//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace Microsoft.Boogie { public class CommandLineOptions { public static string/*!*/ VersionNumber { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return cce.NonNull(cce.NonNull(System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).FileVersion); } } public const string ToolNameBoogie = "Boogie program verifier"; public const string ToolNameSpecSharp = "Spec# program verifier"; public const string ToolNameDafny = "Dafny program verifier"; public static string/*!*/ VersionSuffix { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return " version " + VersionNumber + ", Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Microsoft."; } } public string/*!*/ InputFileExtension { set { Contract.Requires(value != null); //modifies _toolname, _version; switch (value) { case ".bpl": _toolname = ToolNameBoogie; break; case ".dfy": _toolname = ToolNameDafny; break; default: _toolname = ToolNameSpecSharp; break; } _version = _toolname + VersionSuffix; } } string/*!*/ _toolname = ToolNameBoogie; string/*!*/ _version = ToolNameBoogie + VersionSuffix; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(_toolname != null); Contract.Invariant(_version != null); Contract.Invariant(Clo != null); Contract.Invariant(Environment != null); Contract.Invariant(FileName != null); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Files)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(ContractAssemblies)); Contract.Invariant(FileTimestamp != null); } public string/*!*/ ToolName { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return _toolname; } } public string/*!*/ Version { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return _version; } } public static CommandLineOptions/*!*/ Clo = new CommandLineOptions(); // singleton to access all global data public string/*!*/ Environment = ""; public string/*!*/ FileName = "unknown"; public const long Megabyte = 1048576; // Flags and arguments public bool RunningBoogieFromCommandLine = false; // "false" means running Boogie from the plug-in public bool RunningBoogieOnSsc = true; // "true" means running Boogie on ssc input while false means running it on bpl input public bool AttrHelpRequested = false; [Peer] public List/*!*/ Files = new List(); public List/*!*/ ContractAssemblies = new List(); public string/*!*/ FileTimestamp = cce.NonNull(DateTime.Now.ToString("o")).Replace(':', '.'); public void ExpandFilename(ref string pattern) { if (pattern != null) { pattern = pattern.Replace("@PREFIX@", LogPrefix).Replace("@TIME@", FileTimestamp); string fn = Files.Count == 0 ? "" : Files[Files.Count - 1]; fn = fn.Replace('/', '-').Replace('\\', '-'); pattern = pattern.Replace("@FILE@", fn); } } [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant2() { Contract.Invariant(LogPrefix != null); Contract.Invariant(0 <= PrintUnstructured && PrintUnstructured < 3); // 0 = print only structured, 1 = both structured and unstructured, 2 = only unstructured } public string PrintFile = null; public int PrintUnstructured = 0; public bool PrintDesugarings = false; public string SimplifyLogFilePath = null; public string SMTLibOutputPath = "boogie-vc-@PROC@.smt"; public string/*!*/ LogPrefix = ""; public bool PrintInstrumented = false; public bool InstrumentWithAsserts = false; public enum InstrumentationPlaces { LoopHeaders, Everywhere } public InstrumentationPlaces InstrumentInfer = InstrumentationPlaces.LoopHeaders; public bool PrintWithUniqueASTIds = false; private string XmlSinkFilename = null; [Peer] public XmlSink XmlSink = null; public bool Wait = false; public bool Trace = false; public bool TraceTimes = false; public bool NoResolve = false; public bool NoTypecheck = false; public bool OverlookBoogieTypeErrors = false; public bool Verify = true; public bool TraceVerify = false; public int /*(0:3)*/ ErrorTrace = 1; public bool IntraproceduralInfer = true; public bool ContractInfer = false; public bool UseUncheckedContracts = false; public bool SimplifyLogFileAppend = false; public bool SoundnessSmokeTest = false; private bool noConsistencyChecks = false; public bool NoConsistencyChecks { get { return !Verify ? true : noConsistencyChecks; } set //modifies noConsistencyChecks; { noConsistencyChecks = value; } } public string DafnyPrelude = null; public string DafnyPrintFile = null; public bool Compile = true; public enum ProverWarnings { None, Stdout, Stderr } public ProverWarnings PrintProverWarnings = ProverWarnings.None; public int ProverShutdownLimit = 0; public enum SubsumptionOption { Never, NotForQuantifiers, Always } public SubsumptionOption UseSubsumption = SubsumptionOption.Always; public bool AlwaysAssumeFreeLoopInvariants = false; public enum ShowEnvironment { Never, DuringPrint, Always } public ShowEnvironment ShowEnv = ShowEnvironment.DuringPrint; public bool DontShowLogo = false; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant3() { Contract.Invariant(0 <= CheckingLevel && CheckingLevel < 3); Contract.Invariant(0 <= OrderStrength && OrderStrength < 2); Contract.Invariant(0 <= SummationAxiomStrength && SummationAxiomStrength < 2); Contract.Invariant(0 <= InductiveMinMax && InductiveMinMax < 6); Contract.Invariant(0 <= FCOStrength && FCOStrength < 6); Contract.Invariant(-1 <= LoopFrameConditions && LoopFrameConditions < 3); Contract.Invariant(0 <= ModifiesDefault && ModifiesDefault < 7); Contract.Invariant((0 <= PrintErrorModel && PrintErrorModel <= 2) || PrintErrorModel == 4); Contract.Invariant(0 <= EnhancedErrorMessages && EnhancedErrorMessages < 2); Contract.Invariant(0 <= StepsBeforeWidening && StepsBeforeWidening <= 9); Contract.Invariant(-1 <= BracketIdsInVC && BracketIdsInVC <= 1); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(ProverOptions)); } public int CheckingLevel = 2; public enum Methodology { Boogie, VisibleState } public Methodology MethodologySelection = Methodology.Boogie; public int OrderStrength = 0; public bool UseArithDistributionAxioms = false; public int SummationAxiomStrength = 1; public int InductiveMinMax = 0; public int FCOStrength = 5; public int LoopUnrollCount = -1; // -1 means don't unroll loops public int LoopFrameConditions = -1; // -1 means not specified -- this will be replaced by the "implications" section below public int ModifiesDefault = 5; public bool LocalModifiesChecks = true; public bool NoVerifyByDefault = false; public enum OwnershipModelOption { Standard, Experimental, Trivial } public OwnershipModelOption OwnershipModelEncoding = OwnershipModelOption.Standard; public int PrintErrorModel = 0; public string PrintErrorModelFile = null; public bool CEVPrint = false; public string/*?