// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReader;
using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel;
using Microsoft.Cci.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel;
using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
namespace BytecodeTranslator {
public class MethodParameter {
/// All parameters of the method get an associated in parameter
/// in the Boogie procedure except for out parameters.
public Bpl.Formal/*?*/ inParameterCopy;
/// A local variable when the underlyingParameter is an in parameter
/// and a formal (out) parameter when the underlyingParameter is
/// a ref or out parameter.
public Bpl.Variable outParameterCopy;
public IParameterDefinition underlyingParameter;
public MethodParameter(IParameterDefinition parameterDefinition, Bpl.Type ptype) {
this.underlyingParameter = parameterDefinition;
var parameterToken = parameterDefinition.Token();
var typeToken = parameterDefinition.Type.Token();
var parameterName = TranslationHelper.TurnStringIntoValidIdentifier(parameterDefinition.Name.Value);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterName)) parameterName = "P" + parameterDefinition.Index.ToString();
this.inParameterCopy = new Bpl.Formal(parameterToken, new Bpl.TypedIdent(typeToken, parameterName + "$in", ptype), true);
if (parameterDefinition.IsByReference) {
this.outParameterCopy = new Bpl.Formal(parameterToken, new Bpl.TypedIdent(typeToken, parameterName + "$out", ptype), false);
} else {
this.outParameterCopy = new Bpl.LocalVariable(parameterToken, new Bpl.TypedIdent(typeToken, parameterName, ptype));
public override string ToString() {
return this.underlyingParameter.Name.Value;
/// Class containing several static helper functions to convert
/// from Cci to Boogie
static class TranslationHelper {
public static Bpl.StmtList BuildStmtList(Bpl.Cmd cmd, Bpl.TransferCmd tcmd) {
Bpl.StmtListBuilder builder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder();
return builder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
public static Bpl.StmtList BuildStmtList(Bpl.TransferCmd tcmd) {
Bpl.StmtListBuilder builder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder();
return builder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
public static Bpl.StmtList BuildStmtList(params Bpl.Cmd[] cmds) {
Bpl.StmtListBuilder builder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder();
foreach (Bpl.Cmd cmd in cmds)
return builder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
public static Bpl.AssignCmd BuildAssignCmd(Bpl.IdentifierExpr lhs, Bpl.Expr rhs)
List lhss = new List();
lhss.Add(new Bpl.SimpleAssignLhs(lhs.tok, lhs));
List rhss = new List();
return new Bpl.AssignCmd(lhs.tok, lhss, rhss);
public static Bpl.AssignCmd BuildAssignCmd(List lexprs, List rexprs) {
List lhss = new List();
foreach (Bpl.IdentifierExpr lexpr in lexprs) {
lhss.Add(new Bpl.SimpleAssignLhs(lexpr.tok, lexpr));
List rhss = new List();
return new Bpl.AssignCmd(Bpl.Token.NoToken, lhss, rexprs);
public static Bpl.IToken Token(this IObjectWithLocations objectWithLocations) {
//TODO: use objectWithLocations.Locations!
Bpl.IToken tok = Bpl.Token.NoToken;
return tok;
internal static int tmpVarCounter = 0;
public static string GenerateTempVarName() {
return "$tmp" + (tmpVarCounter++).ToString();
internal static int catchClauseCounter = 0;
public static string GenerateCatchClauseName() {
return "catch" + (catchClauseCounter++).ToString();
internal static int finallyClauseCounter = 0;
public static string GenerateFinallyClauseName() {
return "finally" + (finallyClauseCounter++).ToString();
public static string CreateUniqueMethodName(IMethodReference method) {
var containingTypeName = TypeHelper.GetTypeName(method.ContainingType, NameFormattingOptions.None);
var s = MemberHelper.GetMethodSignature(method, NameFormattingOptions.DocumentationId);
s = s.Substring(2);
s = s.TrimEnd(')');
s = TurnStringIntoValidIdentifier(s);
return s;
public static string TurnStringIntoValidIdentifier(string s) {
s = s.Replace("[0:,0:]", "2DArray"); // TODO: Do this programmatically to handle arbitrary arity
s = s.Replace("[0:,0:,0:]", "3DArray");
s = s.Replace("[0:,0:,0:,0:]", "4DArray");
s = s.Replace("[0:,0:,0:,0:,0:]", "5DArray");
s = s.Replace('!', '$');
s = s.Replace('*', '$');
s = s.Replace('+', '$');
s = s.Replace('(', '$');
s = s.Replace(')', '$');
s = s.Replace(',', '$');
s = s.Replace("[]", "array");
s = s.Replace('<', '$');
s = s.Replace('>', '$');
s = s.Replace(':', '$');
s = s.Replace(' ', '$');
s = s.Replace('{', '$');
s = s.Replace('}', '$');
s = s.Replace('-', '$');
s = s.Replace(' ', '$');
s = s.Replace('\t', '$');
s = s.Replace('\r', '$');
s = s.Replace('\n', '$');
s = s.Replace('/', '$');
s = s.Replace('\\', '$');
s = s.Replace('=', '$');
s = s.Replace('@', '$');
s = s.Replace(';', '$');
s = s.Replace('%', '$');
s = s.Replace('&', '$');
s = s.Replace('"', '$');
s = s.Replace('[', '$');
s = s.Replace(']', '$');
s = s.Replace('|', '$');
s = s.Replace('+', '$');
s = s.Replace('’', '$');
s = GetRidOfSurrogateCharacters(s);
return s;
/// Unicode surrogates cannot be handled by Boogie.
/// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd374069(v=VS.85).aspx
private static string GetRidOfSurrogateCharacters(string s) {
var cs = s.ToCharArray();
var okayChars = new char[cs.Length];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < cs.Length; i++) {
if (Char.IsSurrogate(cs[i])) continue;
okayChars[j++] = cs[i];
var raw = String.Concat(okayChars);
return raw.Trim(new char[] { '\0' });
public static bool IsStruct(ITypeReference typ) {
return typ.IsValueType && !typ.IsEnum && typ.TypeCode == PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive;