import sys import getopt import os from xml.dom import minidom import xml.dom CONTROL_NAMES= ["Button", "CheckBox", "RadioButton", "ApplicationBarIconButton", "ApplicationBarMenuItem", "Pivot", "ListBox"] # TODO maybe a control is enabled but its parent is not, must take this into account # TODO a possible solution is to tie the enabled value to that of the parent in the app until it is either overriden # TODO (by directly manipulating the control's enabled value) or the parent becomes enabled CONTAINER_CONTROL_NAMES= ["Canvas", "Grid", "StackPanel", "ApplicationBar"] COMMA_REPLACEMENT="###" staticControlsMap= {} mainPageXAML= None def showUsage(): print "PhoneControlsExtractor -- extract control information from phone application pages" print "Usage:" print "\tPhoneControlsExtractor --pages --output \n" print "Options:" print "\t--pages : point to location of .xaml files detailing pages. Short form: -p" print "\t--output : file to write with control info. Short form: -o\n" def isPageFile(file): # not the best way, find out the actual exceptions try: minidom.parse(file) return True except Exception: return False def removeBlankElements(xmlNode): blankNodes= [] for child in xmlNode.childNodes: if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE and == "": blankNodes.append(child) elif child.hasChildNodes(): removeBlankElements(child) for node in blankNodes: node.parentNode.removeChild(node) node.unlink() def getControlNodes(xmlNode): controlNodes= [] if (xmlNode.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xmlNode.localName in CONTROL_NAMES): controlNodes.insert(0,xmlNode) for child in xmlNode.childNodes: controlNodes= controlNodes + getControlNodes(child) return controlNodes def addDummyControlToMap(pageXAML, parentPage): pageControls=[] newControl={} try: pageControls= staticControlsMap[parentPage] except KeyError: pass newControl["Type"]= "DummyType" newControl["Name"]= "DummyName" newControl["IsEnabled"]= "false" newControl["Visibility"]= "Collapsed" newControl["Click"] = "" newControl["Checked"] = "" newControl["Unchecked"] = "" newControl["SelectionChanged"]= "" newControl["XAML"]= pageXAML pageControls.append(newControl) staticControlsMap[parentPage]= pageControls def addControlToMap(pageXAML, parentPage, controlNode): pageControls=[] newControl={} try: pageControls= staticControlsMap[parentPage] except KeyError: pass newControl["Type"]= controlNode.localName newControl["Name"]= controlNode.getAttribute("Name").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) if (controlNode.hasAttribute("IsEnabled")): newControl["IsEnabled"]= controlNode.getAttribute("IsEnabled").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) else: newControl["IsEnabled"]= "true" if (controlNode.hasAttribute("Visibility")): newControl["Visibility"]= controlNode.getAttribute("Visibility").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) else: newControl["Visibility"]= "Visible" # TODO it is possible that more events are of interest, we should add as we discover them in existing applications newControl["Click"] = controlNode.getAttribute("Click").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) newControl["Checked"] = controlNode.getAttribute("Checked").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) newControl["Unchecked"] = controlNode.getAttribute("Unchecked").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) newControl["SelectionChanged"] = controlNode.getAttribute("SelectionChanged").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) newControl["XAML"]= pageXAML pageControls.append(newControl) staticControlsMap[parentPage]= pageControls def isPageXAML(pageXAML): pageFile= open(pageXAML, "r") if not isPageFile(pageFile): return False pageFileXML= minidom.parse(pageFile) pageFile.close() return pageFileXML.childNodes[0].nodeName.find("Page") != -1 def getPageNode(pageXML): # should be the top element one, ignore otherwise if (pageXML.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and pageXML.localName.find("PhoneApplicationPage") != -1): return pageXML else: return None def extractPhoneControlsFromPage(pageXAML): # maybe it is not a page file print "extracting from " + pageXAML pageFile= open(pageXAML, "r") if not isPageFile(pageFile): return pageFileXML= minidom.parse(pageFile) pageFile.close() removeBlankElements(pageFileXML) pageNode= getPageNode(pageFileXML) controls= getControlNodes(pageFileXML) ownerPage = getOwnerPage(pageFileXML) if (ownerPage != None): print pageXAML + " is not none" if (len(controls) == 0): # it is either a page with no controls, or controls that are dynamically created, or controls we do not track yet # in any case, just add a dummy control so as not to lose the page if (not isPageXAML(pageXAML)): addDummyControlToMap(pageXAML, ownerPage + "__dummy") else: addDummyControlToMap(pageXAML, ownerPage) else: for control in controls: parent= control while not parent == None and ownerPage == None: parent= parent.parentNode addControlToMap(pageXAML, ownerPage, control) def getOwnerPage(xmlNode): ownerPage= None if (xmlNode.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE): ownerPage= xmlNode.getAttribute("x:Class").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) if ownerPage == "": ownerPage= None else: for child in xmlNode.childNodes: ownerPage= getOwnerPage(child) if (ownerPage != None): break return ownerPage def outputPhoneControls(outputFileName): outputFile= open(outputFileName, "w") # Output format is first line containing only the main page, then line containing boogie navigation variable, and then one line per # ,,,,,,,,,, outputFile.write(mainPageXAML + "\n") outputFile.write("dummyNavigationVariable_unknown\n") outputFile.write("dummyMainAppName_unknown\n") # I could possibly deduce it from WMAppManifest.xml, but I'm unsure. Doing it later is safe anyway for page in staticControlsMap.keys(): for control in staticControlsMap[page]: # TODO we still cannot handle bindings, and those we identified through commas and equality signs isEnabled= control["IsEnabled"] if (isEnabled.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): isEnabled= "" visibility= control["Visibility"] if (visibility.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): visibility= "" click= control["Click"] if (click.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): click= "" checked= control["Checked"] if (checked.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): checked= "" unchecked= control["Unchecked"] if (unchecked.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): unchecked= "" selectionChanged= control["SelectionChanged"] if (selectionChanged.find(COMMA_REPLACEMENT) != -1): selectionChanged= "" pageXAML= control["XAML"] # last comma is to account for bpl translation name, that is unknown for now # boogie string page name is unknown for now outputFile.write(page + "," + os.path.basename(pageXAML) + ",dummyBoogieStringPageName," + control["Type"] + "," + control["Name"] + \ "," + isEnabled + "," + visibility + "," + click + "," + checked + "," + unchecked + "," + selectionChanged + ",\n") outputFile.close() def getMainPageXAMLFromManifest(filename): file= open(filename, "r"); manifest= minidom.parse(file) file.close() # interesting XPath location /App/Tasks/DefaultTask/@NavigationPage return manifest.getElementsByTagName("DefaultTask")[0].getAttribute("NavigationPage").replace(",",COMMA_REPLACEMENT).replace("=",COMMA_REPLACEMENT) def extractPhoneControls(sourceDir): global mainPageXAML fileList= [os.path.join(sourceDir, fileName) for fileName in os.listdir(sourceDir) if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] == ".xaml" or os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] == ".xml"] for fileName in fileList: if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower() == ".xml" and os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fileName)[1])[0].lower() == "wmappmanifest": mainPageXAML= getMainPageXAMLFromManifest(fileName) break for fileName in fileList: extractPhoneControlsFromPage(fileName) def main(): pagesDir= "" outputFile= "" try: opts, args= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:o:", ["pages=","output="]) except getopt.error, msg: print msg showUsage() sys.exit(2) if not len(opts) == 2: print "Missing options" showUsage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ["-p","--pages"]: pagesDir= a if o in ["-o", "--output"]: outputFile= a extractPhoneControls(pagesDir) outputPhoneControls(outputFile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()