*/ ModelViewFile = null; public int EnhancedErrorMessages = 0; public bool ForceBplErrors = false; // if true, boogie error is shown even if "msg" attribute is present public enum BvHandling { None, Z3Native, ToInt } public BvHandling Bitvectors = BvHandling.Z3Native; public bool UseArrayTheory = false; public bool MonomorphicArrays { get { return UseArrayTheory || TypeEncodingMethod == TypeEncoding.Monomorphic; } } public bool ExpandLambdas = true; // not useful from command line, only to be set to false programatically public bool DoModSetAnalysis = false; public bool UseAbstractInterpretation = true; // true iff the user want to use abstract interpretation public int /*0..9*/StepsBeforeWidening = 0; // The number of steps that must be done before applying a widen operator public enum VCVariety { Structured, Block, Local, BlockNested, BlockReach, BlockNestedReach, Dag, Doomed, Unspecified } public VCVariety vcVariety = VCVariety.Unspecified; // will not be Unspecified after command line has been parsed public bool useDoomDebug = false; // Will use doomed analysis to search for errors if set public bool RemoveEmptyBlocks = true; public bool CoalesceBlocks = true; [Rep] public ProverFactory TheProverFactory; public string ProverName; [Peer] public List/*!*/ ProverOptions = new List(); public int BracketIdsInVC = -1; // -1 - not specified, 0 - no, 1 - yes public bool CausalImplies = false; public int SimplifyProverMatchDepth = -1; // -1 means not specified public int ProverKillTime = -1; // -1 means not specified public int SmokeTimeout = 10; // default to 10s public int ProverCCLimit = 5; public bool z3AtFlag = true; public bool RestartProverPerVC = false; public double VcsMaxCost = 1.0; public double VcsPathJoinMult = 0.8; public double VcsPathCostMult = 1.0; public double VcsAssumeMult = 0.01; public double VcsPathSplitMult = 0.5; // 0.5-always, 2-rarely do path splitting public int VcsMaxSplits = 1; public int VcsMaxKeepGoingSplits = 1; public int VcsFinalAssertTimeout = 30; public int VcsKeepGoingTimeout = 1; public int VcsCores = 1; public bool VcsDumpSplits = false; public bool houdiniEnabled = false; public bool DebugRefuted = false; public XmlSink XmlRefuted { get { if (DebugRefuted) return XmlSink; else return null; } } [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant4() { Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Z3Options)); Contract.Invariant(0 <= Z3lets && Z3lets < 4); } [Peer] public List/*!*/ Z3Options = new List(); public bool Z3types = false; public int Z3lets = 3; // 0 - none, 1 - only LET TERM, 2 - only LET FORMULA, 3 - (default) any // Maximum amount of virtual memory (in bytes) for the prover to use // // Non-positive number indicates unbounded. public long MaxProverMemory = 100 * Megabyte; // Minimum number of prover calls before restart public int MinNumOfProverCalls = 5; public enum PlatformType { notSpecified, v1, v11, v2, cli1 } public PlatformType TargetPlatform; public string TargetPlatformLocation; public string StandardLibraryLocation; // whether procedure inlining is enabled at call sites. public enum Inlining { None, Assert, Assume, Spec }; public Inlining ProcedureInlining = Inlining.Assume; public bool PrintInlined = false; public bool ExtractLoops = false; public int LazyInlining = 0; public int StratifiedInlining = 0; public int StratifiedInliningOption = 0; public int RecursionBound = 500; public string CoverageReporterPath = null; public Process coverageReporter = null; // used internally for debugging public enum TypeEncoding { None, Predicates, Arguments, Monomorphic }; public TypeEncoding TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Predicates; public bool Monomorphize = false; public bool ReflectAdd = false; public int LiveVariableAnalysis = 1; // Static constructor static CommandLineOptions() { if (System.Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null) { // MONO TraceListenerCollection/*!*/ dbl = Debug.Listeners; Contract.Assert(dbl != null); Contract.Assume(cce.IsPeerConsistent(dbl)); // hangs off static field #if WHIDBEY dbl.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener()); #else dbl.Add(new DefaultTraceListener()); #endif } } private string methodToLog = null; private string methodToBreakOn = null; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant5() { Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(procsToCheck, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateClass, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateClassQualified, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateExclude)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateFile, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateMethod, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateMethodQualified, true)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(methodsToTranslateSubstring, true)); Contract.Invariant(Ai != null); Contract.Invariant(houdiniFlags != null); } [Rep] private List procsToCheck = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateSubstring = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateMethod = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateMethodQualified = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateClass = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateClassQualified = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List methodsToTranslateFile = null; // null means "no restriction" [Rep] private List/*!*/ methodsToTranslateExclude = new List(); public class AiFlags { public bool Intervals = false; public bool Constant = false; public bool DynamicType = false; public bool Nullness = false; public bool Polyhedra = false; public bool DebugStatistics = false; public bool AnySet { get { return Intervals || Constant || DynamicType || Nullness || Polyhedra; } } } public AiFlags/*!*/ Ai = new AiFlags(); public class HoudiniFlags { public bool continueAtError = false; public bool incremental = false; } public HoudiniFlags/*!