(Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); string/*!*/ procName = impl.Name; Contract.Assert(procName != null); int c; if (recursiveProcUnrollMap.TryGetValue(procName, out c)) { return c; } c = -1; // TryGetValue above always overwrites c impl.CheckIntAttribute("inline", ref c); // procedure attribute overrides implementation if (impl.Proc != null) { impl.Proc.CheckIntAttribute("inline", ref c); } recursiveProcUnrollMap[procName] = c; return c; } void CheckRecursion(Implementation impl, Stack/*!*/ callStack) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(callStack)); foreach (Procedure/*!*/ p in callStack) { Contract.Assert(p != null); if (p == impl.Proc) { string msg = ""; foreach (Procedure/*!*/ q in callStack) { Contract.Assert(q != null); msg = q.Name + " -> " + msg; } msg += p.Name; //checkingCtx.Error(impl, "inlined procedure is recursive, call stack: {0}", msg); } } } private List/*!*/ DoInlineBlocks(Stack/*!*/ callStack, List/*!*/ blocks, Program/*!*/ program, VariableSeq/*!*/ newLocalVars, IdentifierExprSeq/*!*/ newModifies, ref bool inlinedSomething) { Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(callStack)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(blocks)); Contract.Requires(program != null); Contract.Requires(newLocalVars != null); Contract.Requires(newModifies != null); Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result>())); List/*!*/ newBlocks = new List(); foreach (Block block in blocks) { TransferCmd/*!*/ transferCmd = cce.NonNull(block.TransferCmd); CmdSeq cmds = block.Cmds; CmdSeq newCmds = new CmdSeq(); Block newBlock; string label = block.Label; int lblCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; ++i) { Cmd cmd = cmds[i]; CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd; if (callCmd == null) { // if not call command, leave it as is newCmds.Add(codeCopier.CopyCmd(cmd)); } else { Contract.Assert(callCmd.Proc != null); Procedure proc = callCmd.Proc; int inline = -1; Implementation impl = FindProcImpl(program, proc); if (impl != null) { inline = GetInlineCount(impl); } if (inline > 0) { // at least one block should exist Contract.Assume(impl != null); Contract.Assert(cce.NonNull(impl.OriginalBlocks).Count > 0); inlinedSomething = true; // do inline now int nextlblCount = lblCount + 1; string nextBlockLabel = label + "$" + nextlblCount; // run the callback before each inline if (inlineCallback != null) { inlineCallback(impl); } // increment the counter for the procedure to be used in constructing the locals and formals NextInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name); BeginInline(newLocalVars, newModifies, proc, impl); List/*!*/ inlinedBlocks = CreateInlinedBlocks(callCmd, proc, impl, nextBlockLabel); Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(inlinedBlocks)); EndInline(); recursiveProcUnrollMap[impl.Name] = recursiveProcUnrollMap[impl.Name] - 1; callStack.Push(cce.NonNull(impl.Proc)); inlinedBlocks = DoInlineBlocks(callStack, inlinedBlocks, program, newLocalVars, newModifies, ref inlinedSomething); callStack.Pop(); recursiveProcUnrollMap[impl.Name] = recursiveProcUnrollMap[impl.Name] + 1; Block/*!*/ startBlock = inlinedBlocks[0]; Contract.Assert(startBlock != null); GotoCmd gotoCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new StringSeq(startBlock.Label)); newBlock = new Block(block.tok, ((lblCount == 0) ? (label) : (label + "$" + lblCount)), newCmds, gotoCmd); newBlocks.Add(newBlock); newBlocks.AddRange(inlinedBlocks); lblCount = nextlblCount; newCmds = new CmdSeq(); } else if (inline == 0) { inlinedSomething = true; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProcedureInlining == CommandLineOptions.Inlining.Assert) { // add assert newCmds.Add(new AssertCmd(callCmd.tok, Expr.False)); } else if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProcedureInlining == CommandLineOptions.Inlining.Assume) { // add assume newCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(callCmd.tok, Expr.False)); } else { // add call newCmds.Add(codeCopier.CopyCmd(callCmd)); } } else { newCmds.Add(codeCopier.CopyCmd(callCmd)); } } } newBlock = new Block(block.tok, ((lblCount == 0) ? (label) : (label + "$" + lblCount)), newCmds, codeCopier.CopyTransferCmd(transferCmd)); newBlocks.Add(newBlock); } return newBlocks; } protected List/*!