@echo off echo start > Output set CHALICE=call scala -cp bin Chalice -nologo REM to do: AssociationList REM to do: GhostConst REM to do: Leaks -checkLeaks for %%f in (cell counter dining-philosophers ForkJoin HandOverHand iterator iterator2 producer-consumer prog0 prog1 prog2 prog3 prog4 RockBand swap OwickiGries ProdConsChannel) do ( echo Testing %%f.chalice ... echo ------ Running regression test %%f.chalice >> Output %CHALICE% %* examples\%%f.chalice >> Output 2>&1 ) echo Testing cell-defaults.chalice ... echo ------ Running regression test cell-defaults.chalice >> Output %CHALICE% %* -defaults -autoFold -autoMagic examples\cell-defaults.chalice >> Output 2>&1 echo Testing RockBand-automagic.chalice ... echo ------ Running regression test RockBand-automagic.chalice >> Output %CHALICE% %* -defaults -autoMagic -checkLeaks -autoFold examples\RockBand-automagic.chalice >> Output 2>&1 fc examples\Answer Output > nul if not errorlevel 1 goto passTest goto failTest :passTest echo Succeeded goto end :failTest echo Failed goto end :errorEnd exit /b 1 :end exit /b 0