*/ houdiniFlags = new HoudiniFlags(); [Verify(false)] public CommandLineOptions() { // this is just to suppress verification. } /// /// Parses the command-line arguments "args" into the global flag variables. The possible result /// values are: /// -2: an error occurred and help was requested /// -1: no error occurred and help was requested /// 1: no error occurred and help was not requested /// 2: an error occurred and help was not requested /// /// Consumed ("captured" and possibly modified) by the method. [Verify(false)] public int Parse([Captured] string[]/*!*/ args) { Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(args)); Contract.Ensures(TheProverFactory != null); Contract.Ensures(vcVariety != VCVariety.Unspecified); Contract.Ensures(-2 <= Contract.Result() && Contract.Result() <= 2 && Contract.Result() != 0); // save the command line options for the log files Environment += "Command Line Options:"; foreach (string s in args) Environment += " " + s; args = cce.NonNull((string[])args.Clone()); // the operations performed may mutate the array, so make a copy CommandLineParseState/*!*/ ps = new CommandLineParseState(args); Contract.Assert(ps != null); int res = 1; // the result value while (ps.i < args.Length) { cce.LoopInvariant(cce.IsPeerConsistent(ps)); cce.LoopInvariant(ps.args == args); ps.s = args[ps.i]; Contract.Assert(ps.s != null); ps.s = ps.s.Trim(); int colonIndex = ps.s.IndexOf(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0 && (ps.s.StartsWith("-") || ps.s.StartsWith("/"))) { ps.hasColonArgument = true; args[ps.i] = ps.s.Substring(colonIndex + 1); ps.s = ps.s.Substring(0, colonIndex); } else { cce.BeginExpose(ps); { ps.i++; } cce.EndExpose(); ps.hasColonArgument = false; } ps.nextIndex = ps.i; switch (ps.s) { case "-help": case "/help": case "-?": case "/?": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { res = -1; // help requested } break; case "-attrHelp": case "/attrHelp": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { AttrHelpRequested = true; } break; case "-infer": case "/infer": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { foreach (char c in cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])) { switch (c) { case 'i': Ai.Intervals = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case 'c': Ai.Constant = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case 'd': Ai.DynamicType = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case 'n': Ai.Nullness = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case 'p': Ai.Polyhedra = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case 's': Ai.DebugStatistics = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = true; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': StepsBeforeWidening = (int)char.GetNumericValue(c); break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument '{0}' to option {1}", c.ToString(), ps.s); break; } } } break; case "-noinfer": case "/noinfer": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { UseAbstractInterpretation = false; } break; case "-log": case "/log": if (ps.hasColonArgument) { methodToLog = args[ps.i]; ps.nextIndex = ps.i + 1; } else { methodToLog = "*"; } break; case "-logInfer": case "/logInfer": Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework.Lattice.LogSwitch = true; break; case "-break": case "/break": if (ps.hasColonArgument) { methodToBreakOn = args[ps.i]; ps.nextIndex = ps.i + 1; } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } break; case "-launch": case "/launch": System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); break; case "-proc": case "/proc": if (procsToCheck == null) { procsToCheck = new List(); } if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { procsToCheck.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-translate": case "/translate": if (methodsToTranslateSubstring == null) { methodsToTranslateSubstring = new List(); } if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { methodsToTranslateSubstring.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-trMethod": case "/trMethod": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { string m = cce.NonNull(args[ps.i]); if (0 <= m.IndexOf('.')) { if (methodsToTranslateMethodQualified == null) { methodsToTranslateMethodQualified = new List(); } methodsToTranslateMethodQualified.Add(m); } else { if (methodsToTranslateMethod == null) { methodsToTranslateMethod = new List(); } methodsToTranslateMethod.Add(m); } } break; case "-trClass": case "/trClass": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { string m = cce.NonNull(args[ps.i]); if (0 <= m.IndexOf('.')) { if (methodsToTranslateClassQualified == null) { methodsToTranslateClassQualified = new List(); } methodsToTranslateClassQualified.Add(m); } else { if (methodsToTranslateClass == null) { methodsToTranslateClass = new List(); } methodsToTranslateClass.Add(m); } } break; case "-trFile": case "/trFile": if (methodsToTranslateFile == null) { methodsToTranslateFile = new List(); } if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { methodsToTranslateFile.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-trExclude": case "/trExclude": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { methodsToTranslateExclude.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-xml": case "/xml": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { XmlSinkFilename = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-print": case "/print": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { PrintFile = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-dprelude": case "/dprelude": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { DafnyPrelude = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-dprint": case "/dprint": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { DafnyPrintFile = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-compile": case "/compile": { int compile = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref compile, 2)) { Compile = compile == 1; } break; } case "-contracts": case "/contracts": case "-c": case "/c": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { ContractAssemblies.