//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package chalice; object PrintProgram { def P(prog: List[TopLevelDecl]) = for (decl <- prog) decl match { case cl: Class => if (cl.IsExternal) print("external ") println("class " + cl.id + " module " + cl.module + (if (cl.IsRefinement) " refines " + cl.refinesId else "") + " {") cl.members foreach Member println("}") case ch: Channel => println("channel " + ch.id + " where " + Expr(ch.where) + Semi) } def Semi = ";" def Member(m: Member) = m match { case MonitorInvariant(e) => print(" invariant "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case f@ Field(id, t, ghost) => println(" " + (if (ghost) "ghost " else "") + "var " + id + ": " + t.FullName + Semi) case m: Method => print(" method " + m.id) print("("); VarList(m.ins); print(")") if (m.outs != Nil) { print(" returns ("); VarList(m.outs); print(")") } println PrintSpec(m.Spec) println(" {") for (s <- m.body) { Spaces(4); Stmt(s, 4) } println(" }") case Condition(id, optE) => print(" condition " + id) optE match { case None => case Some(e) => print(" where "); Expr(e) } println(Semi) case Predicate(id, definition) => print(" predicate " + id + " { "); Expr(definition); println(" }") case Function(id, ins, out, specs, e) => print(" function " + id + "("); VarList(ins); print("): " + out.FullName); println PrintSpec(specs) e match { case Some(e) => print(" { "); Expr(e); println(" }"); case None => } case m: MethodTransform => print(" method " + m.id); print("("); VarList(m.ins); print(")") if (m.outs != Nil) { print(" returns ("); VarList(m.outs); print(")") } println; if (m.refines != null) PrintSpec(m.Spec); println(" {"); if (m.body == null) println(" // body transform is not resolved") else for (s <- m.body) { Spaces(4); Stmt(s, 4) } println(" }") case CouplingInvariant(ids, e) => print(" replaces "); Commas(ids); print(" by "); Expr(e); println(Semi); } def PrintSpec(specs: List[Specification]) { specs foreach { case Precondition(e) => print(" requires "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Postcondition(e) => print(" ensures "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case LockChange(ee) => print(" lockchange "); ExprList(ee); println(Semi) } } def Stmt(s: Statement, indent: Int): Unit = s match { case a@Assert(e) => print("assert "); Expr(e); if (!a.smokeErrorNr.isEmpty) println(Semi + " // smoke assertion: " + SmokeTest.smokeWarningMessage(a.smokeErrorNr.get)) else println(Semi) case Assume(e) => print("assume "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case BlockStmt(ss) => PrintBlockStmt(ss, indent); println case RefinementBlock(ss, old) => println("/* begin of refinement block") for (s <- old) { Spaces(indent + 2); Stmt(s, indent + 2) } Spaces(indent); println("end of abstract code */") for (s <- ss) { Spaces(indent); Stmt(s, indent) } Spaces(indent); println("// end of refinement block") case IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(thn), els) => print("if ("); Expr(guard); print(") ") PrintBlockStmt(thn, indent) els match { case None => println case Some(s) => print(" else "); Stmt(s, indent) } case w @ WhileStmt(guard, _, _, lkch, body) => print("while ("); Expr(guard); println(")") for (inv <- w.oldInvs) { Spaces(indent+2) print("invariant "); Expr(inv); println(Semi) } for (inv <- w.newInvs) { Spaces(indent+2) print("invariant "); Expr(inv); print(Semi); println(" // refined"); } for (l <- lkch) { Spaces(indent+2) print("lockchange "); Expr(l); println(Semi) } Spaces(indent); Stmt(body, indent) case Assign(lhs,rhs) => Expr(lhs); print(" := "); Rhs(rhs); println(Semi) case FieldUpdate(lhs,rhs) => Expr(lhs); print(" := "); Rhs(rhs); println(Semi) case LocalVar(v,rhs) => print(v + ": " + v.t.FullName) rhs match { case None => case Some(rhs) => print(" := "); Rhs(rhs) } println(Semi) case SpecStmt(lhs, locals, pre, post) => if (locals.size > 0) { if (locals(0).isGhost) print("ghost "); if (locals(0).isImmutable) print("const ") else print("var ") } else print("var "); VarList(locals); var first = (locals.size == 0); for (l <- lhs) if (! locals.exists(v => v.id == l.id)) { if (first) first = false else print(", "); print(l.id); } print(" ["); Expr(pre); print(", "); Expr(post); print("]"); println(Semi); case Call(_, outs, obj, id, args) => print("call ") outs match { case Nil => case x :: xs => Expr(x); xs foreach { x => print(", "); Expr(x) }; print(" := ") } MemberSelect(obj,id,0,false) print("(") ExprList(args) println(");") case Install(obj,lower,upper) => print("reorder ") Expr(obj) PrintBounds(lower, upper) println(Semi) case Share(obj,lower,upper) => print("share ") Expr(obj) PrintBounds(lower, upper) println(Semi) case Unshare(e) => print("unshare "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Acquire(e) => print("acquire "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Release(e) => print("release "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case RdAcquire(e) => print("rd acquire "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case RdRelease(e) => print("rd release "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Lock(e, b, rdLock) => if (rdLock) print("rd lock (") else print("lock (") Expr(e); print(") ") Stmt(b, indent) case Downgrade(e) => print("downgrade "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Free(e) => print("free "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Fold(e) => print("fold "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case Unfold(e) => print("unfold "); Expr(e); println(Semi) case CallAsync(declaresLocal, token, obj, name, args) => print("fork "); if (token != null) { Expr(token); print(" := "); } Expr(obj); print("."); print(name); print("("); ExprList(args); print(")"); case JoinAsync(lhs, token) => print("join "); if (lhs != null && !lhs.isEmpty) { ExprList(lhs); print(" := "); } Expr(token); println(Semi) case Wait(obj, id) => print("wait ") MemberSelect(obj, id, 0, false) println(Semi) case Signal(obj, id, all) => print("signal "); if (all) { print(" forall") } MemberSelect(obj, id, 0, false) println(Semi) case Send(ch, args) => print("send "); Expr(ch); print("("); ExprList(args); print(")"); println(Semi) case Receive(_, ch, outs) => print("receive ") outs match { case Nil => case x :: xs => Expr(x); xs foreach { x => print(", "); Expr(x) }; print(" := ") } Expr(ch); println(Semi) } def PrintBounds(lower: List[Expression], upper: List[Expression]) = { if (lower == Nil && upper == Nil) { } else if (lower == Nil) { print(" below "); ExprList(upper) } else if (upper == Nil) { print(" above "); ExprList(lower) } else { print(" between "); ExprList(lower); print(" and "); ExprList(upper) } } def PrintBlockStmt(ss: List[Statement], indent: Int) = { println("{") for (s <- ss) { Spaces(indent+2); Stmt(s, indent+2) } Spaces(indent); print("}") } def VarList(vv: List[Variable]) = Commas(vv map {v => v.id + ": " + v.t.FullName}) def Commas(ss: List[String]) = ss match { case Nil => case s :: rest => print(s); rest foreach {s => print(", " + s)} } def ExprList(ee: List[Expression]) = ee match { case Nil => case e :: rest => Expr(e) rest foreach { e => print(", "); Expr(e) } } def Rhs(e: RValue) = e match { case NewRhs(id, initialization, lower, upper) => print("new " + id); if(0 < initialization.length) { print(" {"); print(initialization(0).id); print(":="); Expr(initialization(0).e); initialization.foreach({ init => print(", "); print(init.id); print(":="); Expr(init.e); }); print("}"); } PrintBounds(lower, upper) case e: Expression => Expr(e) } def Expr(e: Expression): Unit = Expr(e, 0, false) def Expr(e: Expression, contextBindingPower: Int, fragileContext: Boolean): Unit = e match { case BoogieExpr(_) => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected in pretty printer") case IntLiteral(n) => print(n) case BoolLiteral(b) => print(b) case NullLiteral() => print("null") case StringLiteral(s) => print("\"" + s + "\"") case MaxLockLiteral() => print("waitlevel") case LockBottomLiteral() => print("lockbottom") case _:ThisExpr => print("this") case _:Result => print("result") case VariableExpr(id) => print(id) case MemberAccess(e,f) => MemberSelect(e,f,contextBindingPower,fragileContext) case Full => print("100"); case Epsilon => print("rd"); case MethodEpsilon => print("rd"); case Frac(e) => Expr(e); case Star => print("rd(*)") case ChannelEpsilon(None) | PredicateEpsilon(None) | MonitorEpsilon(None) => print("rd"); case ChannelEpsilon(Some(e)) => print("rd("); Expr(e); print(")"); case PredicateEpsilon(Some(e)) => print("rd("); Expr(e); print(")"); case MonitorEpsilon(Some(e)) => print("rd("); Expr(e); print(")"); case ForkEpsilon(tk) => print("rd("); Expr(tk); print(")"); case PermPlus(e0, e1) => BinExpr(e0, e1, "+", 0x50, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case PermMinus(e0, e1) => BinExpr(e0, e1, "-", 0x50, false, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case PermTimes(e0, e1) => BinExpr(e0, e1, "*", 0x60, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case IntPermTimes(n, p) => BinExpr(n, p, "*", 0x60, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case Epsilons(e) => print("rd("); Expr(e); print(")"); case Access(e, p) => print("acc("); Expr(e); print(", "); Expr(p); print(")") case AccessAll(obj, p) => print("acc("); Expr(obj); print(", "); print(".