// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
namespace Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework
using Microsoft.Contracts;
using System.Collections;
using Microsoft.SpecSharp.Collections;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
/// A basic class for function symbols.
public class FunctionSymbol : IFunctionSymbol
private readonly string! display;
private readonly AIType! typ;
public FunctionSymbol(AIType! typ)
: this("FunctionSymbol", typ)
internal FunctionSymbol(string! display, AIType! typ)
this.display = display;
this.typ = typ;
// base();
public AIType! AIType { get { return typ; } }
public override string! ToString()
return display;
/// A class for integer constants.
public class IntSymbol : FunctionSymbol
public readonly BigNum Value;
/// The intention is that this constructor be called only from the Int.Const method.
internal IntSymbol(BigNum x)
: base((!)x.ToString(), Int.Type)
this.Value = x;
public override bool Equals(object other)
IntSymbol isym = other as IntSymbol;
return isym != null && isym.Value.Equals(this.Value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode();
/// A class for bitvector constants.
public class BvSymbol : FunctionSymbol
public readonly BigNum Value;
public readonly int Bits;
/// The intention is that this constructor be called only from the Int.Const method.
internal BvSymbol(BigNum x, int y)
: base(x + "bv" + y, Bv.Type)
this.Value = x;
this.Bits = y;
public override bool Equals(object other)
BvSymbol isym = other as BvSymbol;
return isym != null && isym.Value == this.Value && isym.Bits == this.Bits;
public override int GetHashCode()
unchecked {
return Value.GetHashCode() ^ Bits;
public class DoubleSymbol : FunctionSymbol
public readonly double Value;
/// The intention is that this constructor be called only from the Double.Const method.
internal DoubleSymbol(double x)
: base((!)x.ToString(), Double.Type)
this.Value = x;
public override bool Equals(object other)
DoubleSymbol dsym = other as DoubleSymbol;
return dsym != null && dsym.Value == this.Value;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode();
/// Function symbol based on a string. Uses the string equality for determining equality
/// of symbol.
public class NamedSymbol : FunctionSymbol
public string! Value { [NoDefaultContract] get { return (!) this.ToString(); } }
public NamedSymbol(string! symbol, AIType! typ)
: base(symbol, typ)
public override bool Equals(object other)
NamedSymbol nsym = other as NamedSymbol;
return nsym != null && this.Value.Equals(nsym.Value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value.GetHashCode();
// In the following, the classes like Value and Prop serve two
// roles. The primary role is to be the base types for AIType.
// The only objects of these classes are the representative
// objects that denote an AIType, which are given by the
// "Type" property. Subtypes in the AIType language are
// encoded by subclassing. This yields some "higher-orderness"
// for checking subtyping in the AIType language, by using
// the Spec#/C# subclassing checks.
// The other role is simply as a module for collecting like function
// symbols.
//-------------------------- Terms ----------------------------------
/// A class with the equality symbol and the ValueType.Type.