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-proverLog": case "/proverLog": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { SimplifyLogFilePath = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-logPrefix": case "/logPrefix": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { string s = cce.NonNull(args[ps.i]); LogPrefix += s.Replace('/', '-').Replace('\\', '-'); } break; case "-proverShutdownLimit": case "/proverShutdownLimit": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref ProverShutdownLimit); break; case "-smtOutput": case "/smtOutput": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { SMTLibOutputPath = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-errorTrace": case "/errorTrace": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref ErrorTrace, 3); break; case "-level": case "/level": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref CheckingLevel, 3); break; case "-methodology": case "/methodology": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "b": case "Boogie": case "boogie": MethodologySelection = Methodology.Boogie; break; case "vs": case "visible-state": MethodologySelection = Methodology.VisibleState; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-proverWarnings": case "/proverWarnings": { int pw = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref pw, 3)) { switch (pw) { case 0: PrintProverWarnings = ProverWarnings.None; break; case 1: PrintProverWarnings = ProverWarnings.Stdout; break; case 2: PrintProverWarnings = ProverWarnings.Stderr; break; default: { Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); } // postcondition of GetNumericArgument guarantees that we don't get here } } break; } case "-env": case "/env": { int e = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref e, 3)) { switch (e) { case 0: ShowEnv = ShowEnvironment.Never; break; case 1: ShowEnv = ShowEnvironment.DuringPrint; break; case 2: ShowEnv = ShowEnvironment.Always; break; default: { Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); } // postcondition of GetNumericArgument guarantees that we don't get here } } break; } case "-loopUnroll": case "/loopUnroll": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref LoopUnrollCount); break; case "-modifiesOnLoop": case "/modifiesOnLoop": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref LoopFrameConditions, 3); break; case "-modifiesDefault": case "/modifiesDefault": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref ModifiesDefault, 7); break; case "-localModifiesChecks": case "/localModifiesChecks": { int localChecks = 0; ps.GetNumericArgument(ref localChecks, 2); LocalModifiesChecks = (localChecks != 0); } break; case "-orderStrength": case "/orderStrength": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref OrderStrength, 2); break; case "-summationStrength": case "/summationStrength": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref SummationAxiomStrength, 2); break; case "-inductiveMinMax": case "/inductiveMinMax": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref InductiveMinMax, 6); break; case "-fcoStrength": case "/fcoStrength": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref FCOStrength, 6); break; case "-ownerModelEncoding": case "/ownerModelEncoding": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "s": case "standard": OwnershipModelEncoding = OwnershipModelOption.Standard; break; case "e": case "experimental": OwnershipModelEncoding = OwnershipModelOption.Experimental; break; case "t": case "trivial": OwnershipModelEncoding = OwnershipModelOption.Trivial; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-printModel": case "/printModel": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "0": PrintErrorModel = 0; break; case "1": PrintErrorModel = 1; break; case "2": PrintErrorModel = 2; break; case "4": PrintErrorModel = 4; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-cev": case "/cev": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { PrintErrorModelFile = args[ps.i]; } CEVPrint = true; break; case "-mv": case "/mv": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { ModelViewFile = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-printModelToFile": case "/printModelToFile": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { PrintErrorModelFile = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-enhancedErrorMessages": case "/enhancedErrorMessages": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref EnhancedErrorMessages, 2); break; case "-forceBplErrors": case "/forceBplErrors": ForceBplErrors = true; break; case "-bv": case "/bv": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { if (TheProverFactory == null) { TheProverFactory = ProverFactory.Load("Z3"); ProverName = "Z3".ToUpper(); } switch (args[ps.i]) { case "n": Bitvectors = BvHandling.None; break; case "z": Bitvectors = BvHandling.Z3Native; break; case "i": Bitvectors = BvHandling.ToInt; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-contractInfer": case "/contractInfer": ContractInfer = true; TheProverFactory = ProverFactory.Load("ContractInference"); ProverName = "ContractInference".ToUpper(); break; case "-subsumption": case "/subsumption": { int s = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref s, 3)) { switch (s) { case 0: UseSubsumption = SubsumptionOption.Never; break; case 1: UseSubsumption = SubsumptionOption.NotForQuantifiers; break; case 2: UseSubsumption = SubsumptionOption.Always; break; default: { Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); } // postcondition of GetNumericArgument guarantees that we don't get here } } break; } case "-liveVariableAnalysis": case "/liveVariableAnalysis": { int lva = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref lva, 3)) { LiveVariableAnalysis = lva; } break; } case "-removeEmptyBlocks": case "/removeEmptyBlocks": { int reb = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref reb, 2)) { RemoveEmptyBlocks = reb == 1; } break; } case "-coalesceBlocks": case "/coalesceBlocks": { int cb = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref cb, 2)) { CoalesceBlocks = cb == 1; } break; } case "/DoomDebug": vcVariety = VCVariety.Doomed; useDoomDebug = true; break; case "-vc": case "/vc": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "s": case "structured": vcVariety = VCVariety.Structured; break; case "b": case "block": vcVariety = VCVariety.Block; break; case "l": case "local": vcVariety = VCVariety.Local; break; case "n": case "nested": vcVariety = VCVariety.BlockNested; break; case "m": vcVariety = VCVariety.BlockNestedReach; break; case "r": vcVariety = VCVariety.BlockReach; break; case "d": case "dag": vcVariety = VCVariety.Dag; break; case "doomed": vcVariety = VCVariety.Doomed; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-prover": case "/prover": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { TheProverFactory = ProverFactory.Load(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); ProverName = cce.NonNull(args[ps.i]).ToUpper(); } break; case "-proverOpt": case "/proverOpt": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { ProverOptions.