path: root/Source
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authorGravatar Unknown <>2012-08-30 16:29:33 -0700
committerGravatar Unknown <>2012-08-30 16:29:33 -0700
commitdcc10fd61f7056542bc61c096a851aa76f6d688f (patch)
treeb0e0de635fe5ca887f94cd4e5b928515e66d0365 /Source
parent40d21f0057a4d0ce9fc184aae375e2404f00f51e (diff)
Dafny: for refinements, don't consider a newly provided predicate body to be an extension--clients don't need to be reverified if the body is new, only an extensions to a previous definition need to be
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
7 files changed, 78 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Cloner.cs b/Source/Dafny/Cloner.cs
index b1b8828a..4b588289 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Cloner.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Cloner.cs
@@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
public Function CloneFunction(Function f) {
var tps = f.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
var formals = f.Formals.ConvertAll(CloneFormal);
var req = f.Req.ConvertAll(CloneExpr);
@@ -463,7 +462,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (f is Predicate) {
return new Predicate(Tok(f.tok), f.Name, f.IsStatic, f.IsGhost, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
- req, reads, ens, decreases, body, false, null, false);
+ req, reads, ens, decreases, body, Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited, null, false);
} else if (f is CoPredicate) {
return new CoPredicate(Tok(f.tok), f.Name, f.IsStatic, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
req, reads, ens, body, null, false);
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Dafny.atg b/Source/Dafny/Dafny.atg
index c558dd14..a4d0eba1 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Dafny.atg
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Dafny.atg
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ FunctionDecl<MemberModifiers mmod, out Function/*!*/ f>
(. if (isPredicate) {
f = new Predicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, !isFunctionMethod, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
- reqs, reads, ens, new Specification<Expression>(decreases, null), body, false, attrs, signatureOmitted);
+ reqs, reads, ens, new Specification<Expression>(decreases, null), body, Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited, attrs, signatureOmitted);
} else if (isCoPredicate) {
f = new CoPredicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
reqs, reads, ens, body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
index 021a0ba7..46c15cf9 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
@@ -1558,14 +1558,20 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
public class Predicate : Function
- public readonly bool BodyIsExtended; // says that this predicate definition is a refinement extension of a predicate definition is a refining module
+ public enum BodyOriginKind
+ {
+ OriginalOrInherited, // this predicate definition is new (and the predicate may or may not have a body), or the predicate's body (whether or not it exists) is being inherited unmodified (from the previous refinement--it may be that the inherited body was itself an extension, for example)
+ DelayedDefinition, // this predicate declaration provides, for the first time, a body--the declaration refines a previously declared predicate, but the previous one had no body
+ Extension // this predicate extends the definition of a predicate with a body in a module being refined
+ }
+ public readonly BodyOriginKind BodyOrigin;
public Predicate(IToken tok, string name, bool isStatic, bool isGhost,
List<TypeParameter> typeArgs, IToken openParen, List<Formal> formals,
List<Expression> req, List<FrameExpression> reads, List<Expression> ens, Specification<Expression> decreases,
- Expression body, bool bodyIsExtended, Attributes attributes, bool signatureOmitted)
+ Expression body, BodyOriginKind bodyOrigin, Attributes attributes, bool signatureOmitted)
: base(tok, name, isStatic, isGhost, typeArgs, openParen, formals, new BoolType(), req, reads, ens, decreases, body, attributes, signatureOmitted) {
- Contract.Requires(!bodyIsExtended || body != null);
- BodyIsExtended = bodyIsExtended;
+ Contract.Requires(bodyOrigin == Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited || body != null);
+ BodyOrigin = bodyOrigin;
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Parser.cs b/Source/Dafny/Parser.cs
index 46e17f7e..bd5ba6dc 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Parser.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Parser.cs