*/ DoInline(List/*!*/ blocks, Program program, VariableSeq newLocalVars, IdentifierExprSeq newModifies, out bool inlined) { Contract.Requires(newModifies != null); Contract.Requires(newLocalVars != null); Contract.Requires(program != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(blocks)); Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result>())); inlinedProcLblMap.Clear(); recursiveProcUnrollMap.Clear(); inlined = false; return DoInlineBlocks(new Stack(), blocks, program, newLocalVars, newModifies, ref inlined); } protected void BeginInline(VariableSeq newLocalVars, IdentifierExprSeq newModifies, Procedure proc, Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(proc != null); Contract.Requires(newModifies != null); Contract.Requires(newLocalVars != null); Hashtable substMap = new Hashtable(); foreach (Variable/*!*/ locVar in cce.NonNull(impl.OriginalLocVars)) { Contract.Assert(locVar != null); LocalVariable localVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, GetProcVarName(proc.Name, locVar.Name), locVar.TypedIdent.Type, locVar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr)); newLocalVars.Add(localVar); IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, localVar); substMap.Add(locVar, ie); } for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Length; i++) { Variable inVar = cce.NonNull(impl.InParams[i]); LocalVariable localVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, GetProcVarName(proc.Name, inVar.Name), inVar.TypedIdent.Type, inVar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr)); newLocalVars.Add(localVar); IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, localVar); substMap.Add(inVar, ie); // also add a substitution from the corresponding formal occurring in the PROCEDURE declaration Variable procInVar = cce.NonNull(proc.InParams[i]); if (procInVar != inVar) { substMap.Add(procInVar, ie); } } for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Length; i++) { Variable outVar = cce.NonNull(impl.OutParams[i]); LocalVariable localVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, GetProcVarName(proc.Name, outVar.Name), outVar.TypedIdent.Type, outVar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr)); newLocalVars.Add(localVar); IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, localVar); substMap.Add(outVar, ie); // also add a substitution from the corresponding formal occurring in the PROCEDURE declaration Variable procOutVar = cce.NonNull(proc.OutParams[i]); if (procOutVar != outVar) { substMap.Add(procOutVar, ie); } } Hashtable /*Variable -> Expr*/ substMapOld = new Hashtable/*Variable -> Expr*/(); foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ mie in proc.Modifies) { Contract.Assert(mie != null); Variable/*!*/ mVar = cce.NonNull(mie.Decl); LocalVariable localVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, GetProcVarName(proc.Name, mVar.Name), mVar.TypedIdent.Type)); newLocalVars.Add(localVar); IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, localVar); substMapOld.Add(mVar, ie); // FIXME why are we doing this? the modifies list should already include them. // add the modified variable to the modifies list of the procedure if (!newModifies.Has(mie)) { newModifies.Add(mie); } } codeCopier.Subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substMap); codeCopier.OldSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substMapOld); } protected void EndInline() { codeCopier.Subst = null; codeCopier.OldSubst = null; } // result[0] is the entry block protected List/*!