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-extractLoops": case "/extractLoops": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { ExtractLoops = true; } break; case "-inline": case "/inline": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "none": ProcedureInlining = Inlining.None; break; case "assert": ProcedureInlining = Inlining.Assert; break; case "assume": ProcedureInlining = Inlining.Assume; break; case "spec": ProcedureInlining = Inlining.Spec; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-lazyInline": case "/lazyInline": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "0": LazyInlining = 0; break; case "1": LazyInlining = 1; break; case "2": LazyInlining = 2; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-stratifiedInline": case "/stratifiedInline": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "0": StratifiedInlining = 0; break; case "1": StratifiedInlining = 1; break; default: StratifiedInlining = Int32.Parse(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); //ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-recursionBound": case "/recursionBound": if(ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)){ RecursionBound = Int32.Parse(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-coverageReporter": case "/coverageReporter": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { CoverageReporterPath = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-stratifiedInilneOption": case "/stratifiedInlineOption": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { StratifiedInliningOption=Int32.Parse(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-typeEncoding": case "/typeEncoding": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "n": case "none": TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.None; break; case "p": case "predicates": TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Predicates; break; case "a": case "arguments": TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Arguments; break; case "m": case "monomorphic": TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Monomorphic; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-instrumentInfer": case "/instrumentInfer": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { switch (args[ps.i]) { case "e": InstrumentInfer = InstrumentationPlaces.Everywhere; break; case "h": InstrumentInfer = InstrumentationPlaces.LoopHeaders; break; default: ps.Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[ps.i], ps.s); break; } } break; case "-vcBrackets": case "/vcBrackets": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref BracketIdsInVC, 2); break; case "-proverMemoryLimit": case "/proverMemoryLimit": { int d = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref d)) { MaxProverMemory = d * Megabyte; } break; } case "-vcsMaxCost": case "/vcsMaxCost": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsMaxCost); break; case "-vcsPathJoinMult": case "/vcsPathJoinMult": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsPathJoinMult); break; case "-vcsPathCostMult": case "/vcsPathCostMult": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsPathCostMult); break; case "-vcsAssumeMult": case "/vcsAssumeMult": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsAssumeMult); break; case "-vcsPathSplitMult": case "/vcsPathSplitMult": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsPathSplitMult); break; case "-vcsMaxSplits": case "/vcsMaxSplits": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsMaxSplits); break; case "-vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits": case "/vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsMaxKeepGoingSplits); break; case "-vcsFinalAssertTimeout": case "/vcsFinalAssertTimeout": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsFinalAssertTimeout); break; case "-vcsKeepGoingTimeout": case "/vcsKeepGoingTimeout": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsKeepGoingTimeout); break; case "-vcsCores": case "/vcsCores": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref VcsCores); break; case "-simplifyMatchDepth": case "/simplifyMatchDepth": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref SimplifyProverMatchDepth); break; case "-timeLimit": case "/timeLimit": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref ProverKillTime); break; case "-smokeTimeout": case "/smokeTimeout": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref SmokeTimeout); break; case "-errorLimit": case "/errorLimit": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref ProverCCLimit); break; case "-z3opt": case "/z3opt": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { Z3Options.Add(cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])); } break; case "-z3lets": case "/z3lets": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref Z3lets, 4); break; case "-platform": case "/platform": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { StringCollection platformOptions = this.ParseNamedArgumentList(args[ps.i]); if (platformOptions != null && platformOptions.Count > 0) { try { this.TargetPlatform = (PlatformType)cce.NonNull(Enum.Parse(typeof(PlatformType), cce.NonNull(platformOptions[0]))); } catch { ps.Error("Bad /platform type '{0}'", platformOptions[0]); break; } if (platformOptions.Count > 1) { this.TargetPlatformLocation = platformOptions[1]; if (!Directory.Exists(platformOptions[1])) { ps.Error("/platform directory '{0}' does not exist", platformOptions[1]); break; } } } } break; case "-stdlib": case "/stdlib": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { this.StandardLibraryLocation = args[ps.i]; } break; case "-Houdini": case "/Houdini": this.houdiniEnabled = true; if (ps.hasColonArgument) { if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { foreach (char c in cce.NonNull(args[ps.i])) { switch (c) { case 'c': houdiniFlags.continueAtError = true; break; case 'i': houdiniFlags.incremental = true; break; default: ps.Error("Unknown houdini flag: " + c + "\n"); break; } } } } break; default: Contract.Assume(true); bool option = false; if (ps.CheckBooleanFlag("printUnstructured", ref option)) { cce.BeginExpose(this); { PrintUnstructured = option ? 