class List { var value:int; var next:List; predicate inv { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.inv) } function get():int requires inv; { unfolding inv in value } // the purpose of this method is to test whether the methodology can roll back correctly the secondary mask: // s0 unf s1 unf s2 fold, should roll back to state s1 and not s0 // note also the unfolding expression in the precondition: the fact that next!=null must be known in the body of the method // this means that the secondary mask must start off containing, according to the proposal method foo() requires inv && unfolding inv in next!=null; ensures inv && unfolding inv in next!=null; { unfold inv; value:=0; unfold next.inv; next.value:=1; fold next.inv; assert next.get()==1; assert value==0; fold inv; assert get()==0; assert unfolding inv in next!=null && next.get()==1; assert unfolding inv in next.get()==1; } // this method tests whether the methodology works correctly when (un)folds happen on statically unknown objects method goo(a:List, b:List, c:bool) requires a!=null && b!=null && a.inv && b.inv; { var z:List; unfold a.inv; unfold b.inv; a.value:=0; b.value:=1; if(c) { z:=a } else { z:=b } fold z.inv; assert c ==> a.inv && a.get()==0; assert !c ==> b.inv && b.get()==1; unfold z.inv; assert a.value==0; assert b.value==1; } }