package chalice; import scala.util.parsing.input.Position import scala.util.parsing.input.NoPosition /** SmokeTest allows to perform 'smoke testing' on any given Chalice program. * The prover is instructed to try proving 'false' at various places in the * program to find unreachable code, precondition that are equivalent to false * or assumptions that introduce a contradiction. * * @author Stefan Heule */ object SmokeTest { /** SmokeAssert is used to keep track of the position and real error message * associated with a certain assert statement. Also, we build a DAG of * SmokeAssert that essentially corresponds to the control flow graph (the * member prev is used to record the in-edges of every SmokeAssert). This * graph is then used to omit certain warnings (e.g., if the precondition is * already false, we do not need to report that the method end cannot be * reached, too). */ case class SmokeAssert(id: Int, pos: Position, msg: String, prev: Set[SmokeAssert], chaliceAssert: Assert) { var warning: Boolean = false // did this "assert false" generate a warning? (i.e. did it not generate a Boogie error?) } /** Serves as a sentinel for the first assert (which should always cause a * warning, thus SmokeAssertSentinel.warning = false) */ object SmokeAssertSentinel extends SmokeAssert(-1, NoPosition, "", Set(), null) /** Map from error message ID's to their SmokeAssert object */ private var smokeAssertions: Map[Int,SmokeAssert] = Map() private var count: Int = 0 // current error message id /** Get the warning message from an ID */ def smokeWarningMessage(id: Int) = { smokeAssertions(id).msg } /** Process the output of Boogie and generate the correct warnings from smoke testing */ def processBoogieOutput(out: List[String]): String = { var errorCount: Map[String, Int] = Map() val SmokePattern = ".*: SMOKE-TEST-([0-9]+).*".r val SummaryPattern = "Boogie program verifier finished with ([0-9]+) verified, ([0-9]+) errors".r var verificationResult = ""; var smokeErrors: Set[Int] = Set() var outcome: Option[(Int,Int)] = None for (s <- out) s match { case SmokePattern(id) => smokeErrors += id.toInt case SummaryPattern(verified, errors) => outcome = Some((verified.toInt,errors.toInt)) case _ => verificationResult += s + "\n" } // check which smoke assertions failed for ((errNr, s@SmokeAssert(_, pos, msg, prev, _)) <- smokeAssertions) yield { s.warning = !smokeErrors.contains(errNr) } var smokeTestWarnings = 0 val smokeResult = { var t = ""; for (s@SmokeAssert(_, pos, msg, prev, _) <- smokeAssertions.values.toList.sortWith((a,b) => a.pos < b.pos)) yield { if (s.warning) { if (s.prev.exists(a => !a.warning)) { // omit warning if all ancestors created a warning t += " " + pos + ": " + msg + "\n" smokeTestWarnings += 1 } } } t } var realErrors = -1 val status = (outcome match { case None => "" case Some((verified,errors)) => realErrors = errors-smokeErrors.size "Boogie program verifier finished with " + realErrors + " errors and " + smokeTestWarnings + " smoke test warnings." }) verificationResult + (if (realErrors > 0 && smokeTestWarnings > 0) "The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.\n" else "") + smokeResult + (if (smokeResult != "") "\n" else "") + status } /** Add smoke assertions for to a program. */ def smokeProgram(prog: List[TopLevelDecl]): List[TopLevelDecl] = { for (decl <- prog) yield decl match { case cl: Class => val newmembers = for (m <- cl.members) yield m match { case MonitorInvariant(e) => m case f@ Field(id, t, ghost) => m case method: Method => copyPosition(method, smokeMethod(method)) case Condition(id, optE) => m case Predicate(id, definition) => m case Function(id, ins, out, specs, e) => m case m: MethodTransform => m case CouplingInvariant(ids, e) => m } copyPosition(cl, Class(cl.classId, cl.parameters, cl.module, newmembers)) case ch: Channel => ch } } /** Add smoke assertions for a method (if necessary). */ private def smokeMethod(method: Method) = { val preassert = initSmokeAssert(method.pos, "Precondition of method " + method.Id + " is equivalent to false.") var (newbody, bodyout) = smokeStmt(method.body, Set(preassert)) val postassert = initSmokeAssert(method.pos, "The end of method " + method.Id + " is unreachable.", bodyout) newbody = preassert.chaliceAssert :: newbody ::: postassert.chaliceAssert :: Nil Method(, method.ins, method.outs, method.spec, newbody) } /** Add smoke assertions for multiple statements (if necessary). */ private def smokeStmt(stmts: List[Statement], in: Set[SmokeAssert]): (List[Statement], Set[SmokeAssert]) = { var tmp = in val newstmts = (for (s <- stmts) yield { val (sstmts, sout) = smokeStmt(s, tmp) tmp = sout copyPosition(s, sstmts) }).flatten (newstmts, tmp) } /** Add smoke assertions for a statement (if necessary). */ private def smokeStmt(stmt: Statement, in: Set[SmokeAssert]): (List[Statement], Set[SmokeAssert]) = { var out = in def helper(name: String): List[Statement] = { val (stmts, sout) = smokeSimpleStmt(stmt, in, name); out = sout; stmts } val result = stmt match { // composite statements case BlockStmt(ss) => val (smokestmts, blocksmoke) = smokeStmt(ss, in) out = blocksmoke smokestmts case ifs@IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(then), els) => val thensmoke = initSmokeAssert(ifs.pos, "The begging of the if-branch is unreachable.", in) val (thensmokestmts, thenout) = smokeStmt(then, Set(thensmoke)) out = thenout val newthen = thensmoke.chaliceAssert :: thensmokestmts val newelse = els match { case None => out ++= in None case Some(s) => val elsesmoke = initSmokeAssert(ifs.pos, "The begging of the else-branch is unreachable.", in) val (blocksmokestmts, blockout) = smokeStmt(s, Set(elsesmoke)) out ++= blockout Some(BlockStmt(elsesmoke.chaliceAssert :: blocksmokestmts)) } IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(newthen), newelse) :: Nil case WhileStmt(guard, oldInvs, newInvs, lkch, BlockStmt(body)) => val whilesmoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The begging of the while-body is unreachable.", in) val (whilesmokestmts, whileout) = smokeStmt(body, Set(whilesmoke)) val whileaftersmoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The statements after the while-loop are unreachable.", in) val whileendsmoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The end of the while-loop is unreachable.", whileout) out = Set(whileaftersmoke) val newbody = whilesmoke.chaliceAssert :: whilesmokestmts ::: whileendsmoke.chaliceAssert :: Nil WhileStmt(guard, oldInvs, newInvs, lkch, BlockStmt(newbody)) :: whileaftersmoke.chaliceAssert :: Nil case Lock(obj, BlockStmt(body), rdLock) => val locksmoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The begging of the lock-block is unreachable.", in) val (blocksmokestmts, blockout) = smokeStmt(body, Set(locksmoke)) out = blockout Lock(obj, BlockStmt(locksmoke.chaliceAssert :: blocksmokestmts), rdLock) :: Nil case _: RefinementBlock => // TODO stmt :: Nil // assumption case Assume(_) => val assumeSmoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "Assumption introduces a contradiction.", in) out = Set(assumeSmoke) stmt :: assumeSmoke.chaliceAssert :: Nil // simple statements that inhale something case Unfold(_) => helper("unfold") case JoinAsync(_, _) => helper("join") case _: Call => helper("method call") case _: SpecStmt => helper("specification") case Receive(_, _, _) => helper("receive") case Acquire(_) => helper("acquire") case RdAcquire(_) => helper("rd acquire") // any other simple statements case Assert(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("assert") else stmt :: Nil case Assign(_, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("assign") else stmt :: Nil case FieldUpdate(_, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("field update") else stmt :: Nil case _: LocalVar => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("local variable") else stmt :: Nil case Install(_, _, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("reorder") else stmt :: Nil case Share(_, _, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("share") else stmt :: Nil case Unshare(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("unshare") else stmt :: Nil case Release(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("release") else stmt :: Nil case RdRelease(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("rd release") else stmt :: Nil case Downgrade(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("downgrade") else stmt :: Nil case Free(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("free") else stmt :: Nil case Fold(_) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("fold") else stmt :: Nil case CallAsync(_, _, _, _, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("fork") else stmt :: Nil case Send(_, _) => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("send") else stmt :: Nil case _: Signal => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("signal") else stmt :: Nil case _: Wait => if (Chalice.smokeAll) helper("wait") else stmt :: Nil } (result, out) } /** Helper method to add a smoke assertion after a simple (non-compound) * statement. */ def smokeSimpleStmt(stmt: Statement, in: Set[SmokeAssert], msg: String): (List[Statement], Set[SmokeAssert]) = { val smoke = initSmokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The statements after the " + msg + " statement are unreachable.", in) (stmt :: smoke.chaliceAssert :: Nil, Set(smoke)) } /** Generate an "assert false" with a certain position and a certain error * message. Note: We generate "assert 1!=1" instead of "assert false", as * Boogie seems to perform some weird optimization for false, which does * not generate warnings for all failing assertions (even if the command * line switch /subsumption:0 is used). */ def initSmokeAssert(pos: Position, error: String): SmokeAssert = initSmokeAssert(pos, error, Set(SmokeAssertSentinel)) def initSmokeAssert(pos: Position, error: String, prev: Set[SmokeAssert]): SmokeAssert = { count += 1 val i = IntLiteral(1); i.typ = IntClass val n = Neq(i, i); n.typ = BoolClass val assert = Assert(n) assert.smokeErrorNr = Some(count) assert.pos = pos val sm = SmokeAssert(count, pos, error, prev, assert) smokeAssertions += count -> sm sm } /** Copy the position of an old AST node to a new node (if not already * present). */ private def copyPosition[A <: ASTNode](oldNode: A, newNode: A): A = { if (newNode.pos == NoPosition) newNode.pos = oldNode.pos newNode } /** Copy the position from one old AST node to multiple new nodes. */ private def copyPosition[A <: ASTNode](oldNode: A, newNodes: List[A]): List[A] = { for (newNode <- newNodes) yield copyPosition(oldNode, newNode) } }