1 : 0; } cce.EndExpose(); } else if ( ps.CheckBooleanFlag("printDesugared", ref PrintDesugarings) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("printInstrumented", ref PrintInstrumented) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("printWithUniqueIds", ref PrintWithUniqueASTIds) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("wait", ref Wait) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("trace", ref Trace) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("traceTimes", ref TraceTimes) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("noResolve", ref NoResolve) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("noTypecheck", ref NoTypecheck) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("overlookTypeErrors", ref OverlookBoogieTypeErrors) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("noVerify", ref Verify, false) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("traceverify", ref TraceVerify) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("noConsistencyChecks", ref noConsistencyChecks, true) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("alwaysAssumeFreeLoopInvariants", ref AlwaysAssumeFreeLoopInvariants, true) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("nologo", ref DontShowLogo) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("noVerifyByDefault", ref NoVerifyByDefault) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("useUncheckedContracts", ref UseUncheckedContracts) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("proverLogAppend", ref SimplifyLogFileAppend) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("checkInfer", ref InstrumentWithAsserts) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("interprocInfer", ref IntraproceduralInfer, false) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("restartProver", ref RestartProverPerVC) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("printInlined", ref PrintInlined) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("arithDistributionAxioms", ref UseArithDistributionAxioms) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("smoke", ref SoundnessSmokeTest) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("vcsDumpSplits", ref VcsDumpSplits) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("dbgRefuted", ref DebugRefuted) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("causalImplies", ref CausalImplies) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("reflectAdd", ref ReflectAdd) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("z3types", ref Z3types) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("z3multipleErrors", ref z3AtFlag, false) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("monomorphize", ref Monomorphize) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("useArrayTheory", ref UseArrayTheory) || ps.CheckBooleanFlag("doModSetAnalysis", ref DoModSetAnalysis) ) { // one of the boolean flags matched } else if (ps.s.StartsWith("-") || ps.s.StartsWith("/")) { ps.Error("unknown switch: {0}", ps.s); } else if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { string filename = ps.s; string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename); if (extension != null) { InputFileExtension = extension.ToLower(); } Files.Add(filename); FileName = filename; } break; } cce.BeginExpose(ps); ps.i = ps.nextIndex; cce.EndExpose(); } Contract.Assume(true); if (ps.encounteredErrors) res *= 2; if (res < 0) { // help requested Usage(); } else if (AttrHelpRequested) { AttributeUsage(); } else if (ps.encounteredErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Use /help for available options"); } SetProverOptions(); if (Trace) { BoogieDebug.DoPrinting = true; } // reuse the -trace option for debug printing return res; } private void SetProverOptions() { //modifies this.*; Contract.Ensures(TheProverFactory != null); Contract.Ensures(vcVariety != VCVariety.Unspecified); // expand macros in filenames, now that LogPrefix is fully determined ExpandFilename(ref XmlSinkFilename); ExpandFilename(ref PrintFile); ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrelude); ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrintFile); ExpandFilename(ref SimplifyLogFilePath); ExpandFilename(ref SMTLibOutputPath); ExpandFilename(ref PrintErrorModelFile); Contract.Assume(XmlSink == null); // XmlSink is to be set here if (XmlSinkFilename != null) { XmlSink = new XmlSink(XmlSinkFilename); } if (TheProverFactory == null) { cce.BeginExpose(this); { TheProverFactory = ProverFactory.Load("Z3"); ProverName = "Z3".ToUpper(); } cce.EndExpose(); } if (vcVariety == VCVariety.Unspecified) { vcVariety = TheProverFactory.DefaultVCVariety; } if (LoopFrameConditions == -1) { // /modifiesOnLoop not specified. Set its default depending on /localModifiesChecks if (LocalModifiesChecks) { LoopFrameConditions = 1; } else { LoopFrameConditions = 2; } } if (CEVPrint && PrintErrorModel == 0) { PrintErrorModel = 1; } switch (InductiveMinMax) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: ReflectAdd = true; // these InductiveMinMax modes imply ReflectAdd break; default: break; } if (MethodologySelection == Methodology.VisibleState) { OwnershipModelEncoding = OwnershipModelOption.Trivial; } if (UseArrayTheory) { Monomorphize = true; } if (LazyInlining > 0) { TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Monomorphic; UseArrayTheory = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = false; } if (StratifiedInlining > 0) { TypeEncodingMethod = TypeEncoding.Monomorphic; UseArrayTheory = true; UseAbstractInterpretation = false; if (ProverName == "Z3API") { ProverCCLimit = 1; } } } public bool UserWantsMethodLogging(string methodFullName) { Contract.Requires(methodFullName != null); if (methodToLog == null) { return false; } return methodToLog == "*" || methodFullName.IndexOf(methodToLog) >= 0; } public bool UserWantsToBreak(string methodFullName) { Contract.Requires(methodFullName != null); if (methodToBreakOn == null) { return false; } return methodFullName.IndexOf(methodToBreakOn) >= 0; } public bool UserWantsToCheckRoutine(string methodFullname) { Contract.Requires(methodFullname != null); if (procsToCheck == null) { // no