public class Value : AIType
private static readonly AIType! valtype = new Value();
public static AIType! Type { get { return valtype; } }
private static readonly FunctionType[]! funtypeCache = new FunctionType[5];
public static FunctionType! FunctionType(int inParameterCount)
requires 0 <= inParameterCount;
// ensures result.Arity == inParameterCount;
FunctionType result;
if (inParameterCount < funtypeCache.Length) {
result = funtypeCache[inParameterCount];
if (result != null) {
return result;
AIType[] signature = new AIType[1 + inParameterCount];
for (int i = 0; i < signature.Length; i++) {
signature[i] = valtype;
result = new FunctionType(signature);
if (inParameterCount < funtypeCache.Length) {
funtypeCache[inParameterCount] = result;
return result;
[Once] private static AIType! binreltype;
private static AIType! BinrelType {
get {
if (binreltype == null) {
binreltype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Prop.Type);
return binreltype;
[Once] private static FunctionSymbol! _eq;
public static FunctionSymbol! Eq {
get {
if (_eq == null) {
_eq = new FunctionSymbol("=", BinrelType);
return _eq;
[Once] private static FunctionSymbol! _neq;
public static FunctionSymbol! Neq {
get {
if (_neq == null) {
_neq = new FunctionSymbol("!=", BinrelType);
return _neq;
[Once] private static FunctionSymbol! _subtype;
public static FunctionSymbol! Subtype {
get {
if (_subtype == null) {
_subtype = new FunctionSymbol("<:", BinrelType);
return _subtype;
[Once] private static AIType! typeof_type;
private static AIType! TypeofType {
get {
if (typeof_type == null) {
typeof_type = new FunctionType(Ref.Type, Type);
return typeof_type;
[Once] private static FunctionSymbol! _typeof;
public static FunctionSymbol! Typeof {
get {
if (_typeof == null) {
_typeof = new FunctionSymbol("typeof", TypeofType);
return _typeof;
/// Value should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
protected Value() { }
public class Int : Value
private static readonly AIType! inttype = new Int();
public static AIType! Type { get { return inttype; } }
private static readonly AIType! unaryinttype = new FunctionType(Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! bininttype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! relationtype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Prop.Type);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _negate = new FunctionSymbol("~", unaryinttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _add = new FunctionSymbol("+", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _sub = new FunctionSymbol("-", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _mul = new FunctionSymbol("*", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _div = new FunctionSymbol("/", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _mod = new FunctionSymbol("%", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _atmost = new FunctionSymbol("<=", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _less = new FunctionSymbol("<", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _greater = new FunctionSymbol(">", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _atleast = new FunctionSymbol(">=", relationtype);
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Negate { get { return _negate; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Add { get { return _add; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Sub { get { return _sub; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Mul { get { return _mul; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Div { get { return _div; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Mod { get { return _mod; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! AtMost { get { return _atmost; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Less { get { return _less; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Greater { get { return _greater; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! AtLeast { get { return _atleast; } }
public static IntSymbol! Const(BigNum x)
// We could cache things here, but for now we don't.
return new IntSymbol(x);
/// Int should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private Int() { }
public class Double : Value
private static readonly AIType! doubletype = new Double();
public static AIType! Type { get { return doubletype; } }
public static DoubleSymbol! Const(double x)
// We could cache things here, but for now we don't.
return new DoubleSymbol(x);
/// Double should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private Double() { }
public class Bv : Value
private static readonly AIType! bvtype = new Bv();
public static AIType! Type { get { return bvtype; } }
private static readonly AIType! unaryinttype = new FunctionType(Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! bininttype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! relationtype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Prop.Type);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _negate = new FunctionSymbol("~", unaryinttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _add = new FunctionSymbol("+", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _sub = new FunctionSymbol("-", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _mul = new FunctionSymbol("*", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _div = new FunctionSymbol("/", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _mod = new FunctionSymbol("%", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _concat = new FunctionSymbol("$concat", bininttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _extract = new FunctionSymbol("$extract", unaryinttype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _atmost = new FunctionSymbol("<=", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _less = new FunctionSymbol("<", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _greater = new FunctionSymbol(">", relationtype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _atleast = new FunctionSymbol(">=", relationtype);
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Negate { get { return _negate; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Add { get { return _add; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Sub { get { return _sub; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Mul { get { return _mul; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Div { get { return _div; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Mod { get { return _mod; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! AtMost { get { return _atmost; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Less { get { return _less; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Greater { get { return _greater; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! AtLeast { get { return _atleast; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Extract { get { return _extract; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Concat { get { return _concat; } }
public static BvSymbol! Const(BigNum x, int y)
// We could cache things here, but for now we don't.
return new BvSymbol(x, y);
/// Int should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private Bv() { }
public class Ref : Value
private static readonly AIType! reftype = new Ref();
public static AIType! Type { get { return reftype; } }
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _null = new FunctionSymbol("null", Type);
public static FunctionSymbol! Null { get { return _null; } }
/// Ref should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private Ref() { }
public class HeapStructure : Value
private static readonly AIType! reftype = new HeapStructure();
public static AIType! Type { get { return reftype; } }
/// HeapStructure should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private HeapStructure() { }
public class FieldName : Value
private static readonly AIType! fieldnametype = new FieldName();
public static AIType! Type { get { return fieldnametype; } }
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _allocated = new FunctionSymbol("$allocated", FieldName.Type);
public static FunctionSymbol! Allocated { get { return _allocated; } }
/// Is this a boolean field that monotonically goes from false to true?
