//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Cci; using Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReader; using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Cci.Contracts; using Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel; using Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts; using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.Contracts; namespace BytecodeTranslator { class Options : OptionParsing { [OptionDescription("The names of the assemblies to use as input", ShortForm = "a")] public List assemblies = null; [OptionDescription("Break into debugger", ShortForm = "break")] public bool breakIntoDebugger = false; [OptionDescription("Search paths for assembly dependencies.", ShortForm = "lib")] public List libpaths = new List(); public enum HeapRepresentation { splitFields, twoDInt, twoDBox, general } [OptionDescription("Heap representation to use", ShortForm = "heap")] public HeapRepresentation heapRepresentation = HeapRepresentation.general; [OptionDescription("Translate using whole-program assumptions", ShortForm = "whole")] public bool wholeProgram = false; [OptionDescription("Stub assembly", ShortForm = "s")] public List/*?*/ stub = null; } public class BCT { public static IMetadataHost Host; static int Main(string[] args) { int result = 0; int errorReturnValue = -1; #region Parse options var options = new Options(); options.Parse(args); if (options.HelpRequested) { options.PrintOptions(""); return errorReturnValue; } if (options.HasErrors) { options.PrintErrorsAndExit(Console.Out); } if (options.breakIntoDebugger) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } #endregion var assemblyNames = options.assemblies; if (assemblyNames == null || assemblyNames.Count == 0) { assemblyNames = new List(); foreach (var g in options.GeneralArguments) { assemblyNames.Add(g); } } try { HeapFactory heap; switch (options.heapRepresentation) { case Options.HeapRepresentation.splitFields: heap = new SplitFieldsHeap(); break; case Options.HeapRepresentation.general: heap = new GeneralHeap(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown setting for /heap"); return 1; } result = TranslateAssembly(assemblyNames, heap, options.libpaths, options.wholeProgram, options.stub); } catch (Exception e) { // swallow everything and just return an error code Console.WriteLine("The byte-code translator failed: {0}", e.Message); //Console.WriteLine("Stack trace: {0}", e.StackTrace); return -1; } return result; } public static int TranslateAssembly(List assemblyNames, HeapFactory heapFactory, List/*?*/ libPaths, bool wholeProgram, List/*?*/ stubAssemblies) { Contract.Requires(assemblyNames != null); Contract.Requires(heapFactory != null); var host = new CodeContractAwareHostEnvironment(libPaths != null ? libPaths : Enumerable.Empty, true, true); Host = host; var modules = new List(); var contractExtractors = new Dictionary(); var pdbReaders = new Dictionary(); foreach (var a in assemblyNames) { var module = host.LoadUnitFrom(a) as IModule; if (module == null || module == Dummy.Module || module == Dummy.Assembly) { Console.WriteLine(a + " is not a PE file containing a CLR module or assembly, or an error occurred when loading it."); Console.WriteLine("Skipping it, continuing with other input assemblies"); } PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader = null; string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(module.Location, "pdb"); if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) { Stream pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile); pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host); } module = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, module, pdbReader) as IModule; modules.Add(module); contractExtractors.Add(module, host.GetContractExtractor(module.UnitIdentity)); pdbReaders.Add(module, pdbReader); } if (stubAssemblies != null) { foreach (var s in stubAssemblies) { var module = host.LoadUnitFrom(s) as IModule; if (module == null || module == Dummy.Module || module == Dummy.Assembly) { Console.WriteLine(s + " is not a PE file containing a CLR module or assembly, or an error occurred when loading it."); Console.WriteLine("Skipping it, continuing with other input assemblies"); } PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader = null; string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(module.Location, "pdb"); if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) { Stream pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile); pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host); } module = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(host, module, pdbReader) as IModule; var copier = new CodeDeepCopier(host); var mutableModule = copier.Copy(module); var mscorlib = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(host.PlatformType.SystemObject.ResolvedType); //var mutator = new ReparentModule(host, mscorlib, mutableModule); //module = mutator.Rewrite(mutableModule); //modules.Add(Tuple.Create(module, pdbReader)); RewriteUnitReferences renamer = new RewriteUnitReferences(host, mutableModule); var mscorlibAssembly = (IAssembly)mscorlib; renamer.targetAssembly = mscorlibAssembly; renamer.originalAssemblyIdentity = mscorlibAssembly.AssemblyIdentity; renamer.RewriteChildren(mutableModule); modules.Add((IModule)mutableModule); contractExtractors.Add(module, host.GetContractExtractor(module.UnitIdentity)); pdbReaders.Add(module, pdbReader); } } if (modules.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No input assemblies to translate."); return -1; } var primaryModule = modules[0]; TraverserFactory traverserFactory; if (wholeProgram) traverserFactory = new WholeProgram(); else traverserFactory = new CLRSemantics(); var sink = new Sink(host, traverserFactory, heapFactory); TranslationHelper.tmpVarCounter = 0; MetadataTraverser translator = traverserFactory.MakeMetadataTraverser(sink, contractExtractors, pdbReaders); translator.TranslateAssemblies(modules); foreach (ITypeDefinition type in sink.delegateTypeToDelegates.Keys) { CreateDispatchMethod(sink, type); } Microsoft.Boogie.TokenTextWriter writer = new Microsoft.Boogie.TokenTextWriter(primaryModule.Name + ".bpl"); Prelude.Emit(writer); sink.TranslatedProgram.Emit(writer); writer.Close(); return 0; // success } private static string NameUpToFirstPeriod(string name) { var i = name.IndexOf('.'); if (i == -1) return name; else return name.Substring(0, i); } private class ReparentModule : CodeRewriter { private IUnit targetUnit; private IUnit sourceUnit; public ReparentModule(IMetadataHost host, IUnit targetUnit, IUnit sourceUnit) : base(host) { this.targetUnit = targetUnit; this.sourceUnit = sourceUnit; } public override void RewriteChildren(RootUnitNamespace rootUnitNamespace) { if (rootUnitNamespace.Unit.UnitIdentity.Equals(this.sourceUnit.UnitIdentity)) rootUnitNamespace.Unit = this.targetUnit; base.RewriteChildren(rootUnitNamespace); } } private static Bpl.IfCmd BuildIfCmd(Bpl.Expr b, Bpl.Cmd cmd, Bpl.IfCmd ifCmd) { Bpl.StmtListBuilder ifStmtBuilder; ifStmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); ifStmtBuilder.Add(cmd); return new Bpl.IfCmd(b.tok, b, ifStmtBuilder.Collect(b.tok), ifCmd, null); } private static Bpl.IfCmd BuildReturnCmd(Bpl.Expr b) { Bpl.StmtListBuilder ifStmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); ifStmtBuilder.Add(new Bpl.ReturnCmd(b.tok)); return new Bpl.IfCmd(b.tok, b, ifStmtBuilder.Collect(b.tok), null, null); } private static void CreateDispatchMethod(Sink sink, ITypeDefinition type) { Contract.Assert(type.IsDelegate); IMethodDefinition invokeMethod = null; foreach (IMethodDefinition m in type.Methods) { if (m.Name.Value == "Invoke") { invokeMethod = m; break; } } try { var decl = sink.FindOrCreateProcedure(invokeMethod); var proc = decl as Bpl.Procedure; var invars = proc.InParams; var outvars = proc.OutParams; Bpl.IToken token = invokeMethod.Token(); Bpl.Formal method = new Bpl.Formal(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, "method", Bpl.Type.Int), true); Bpl.Formal receiver = new Bpl.Formal(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, "receiver", sink.Heap.RefType), true); Bpl.VariableSeq dispatchProcInvars = new Bpl.VariableSeq(); dispatchProcInvars.Add(method); dispatchProcInvars.Add(receiver); for (int i = 1; i < invars.Length; i++) { Bpl.Variable f = invars[i]; dispatchProcInvars.Add(new Bpl.Formal(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, f.Name, f.TypedIdent.Type), true)); } Bpl.VariableSeq dispatchProcOutvars = new Bpl.VariableSeq(); foreach (Bpl.Formal f in outvars) { dispatchProcOutvars.Add(new Bpl.Formal(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, f.Name, f.TypedIdent.Type), false)); } Bpl.Procedure dispatchProc = new Bpl.Procedure(token, "DispatchOne." + proc.Name, new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(), dispatchProcInvars, dispatchProcOutvars, new Bpl.RequiresSeq(), new Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq(), new Bpl.EnsuresSeq()); sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(dispatchProc); Bpl.IfCmd ifCmd = BuildIfCmd(Bpl.Expr.True, new Bpl.AssumeCmd(token, Bpl.Expr.False), null); foreach (IMethodDefinition defn in sink.delegateTypeToDelegates[type]) { Bpl.ExprSeq ins = new Bpl.ExprSeq(); Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq outs = new Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq(); if (!defn.IsStatic) ins.