preference return true; } return Contract.Exists(procsToCheck, s => 0 <= methodFullname.IndexOf(s)); } #if CCI public bool UserWantsToTranslateRoutine(Cci.Method method, string methodFullname) { Contract.Requires(methodFullname != null); Contract.Requires(method != null); return UserWantsToTranslateRoutineInclude(method, methodFullname) && !Contract.Exists(methodsToTranslateExclude, s => 0 <= methodFullname.IndexOf(s)); } public bool UserWantsToTranslateRoutineInclude(Cci.Method method, string methodFullname) { Contract.Requires(methodFullname != null); Contract.Requires(method != null); if (methodsToTranslateSubstring == null && methodsToTranslateClass == null && methodsToTranslateClassQualified == null && methodsToTranslateFile == null && methodsToTranslateMethod == null && methodsToTranslateMethodQualified == null) { // no preference return true; } if (methodsToTranslateSubstring != null) { if (Contract.Exists(methodsToTranslateSubstring, s => 0 <= methodFullname.IndexOf(s))) { return true; } } if (methodsToTranslateMethod != null) { string methodName = method.Name.Name; Contract.Assert(methodsToTranslateMethod != null); if (methodsToTranslateMethod.Contains(methodName)) { return true; } } if (methodsToTranslateMethodQualified != null && method.DeclaringType != null) { string methodName = method.DeclaringType.Name.Name + "." + method.Name.Name; Contract.Assert(methodsToTranslateMethodQualified != null); if (methodsToTranslateMethodQualified.Contains(methodName)) { return true; } } if (method.DeclaringType != null) { if (methodsToTranslateClass != null) { string className = method.DeclaringType.Name.Name; if (methodsToTranslateClass.Contains(className)) { return true; } } if (methodsToTranslateClassQualified != null) { string className = method.DeclaringType.FullName; if (className != null) { className = className.Replace('+', '.'); if (methodsToTranslateClassQualified.Contains(className)) { return true; } } } } if (methodsToTranslateFile != null) { string methodFilename = GetSourceDocument(method); if (methodFilename != null) { string path = methodFilename; if (path != null) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(path); if (methodsToTranslateFile.Contains(filename)) { return true; } } } } // the method is not among the desired routines return false; } /// /// Returns the file containing "method". Returns null f that information is not available. /// static string GetSourceDocument(Cci.Method method) { Contract.Requires(method != null); // Start by looking for a source context in the method itself. However, if the program // was read from a binary, then there is no source location for the method. If so, there // some other ways we might find a source location. if (method.SourceContext.Document != null) { return method.SourceContext.Document.Name; } // Try to find a source location in the method's contract if (method.Contract != null) { if (method.Contract.Requires != null) { foreach (Cci.Requires c in method.Contract.Requires) { if (c != null && c.SourceContext.Document != null) { return c.SourceContext.Document.Name; } } } if (method.Contract.Modifies != null) { foreach (Cci.Expression c in method.Contract.Modifies) { if (c != null && c.SourceContext.Document != null) { return c.SourceContext.Document.Name; } } } if (method.Contract.Ensures != null) { foreach (Cci.Ensures c in method.Contract.Ensures) { if (c != null && c.SourceContext.Document != null) { return c.SourceContext.Document.Name; } } } } // As a last attempt, look for a source location among the statements if (method.Body != null) { return GetSourceDocumentFromStatements(method.Body.Statements); } return null; // no source location found } [Pure] static string GetSourceDocumentFromStatements(Cci.StatementList list) { if (list != null) { foreach (Cci.Statement c in list) { if (c != null && c.SourceContext.Document != null) { return c.SourceContext.Document.Name; } if (c is Cci.Block) { Cci.Block b = (Cci.Block)c; string n = GetSourceDocumentFromStatements(b.Statements); if (n != null) { return n; } } } } return null; } #endif class CommandLineParseState { public string s; public bool hasColonArgument; public readonly string[]/*!*/ args; public int i; public int nextIndex; public bool encounteredErrors; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(args != null); Contract.Invariant(0 <= i && i <= args.Length); Contract.Invariant(0 <= nextIndex && nextIndex <= args.Length); } public CommandLineParseState(string[] args) { Contract.Requires(args != null); Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(0, args.Length, i => args[i] != null)); Contract.Ensures(this.args == args); this.s = null; // set later by client this.hasColonArgument = false; // set later by client this.args = args; this.i = 0; this.nextIndex = 0; // set later by client this.encounteredErrors = false; } public bool CheckBooleanFlag(string flagName, ref bool flag, bool valueWhenPresent) { Contract.Requires(flagName != null); //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; bool flagPresent = false; if ((s == "/" + flagName || s == "-" + flagName) && ConfirmArgumentCount(0)) { flag = valueWhenPresent; flagPresent = true; } return flagPresent; } public bool CheckBooleanFlag(string flagName, ref bool flag) { Contract.Requires(flagName != null); //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; return CheckBooleanFlag(flagName, ref flag, true); } /// /// If there is one argument and it is a non-negative integer, then set "arg" to that number and return "true". /// Otherwise, emit error message, leave "arg" unchanged, and return "false". /// public bool GetNumericArgument(ref int arg) { //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; if (this.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { try { Contract.Assume(args[i] != null); Contract.Assert(args[i] is string); // needed to prove args[i].IsPeerConsistent int d = Convert.ToInt32(this.args[this.i]); if (0 <= d) { arg = d; return true; } } catch (System.FormatException) { } catch (System.OverflowException) { } } else { return false; } Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[this.i], this.s); return false; } /// /// If there is one argument and it is a non-negative integer less than "limit", /// then set "arg" to that number and return "true". /// Otherwise, emit error message, leave "arg" unchanged, and return "false". /// public bool GetNumericArgument(ref int arg, int limit) { Contract.Requires(this.i < args.Length); //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; int a = arg; if (!GetNumericArgument(ref a)) { return false; } else if (a < limit) { arg = a; return true; } else { Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[this.i], this.s); return false; } } /// /// If there is one argument and it is a non-negative real, then set "arg" to that number and return "true". /// Otherwise, emit an error message, leave "arg" unchanged, and return "false". /// public bool GetNumericArgument(ref double arg) { //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; if (this.