public static bool IsBooleanMonotonicallyWeakening(IFunctionSymbol! f)
return f.Equals(Allocated);
/// FieldName should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private FieldName() { }
public class Heap : Value
private static readonly AIType! heaptype = new Heap();
public static AIType! Type { get { return heaptype; } }
// the types in the following, select1, select2, are hard-coded;
// these types may not always be appropriate
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _select1 = new FunctionSymbol("sel1",
// Heap x FieldName -> Prop
new FunctionType(Type, FieldName.Type, Prop.Type)
public static FunctionSymbol! Select1 { get { return _select1; } }
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _select2 = new FunctionSymbol("sel2",
// Heap x Ref x FieldName -> Value
new FunctionType(Type, Ref.Type, FieldName.Type, Value.Type)
public static FunctionSymbol! Select2 { get { return _select2; } }
// the types in the following, store1, store2, are hard-coded;
// these types may not always be appropriate
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _update1 = new FunctionSymbol("upd1",
// Heap x FieldName x Value -> Heap
new FunctionType(Type, FieldName.Type, Value.Type, Type)
public static FunctionSymbol! Update1 { get { return _update1; } }
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _update2 = new FunctionSymbol("upd2",
// Heap x Ref x FieldName x Value -> Heap
new FunctionType(Type, Ref.Type, FieldName.Type, Value.Type, Type)
public static FunctionSymbol! Update2 { get { return _update2; } }
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _unsupportedHeapOp =
new FunctionSymbol("UnsupportedHeapOp",
// Heap x FieldName -> Prop
new FunctionType(Type, FieldName.Type, Prop.Type)
public static FunctionSymbol! UnsupportedHeapOp { get { return _unsupportedHeapOp; } }
/// Heap should not be instantiated from the outside, except perhaps in
/// subclasses.
private Heap() { }
// public class List : Value
// {
// private static IDictionary/**/! lists = new Hashtable();
// public static AIType! Type(AIType! typeParameter)
// {
// if (lists.Contains(typeParameter))
// return lists[typeParameter];
// else
// {
// AIType! result = new List(typeParameter);
// lists[typeParameter] = result;
// return result;
// }
// }
// private static IDictionary/**/! nils = new Hashtable();
// public static FunctionSymbol! Nil(AIType! typeParameter)
// {
// if (nils.Contains(typeParameter))
// return nils[typeParameter];
// else
// {
// FunctionSymbol! result = new FunctionSymbol(Type(typeParameter));
// nils[typeParameter] = result;
// return result;
// }
// }
// private static IDictionary/**/! cons = new Hashtable();
// public static FunctionSymbol! Cons(AIType! typeParameter)
// {
// if (cons.Contains(typeParameter))
// return cons[typeParameter];
// else
// {
// FunctionSymbol! result = new FunctionSymbol(
// new FunctionType(typeParameter, Type(typeParameter), Type(typeParameter))
// );
// cons[typeParameter] = result;
// return result;
// }
// }
// private AIType! typeParameter;
// public AIType! TypeParameter { get { return typeParameter; } }
// ///
// /// List should not be instantiated from the outside.
// ///
// private List(AIType! typeParameter)
// {
// this.typeParameter = typeParameter;
// }
// }
// public class Pair : Value
// {
// private static IDictionary! pairs = new Hashtable();
// public static AIType! Type(AIType! type1, AIType! type2)
// {
// Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework.Collections.Pair typpair
// = new Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework.Collections.Pair(type1, type2);
// if (pairs.Contains(typpair))
// return pairs[typpair];
// else
// {
// AIType! result = new Pair(type1, type2);
// pairs[typpair] = result;
// return result;
// }
// }
// private static IDictionary! constructs = new Hashtable();
// public static FunctionSymbol! Pair(AIType! type1, AIType! type2)
// {
// Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework.Collections.Pair typpair
// = new Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework.Collections.Pair(type1, type2);
// if (constructs.Contains(typpair))
// return constructs[typpair];
// else
// {
// FunctionSymbol! result = new FunctionSymbol(
// new FunctionType(type1, type2, Type(type1, type2))
// );
// constructs[typpair] = result;
// return result;
// }
// }
// protected AIType! type1;
// protected AIType! type2;
// public AIType! Type1 { get { return type1; } }
// public AIType! Type2 { get { return type2; } }
// ///
// /// Pair should not be instantiated from the outside, except by subclasses.