*/ CreateInlinedBlocks(CallCmd callCmd, Procedure proc, Implementation impl, string nextBlockLabel) { Contract.Requires(nextBlockLabel != null); Contract.Requires(impl != null); Contract.Requires(proc != null); Contract.Requires(callCmd != null); Contract.Requires(((codeCopier.Subst != null))); Contract.Requires((codeCopier.OldSubst != null)); Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result>())); List/*!*/ implBlocks = cce.NonNull(impl.OriginalBlocks); Contract.Assert(implBlocks.Count > 0); string startLabel = implBlocks[0].Label; List/*!*/ inlinedBlocks = new List(); // create in block CmdSeq inCmds = new CmdSeq(); // assign in parameters for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Length; ++i) { Cmd cmd = Cmd.SimpleAssign(impl.tok, (IdentifierExpr)cce.NonNull(codeCopier.Subst)(cce.NonNull(impl.InParams[i])), cce.NonNull(callCmd.Ins[i])); inCmds.Add(cmd); } // inject non-free requires for (int i = 0; i < proc.Requires.Length; i++) { Requires/*!*/ req = cce.NonNull(proc.Requires[i]); if (!req.Free) { Requires/*!*/ reqCopy = (Requires/*!*/)cce.NonNull(req.Clone()); reqCopy.Condition = codeCopier.CopyExpr(req.Condition); AssertCmd/*!*/ a = new AssertRequiresCmd(callCmd, reqCopy); Contract.Assert(a != null); a.ErrorDataEnhanced = reqCopy.ErrorDataEnhanced; inCmds.Add(a); } } VariableSeq locVars = cce.NonNull(impl.OriginalLocVars); // add where clauses of local vars as assume for (int i = 0; i < locVars.Length; ++i) { Expr whereExpr = (cce.NonNull(locVars[i])).TypedIdent.WhereExpr; if (whereExpr != null) { whereExpr = Substituter.Apply(codeCopier.Subst, whereExpr); // FIXME we cannot overwrite it, can we?! (cce.NonNull(locVars[i])).TypedIdent.WhereExpr = whereExpr; AssumeCmd/*!*/ a = new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, whereExpr); Contract.Assert(a != null); inCmds.Add(a); } } // add where clauses of output params as assume for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Length; ++i) { Expr whereExpr = (cce.NonNull(impl.OutParams[i])).TypedIdent.WhereExpr; if (whereExpr != null) { whereExpr = Substituter.Apply(codeCopier.Subst, whereExpr); // FIXME likewise (cce.NonNull(impl.OutParams[i])).TypedIdent.WhereExpr = whereExpr; AssumeCmd/*!*/ a = new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, whereExpr); Contract.Assert(a != null); inCmds.Add(a); } } // assign modifies old values foreach (IdentifierExpr/*!*/ mie in proc.Modifies) { Contract.Assert(mie != null); Variable/*!*/ mvar = cce.NonNull(mie.Decl); AssignCmd assign = Cmd.SimpleAssign(impl.tok, (IdentifierExpr)cce.NonNull(codeCopier.OldSubst(mvar)), mie); inCmds.Add(assign); } GotoCmd inGotoCmd = new GotoCmd(callCmd.tok, new StringSeq(GetInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name) + "$" + startLabel)); Block inBlock = new Block(impl.tok, GetInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name) + "$Entry", inCmds, inGotoCmd); inlinedBlocks.Add(inBlock); // inject the blocks of the implementation Block intBlock; foreach (Block block in implBlocks) { CmdSeq copyCmds = codeCopier.CopyCmdSeq(block.Cmds); TransferCmd transferCmd = CreateInlinedTransferCmd(cce.NonNull(block.TransferCmd), GetInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name)); intBlock = new Block(block.tok, GetInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name) + "$" + block.Label, copyCmds, transferCmd); inlinedBlocks.Add(intBlock); } // create out block CmdSeq outCmds = new CmdSeq(); // inject non-free ensures for (int i = 0; i < proc.Ensures.Length; i++) { Ensures/*!*/ ens = cce.NonNull(proc.Ensures[i]); if (!ens.Free) { Ensures/*!*/ ensCopy = (Ensures/*!