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { try { Contract.Assume(args[i] != null); Contract.Assert(args[i] is string); // needed to prove args[i].IsPeerConsistent double d = Convert.ToDouble(this.args[this.i]); if (0 <= d) { arg = d; return true; } } catch (System.FormatException) { } catch (System.OverflowException) { } } else { return false; } Error("Invalid argument \"{0}\" to option {1}", args[this.i], this.s); return false; } public bool ConfirmArgumentCount(int argCount) { Contract.Requires(0 <= argCount); //modifies nextIndex, encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() == (!(hasColonArgument && argCount != 1) && !(args.Length < i + argCount))); if (hasColonArgument && argCount != 1) { Error("\"{0}\" cannot take a colon argument", s); nextIndex = args.Length; return false; } else if (args.Length < i + argCount) { Error("\"{0}\" expects {1} argument{2}", s, argCount.ToString(), (string)(argCount == 1 ? "" : "s")); nextIndex = args.Length; return false; } else { nextIndex = i + argCount; return true; } } public void Error(string message, params string[] args) { Contract.Requires(args != null); Contract.Requires(message != null); //modifies encounteredErrors, Console.Error.*; Console.Error.WriteLine("Boogie: Error: " + String.Format(message, args)); encounteredErrors = true; } } public virtual StringCollection ParseNamedArgumentList(string argList) { if (argList == null || argList.Length == 0) return null; StringCollection result = new StringCollection(); int i = 0; for (int n = argList.Length; i < n; ) { cce.LoopInvariant(0 <= i); int separatorIndex = this.GetArgumentSeparatorIndex(argList, i); if (separatorIndex > i) { result.Add(argList.Substring(i, separatorIndex - i)); i = separatorIndex + 1; continue; } result.Add(argList.Substring(i)); break; } return result; } public int GetArgumentSeparatorIndex(string argList, int startIndex) { Contract.Requires(argList != null); Contract.Requires(0 <= startIndex && startIndex <= argList.Length); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() < argList.Length); int commaIndex = argList.IndexOf(",", startIndex); int semicolonIndex = argList.IndexOf(";", startIndex); if (commaIndex == -1) return semicolonIndex; if (semicolonIndex == -1) return commaIndex; if (commaIndex < semicolonIndex) return commaIndex; return semicolonIndex; } public static void AttributeUsage() { Console.WriteLine( @"Boogie: The following attributes are supported by this implementation. ---- On axioms ------------------------------------------------------------- {:inline true} Works on axiom of the form: (forall VARS :: f(VARS) = expr(VARS)) Makes Boogie replace f(VARS) with expr(VARS) everywhere just before doing VC generation. {:ignore ""p,q..""} Exclude the axiom when generating VC for a prover supporting any of the features 'p', 'q', ... All the provers support the feature 'all'. Simplify supports 'simplify' and 'simplifyLike'. Z3 supports 'z3', 'simplifyLike' and either 'bvInt' (if the /bv:i option is passed) or 'bvDefSem' (for /bv:z). ---- On implementations and procedures ------------------------------------- {:inline N} Inline given procedure (can be also used on implementation). N should be a non-negative number and represents the inlining depth. With /inline:assume call is replaced with ""assume false"" once inlining depth is reached. With /inline:assert call is replaced with ""assert false"" once inlining depth is reached. With /inline:spec call is left as is once inlining depth is reached. With the above three options, methods with the attribute {:inline N} are not verified. With /inline:none the entire attribute is ignored. {:verify false} Skip verification of an implementation. {:forceBvZ3Native true} Verify the given implementation with the native Z3 bitvector handling. Only works if /bv:i (or /bv:z, but then it does not do anything) is given on the command line. {:forceBvInt true} Use int translation for the given implementation. Only work with /bv:z (or /bv:i). {:vcs_max_cost N} {:vcs_max_splits N} {:vcs_max_keep_going_splits N} Per-implementation versions of /vcsMaxCost, /vcsMaxSplits and /vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits. ---- On functions ---------------------------------------------------------- {:bvbuiltin ""spec""} Z3 specific, used only with /bv:z. {:bvint ""fn""} With /bv:i rewrite the function to function symbol 'fn', except if the 'fn' is 'id', in which case just strip the function altogether. {:never_pattern true} Terms starting with this function symbol will never be automatically selected as patterns. It does not prevent them from being used inside the triggers, and does not affect explicit trigger annotations. Internally it works by adding {:nopats ...} annotations to quantifiers. ---- On variables ---------------------------------------------------------- {:existential true} Marks a global Boolean variable as existentially quantified. If used in combination with option /contractInfer Boogie will check whether there exists a Boolean assignment to the existentials that makes all verification conditions valid. Without option /contractInfer the attribute is ignored. ---- On assert statements -------------------------------------------------- {:subsumption n} Overrides the /subsumption command-line setting for this assertion. ---- The end --------------------------------------------------------------- "); } private static bool printedHelp = false; public static void Usage() { // Ensure that we only print the help message once, // no matter how many enabling conditions for printing // help were triggered. if (printedHelp) { return; } printedHelp = true; Console.WriteLine(@"Boogie: usage: Boogie [ option ... ] [ filename ... ] where