@echo off setlocal set DEST_DIR=export if exist %DEST_DIR% del /q %DEST_DIR%\* if not exist %DEST_DIR% mkdir %DEST_DIR% for %%f in ( AbsInt.dll AbsInt.pdb Basetypes.dll Basetypes.pdb Boogie.exe Boogie.pdb BVD.exe BVD.pdb CodeContractsExtender.dll CodeContractsExtender.pdb Core.dll Core.pdb Doomed.dll Doomed.pdb Graph.dll Graph.pdb Houdini.dll Houdini.pdb Model.dll Model.pdb ParserHelper.dll ParserHelper.pdb Predication.dll Predication.pdb Provers.SMTLib.dll Provers.SMTLib.pdb UnivBackPred2.smt UnivBackPred2.smt2 VCExpr.dll VCExpr.pdb VCGeneration.dll VCGeneration.pdb ) do ( copy %%f %DEST_DIR% ) xcopy /E /I /Y CodeContracts "%DEST_DIR%/CodeContracts" echo Done. Now, manually put the contents of the %DEST_DIR% directory into Boogie.zip