//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package chalice; import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers import scala.util.parsing.input.PagedSeqReader import scala.collection.immutable.PagedSeq import scala.util.parsing.input.Position import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional import scala.util.parsing.input.NoPosition import java.io.File class Parser extends StandardTokenParsers { def parseStdin = phrase(programUnit)(new lexical.Scanner(new PagedSeqReader(PagedSeq fromReader Console.in))) def parseFile(file: File) = phrase(programUnit)(new lexical.Scanner(new PagedSeqReader(PagedSeq fromFile file))) case class PositionedString(v: String) extends Positional lexical.reserved += ("class", "ghost", "var", "const", "method", "channel", "condition", "assert", "assume", "new", "this", "reorder", "between", "and", "above", "below", "share", "unshare", "acquire", "release", "downgrade", "lock", "fork", "join", "rd", "acc", "credit", "holds", "old", "assigned", "call", "if", "else", "while", "invariant", "lockchange", "returns", "requires", "ensures", "where", "int", "bool", "false", "true", "null", "waitlevel", "lockbottom", "module", "external", "predicate", "function", "free", "send", "receive", "ite", "fold", "unfold", "unfolding", "in", "forall", "exists", "seq", "nil", "result", "eval", "token", "wait", "signal", "unlimited", "refines", "transforms", "replaces", "by", "spec", "_", "*" ) // todo: can we remove "nil"? lexical.delimiters += ("(", ")", "{", "}", "[[", "]]", "<==>", "==>", "&&", "||", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "<<", "in", "!in", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "!", ".", "..", ";", ":", ":=", ",", "?", "|", "[", "]", "++", "::" ) def programUnit = (classDecl | channelDecl)* def Semi = ";" ? var currentLocalVariables = Set[String]() // used in the method context var assumeAllLocals = false; /** * Top level declarations */ def classDecl = positioned(("external" ?) ~ ("class" ~> ident) ~ opt("module" ~> ident) ~ opt("refines" ~> ident) ~ ("{" ~> (memberDecl*) <~ "}") ^^ { case ext ~ id ~ module ~ refines ~ members => val cl = Class(id, Nil, module.getOrElse("default"), members) if (ext.isDefined) cl.IsExternal = true if (refines.isDefined) {cl.IsRefinement = true; cl.refinesId = refines.get} cl }) def channelDecl = "channel" ~> ident ~ formalParameters(true) ~ ("where" ~> expression ?) <~ Semi ^^ { case id ~ ins ~ None => Channel(id, ins, BoolLiteral(true)) case id ~ ins ~ Some(e) => Channel(id, ins, e) } /** * Member declarations */ def memberDecl = { currentLocalVariables = Set[String](); positioned(fieldDecl | invariantDecl | methodDecl | conditionDecl | predicateDecl | functionDecl | couplingDecl | transformDecl) // important that last one is transformDecl } def fieldDecl = ( "var" ~> idType <~ Semi ^^ { case (id,t) => Field(id.v, t, false) } | "ghost" ~> "var" ~> idType <~ Semi ^^ { case (id,t) => Field(id.v, t, true) } ) def invariantDecl = "invariant" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ MonitorInvariant def methodDecl = "method" ~> ident ~ formalParameters(true) ~ ("returns" ~> formalParameters(false) ?) ~ (methodSpec*) ~ blockStatement ^^ { case id ~ ins ~ outs ~ spec ~ body => Method(id, ins, outs match {case None => Nil; case Some(outs) => outs}, spec, body) } def predicateDecl: Parser[Predicate] = ("predicate" ~> ident) ~ ("{" ~> expression <~ "}") ^^ { case id ~ definition => Predicate(id, definition) } def functionDecl = ("unlimited" ?) ~ ("function" ~> ident) ~ formalParameters(true) ~ (":" ~> typeDecl) ~ (methodSpec*) ~ opt("{" ~> expression <~ "}") ^^ { case u ~ id ~ ins ~ out ~ specs ~ body => { val f = Function(id, ins, out, specs, body); if (u.isDefined) f.isUnlimited = true; f } } def conditionDecl = "condition" ~> ident ~ ("where" ~> expression ?) <~ Semi ^^ { case id ~ optE => Condition(id, optE) } def transformDecl = ( "refines" ~> ident ~ formalParameters(true) ~ ("returns" ~> formalParameters(false) ?) ~ (methodSpec*) ~ blockStatement ^^ { case id ~ ins ~outs ~ spec ~ body => MethodTransform(id, ins, outs match {case None => Nil; case Some(outs) => outs}, spec, ProgramPat(body)) }).|( "transforms" ~> ident ~ formalParameters(true) ~ ("returns" ~> formalParameters(false) ?) ~ (methodSpec*) into {case id ~ ins ~ outs ~ spec => assumeAllLocals = true; "{" ~> transform <~ "}" ^^ { trans => assumeAllLocals = false; MethodTransform(id, ins, outs match {case None => Nil; case Some(outs) => outs}, spec, AST.normalize(trans)) } }) def couplingDecl = ("replaces" ~> rep1sep(ident, ",") <~ "by") ~ expression <~ Semi ^^ {case ids ~ e => CouplingInvariant(ids, e)} def formalParameters(immutable: Boolean) = "(" ~> (formalList(immutable) ?) <~ ")" ^^ { case None => Nil case Some(ids) => ids } def formalList(immutable: Boolean) = repsep(formal(immutable), ",") def formal(immutable: Boolean): Parser[Variable] = idType ^^ {case (id,t) => currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables + id.v; new Variable(id.v,t,false,immutable) } def Ident = positioned(ident ^^ PositionedString) def idType = idTypeOpt ^^ { case (id, None) => (id, Type("int", Nil)) case (id, Some(t)) => (id, t) } def idTypeOpt = Ident ~ (":" ~> typeDecl ?) ^^ { case id ~ optT => (id, optT) } def typeDecl: Parser[Type] = positioned(("int" | "bool" | ident | "seq") ~ opt("<" ~> repsep(typeDecl, ",") <~ ">") ^^ { case t ~ parameters => Type(t, parameters.getOrElse(Nil)) } | ("token" ~ "<") ~> (typeDecl <~ ".") ~ ident <~ ">" ^^ { case c ~ m => TokenType(c, m) } ) /** * Pre and post conditions */ def methodSpec = positioned( "requires" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Precondition | "ensures" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Postcondition | "lockchange" ~> expressionList <~ Semi ^^ LockChange ) /** * Statements */ def blockStatement: Parser[List[Statement]] = "{" ~> blockStatementBody <~ "}" def blockStatementBody: Parser[List[Statement]] = { val prev = currentLocalVariables (statement*) ^^ { case x => currentLocalVariables = prev; x } } def statement: Parser[Statement] = positioned( "assert" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Assert | "assume" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Assume | blockStatement ^^ BlockStmt | "var" ~> localVarStmt(false, false) | "spec" ~> localVarStmt(false, false) | "const" ~> localVarStmt(true, false) | "ghost" ~> "const" ~> localVarStmt(true, true) | "ghost" ~> "var" ~> localVarStmt(false, true) | "call" ~> callStmt | "if" ~> ifStmtThen | "while" ~> "(" ~> expression ~ ")" ~ loopSpec ~ blockStatement ^^ { case guard ~ _ ~ lSpec ~ body => lSpec match { case (invs,lkch) => WhileStmt(guard, invs, Nil, lkch, BlockStmt(body)) }} | "reorder" ~> expression ~ (installBounds ?) <~ Semi ^^ { case obj ~ None => Install(obj, List(), List()) case obj ~ Some(bounds) => Install(obj, bounds._1, bounds._2) } | "share" ~> expression ~ (installBounds ?) <~ Semi ^^ { case obj ~ None => Share(obj, List(), List()) case obj ~ Some(bounds) => Share(obj, bounds._1, bounds._2) } | "unshare" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Unshare | "acquire" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Acquire | "release" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Release | "lock" ~> "(" ~> expression ~ ")" ~ blockStatement ^^ { case e ~ _ ~ b => Lock(e, BlockStmt(b), false) } | "[[" ~> blockStatementBody <~ "]]" ^^ { case b => Lock(ExplicitThisExpr(), BlockStmt(b), false) } | "rd" ~> ( "lock" ~> "(" ~> expression ~ ")" ~ blockStatement ^^ { case e ~ _ ~ b => Lock(e, BlockStmt(b), true) } | "acquire" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ RdAcquire | "release" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ RdRelease ) | "downgrade" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Downgrade | "free" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ Free | Ident ~ ":=" ~ Rhs <~ Semi ^^ { case lhs ~ _ ~ rhs => if ((currentLocalVariables contains lhs.v) || assumeAllLocals) { val varExpr = VariableExpr(lhs.v); varExpr.pos = lhs.pos; Assign(varExpr, rhs) } else { val implicitThis = ImplicitThisExpr(); val select = MemberAccess(implicitThis, lhs.v); implicitThis.pos = lhs.pos; select.pos = lhs.pos; FieldUpdate(select, rhs) }} | selectExprFerSure ~ ":=" ~ Rhs <~ Semi ^^ { case lhs ~ _ ~ rhs => FieldUpdate(lhs, rhs) } | ("fold" ~> expression <~ Semi) ^? { case pred: MemberAccess => Fold(Access(pred, Full)) case perm: Access => Fold(perm) } | ("unfold" ~> expression <~ Semi) ^? { case pred: MemberAccess => Unfold(Access(pred, Full)) case perm: Access => Unfold(perm) } | ("fork") ~> callSignature ^? ({ case None ~ target ~ args => val (receiver, name) = target match { case VariableExpr(id) => (new ImplicitThisExpr, id) case MemberAccess(obj, id) => (obj, id) } CallAsync(false, null, receiver, name, args) case Some(List(tok)) ~ target ~ args => val (receiver, name) = target match { case VariableExpr(id) => (new ImplicitThisExpr, id) case MemberAccess(obj, id) => (obj, id) } if (currentLocalVariables contains tok.id) { CallAsync(false, tok, receiver, name, args) } else { currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables + tok.id; CallAsync(true, tok, receiver, name, args) } }, t => "fork statement cannot take more than 1 left-hand side") | (("join") ~> ( identList <~ ":=" ?)) ~ expression <~ Semi ^^ { case results ~ token => JoinAsync(ExtractList(results), token) } | "wait" ~> memberAccess <~ Semi ^^ { case MemberAccess(obj, id) => Wait(obj, id) } | "signal" ~> ("forall" ?) ~ memberAccess <~ Semi ^^ { case None ~ MemberAccess(obj, id) => Signal(obj, id, false) case _ ~ MemberAccess(obj, id) => Signal(obj, id, true) } | ("send" ~> suffixPlusExpr into { e => e match { case FunctionApplication(obj, name, args) => Semi ^^^ Send(MemberAccess(obj,name), args) case e => "(" ~> expressionList <~ ")" <~ Semi ^^ { case args => Send(e, args) }}}) | ("send" ~> atom into { e => e match { case fa@FunctionApplication(ImplicitThisExpr(), name, args) => Semi ^^^ {val va = VariableExpr(name); va.pos = fa.pos; Send(va, args)} case e => "(" ~> expressionList <~ ")" <~ Semi ^^ { case args => Send(e, args) }}}) | "receive" ~> (identList <~ ":=" ?) ~ expression <~ Semi ^^ { case outs ~ e => val lhs = ExtractList(outs) Receive(declareImplicitLocals(lhs), e, lhs) } ) // this could be slightly changed to make it LL(1) def localVarStmt(const: Boolean, ghost: Boolean) = ( (rep1sep(idType, ",") into {decls:List[(PositionedString,Type)] => { val locals = for ((id, t) <- decls; if (! currentLocalVariables.contains(id.v))) yield { currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables + id.v new Variable(id.v, t, ghost, const) } val lhs = for ((id, _) <- decls) yield { val v = VariableExpr(id.v); v.pos = id.pos; v } "[" ~> opt(expression <~ ",") ~ expression <~ "]" <~ Semi ^^ { case Some(pre) ~ post => SpecStmt(lhs, locals, pre, post) case None ~ post => SpecStmt(lhs, locals, BoolLiteral(true), post) }; } }) | idTypeOpt ~ (":=" ~> Rhs ?) <~ Semi ^^ { case (id,optT) ~ rhs => currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables + id.v val v = Variable(id.v, optT match { case Some(t) => t case None => // do a cheap (and hokey) type inference of the RHS rhs match { case Some(NewRhs(tid, _, _, _)) => Type(tid, Nil) case Some(BoolLiteral(b)) => Type("bool", Nil) case Some(x:BinaryExpr) if x.ResultType != null => new Type(x.ResultType); case Some(x:Contains) => Type("bool", Nil) case Some(x:Quantification) => Type("bool", Nil) case _ => Type("int", Nil) } }, ghost, const) LocalVar(v, rhs) } ) def ifStmtThen: Parser[IfStmt] = "(" ~> expression ~ ")" ~ blockStatement ~ ("else" ~> ifStmtElse ?) ^^ { case guard ~ _ ~ thenClause ~ elseClause => IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(thenClause), elseClause) } def ifStmtElse = ( "if" ~> ifStmtThen | statement ) def loopSpec: Parser[(List[Expression], List[Expression])] = (loopSpecX *) ^^ { case pp => (pp :\ (List[Expression](), List[Expression]())) ( (p,list) => (p,list) match { case ((null,ee),(e0,e1)) => (e0, ee ++ e1) case ((e,ee),(e0,e1)) => (e :: e0, ee ++ e1) }) } def loopSpecX = ( "invariant" ~> expression <~ Semi ^^ { case e => (e,Nil) } | "lockchange" ~> expressionList <~ Semi ^^ { case ee => (null,ee) } ) def declareImplicitLocals(lhs: List[VariableExpr]) = for (v <- lhs) yield if (currentLocalVariables contains v.id) false else { currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables + v.id true } def callStmt = callSignature ^? ({ case outs ~ VariableExpr(id) ~ args => val lhs = ExtractList(outs) Call(declareImplicitLocals(lhs), lhs, new ImplicitThisExpr, id, args) case outs ~ MemberAccess(obj,id) ~ args => val lhs = ExtractList(outs) Call(declareImplicitLocals(lhs), lhs, obj, id, args) }, t => "bad call statement") def callSignature = (identList <~ ":=" ?) ~ callTarget ~ expressionList <~ ")" <~ Semi def callTarget = // returns a VariableExpr or a FieldSelect ( ident <~ "(" ^^ VariableExpr | selectExprFerSure <~ "(" ) def memberAccess = // returns a MemberAccess ( selectExprFerSure | ident ^^ { case id => MemberAccess(ImplicitThisExpr(), id) } ) def ExtractList[T](a: Option[List[T]]): List[T] = a match { case None => Nil case Some(list) => list } def identList = ( Ident ^^ { case t => val v = VariableExpr(t.v); v.pos = t.pos; v }) ~ (("," ~> Ident ^^ { case t => val v = VariableExpr(t.v); v.pos = t.pos; v }) *) ^^ { case e ~ ee => e::ee } def Rhs : Parser[RValue] = positioned( "new" ~> ident ~ opt("{" ~> repsep(FieldInit, ",") <~ "}") ~ opt(installBounds) ^^ { case id ~ None ~ None => NewRhs(id, Nil, Nil, Nil) case