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(receiver)); int index; for (index = 2; index < dispatchProcInvars.Length; index++) { ins.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(dispatchProcInvars[index])); } for (index = 0; index < dispatchProcOutvars.Length; index++) { outs.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(dispatchProcOutvars[index])); } Bpl.Constant c = sink.FindOrAddDelegateMethodConstant(defn); Bpl.Expr bexpr = Bpl.Expr.Binary(Bpl.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq, Bpl.Expr.Ident(method), Bpl.Expr.Ident(c)); Bpl.CallCmd callCmd = new Bpl.CallCmd(token, c.Name, ins, outs); ifCmd = BuildIfCmd(bexpr, callCmd, ifCmd); } Bpl.StmtListBuilder ifStmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); ifStmtBuilder.Add(ifCmd); Bpl.Implementation dispatchImpl = new Bpl.Implementation(token, dispatchProc.Name, new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(), dispatchProc.InParams, dispatchProc.OutParams, new Bpl.VariableSeq(), ifStmtBuilder.Collect(token) ); dispatchImpl.Proc = dispatchProc; sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(dispatchImpl); Bpl.LocalVariable iter = new Bpl.LocalVariable(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, "iter", sink.Heap.RefType)); Bpl.LocalVariable niter = new Bpl.LocalVariable(token, new Bpl.TypedIdent(token, "niter", sink.Heap.RefType)); Bpl.StmtListBuilder implStmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); implStmtBuilder.Add(TranslationHelper.BuildAssignCmd(Bpl.Expr.Ident(iter), sink.ReadHead(Bpl.Expr.Ident(invars[0])))); Bpl.StmtListBuilder whileStmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder(); whileStmtBuilder.Add(TranslationHelper.BuildAssignCmd(Bpl.Expr.Ident(niter), sink.ReadNext(Bpl.Expr.Ident(invars[0]), Bpl.Expr.Ident(iter)))); whileStmtBuilder.Add(BuildReturnCmd(Bpl.Expr.Eq(Bpl.Expr.Ident(niter), sink.ReadHead(Bpl.Expr.Ident(invars[0]))))); Bpl.ExprSeq inExprs = new Bpl.ExprSeq(); inExprs.Add(sink.ReadMethod(Bpl.Expr.Ident(invars[0]), Bpl.Expr.Ident(niter))); inExprs.Add(sink.ReadReceiver(Bpl.Expr.Ident(invars[0]), Bpl.Expr.Ident(niter))); for (int i = 1; i < invars.Length; i++) { Bpl.Variable f = invars[i]; inExprs.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(f)); } Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq outExprs = new Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq(); foreach (Bpl.Formal f in outvars) { outExprs.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(f)); } whileStmtBuilder.Add(new Bpl.CallCmd(token, dispatchProc.Name, inExprs, outExprs)); whileStmtBuilder.Add(TranslationHelper.BuildAssignCmd(Bpl.Expr.Ident(iter), Bpl.Expr.Ident(niter))); Bpl.WhileCmd whileCmd = new Bpl.WhileCmd(token, Bpl.Expr.True, new List(), whileStmtBuilder.Collect(token)); implStmtBuilder.Add(whileCmd); Bpl.Implementation impl = new Bpl.Implementation(token, proc.Name, new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(), invars, outvars, new Bpl.VariableSeq(iter, niter), implStmtBuilder.Collect(token) ); impl.Proc = proc; sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(impl); } catch (TranslationException te) { throw new NotImplementedException(te.ToString()); } catch { throw; } finally { // Maybe this is a good place to add the procedure to the toplevel declarations } } private class RewriteUnitReferences : MetadataRewriter { private UnitIdentity sourceUnitIdentity = null; internal IAssembly/*?*/ targetAssembly = null; internal AssemblyIdentity/*?*/ originalAssemblyIdentity = null; Dictionary internedKeys = new Dictionary(); public RewriteUnitReferences(IMetadataHost host, Module sourceUnit) : base(host) { this.sourceUnitIdentity = sourceUnit.UnitIdentity; } public override IModuleReference Rewrite(IModuleReference moduleReference) { if (this.sourceUnitIdentity.Equals(moduleReference.UnitIdentity)) { return this.targetAssembly; } return base.Rewrite(moduleReference); } public override IAssemblyReference Rewrite(IAssemblyReference assemblyReference) { if (this.sourceUnitIdentity.Equals(assemblyReference.UnitIdentity)) { return this.targetAssembly; } return base.Rewrite(assemblyReference); } } } }