class LoopLockChange { method Test0() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { acquire this; var b := true; while(b) // error: lockchange clause of loop must include all lock changes that happened before the loop { b := false; } } method Test1() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { acquire this; var b := true; while(b) lockchange this; { b := false; } } method Test2() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { var b := true; while(b) // error: insufficient lockchange clause invariant rd(mu); invariant b ==> waitlevel << mu { acquire this; b := false; } } method Test3() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { var b := true; while(b) invariant rd(mu); invariant b ==> waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { acquire this; b := false; } } method Test4(p: LoopLockChange) requires rd( && waitlevel << requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu { var current: LoopLockChange := this; var b := true; while(b) invariant rd( invariant b ==> rd(; invariant b ==> waitlevel << lockchange current; // error: after the loop body, current does no longer point to the object whose lock was acquired { acquire current; current := p; b := false; } assume false; // to prevent complaint about method's lockchange clause } method Test5(p: LoopLockChange) requires rd( && waitlevel << requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu lockchange this; { var current: LoopLockChange := this; var b := true; while(b) invariant rd( invariant b ==> rd(; invariant b ==> current == this; invariant b ==> waitlevel << lockchange this; { acquire current; current := p; b := false; } } method Test6() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu { var b := true; while(b) invariant rd(mu); invariant b ==> waitlevel << mu invariant b ==> !(rd holds(this)) invariant !b ==> holds(this) lockchange this; { acquire this; b := false; } release this; } method Test7() requires rd(mu) && waitlevel << mu { acquire this; release this; } // The following test requires a better treatment of allocation, which we don't have yet /* method Test8() { var tmp : LoopLockChange := this; var b := false; while(b) { tmp := new LoopLockChange; share tmp; acquire tmp; b := false; } assert !holds(tmp); } */ }