id ~ Some(inits) ~ None => NewRhs(id, inits, Nil, Nil) case id ~ None ~ Some(bounds) => NewRhs(id, Nil, bounds._1, bounds._2) case id ~ Some(inits) ~ Some(bounds) => NewRhs(id, inits, bounds._1, bounds._2) } | expression ) def FieldInit: Parser[Init] = positioned( (ident <~ ":=") ~ expression ^^ { case id ~ e => Init(id, e) } ) def installBounds: Parser[(List[Expression], List[Expression])] = ( "between" ~> expressionList ~ "and" ~ expressionList ^^ { case l ~ _ ~ u => (l,u) } | "below" ~> expressionList ~ ("above" ~> expressionList ?) ^^ { case u ~ None => (Nil,u) case u ~ Some(l) => (l,u) } | "above" ~> expressionList ~ ("below" ~> expressionList ?) ^^ { case l ~ None => (l,Nil) case l ~ Some(u) => (l,u) } ) /** * Expressions */ def expressionList = repsep(expression, ",") def expression = positioned(iteExpr) def iteExpr: Parser[Expression] = positioned(iffExpr ~ (("?" ~> iteExpr) ~ (":" ~> iteExpr) ?) ^^ { case e ~ None => e case e0 ~ Some(e1 ~ e2) => IfThenElse(e0,e1,e2) }) def iffExpr: Parser[Expression] = positioned(implExpr ~ ("<==>" ~> iffExpr ?) ^^ { case e ~ None => e case e0 ~ Some(e1) => Iff(e0,e1) }) def implExpr: Parser[Expression] = positioned(logicalExpr ~ ("==>" ~> implExpr ?) ^^ { case e ~ None => e case e0 ~ Some(e1) => Implies(e0,e1) }) def logicalExpr = positioned(cmpExpr ~ (( ("&&" ~ cmpExpr +) | ("||" ~ cmpExpr +) )?) ^^ { case e ~ None => e case e0 ~ Some(rest) => (rest foldLeft e0) { case (a, "&&" ~ b) => And(a,b) case (a, "||" ~ b) => Or(a,b) }}) def cmpExpr = positioned(concatExpr ~ ((CompareOp ~ concatExpr)?) ^^ { case e ~ None => e case e0 ~ Some("==" ~ e1) => Eq(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some("!=" ~ e1) => Neq(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some("<" ~ e1) => Less(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some("<=" ~ e1) => AtMost(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some(">=" ~ e1) => AtLeast(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some(">" ~ e1) => Greater(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some("<<" ~ e1) => LockBelow(e0,e1) case e0 ~ Some("in" ~ e1) => Contains(e0, e1) case e0 ~ Some("!in" ~ e1) => val c = Contains(e0, e1); c.pos = e0.pos; Not(c) }) def CompareOp = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" | ">" | "<<" | "in" | "!in" def concatExpr = positioned(addExpr ~ ("++" ~> addExpr *) ^^ { case e0 ~ rest => (rest foldLeft e0) { case (a, b) => Append(a, b) }}) def addExpr = positioned(multExpr ~ (AddOp ~ multExpr *) ^^ { case e0 ~ rest => (rest foldLeft e0) { case (a, "+" ~ b) => Plus(a,b) case (a, "-" ~ b) => Minus(a,b) }}) def AddOp = "+" | "-" def multExpr: Parser[Expression] = unaryExpr ~ (MulOp ~ unaryExpr *) ^^ { case e0 ~ rest => (rest foldLeft e0) { case (a, "*" ~ b) => Times(a,b) case (a, "/" ~ b) => Div(a,b) case (a, "%" ~ b) => Mod(a,b) }} def MulOp = "*" | "/" | "%" def unaryExpr: Parser[Expression] = ( "!" ~> unaryExpr ^^ Not | "-" ~> unaryExpr ^^ { Minus(IntLiteral(0),_) } | suffixExpr ) def suffixExpr = atom ~ (suffixThing *) ^^ { case e ~ sfxs => sfxs.foldLeft(e) { (t, a) => val result = a(t); result.pos = t.pos; result } } def suffixPlusExpr = atom ~ (suffixThing +) ^^ { case e ~ sfxs => sfxs.foldLeft(e) { (t, a) => val result = a(t); result.pos = t.pos; result } } def suffixThing: Parser[(Expression => Expression)] = ( "[" ~> expression <~ "]" ^^ { case e1 => { e0: Expression => At(e0, e1) }} | "[" ~> expression <~ (".." ~ "]") ^^ { case e1 => { e0: Expression => Drop(e0, e1)}} | "[" ~> ".." ~> expression <~ "]" ^^ { case e1 => { e0: Expression => Take(e0, e1)}} | "[" ~> (expression <~ "..") ~ expression <~ "]" ^^ { case e1 ~ e2 => {e0: Expression => val tak = Take(e0, e2); tak.pos = e0.pos; Drop(tak, e1)} } | "." ~> ident ~ opt("(" ~> expressionList <~ ")") ^^ { case name ~ None => { e0: Expression => MemberAccess(e0, name) } case name ~ Some(es) => { e0: Expression => FunctionApplication(e0, name, es) } } | "." ~> "acquire" ~> exprBody ^^ { case eb => { e0: Expression => Eval(AcquireState(e0), eb) }} | "." ~> "release" ~> exprBody ^^ { case eb => { e0: Expression => Eval(ReleaseState(e0), eb) }} | "." ~> "fork" ~> (callTarget ~ expressionList <~ ")") ~ exprBody ^^ { case MemberAccess(obj,id) ~ args ~ eb => { e0: Expression => Eval(CallState(e0, obj, id, args), eb) }} ) def exprBody = "{" ~> expression <~ "}" def selectExprFerSure: Parser[MemberAccess] = positioned(atom ~ "." ~ ident ~ ("." ~> ident *) ^^ { case e ~ _ ~ field ~ moreFields => (moreFields foldLeft MemberAccess(e,field)) { (target, f) => val result = MemberAccess(target, f); result.pos = target.pos; result }}) def selectExprFerSureX: Parser[MemberAccess] = positioned(atom ~ identOrSpecial ~ ("." ~> ident *) ^^ { case e ~ field ~ moreFields => (moreFields foldLeft MemberAccess(e,field)) { (target, f) => val result = MemberAccess(target, f); result.pos = target.pos; result }}) def identOrSpecial: Parser[String] = ( "." ~> ident ^^ { case s => s } | "." ~> "acquire" ^^^ "acquire" | "." ~> "release" ^^^ "release" | "." ~> "fork" ^^^ "fork" | "." ~> "*" ^^^ "*" | "["~"*"~"]"~"."~"*" ^^^ "[*].*" | "["~"*"~"]" ^^^ "[*]" ) def atom : Parser[Expression] = positioned( numericLit ^^ { case n => IntLiteral(n.toInt) } | "false" ^^^ BoolLiteral(false) | "true" ^^^ BoolLiteral(true) | "null" ^^^ NullLiteral() | "waitlevel" ^^^ MaxLockLiteral() | "lockbottom" ^^^ LockBottomLiteral() | "this" ^^^ ExplicitThisExpr() | "result" ^^^ Result() | positioned(Ident) ~ opt("(" ~> expressionList <~ ")") ^^ { case id ~ None => val r = if ((currentLocalVariables contains id.v) || assumeAllLocals) { VariableExpr(id.v) } else { val implicitThis = ImplicitThisExpr(); implicitThis.pos = id.pos MemberAccess(implicitThis, id.v) } r.pos = id.pos; r case id ~ Some(args) => val implicitThis = ImplicitThisExpr(); implicitThis.pos = id.pos val r = FunctionApplication(implicitThis, id.v, args) r.pos = id.pos; r } | "rd" ~> "(" ~> ( (Ident ^^ (e => { val result = MemberAccess(ImplicitThisExpr(),e.v); result.pos = e.pos; result})) ~ rdPermArg <~ ")" | selectExprFerSureX ~ rdPermArg <~ ")" ) ^^ { case MemberAccess(obj, "*") ~ p => AccessAll(obj, p); case MemberAccess(obj, "[*].*") ~ p => AccessSeq(obj, None, p); case MemberAccess(MemberAccess(obj, "[*]"), f) ~ p => AccessSeq(obj, Some(MemberAccess(At(obj, IntLiteral(0)), f)), p); case e ~ p => Access(e, p) } | "acc" ~> "(" ~> ( (Ident ^^ (e => { val result = MemberAccess(ImplicitThisExpr(),e.v); result.pos = e.pos; result} )) ~ accPermArg <~ ")" | selectExprFerSureX ~ accPermArg <~ ")" ) ^^ { case MemberAccess(obj, "*") ~ p => AccessAll(obj, p); case MemberAccess(obj, "[*].