//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using ISet = Microsoft.Boogie.Set; using HashSet = Microsoft.Boogie.Set; /// /// Represents an invariant over linear variable constraints, represented by a polyhedron. /// public class PolyhedraLattice : Lattice { private static readonly Logger/*!*/ log = new Logger("Polyhedra"); private class PolyhedraLatticeElement : Element { public LinearConstraintSystem/*!*/ lcs; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(lcs != null); } /// /// Creates a top or bottom elements, according to parameter "top". /// public PolyhedraLatticeElement(bool top) { if (top) { lcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*/ ()); } else { lcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(); } } [Pure] public override string/*!*/ ToString() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return lcs.ToString(); } public override void Dump(string/*!*/ msg) { //Contract.Requires(msg != null); System.Console.WriteLine("PolyhedraLatticeElement.Dump({0}):", msg); lcs.Dump(); } [Pure] public override ICollection/*!*/ FreeVariables() { Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result>())); return lcs.FreeVariables(); } public PolyhedraLatticeElement(LinearConstraintSystem/*!*/ lcs) { Contract.Requires(lcs != null); this.lcs = lcs; } public override Element/*!*/ Clone() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(cce.NonNull(lcs.Clone())); } } // class readonly ILinearExprFactory/*!*/ factory; readonly IPropExprFactory/*!*/ propFactory; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(log != null); Contract.Invariant(factory != null); Contract.Invariant(propFactory != null); } public PolyhedraLattice(ILinearExprFactory/*!*/ linearFactory, IPropExprFactory/*!*/ propFactory) : base(linearFactory) { Contract.Requires(propFactory != null); Contract.Requires(linearFactory != null); log.Enabled = Lattice.LogSwitch; this.factory = linearFactory; this.propFactory = propFactory; // base(linearFactory); } public override Element/*!*/ Top { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(true); } } public override Element/*!*/ Bottom { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(false); } } public override bool IsBottom(Element/*!*/ element) { //Contract.Requires(element != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement e = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)element; return e.lcs.IsBottom(); } public override bool IsTop(Element/*!*/ element) { //Contract.Requires(element != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement e = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)element; return e.lcs.IsTop(); } /// /// Returns true iff a is a subset of this. /// /// /// protected override bool AtMost(Element/*!*/ first, Element/*!*/ second) // this <= that { //Contract.Requires(first != null); //Contract.Requires(second != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement a = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)first; PolyhedraLatticeElement b = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)second; return b.lcs.IsSubset(a.lcs); } public override string/*!*/ ToString(Element/*!*/ e) { //Contract.Requires(e != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return ((PolyhedraLatticeElement)e).lcs.ToString(); } public override IExpr/*!*/ ToPredicate(Element/*!*/ element) { //Contract.Requires(element != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement e = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)element; return e.lcs.ConvertToExpression(factory); } public override Lattice.Element/*!*/ NontrivialJoin(Element/*!*/ first, Element/*!*/ second) { //Contract.Requires(second != null); //Contract.Requires(first != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); log.DbgMsg("Joining ..."); log.DbgMsgIndent(); PolyhedraLatticeElement aa = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)first; PolyhedraLatticeElement bb = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)second; PolyhedraLatticeElement result = new PolyhedraLatticeElement(aa.lcs.Join(bb.lcs)); log.DbgMsg(string.Format("{0} |_| {1} --> {2}", this.ToString(first), this.ToString(second), this.ToString(result))); log.DbgMsgUnindent(); return result; } public override Lattice.Element/*!*/ NontrivialMeet(Element/*!*/ first, Element/*!*/ second) { //Contract.Requires(second != null); //Contract.Requires(first != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement aa = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)first; PolyhedraLatticeElement bb = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)second; return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(aa.lcs.Meet(bb.lcs)); } public override Lattice.Element/*!*/ Widen(Element/*!*/ first, Element/*!*/ second) { //Contract.Requires(second != null); //Contract.Requires(first != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); log.DbgMsg("Widening ..."); log.DbgMsgIndent(); PolyhedraLatticeElement aa = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)first; PolyhedraLatticeElement bb = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)second; LinearConstraintSystem lcs = aa.lcs.Widen(bb.lcs); PolyhedraLatticeElement result = new PolyhedraLatticeElement(lcs); log.DbgMsg(string.Format("{0} |_| {1} --> {2}", this.ToString(first), this.ToString(second), this.ToString(result))); log.DbgMsgUnindent(); return result; } public override Element/*!