// ///
// protected Pair(AIType! type1, AIType! type2)
// {
// this.type1 = type1;
// this.type2 = type2;
// }
// }
//-------------------------- Propositions ---------------------------
/// A class with global propositional symbols and the Prop.Type.
public sealed class Prop : AIType
private static readonly AIType! proptype = new Prop();
public static AIType! Type { get { return proptype; } }
private static readonly AIType! unaryproptype = new FunctionType(Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! binproptype = new FunctionType(Type, Type, Type);
private static readonly AIType! quantifiertype =
new FunctionType(new FunctionType(Value.Type, Type), Type);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _false = new FunctionSymbol("false", Type);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _true = new FunctionSymbol("true", Type);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _not = new FunctionSymbol("!", unaryproptype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _and = new FunctionSymbol("/\\", binproptype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _or = new FunctionSymbol("\\/", binproptype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _implies = new FunctionSymbol("==>", binproptype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _exists = new FunctionSymbol("Exists", quantifiertype);
private static readonly FunctionSymbol! _forall = new FunctionSymbol("Forall", quantifiertype);
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! False { get { return _false; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! True { get { return _true; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Not { get { return _not; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! And { [Pure] get { return _and; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Or { get { return _or; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Implies { get { return _implies; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Exists { get { return _exists; } }
[Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public static FunctionSymbol! Forall { get { return _forall; } }
/// Prop should not be instantiated from the outside.
private Prop() { }
// Utility Methods
public static IExpr! SimplifiedAnd(IPropExprFactory! factory, IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1)
IFunApp fun0 = e0 as IFunApp;
if (fun0 != null)
if (fun0.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True))
return e1;
else if (fun0.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False))
return e0;
IFunApp fun1 = e1 as IFunApp;
if (fun1 != null)
if (fun1.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True))
return e0;
else if (fun1.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False))
return e1;
return factory.And(e0, e1);
public static IExpr! SimplifiedAnd(IPropExprFactory! factory, IEnumerable/**/! exprs)
IExpr! result = factory.True;
foreach (IExpr! conjunct in exprs)
result = SimplifiedAnd(factory, result, conjunct);
return result;
public static IExpr! SimplifiedOr(IPropExprFactory! factory, IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1)
IFunApp fun0 = e0 as IFunApp;
if (fun0 != null)
if (fun0.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False))
return e1;
else if (fun0.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True))
return e0;
IFunApp fun1 = e1 as IFunApp;
if (fun1 != null)
if (fun1.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False))
return e0;
else if (fun1.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True))
return e1;
return factory.Or(e0, e1);
public static IExpr! SimplifiedOr(IPropExprFactory! factory, IEnumerable/**/! exprs)
IExpr! result = factory.False;
foreach (IExpr! disj in exprs)
result = SimplifiedOr(factory, result, disj);
return result;
/// Break top-level conjuncts into a list of sub-expressions.
/// The expression to examine.
/// A list of conjuncts.
internal static IList/**/! BreakConjuncts(IExpr! e)
ensures forall{ IExpr sub in result; sub is IFunApp ==> !((IFunApp) sub).FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.And) };
return BreakJuncts(e, Prop.And);
/// Break top-level disjuncts into a list of sub-expressions.
/// The expression to examine.