*") ~ p => AccessSeq(obj, None, p); case MemberAccess(MemberAccess(obj, "[*]"), f) ~ p => AccessSeq(obj, Some(MemberAccess(At(obj, IntLiteral(0)), f)), p); case e ~ p => Access(e, p) } | "credit" ~> "(" ~> expression ~ ("," ~> expression ?) <~ ")" ^^ { case ch ~ n => Credit(ch, n) } | "holds" ~> "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ Holds | "rd" ~> "holds" ~> "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ RdHolds | "assigned" ~> "(" ~> ident <~ ")" ^^ Assigned | "old" ~> "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ Old | ("unfolding" ~> suffixExpr <~ "in") ~ expression ^? { case (pred: MemberAccess) ~ e => val acc = Access(pred, Full); acc.pos = pred.pos; Unfolding(acc, e) case (perm: Access) ~ e => Unfolding(perm, e) } | "|" ~> expression <~ "|" ^^ Length | ("eval" ~ "(") ~> (evalstate <~ ",") ~ (expression <~ ")") ^^ { case h ~ e => Eval(h, e) } | ("ite" ~> "(" ~> expression <~ ",") ~ (expression <~ ",") ~ (expression <~ ")") ^^ { case con ~ then ~ els => IfThenElse (con, then, els) } | "(" ~> expression <~ ")" | quantifierType | quantifierSeq | ("[" ~> expression) ~ (".." ~> expression <~ "]") ^^ { case from ~ to => Range(from, to) } | ("nil" ~> "<") ~> (typeDecl <~ ">") ^^ EmptySeq | ("[" ~> expressionList <~ "]") ^^ { case es => ExplicitSeq(es) } ) def quantifierSeq: Parser[Quantification] = (quant ~ repsep(ident, ",")) into {case q ~ is => quantifierSeqBody(q, is)} def quantifierSeqBody(q: Quant, is: List[String]) : Parser[Quantification] = (("in" ~> expression <~ "::") ~ (exprWithLocals(is))) ^^ { case seq ~ e => currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables -- is; SeqQuantification(q, is, seq, e); } def quantifierType: Parser[Quantification] = (quant ~ repsep(ident, ",")) into {case q ~ is => quantifierTypeBody(q, is)} def quantifierTypeBody(q: Quant, is: List[String]) : Parser[Quantification] = ((":" ~> typeDecl <~ "::") ~ (exprWithLocals(is))) ^^ { case t ~ e => currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables -- is; TypeQuantification(q, is, t, e); } def quant: Parser[Quant] = ( "forall" ^^^ Forall | "exists" ^^^ Exists) def exprWithLocals(i: List[String]) : Parser[Expression] = { currentLocalVariables = currentLocalVariables ++ i; val result = ((expression) ^^ { case e => e}); result } def evalstate: Parser[EvalState] = (suffixExpr <~ ".") into { e => ( "acquire" ^^^ AcquireState(e) | "release" ^^^ ReleaseState(e) | "fork" ~> callTarget ~ expressionList <~ ")" ^^ { case MemberAccess(obj,id) ~ args => CallState(e, obj, id, args) } )} def rdPermArg : Parser[Read] = opt( "," ~> "*" ^^^ Star | "," ~> expression ^^ { case e => Epsilons(e) }) ^^ { case None => Epsilon; case Some(p) => p} def accPermArg : Parser[Write] = opt( "," ~> expression ^^ { case e => Frac(e) }) ^^ { case None => Full; case Some(p) => p} /** * Transforms */ def transform: Parser[Transform] = rep1(transformAtom) ^^ SeqPat def transformAtom: Parser[Transform] = positioned( "_" ~ Semi ^^^ BlockPat() | "*" ~ Semi ^^^ SkipPat() | "if" ~> ifTransform | "while" ~> rep("invariant" ~> expression <~ Semi) ~ ("{" ~> transform <~ "}") ^^ {case ee ~ body => WhilePat(ee, body)} | "replaces" ~> "*" ~> "by" ~> blockStatement ^^ ProgramPat | "replaces" ~> rep1sep(Ident,",") ~ ("by" ~> blockStatement) ^^ { case ids ~ code => NonDetPat(ids map {x => x.v}, code) } | rep1(statement) ^^ {case s => InsertPat(s)} ) def ifTransform: Parser[IfPat] = ("{" ~> transform <~ "}") ~ ("else" ~> ifTransformElse ?) ^^ { case thn ~ els => IfPat(thn, els) } def ifTransformElse = ( "if" ~> ifTransform | "{" ~> transform <~ "}" ) }