*/ Eliminate(Element/*!*/ e, IVariable/*!*/ variable) { //Contract.Requires(variable != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); log.DbgMsg(string.Format("Eliminating {0} ...", variable)); PolyhedraLatticeElement ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)e; if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) { return ple; } return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(ple.lcs.Project(variable)); } public override Element/*!*/ Rename(Element/*!*/ e, IVariable/*!*/ oldName, IVariable/*!*/ newName) { //Contract.Requires(newName != null); //Contract.Requires(oldName != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); log.DbgMsg(string.Format("Renaming {0} to {1} in {2} ...", oldName, newName, this.ToString(e))); PolyhedraLatticeElement ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)e; if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) { return ple; } return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(ple.lcs.Rename(oldName, newName)); } public override bool Understands(IFunctionSymbol/*!*/ f, IList/**//*!*/ args) { //Contract.Requires(args != null); //Contract.Requires(f != null); return f is IntSymbol || f.Equals(Int.Add) || f.Equals(Int.Sub) || f.Equals(Int.Negate) || f.Equals(Int.Mul) || f.Equals(Int.Eq) || f.Equals(Int.Neq) || f.Equals(Prop.Not) || f.Equals(Int.AtMost) || f.Equals(Int.Less) || f.Equals(Int.Greater) || f.Equals(Int.AtLeast); } public override Answer CheckVariableDisequality(Element/*!*/ e, IVariable/*!*/ var1, IVariable/*!*/ var2) { //Contract.Requires(var2 != null); //Contract.Requires(var1 != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement/*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)cce.NonNull(e); Contract.Assume(ple.lcs.Constraints != null); ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ clist = (ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/)cce.NonNull(ple.lcs.Constraints.Clone()); LinearConstraint/*!*/ lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ); Contract.Assert(lc != null); lc.SetCoefficient(var1, Rational.ONE); lc.SetCoefficient(var2, Rational.MINUS_ONE); clist.Add(lc); LinearConstraintSystem newLcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(clist); if (newLcs.IsBottom()) { return Answer.Yes; } else { return Answer.Maybe; } } public override Answer CheckPredicate(Element/*!*/ e, IExpr/*!*/ pred) { //Contract.Requires(pred != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); PolyhedraLatticeElement/*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred); Contract.Assert(ple != null); if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) { return Answer.No; } // Note, "pred" may contain expressions that are not understood by the propFactory (in // particular, this may happen because--currently, and perhaps is a design we'll want // to change in the future--propFactory deals with BoogiePL expressions whereas "pred" // may also refer to Equivalences.UninterpFun expressions). Thus, we cannot just // call propFactory.Not(pred) to get the negation of "pred". pred = new PolyhedraLatticeNegation(pred); ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)Constrain(e, pred); if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) { return Answer.Yes; } else { return Answer.Maybe; } } class PolyhedraLatticeNegation : IFunApp { IExpr/*!*/ arg; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(arg != null); } public PolyhedraLatticeNegation(IExpr/*!*/ arg) { Contract.Requires(arg != null); this.arg = arg; // base(); } [Pure] public object DoVisit(ExprVisitor/*!*/ visitor) { //Contract.Requires(visitor != null); return visitor.VisitFunApp(this); } public IFunctionSymbol/*!*/ FunctionSymbol { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return Prop.Not; } } public IList/**//*!*/ Arguments { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); IExpr[] args = new IExpr[] { arg }; return ArrayList.ReadOnly(args); } } public IFunApp/*!*/ CloneWithArguments(IList/**//*!*/ args) { //Contract.Requires(args != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); Contract.Assert(args.Count == 1); return new PolyhedraLatticeNegation((IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(args[0])); } } public override IExpr/*?*/ EquivalentExpr(Element/*!*/ e, IQueryable/*!*/ q, IExpr/*!*/ expr, IVariable/*!*/ var, ISet/**//*!*/ prohibitedVars) { //Contract.Requires(prohibitedVars != null); //Contract.Requires(var != null); //Contract.Requires(expr != null); //Contract.Requires(q != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); // BUGBUG: TODO: this method can be implemented in a more precise way return null; } public override Element/*!*/ Constrain(Element/*!*/ e, IExpr/*!*/ expr) { //Contract.Requires(expr != null); //Contract.Requires(e != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); log.DbgMsg(string.Format("Constraining with {0} into {1} ...", expr, this.ToString(e))); PolyhedraLatticeElement ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)e; if (ple.lcs.IsBottom()) { return ple; } LinearCondition le = LinearExpressionBuilder.AsCondition(expr); if (le != null) { // update the polyhedron according to the linear expression Contract.Assume(ple.lcs.Constraints != null); ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*/ clist = (ArrayList/*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/)cce.NonNull(ple.lcs.Constraints.Clone()); le.AddToConstraintSystem(clist); LinearConstraintSystem newLcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(clist); return new PolyhedraLatticeElement(newLcs); } return ple; } } // class /// /// A LinearCondition follows this grammar: /// LinearCondition ::= unsatisfiable /// | LinearConstraint /// | ! LinearConstraint /// Note that negations are distributed to the leaves. /// /// [ContractClass(typeof(LinearConditionContracts))] abstract class LinearCondition { /// /// Adds constraints to the list "clist". If "this" /// entails some disjunctive constraints, they may not be added. /// /// public abstract void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList/*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist); } [ContractClassFor(typeof(LinearCondition))] abstract class LinearConditionContracts : LinearCondition { public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList clist) { Contract.Requires(clist != null); throw new NotImplementedException(); } } class LCBottom : LinearCondition { public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList/*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist) { //Contract.Requires(clist != null); // make an unsatisfiable constraint LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ); lc.rhs = Rational.FromInt(1); clist.Add(lc); } } class LinearConditionLiteral : LinearCondition { public readonly bool positive; public readonly LinearConstraint/*!*/ constraint; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(constraint != null); } /// /// Precondition: positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ /// /// /// public LinearConditionLiteral(bool positive, LinearConstraint/*!*/ constraint) { Contract.Requires(constraint != null); Contract.Requires(positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ); this.positive = positive; this.constraint = constraint; } public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList/*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist) { //Contract.Requires(clist != null); if (positive) { clist.Add(constraint); } else { Contract.Assert(constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ); // the constraint is disjunctive, so just ignore it } } } class LinearExpressionBuilder { /// /// Builds a linear condition from "e", if possible; returns null if not possible. /// /// /// public static /*maybe null*/ LinearCondition AsCondition(IExpr e) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { return GetCond(e, true); } static /*maybe null*/ LinearCondition GetCond(IExpr e, bool positive) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { IFunApp funapp = e as IFunApp; if (funapp == null) { return null; } IFunctionSymbol/*!*/ s = funapp.FunctionSymbol; Contract.Assert(s != null); if ((positive && s.Equals(Prop.False)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Prop.True))) { return new LCBottom(); } else if (s.Equals(Prop.Not)) { Contract.Assert(funapp.Arguments.Count == 1); return GetCond((IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0]), !positive); } else if (funapp.Arguments.Count == 2) { IExpr/*!*/ arg0 = (IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0]); IExpr/*!*/ arg1 = (IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[1]); LinearExpr le0 = AsExpr(arg0); if (le0 == null) { return null; } LinearExpr le1 = AsExpr(arg1); if (le1 == null) { return null; } LinearConstraint constraint = null; bool sense = true; if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.Less)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.AtLeast))) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ONE); } else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.AtMost)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.Greater))) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ZERO); } else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.AtLeast)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.Less))) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le1, le0, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ZERO); } else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.Greater)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.AtMost))) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le1, le0, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ONE); } else if (s.Equals(Int.Eq)) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ, BigNum.ZERO); sense = positive; } else if (s.Equals(Int.Neq)) { constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ, BigNum.ZERO); sense = !positive; } if (constraint != null) { if (constraint.coefficients.Count != 0) { return new LinearConditionLiteral(sense, constraint); } else if (constraint.IsConstantSatisfiable()) { return null; } else { return new LCBottom(); } } } return null; } public static LinearConstraint MakeConstraint(LinearExpr/*!*/ le0, LinearExpr/*!*/ le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation rel, BigNum constantOffset) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { Contract.Requires(le0 != null); Contract.Requires(le1 != null); le1.Negate(); le0.Add(le1); le0.AddConstant(constantOffset); return le0.ToConstraint(rel); } /// /// Builds a linear expression from "e", if possible; returns null if not possible. /// /// /// public static /*maybe null*/ LinearExpr AsExpr(IExpr/*!