// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.Basetypes {
using Microsoft.Contracts;
using BIM = System.Numerics.BigInteger;
/// A thin wrapper around System.Numerics.BigInteger
/// (to be able to define equality, etc. properly)
public struct BigNum {
// the internal representation
[Rep] internal readonly System.Numerics.BigInteger val;
public static readonly BigNum ZERO = new BigNum (BIM.Zero);
public static readonly BigNum ONE = new BigNum (BIM.One);
public static readonly BigNum MINUS_ONE = new BigNum (-BIM.One);
public static BigNum FromInt(int v) {
return new BigNum(new BIM(v));
public static BigNum FromUInt(uint v) {
return new BigNum(new BIM((long)v));
public static BigNum FromLong(long v) {
return new BigNum(new BIM(v));
public static BigNum FromBigInt(System.Numerics.BigInteger v) {
return new BigNum(v);
public static BigNum FromULong(ulong v) {
return FromString("" + v);
public static BigNum FromString(string v) {
try {
return new BigNum(BIM.Parse(v));
} catch (System.ArgumentException) {
throw new FormatException();
public static bool TryParse(string v, out BigNum res) {
try {
res = BigNum.FromString(v);
return true;
} catch (FormatException) {
res = ZERO;
return false;
// Convert to int, without checking whether overflows occur
public int ToInt {
get {
return (int)val;
// Convert to int; assert that no overflows occur
public int ToIntSafe {
get {
assert this.InInt32;
return this.ToInt;
public Rational ToRational {
get {
return new Rational (this, BigNum.ONE);
internal BigNum(System.Numerics.BigInteger val) {
this.val = val;
public static bool operator==(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return (x.val == y.val);
public static bool operator!=(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return !(x.val == y.val);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj is BigNum)) return false;
BigNum other = (BigNum)obj;
return (this.val == other.val);
public override int GetHashCode() {
return this.val.GetHashCode();
public override string! ToString() {
return (!)val.ToString();
// Very limited support for format strings
// Note: Negative integers are linearised with a minus "-" in hexadecimal,
// not in 2-complement notation (in contrast to what the method
// int32.ToString(format) does)
public string! ToString(string! format) {
if (format.StartsWith("d") || format.StartsWith("D")) {
string! res = this.Abs.ToString();
return addMinus(this.Signum,
prefixWithZeros(extractPrecision(format), res));
} else if (format.StartsWith("x") || format.StartsWith("X")) {
string! res = this.toHex(format.Substring(0, 1));
return addMinus(this.Signum,
prefixWithZeros(extractPrecision(format), res));
} else {
throw new FormatException("Format " + format + " is not supported");
private static readonly System.Numerics.BigInteger BI_2_TO_24 = new BIM(0x1000000);
private string! toHex(string! format) {
string! res = "";
System.Numerics.BigInteger rem = this.Abs.val;
while (rem > BIM.Zero) {
res = ((int)(rem %BI_2_TO_24)).ToString(format) + res;
rem = rem / BI_2_TO_24;
return res;
private int extractPrecision(string! format) {
if (format.Length > 1)
// will throw a FormatException if the precision is invalid;
// that is ok
return Int32.Parse(format.Substring(1));
// always output at least one digit
return 1;
private string! addMinus(int signum, string! suffix) {
if (signum < 0)
return "-" + suffix;
return suffix;
private string! prefixWithZeros(int minLength, string! suffix) {
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
while (res.Length + suffix.Length < minLength)
return res.ToString();
// Basic arithmetic operations
public BigNum Abs {
get {
return new BigNum(BIM.Abs(this.val));
public BigNum Neg {
get {
return new BigNum(-this.val);
public static BigNum operator-(BigNum x) {
return x.Neg;
public static BigNum operator+(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return new BigNum(x.val + y.val);
public static BigNum operator-(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return new BigNum(x.val - y.val);
public static BigNum operator*(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return new BigNum(x.val * y.val);
// TODO: check that this has a proper semantics (which? :-))
public static BigNum operator/(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return new BigNum(x.val / y.val);
// TODO: check that this has a proper semantics (which? :-))
public static BigNum operator%(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return new BigNum(x.val - ((x.val / y.val) * y.val));
public BigNum Min(BigNum that) {
return new BigNum(this.val <= that.val ? this.val : that.val);
public BigNum Max(BigNum that) {
return new BigNum(this.val >= that.val ? this.val : that.val);
/// Returns the greatest common divisor of this and _y.
public BigNum Gcd(BigNum _y)
ensures !result.IsNegative;
BigNum x = this.Abs;
BigNum y = _y.Abs;
while (true)
if (x < y)
y = y % x;
if (y.IsZero)
return x;
x = x % y;
if (x.IsZero)
return y;
return ZERO; // make compiler shut up
// Some basic comparison operations
public int Signum {
get {
return this.val.Sign;
public bool IsPositive {
get {
return (this.val > BIM.Zero);
public bool IsNegative {
get {
return (this.val < BIM.Zero);
public bool IsZero {
get {
return this.val.IsZero;
public int CompareTo(BigNum that) {
if (this.val == that.val) return 0;
if (this.val < that.val) return -1;
return 1;
public static bool operator<(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return (x.val < y.val);
public static bool operator>(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return (x.val > y.val);
public static bool operator<=(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return (x.val <= y.val);
public static bool operator>=(BigNum x, BigNum y) {
return (x.val >= y.val);
private static readonly System.Numerics.BigInteger MaxInt32 =
new BIM(Int32.MaxValue);
private static readonly System.Numerics.BigInteger MinInt32 =
new BIM(Int32.MinValue);
public bool InInt32 {
get {
return (val >= MinInt32) && (val <= MaxInt32);