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ bool IsAttribute() {
if (isPredicate) {
f = new Predicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, !isFunctionMethod, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
- reqs, reads, ens, new Specification<Expression>(decreases, null), body, false, attrs, signatureOmitted);
+ reqs, reads, ens, new Specification<Expression>(decreases, null), body, Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited, attrs, signatureOmitted);
} else if (isCoPredicate) {
f = new CoPredicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
reqs, reads, ens, body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
index e0f12246..28387f16 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
@@ -473,21 +473,26 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Expression body;
+ Predicate.BodyOriginKind bodyOrigin;
if (replacementBody != null) {
body = replacementBody;
+ bodyOrigin = Predicate.BodyOriginKind.DelayedDefinition;
} else if (moreBody != null) {
if (f.Body == null) {
body = moreBody;
+ bodyOrigin = Predicate.BodyOriginKind.DelayedDefinition;
} else {
body = new BinaryExpr(f.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, refinementCloner.CloneExpr(f.Body), moreBody);
+ bodyOrigin = Predicate.BodyOriginKind.Extension;
} else {
body = refinementCloner.CloneExpr(f.Body);
+ bodyOrigin = Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited;
if (f is Predicate) {
return new Predicate(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, isGhost, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
- req, reads, ens, decreases, body, moreBody != null, null, false);
+ req, reads, ens, decreases, body, bodyOrigin, null, false);
} else if (f is CoPredicate) {
return new CoPredicate(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
req, reads, ens, body, null, false);
@@ -592,10 +597,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Expression moreBody = null;
Expression replacementBody = null;
- if (isPredicate) {
- moreBody = f.Body;
- } else if (prevFunction.Body == null) {
+ if (prevFunction.Body == null) {
replacementBody = f.Body;
+ } else if (isPredicate) {
+ moreBody = f.Body;
} else if (f.Body != null) {
reporter.Error(nwMember, "a refining function is not allowed to extend/change the body");
@@ -1263,7 +1268,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
if (e.Function.EnclosingClass.Module == m) {
var p = e.Function as Predicate;
- if (p != null && p.BodyIsExtended) {
+ if (p != null && p.BodyOrigin == Predicate.BodyOriginKind.Extension) {
return true;
@@ -1283,7 +1288,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
public RefinementCloner(ModuleDefinition m) {
moduleUnderConstruction = m;
- override public IToken Tok(IToken tok) {
+ public override IToken Tok(IToken tok) {
return new RefinementToken(tok, moduleUnderConstruction);
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs b/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
index 5879995a..363eb4e0 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (f is Predicate) {
return new Predicate(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, isGhost, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
- req, reads, ens, decreases, body, false, null, false);
+ req, reads, ens, decreases, body, Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited, null, false);
} else if (f is CoPredicate) {
return new CoPredicate(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, tps, f.OpenParen, formals,
req, reads, ens, body, null, false);
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
index c8cc11f6..5ce0e1a1 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
@@ -7456,51 +7456,58 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (module == currentModule && functionHeight < heightLimit) {
if (f.Body != null && !(f.Body.Resolved is MatchExpr)) {
- // inline this body
- Dictionary<IVariable, Expression> substMap = new Dictionary<IVariable, Expression>();
- Contract.Assert(fexp.Args.Count == f.Formals.Count);
- for (int i = 0; i < f.Formals.Count; i++) {
- Formal p = f.Formals[i];
- Expression arg = fexp.Args[i];
- arg = new BoxingCastExpr(arg, cce.NonNull(arg.Type), p.Type);
- arg.Type = p.Type; // resolve here
- substMap.Add(p, arg);
- }
- Expression body = Substitute(f.Body, fexp.Receiver, substMap);
- // Produce, for a "body" split into b0, b1, b2:
- // free F#canCall(args) && F(args) && (b0 && b1 && b2)
- // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b0
- // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b1
- // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b2
- // Note that "body" does not contain limited calls.
