Chalice - Verification of Concurrent Software ============================================= Compiling Chalice: sbt compile Running Chalice: chalice.bat [-params] By default, chalice looks for Boogie in C:\Boogie\Binaries. If your Boogie executable is located elsewhere, you can edit chalice.bat to indicate the appropriate location such as REM Chalice command line options set CHALICE_OPTS=/boogie:"C:\Boogie-CodePlex\Binaries\Boogie.exe" Running the tests for Chalice: see tests/readme.txt Chalice is built using Simple Build Tool ( Note: You might have to increase the stack size of the JVM to avoid a stack overflow, for instance by changing scala.bat by adding "-Xss16M" to the JAVA_OPTS: if "%_JAVA_OPTS%"=="" set _JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx256M -Xms32M -Xss16M