*"); Expr(p); print(")") case AccessSeq(s, f, p) => print("acc("); Expr(s); print(", "); print("[*]."); f match { case None => print("*"); case Some(x) => print(x)} Expr(p); print(")") case Credit(e, n) => print("credit("); Expr(e) n match { case None => case Some(n) => print(", "); Expr(n) } print(")") case Holds(e) => print("holds("); Expr(e); print(")") case RdHolds(e) => print("rd holds("); Expr(e); print(")") case Assigned(id) => print("assigned(" + id + ")") case Old(e) => print("old("); Expr(e); print(")") case IfThenElse(con, then, els) => print("("); Expr(con); print(" ? "); Expr(then); print(" : "); Expr(els); print(")"); case Not(e) => print("!"); Expr(e, 0x80, false) case FunctionApplication(obj, id, ins) => Expr(obj); print("."); print(id); print("("); ExprList(ins); print(")"); case Unfolding(pred, e) => print("unfolding "); Expr(pred); print(" in "); Expr(e); case e:Iff => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x10, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Implies => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x20, true, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:And => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x30, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Or => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x31, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Eq => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Neq => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Less => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:AtMost => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:AtLeast => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Greater => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:LockBelow => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Plus => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x50, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Minus => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x50, false, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Times => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x60, false, false, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Div => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x60, false, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case e:Mod => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x60, false, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case q:Quantification => print("(" + (q.Q match {case Forall => "forall"; case Exists => "exists"}) + " "); q.Is match { case Nil => case i :: rest => print(i); rest foreach { v => print(", " + v) } } q match { case q: SeqQuantification => print(" in "); Expr(q.seq); case q: TypeQuantification => print(": "); print(q.t.typ.FullName); } print(" :: "); Expr(q.E); print(")"); case EmptySeq(t) => print("nil<"); print(t.FullName); print(">"); case ExplicitSeq(es) => print("["); ExprList(es); print("]"); case Range(min, max) => print("["); Expr(min); print(":"); Expr(max); print("]"); case Length(e)=> print("|"); Expr(e); print("|"); case At(s, n) => Expr(s); print("["); Expr(n); print("]"); case e:Append => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x45, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case Drop(s, n) => Expr(s); print("["); Expr(n); print(" ..]"); case Take(s, n) => Expr(s); print("[.. "); Expr(n); print("]"); case e:Contains => BinExpr(e, e.OpName, 0x40, true, true, contextBindingPower, fragileContext) case Eval(h, e) => print("eval("); (h match { case AcquireState(obj) => Expr(obj); print(".acquire"); case ReleaseState(obj) => Expr(obj); print(".release"); case CallState(token, obj, id, args) => Expr(token); print(".fork"); print(" "); Expr(obj); print("." + id + "("); ExprList(args); print(")"); }); print(", "); Expr(e); print(")"); } def MemberSelect(e: Expression, f: String, contextBindingPower: Int, fragileContext: Boolean) = e match { case e:ImplicitThisExpr => print(f) case _ => ParenExpr(0x90, contextBindingPower, fragileContext, { Expr(e,0x90,false); print("." + f) }) } def BinExpr(bin: BinaryExpr, op: String, power: Int, fragileLeft: Boolean, fragileRight: Boolean, context: Int, fragileContext: Boolean) = { ParenExpr(power, context, fragileContext, { Expr(bin.E0, power, fragileLeft); print(" " + op + " "); Expr(bin.E1, power, fragileRight) }) } def BinExpr(left: Expression, right: Expression, op: String, power: Int, fragileLeft: Boolean, fragileRight: Boolean, context: Int, fragileContext: Boolean) = { ParenExpr(power, context, fragileContext, { Expr(left, power, fragileLeft); print(" " + op + " "); Expr(right, power, fragileRight) }) } def ParenExpr(power: Int, context: Int, fragileContext: Boolean, pe: =>Unit) { val ap = power & 0xF0; val cp = context & 0xF0; val parensNeeded = ap < cp || (ap == cp && (power != context || fragileContext)); if (parensNeeded) { print("(") } pe if (parensNeeded) { print(")") } } def Spaces(N: Int) = { val abunchaSpaces = " " var n = N while (abunchaSpaces.length <= n) { print(abunchaSpaces) n = n - abunchaSpaces.length } if (0 < n) { print(abunchaSpaces.substring(0, n)) } } }