- // F#canCall(args)
- Bpl.IdentifierExpr canCallFuncID = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(expr.tok, f.FullCompileName + "#canCall", Bpl.Type.Bool);
- ExprSeq args = etran.FunctionInvocationArguments(fexp);
- Bpl.Expr canCall = new Bpl.NAryExpr(expr.tok, new Bpl.FunctionCall(canCallFuncID), args);
- // F(args)
- Bpl.Expr fargs = etran.TrExpr(fexp);
- // body
- Bpl.Expr trBody = etran.TrExpr(body);
- trBody = etran.CondApplyUnbox(trBody.tok, trBody, f.ResultType, expr.Type);
- // here goes the free piece:
- splits.Add(new SplitExprInfo(true, Bpl.Expr.Binary(trBody.tok, BinaryOperator.Opcode.And, canCall, BplAnd(fargs, trBody))));
- // recurse on body
- var ss = new List<SplitExprInfo>();
- TrSplitExpr(body, ss, position, functionHeight, etran);
- foreach (var s in ss) {
- var unboxedConjunct = etran.CondApplyUnbox(s.E.tok, s.E, f.ResultType, expr.Type);
- var bodyOrConjunct = Bpl.Expr.Or(fargs, unboxedConjunct);
- var p = Bpl.Expr.Binary(new NestedToken(fexp.tok, s.E.tok), BinaryOperator.Opcode.Imp, canCall, bodyOrConjunct);
- splits.Add(new SplitExprInfo(s.IsFree, p));
- }
+ if (RefinementToken.IsInherited(fexp.tok, currentModule) &&
+ f is Predicate && ((Predicate)f).BodyOrigin == Predicate.BodyOriginKind.DelayedDefinition &&
+ (currentMethod == null || !currentMethod.MustReverify)) {
+ // The function was inherited as body-less but is now given a body. Don't inline the body (since, apparently, everything
+ // that needed to be proved about the function was proved already in the previous module, even without the body definition).
+ } else {
+ // inline this body
+ Dictionary<IVariable, Expression> substMap = new Dictionary<IVariable, Expression>();
+ Contract.Assert(fexp.Args.Count == f.Formals.Count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < f.Formals.Count; i++) {
+ Formal p = f.Formals[i];
+ Expression arg = fexp.Args[i];
+ arg = new BoxingCastExpr(arg, cce.NonNull(arg.Type), p.Type);
+ arg.Type = p.Type; // resolve here
+ substMap.Add(p, arg);
+ }
+ Expression body = Substitute(f.Body, fexp.Receiver, substMap);
+ // Produce, for a "body" split into b0, b1, b2:
+ // free F#canCall(args) && F(args) && (b0 && b1 && b2)
+ // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b0
+ // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b1
+ // checked F#canCall(args) ==> F(args) || b2
+ // Note that "body" does not contain limited calls.
+ // F#canCall(args)
+ Bpl.IdentifierExpr canCallFuncID = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(expr.tok, f.FullCompileName + "#canCall", Bpl.Type.Bool);
+ ExprSeq args = etran.FunctionInvocationArguments(fexp);
+ Bpl.Expr canCall = new Bpl.NAryExpr(expr.tok, new Bpl.FunctionCall(canCallFuncID), args);
+ // F(args)
+ Bpl.Expr fargs = etran.TrExpr(fexp);
+ // body
+ Bpl.Expr trBody = etran.TrExpr(body);
+ trBody = etran.CondApplyUnbox(trBody.tok, trBody, f.ResultType, expr.Type);
+ // here goes the free piece:
+ splits.Add(new SplitExprInfo(true, Bpl.Expr.Binary(trBody.tok, BinaryOperator.Opcode.And, canCall, BplAnd(fargs, trBody))));
+ // recurse on body
+ var ss = new List<SplitExprInfo>();
+ TrSplitExpr(body, ss, position, functionHeight, etran);
+ foreach (var s in ss) {
+ var unboxedConjunct = etran.CondApplyUnbox(s.E.tok, s.E, f.ResultType, expr.Type);
+ var bodyOrConjunct = Bpl.Expr.Or(fargs, unboxedConjunct);
+ var p = Bpl.Expr.Binary(new NestedToken(fexp.tok, s.E.tok), BinaryOperator.Opcode.Imp, canCall, bodyOrConjunct);
+ splits.Add(new SplitExprInfo(s.IsFree, p));
+ }
- return true;
+ return true;
+ }
@@ -7600,6 +7607,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
translatedExpression = etran.TrExpr(expr);
splitHappened = etran.Statistics_CustomLayerFunctionCount != 0; // return true if the LayerOffset(1) came into play
+ // TODO: Is the the following call to ContainsChange expensive? It's linear in the size of "expr", but we get here many times in TrSpliExpr, so wouldn't the total
+ // time in the size of the expression passed to the first TrSpliExpr be quadratic?
if (RefinementToken.IsInherited(expr.tok, currentModule) && (currentMethod == null || !currentMethod.MustReverify) && RefinementTransformer.ContainsChange(expr, currentModule)) {
// If "expr" contains a subexpression that has changed from the inherited expression, we'll destructively
// change the token of the translated expression to make it look like it's not inherited. This will cause "e" to