using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Cci; using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel; namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone { class PhoneBackKeyCallbackTraverser : CodeTraverser { private ITypeReference typeBeingTraversed; private IMetadataHost host; public PhoneBackKeyCallbackTraverser(IMetadataHost host) { = host; } public override void TraverseChildren(ITypeDefinition typeDef) { typeBeingTraversed = typeDef; base.TraverseChildren(typeDef); } public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodCall methodCall) { if (methodCall.MethodToCall.ResolvedMethod.IsSpecialName && methodCall.MethodToCall.Name.Value == "add_BackKeyPress") { // check if it is a back key handler and if it is... // NAVIGATION TODO this only catches really locally delegate expressions. If it is created before, we see it as a BoundExpression // NAVIGATION TODO and need (again) data flow analysis bool delegateIsIdentified= false; bool delegateIsAnonymous = false; PhoneCodeHelper.instance().OnBackKeyPressOverriden = true; IBlockStatement delegateBody = null; IMethodDefinition delegateMethodRef= null; if (methodCall.Arguments.Count() == 1) { IExpression delegateArg= methodCall.Arguments.First(); ICreateDelegateInstance localDelegate = delegateArg as ICreateDelegateInstance; if (localDelegate != null) { delegateIsIdentified = true; delegateMethodRef = localDelegate.MethodToCallViaDelegate.ResolvedMethod; SourceMethodBody body= delegateMethodRef.Body as SourceMethodBody; if (body != null) delegateBody = body.Block; PhoneCodeHelper.instance().KnownBackKeyHandlers.Add(delegateMethodRef); } AnonymousDelegate anonDelegate = delegateArg as AnonymousDelegate; if (anonDelegate != null) { delegateIsIdentified = true; delegateIsAnonymous = true; delegateBody = anonDelegate.Body; } // NAVIGATION TODO what if it has no body? if (delegateBody != null) { bool navigates= false, cancelsNav= false; ICollection navTargets; parseBlockForNavigation(delegateBody, out navigates, out navTargets); if (navigates) { ICollection> targets = null; if (!PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders.TryGetValue(typeBeingTraversed, out targets)) { targets = new HashSet>(); } foreach (string tgt in navTargets) { IMethodReference dummyRef=null; if (delegateIsAnonymous) { dummyRef = new Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference(); (dummyRef as Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference).ContainingType= typeBeingTraversed; (dummyRef as Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.MethodReference).Name = Dummy.Name; } targets.Add(Tuple.Create((delegateIsAnonymous ? dummyRef : delegateMethodRef), "\"" + tgt + "\"")); } PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyNavigatingOffenders[typeBeingTraversed] = targets; } parseBlockForEventCancellation(delegateBody, out cancelsNav); if (cancelsNav) { string reason= "(via delegate "; if (delegateIsIdentified) reason += delegateMethodRef.ContainingType.ToString() + "." + delegateMethodRef.Name.Value; else reason += "anonymous"; reason += ")"; PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyCancellingOffenders.Add(Tuple.Create(typeBeingTraversed, reason)); } } } if (!delegateIsIdentified) { PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyHandlerOverridenByUnknownDelegate = true; PhoneCodeHelper.instance().BackKeyUnknownDelegateOffenders.Add(typeBeingTraversed); } } base.TraverseChildren(methodCall); } private void parseBlockForNavigation(IBlockStatement block, out bool navigates, out ICollection navTargets) { PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser traverser = new PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser(host); traverser.Traverse(block); navigates = traverser.CodeDoesNavigation; navTargets = traverser.NavigationTargets; } private void parseBlockForEventCancellation(IBlockStatement block, out bool cancels) { PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser traverser = new PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser(host); traverser.Traverse(block); cancels = traverser.CancelsEvents; } } public class PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser : CodeTraverser { private IMetadataHost host; public bool CancelsEvents { get; private set; } public bool CodeDoesNavigation { get; private set; } public ICollection NavigationTargets { get; private set; } public PhoneNavigationCallsTraverser(IMetadataHost host) { CancelsEvents = CodeDoesNavigation = false; NavigationTargets = new HashSet(); = host; } public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodCall call) { checkMethodCallForEventCancellation(call); checkMethodCallForNavigation(call); } private void checkMethodCallForEventCancellation(IMethodCall call) { // NAVIGATION TODO this code is duplicated from PhoneNavigationTraverser, refactor that if (!call.MethodToCall.Name.Value.StartsWith("set_Cancel")) return; if (call.Arguments.Count() != 1 || call.Arguments.ToList()[0].Type != host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean) return; ICompileTimeConstant constant = call.Arguments.ToList()[0] as ICompileTimeConstant; if (constant != null && constant.Value != null) { CompileTimeConstant falseConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() { Type = host.PlatformType.SystemBoolean, Value = false, }; if (constant.Value == falseConstant.Value) return; } CancelsEvents = true; } private void checkMethodCallForNavigation(IMethodCall call) { // NAVIGATION TODO this code is duplicated from PhoneNavigationTraverser, refactor that string targetUri = null; if (!call.MethodToCall.ContainingType.isNavigationServiceClass(host)) return; if (!PhoneCodeHelper.NAV_CALLS.Contains(call.MethodToCall.Name.Value) || call.MethodToCall.Name.Value == "GoBack") // back is actually ok return; if (call.MethodToCall.Name.Value == "Navigate") { try { IExpression expr = call.Arguments.First(); bool isStatic = UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStatic(expr, host, out targetUri) || UriHelper.isArgumentURILocallyCreatedStaticRoot(expr, host, out targetUri); if (!isStatic) targetUri = "--Other non inferrable target--"; else targetUri = UriHelper.getURIBase(targetUri); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } CodeDoesNavigation= true; NavigationTargets.Add(targetUri); } } }