/// A list of conjuncts.
internal static IList/**/! BreakDisjuncts(IExpr! e)
ensures forall{ IExpr sub in result; sub is IFunApp ==> !((IFunApp) sub).FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Or) };
return BreakJuncts(e, Prop.Or);
private static IList/**/! BreakJuncts(IExpr! e, IFunctionSymbol! sym)
ensures forall{ IExpr sub in result; sub is IFunApp ==> !((IFunApp) sub).FunctionSymbol.Equals(sym) };
ArrayList/**/! result = new ArrayList();
IFunApp f = e as IFunApp;
if (f != null)
// If it is a sym, go down into sub-expressions.
if (f.FunctionSymbol.Equals(sym))
foreach (IExpr! arg in f.Arguments)
// Otherwise, stop.
return result;
/// A callback to produce a function body given the bound variable.
/// The bound variable to use.
/// The function body.
public delegate IExpr! FunctionBody(IVariable! var);
/// An interface for constructing propositional expressions.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface IPropExprFactory
IFunApp! False { get /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False);*/; }
IFunApp! True { get /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True);*/; }
IFunApp! Not(IExpr! p) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Not);*/;
IFunApp! And(IExpr! p, IExpr! q) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.And);*/;
IFunApp! Or(IExpr! p, IExpr! q) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Or);*/;
IFunApp! Implies(IExpr! p, IExpr! q) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Implies);*/;
/// Like IPropExprFactory, but also with quantifiers.
public interface IQuantPropExprFactory : IPropExprFactory {
/// Produce an existential given the lambda-expression.
/// The lambda-expression.
/// The existential.
IFunApp! Exists(IFunction! p) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Exists);*/;
IFunApp! Forall(IFunction! p) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Forall);*/;
/// Produce an existential given a callback that can produce a function body given the
/// bound variable to use. The implementer of this method is responsible for generating
/// a fresh new variable to pass to the FunctionBody callback to use as the bound variable.
/// The function body callback.
/// The existential.
IFunApp! Exists(AIType paramType, FunctionBody! body) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Exists);*/;
IFunApp! Forall(AIType paramType, FunctionBody! body) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.Forall);*/;
/// An interface for constructing value expressions.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface IValueExprFactory
IFunApp! Eq(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Eq);*/;
IFunApp! Neq(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Neq);*/;
/// An interface for constructing value expressions having to with null.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface INullnessFactory
IFunApp! Eq(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Eq);*/;
IFunApp! Neq(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Neq);*/;
IFunApp! Null { get; /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Ref.Null);*/ }
/// An interface for constructing integer expressions.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface IIntExprFactory : IValueExprFactory
IFunApp! Const(BigNum i) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(new IntSymbol(i));*/;
/// An interface for constructing linear integer expressions.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface ILinearExprFactory : IIntExprFactory
IFunApp! AtMost(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.AtMost);*/;
IFunApp! Add(IExpr! e0, IExpr! e1) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Add);*/;
/// If "var" is null, returns an expression representing r.
/// Otherwise, returns an expression representing r*var.
IExpr! Term(Microsoft.Basetypes.Rational r, IVariable var);
IFunApp! False { get /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.False);*/; }
IFunApp! True { get /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.True);*/; }
IFunApp! And(IExpr! p, IExpr! q) /*ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Prop.And);*/;
/// An interface for constructing type expressions and performing some type operations.
/// The types are assumed to be arranged in a rooted tree.
/// This interface should be implemented by the client. An implementation of
/// of this class should generally be used as a singleton object.
public interface ITypeExprFactory
/// Returns an expression denoting the top of the type hierarchy.
IExpr! RootType { get; }
/// Returns true iff "t" denotes a type constant.
bool IsTypeConstant(IExpr! t);
/// Returns true iff t0 and t1 are types such that t0 and t1 are equal.
bool IsTypeEqual(IExpr! t0, IExpr! t1);
/// Returns true iff t0 and t1 are types such that t0 is a subtype of t1.
bool IsSubType(IExpr! t0, IExpr! t1);
/// Returns the most derived supertype of both "t0" and "t1". A precondition is
/// that "t0" and "t1" both represent types.
IExpr! JoinTypes(IExpr! t0, IExpr! t1);
IFunApp! IsExactlyA(IExpr! e, IExpr! type) /*requires IsTypeConstant(type); ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Eq);*/;
IFunApp! IsA(IExpr! e, IExpr! type) /*requires IsTypeConstant(type); ensures result.FunctionSymbol.Equals(Value.Subtype);*/;