*/ e) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { Contract.Requires(e != null); if (e is IVariable) { // Note, without a type for the variable, we don't know if the identifier is intended to hold an integer value. // However, it seems that no harm can be caused by here treating the identifier as if it held an // integer value, because other parts of this method will reject the expression as a linear expression // if non-numeric operations other than equality are applied to the identifier. return new LinearExpr((IVariable)e); } else if (e is IFunApp) { IFunApp/*!*/ funapp = (IFunApp)e; Contract.Assert(funapp != null); IFunctionSymbol/*!*/ s = funapp.FunctionSymbol; Contract.Assert(s != null); if (s is IntSymbol) { return new LinearExpr(((IntSymbol)s).Value); } else if (s.Equals(Int.Negate)) { Contract.Assert(funapp.Arguments.Count == 1); LinearExpr le = AsExpr((IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0])); if (le != null) { le.Negate(); return le; } } else if (s.Equals(Int.Add) || s.Equals(Int.Sub) || s.Equals(Int.Mul)) { Contract.Assert(funapp.Arguments.Count == 2); IExpr/*!*/ arg0 = (IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0]); IExpr/*!*/ arg1 = (IExpr/*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[1]); LinearExpr le0 = AsExpr(arg0); if (le0 == null) { return null; } LinearExpr le1 = AsExpr(arg1); if (le1 == null) { return null; } if (s.Equals(Int.Add)) { le0.Add(le1); return le0; } else if (s.Equals(Int.Sub)) { le1.Negate(); le0.Add(le1); return le0; } else if (s.Equals(Int.Mul)) { BigNum x; if (le0.AsConstant(out x)) { le1.Multiply(x); return le1; } else if (le1.AsConstant(out x)) { le0.Multiply(x); return le0; } } } } return null; } } class LinearExpr { BigNum constant; Term terms; class Term { public BigNum coeff; // non-0, if the node is used public IVariable/*!*/ var; public Term next; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(var != null); } public Term(BigNum coeff, IVariable/*!*/ var) { Contract.Requires(var != null); this.coeff = coeff; this.var = var; // base(); } } public LinearExpr(BigNum x) { constant = x; } public LinearExpr(IVariable/*!*/ var) { Contract.Requires(var != null); constant = BigNum.ZERO; terms = new Term(BigNum.ONE, var); } public ISet /*IVariable!*/ GetDefinedDimensions() { HashSet /*IVariable!*//*!*/ dims = new HashSet /*IVariable!*/ (); for (Term current = terms; current != null; current = current.next) { dims.Add(current.var); } return dims; } public BigNum TermCoefficient(/*MayBeNull*/ IVariable/*!*/ var) { Contract.Requires(var != null); BigNum z = BigNum.ZERO; if (var == null) { z = this.constant; } else if (terms != null) { Term current = terms; while (current != null) { if (current.var == var) { break; } current = current.next; } if (current != null) { z = current.coeff; } } return z; } public bool AsConstant(out BigNum x) { if (terms == null) { x = constant; return true; } else { x = BigNum.FromInt(-70022); // to please complier return false; } } public void Negate() /* throws ArithmeticException */ { checked { constant = -constant; } for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next) { checked { t.coeff = -t.coeff; } } } /// /// Adds "x" to "this". /// /// public void AddConstant(BigNum x) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { checked { constant += x; } } /// /// Adds "le" to "this". Afterwards, "le" should not be used, because it will have been destroyed. /// /// public void Add(LinearExpr/*!*/ le) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { Contract.Requires(le != null); Contract.Requires(le != this); checked { constant += le.constant; } le.constant = BigNum.FromInt(-70029); // "le" should no longer be used; assign it a strange value so that misuse is perhaps more easily detected // optimization: if (le.terms == null) { return; } else if (terms == null) { terms = le.terms; le.terms = null; return; } // merge the two term lists // Use a nested loop, which is quadratic in time complexity, but we hope the lists will be small Term newTerms = null; while (le.terms != null) { // take off next term from "le" Term t = le.terms; le.terms = t.next; t.next = null; for (Term u = terms; u != null; u = u.next) { if (u.var == t.var) { checked { u.coeff += t.coeff; } goto NextOuter; } } t.next = newTerms; newTerms = t; NextOuter: ; } // finally, include all non-0 terms while (terms != null) { // take off next term from "this" Term t = terms; terms = t.next; if (!t.coeff.IsZero) { t.next = newTerms; newTerms = t; } } terms = newTerms; } public void Multiply(BigNum x) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { if (x.IsZero) { constant = BigNum.ZERO; terms = null; } else { for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next) { checked { t.coeff *= x; } } checked { constant *= x; } } } public bool IsInvertible(IVariable/*!*/ var) { Contract.Requires(var != null); for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next) { if (t.var == var) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!t.coeff.IsZero); return true; } } return false; } public LinearConstraint ToConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation rel) /* throws ArithmeticException */ { LinearConstraint constraint = new LinearConstraint(rel); for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next) { constraint.SetCoefficient(t.var, t.coeff.ToRational); } BigNum rhs = -constant; constraint.rhs = rhs.ToRational; return constraint; } } }