using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Cci; using Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReader; using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel; using Microsoft.Cci.Contracts; using Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel; using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace BytecodeTranslator { class WholeProgram : TraverserFactory { /// /// Table to be filled by the metadata traverser when it first gets to an assembly. /// [TODO: It should be full set of assemblies that are being translated (CUA).] /// /// The table lists the direct supertypes of all type definitions that it encounters during the /// traversal. (But the table is organized so that subTypes[T] is the list of type definitions /// that are direct subtypes of T.) /// readonly public Dictionary> subTypes = new Dictionary>(); public override MetadataTraverser MakeMetadataTraverser(IContractProvider contractProvider, PdbReader pdbReader, HeapFactory heapFactory) { return new WholeProgramMetadataSemantics(this, new Sink(this, heapFactory, contractProvider), pdbReader); } public class WholeProgramMetadataSemantics : MetadataTraverser { readonly WholeProgram parent; readonly Sink sink; /// /// TODO: Need to have this populated before any of the assemblies in the CUA are traversed. /// readonly Dictionary codeUnderAnalysis = new Dictionary(); public WholeProgramMetadataSemantics(WholeProgram parent, Sink sink, PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader) : base(sink, pdbReader) { this.parent = parent; this.sink = sink; } public override void Visit(IAssembly assembly) { #region When doing whole-program analysis, traverse the assembly gathering type information this.codeUnderAnalysis.Add(assembly, true); var typeRecorder = new RecordSubtypes(this.parent.subTypes); typeRecorder.Visit(assembly); #endregion base.Visit(assembly); } class RecordSubtypes : BaseMetadataTraverser { Dictionary> subTypes; public RecordSubtypes(Dictionary> subTypes) { this.subTypes = subTypes; } public override void Visit(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) { foreach (var baseClass in typeDefinition.BaseClasses) { if (!this.subTypes.ContainsKey(baseClass)) { this.subTypes[baseClass] = new List(); } this.subTypes[baseClass].Add(typeDefinition); } base.Visit(typeDefinition); } } } public override ExpressionTraverser MakeExpressionTraverser(Sink sink, StatementTraverser/*?*/ statementTraverser) { return new WholeProgramExpressionSemantics(this, sink, statementTraverser); } /// /// implement virtual method calls to methods defined in the CUA (code under analysis, i.e., /// the set of assemblies being translated) by a "switch statement" that dispatches to the /// most derived type's method. I.e., make explicit the dynamic dispatch mechanism. /// public class WholeProgramExpressionSemantics : CLRSemantics.CLRExpressionSemantics { readonly WholeProgram parent; readonly public Dictionary> subTypes; public WholeProgramExpressionSemantics(WholeProgram parent, Sink sink, StatementTraverser/*?*/ statementTraverser) : base(sink, statementTraverser) { this.parent = parent; this.subTypes = parent.subTypes; } public override void Visit(IMethodCall methodCall) { if (!methodCall.IsVirtualCall) { base.Visit(methodCall); return; } var containingType = methodCall.MethodToCall.ContainingType; List subTypesOfContainingType; if (!this.subTypes.TryGetValue(containingType, out subTypesOfContainingType)) { base.Visit(methodCall); return; } Contract.Assert(0 < subTypesOfContainingType.Count); Contract.Assert(!methodCall.IsStaticCall); var resolvedMethod = methodCall.MethodToCall.ResolvedMethod; Contract.Assert(!resolvedMethod.IsConstructor); var overrides = FindOverrides(containingType, resolvedMethod); if (0 == overrides.Count) { base.Visit(methodCall); return; } #region Translate In Parameters var inexpr = new List(); #region Create the 'this' argument for the function call this.Visit(methodCall.ThisArgument); inexpr.Add(this.TranslatedExpressions.Pop()); #endregion Dictionary p2eMap = new Dictionary(); IEnumerator penum = resolvedMethod.Parameters.GetEnumerator(); penum.MoveNext(); foreach (IExpression exp in methodCall.Arguments) { if (penum.Current == null) { throw new TranslationException("More Arguments than Parameters in functioncall"); } this.Visit(exp); Bpl.Expr e = this.TranslatedExpressions.Pop(); p2eMap.Add(penum.Current, e); if (!penum.Current.IsOut) { inexpr.Add(e); } penum.MoveNext(); } #endregion Bpl.IToken token = methodCall.Token(); // TODO: if there is no stmttraverser we are visiting a contract and should use a boogie function instead of procedure! #region Translate Out vars var outvars = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in p2eMap) { if (kvp.Key.IsOut || kvp.Key.IsByReference) { Bpl.IdentifierExpr iexp = kvp.Value as Bpl.IdentifierExpr; if (iexp == null) { throw new TranslationException("Trying to pass complex expression as out in functioncall"); } outvars.Add(iexp); } } #endregion if (methodCall.Type.ResolvedType.TypeCode != PrimitiveTypeCode.Void) { Bpl.Variable v = this.sink.CreateFreshLocal(methodCall.Type.ResolvedType); outvars.Add(new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(token, v)); TranslatedExpressions.Push(new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(token, v)); } Bpl.QKeyValue attrib = null; foreach (var a in resolvedMethod.Attributes) { if (TypeHelper.GetTypeName(a.Type).EndsWith("AsyncAttribute")) { attrib = new Bpl.QKeyValue(token, "async", new List(), null); break; } } var elseBranch = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); var proc = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedure(resolvedMethod, resolvedMethod.IsStatic); var methodname = proc.Name; Bpl.CallCmd call; if (attrib != null) call = new Bpl.CallCmd(token, methodname, inexpr, outvars, attrib); else call = new Bpl.CallCmd(token, methodname, inexpr, outvars); elseBranch.Add(call); Bpl.IfCmd ifcmd = null; Contract.Assume(1 <= overrides.Count); foreach (var typeMethodPair in overrides) { var t = typeMethodPair.Item1; var m = typeMethodPair.Item2; var thenBranch = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); methodname = TranslationHelper.CreateUniqueMethodName(m); // REVIEW: Shouldn't this be call to FindOrCreateProcedure? if (attrib != null) call = new Bpl.CallCmd(token, methodname, inexpr, outvars, attrib); else call = new Bpl.CallCmd(token, methodname, inexpr, outvars); thenBranch.Add(call); ifcmd = new Bpl.IfCmd(token, Bpl.Expr.Binary(Bpl.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq, this.sink.Heap.DynamicType(inexpr[0]), Bpl.Expr.Ident(this.sink.FindOrCreateType(t)) ), thenBranch.Collect(token), null, elseBranch.Collect(token) ); elseBranch = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); elseBranch.Add(ifcmd); } this.StmtTraverser.StmtBuilder.Add(ifcmd); return; } /// /// Modifies as side-effect. /// private List> FindOverrides(ITypeReference type, IMethodDefinition resolvedMethod) { Contract.Requires(type != null); Contract.Requires(resolvedMethod != null); var overrides = new List>(); foreach (var subType in this.subTypes[type]) { var overriddenMethod = MemberHelper.GetImplicitlyOverridingDerivedClassMethod(resolvedMethod, subType.ResolvedType); if (overriddenMethod != Dummy.Method) { resolvedMethod = overriddenMethod; } overrides.Add(Tuple.Create(subType, resolvedMethod)); if (this.subTypes.ContainsKey(subType)) { overrides.AddRange(FindOverrides(subType, resolvedMethod)); } } return overrides; } } } }