*/)cce.NonNull(ens.Clone()); ensCopy.Condition = codeCopier.CopyExpr(ens.Condition); AssertCmd/*!*/ a = new AssertEnsuresCmd(ensCopy); Contract.Assert(a != null); outCmds.Add(a); } } // assign out params for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Length; ++i) { Expr/*!*/ cout_exp = (IdentifierExpr)cce.NonNull(codeCopier.Subst(cce.NonNull(impl.OutParams[i]))); Cmd cmd = Cmd.SimpleAssign(impl.tok, cce.NonNull(callCmd.Outs[i]), cout_exp); outCmds.Add(cmd); } // create out block GotoCmd outGotoCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new StringSeq(nextBlockLabel)); Block outBlock = new Block(impl.tok, GetInlinedProcLabel(proc.Name) + "$Return", outCmds, outGotoCmd); inlinedBlocks.Add(outBlock); return inlinedBlocks; } protected TransferCmd CreateInlinedTransferCmd(TransferCmd transferCmd, string procLabel) { Contract.Requires(procLabel != null); Contract.Requires(transferCmd != null); TransferCmd newTransferCmd; GotoCmd gotoCmd = transferCmd as GotoCmd; if (gotoCmd != null) { StringSeq gotoSeq = gotoCmd.labelNames; StringSeq newGotoSeq = new StringSeq(); foreach (string/*!*/ blockLabel in cce.NonNull(gotoSeq)) { Contract.Assert(blockLabel != null); newGotoSeq.Add(procLabel + "$" + blockLabel); } newTransferCmd = new GotoCmd(transferCmd.tok, newGotoSeq); } else { newTransferCmd = new GotoCmd(transferCmd.tok, new StringSeq(procLabel + "$Return")); } return newTransferCmd; } protected static Implementation FindProcImpl(Program program, Procedure proc) { Contract.Requires(program != null); foreach (Declaration decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) { Implementation impl = decl as Implementation; if (impl != null && impl.Proc == proc) { return impl; } } return null; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class CodeCopier { public Substitution Subst; public Substitution OldSubst; public CodeCopier(Hashtable substMap) { Contract.Requires(substMap != null); Subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substMap); } public CodeCopier(Hashtable substMap, Hashtable oldSubstMap) { Contract.Requires(oldSubstMap != null); Contract.Requires(substMap != null); Subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substMap); OldSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(oldSubstMap); } public CodeCopier() { } public CmdSeq CopyCmdSeq(CmdSeq cmds) { Contract.Requires(cmds != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); CmdSeq newCmds = new CmdSeq(); foreach (Cmd/*!*/ cmd in cmds) { Contract.Assert(cmd != null); newCmds.Add(CopyCmd(cmd)); } return newCmds; } public TransferCmd CopyTransferCmd(TransferCmd cmd) { Contract.Requires(cmd != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); TransferCmd transferCmd; GotoCmd gotocmd = cmd as GotoCmd; if (gotocmd != null) { Contract.Assert(gotocmd.labelNames != null); StringSeq labels = new StringSeq(); labels.AddRange(gotocmd.labelNames); transferCmd = new GotoCmd(cmd.tok, labels); } else { transferCmd = new ReturnCmd(cmd.tok); } return transferCmd; } public Cmd CopyCmd(Cmd cmd) { Contract.Requires(cmd != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (Subst == null) { return cmd; } else if (OldSubst == null) { return Substituter.Apply(Subst, cmd); } else { return Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(Subst, OldSubst, cmd); } } public Expr CopyExpr(Expr expr) { Contract.Requires(expr != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (Subst == null) { return expr; } else if (OldSubst == null) { return Substituter.Apply(Subst, expr); } else { return Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(Subst, OldSubst, expr); } } } // end class CodeCopier public class AxiomExpander : Duplicator { readonly Program/*!*/ program; readonly TypecheckingContext/*!*/ tc; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(program != null); Contract.Invariant(tc != null); } public AxiomExpander(Program prog, TypecheckingContext t) { Contract.Requires(t != null); Contract.Requires(prog != null); program = prog; tc = t; } public void CollectExpansions() { foreach (Declaration/*!*/ decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) { Contract.Assert(decl != null); Axiom ax = decl as Axiom; if (ax != null) { bool expand = false; if (!ax.CheckBooleanAttribute("inline", ref expand)) { Error(decl.tok, "{:inline ...} expects either true or false as the argument"); } if (expand) { AddExpansion(ax.Expr, ax.FindStringAttribute("ignore")); } } Function f = decl as Function; if (f != null && f.Body != null) { Variable[]/*!*/ formals = new Variable[f.InParams.Length]; Contract.Assert(formals != null); for (int i = 0; i < formals.Length; ++i) formals[i] = f.InParams[i]; AddExpansion(f, new Expansion(null, f.Body, new TypeVariableSeq(f.TypeParameters), formals)); } } } void Error(IToken tok, string msg) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); tc.Error(tok, "expansion: " + msg); } void AddExpansion(Expr axiomBody, string ignore) { Contract.Requires(axiomBody != null); // it would be sooooooooo much easier with pattern matching ForallExpr all = axiomBody as ForallExpr; if (all != null) { NAryExpr nary = all.Body as NAryExpr; BinaryOperator bin = nary == null ? null : nary.Fun as BinaryOperator; //System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", nary==null, bin==null, bin==null?0 : bin.Op); if (nary != null && bin != null && (bin.Op == BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq || bin.Op == BinaryOperator.Opcode.Iff)) { NAryExpr func = nary.Args[0] as NAryExpr; //System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", func == null, func == null ? null : func.Fun.GetType()); while (func != null && func.Fun is TypeCoercion) func = func.Args[0] as NAryExpr; if (func != null && func.Fun is FunctionCall) { Function fn = cce.NonNull((FunctionCall)func.Fun).Func; Expansion exp = new Expansion(ignore, cce.NonNull(nary.Args[1]), new TypeVariableSeq(), new Variable[func.Args.Length]); int pos = 0; Dictionary parms = new Dictionary(); foreach (Expr/*!*/ e in func.Args) { Contract.Assert(e != null); IdentifierExpr id = e as IdentifierExpr; if (id == null) { Error(e.tok, "only identifiers supported as function arguments"); return; } exp.formals[pos++] = id.Decl; if (parms.ContainsKey(id.Decl)) { Error(all.tok, "an identifier was used more than once"); return; } parms[id.Decl] = true; if (!all.Dummies.Has(id.Decl)) { Error(all.tok, "identifier was not quantified over"); return; } } if (func.Args.Length != all.Dummies.Length) { Error(all.tok, "more variables quantified over, than used in function"); return; } Dictionary typeVars = new Dictionary(); foreach (TypeVariable/*!*/ v in cce.NonNull(func.TypeParameters).FormalTypeParams) { Contract.Assert(v != null); if (!func.TypeParameters[v].IsVariable) { Error(all.tok, "only identifiers supported as type parameters"); return; } TypeVariable/*!*/ formal = func.TypeParameters[v].AsVariable; Contract.Assert(formal != null); exp.TypeParameters.Add(formal); if (typeVars.ContainsKey(formal)) { Error(all.tok, "an identifier was used more than once"); return; } typeVars[formal] = true; if (!all.TypeParameters.Has(formal)) { Error(all.tok, "identifier was not quantified over"); return; } } if (((FunctionCall)func.Fun).Func.TypeParameters.Length != all.TypeParameters.Length) { Error(all.tok, "more variables quantified over, than used in function"); return; } AddExpansion(fn, exp); return; } } } Error(axiomBody.tok, "axiom to be expanded must have form (forall VARS :: f(VARS) == expr(VARS))"); } void AddExpansion(Function fn, Expansion x) { Contract.Requires(x != null); Contract.Requires(fn != null); if (fn.expansions == null) { fn.expansions = new List(); } fn.expansions.Add(x); } } } // end namespace