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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <>2011-05-21 23:57:44 -0700
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <>2011-05-21 23:57:44 -0700
commit87d1a39324891e5556149c7798b3b14973c93d52 (patch)
parent9dbf2a6ce1e130f634c27da7bc300001e28aedaf (diff)
Dafny: allow class names to be used when referring to static functions (and, soon, methods), and test cases for new name resolution rules
6 files changed, 171 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
index df49e8c7..f6d96bab 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
@@ -1850,6 +1850,25 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Instances of this class are introduced during resolution to indicate that a static method or function has
+ /// been invoked without specifying a receiver (that is, by just giving the name of the enclosing class).
+ /// </summary>
+ public class StaticReceiverExpr : LiteralExpr
+ {
+ public StaticReceiverExpr(IToken tok, ClassDecl cl)
+ : base(tok) // constructs a LiteralExpr representing the 'null' literal
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cl != null);
+ var typeArgs = new List<Type>();
+ foreach (var ta in cl.TypeArgs) {
+ typeArgs.Add(new InferredTypeProxy());
+ }
+ Type = new UserDefinedType(tok, cl.Name, cl, typeArgs);
+ }
+ }
public class LiteralExpr : Expression {
public readonly object Value;
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs b/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
index b01ca509..d0b5ab60 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Resolver.cs
@@ -1871,29 +1871,27 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
r = ResolveSuffix(r, e, 1, twoState, specContext);
} else if (classes.TryGetValue(id.val, out decl)) {
- if (decl is ClassDecl) {
+ if (e.Tokens.Count == 1 && e.Arguments == null) {
+ Error(id, "name of type ('{0}') is used as a variable", id.val);
+ } else if (e.Tokens.Count == 1 && e.Arguments != null) {
+ Error(id, "name of type ('{0}') is used as a function", id.val);
+ // resolve the arguments nonetheless
+ foreach (var arg in e.Arguments) {
+ ResolveExpression(arg, twoState, specContext);
+ }
+ } else if (decl is ClassDecl) {
// ----- root is a class
var cd = (ClassDecl)decl;
- Contract.Assert(false); // TODO
+ r = ResolveSuffix(new StaticReceiverExpr(id, cd), e, 1, twoState, specContext);
} else {
// ----- root is a datatype
var dt = (DatatypeDecl)decl; // otherwise, unexpected TopLevelDecl
- if (e.Tokens.Count == 1 && e.Arguments == null) {
- Error(id, "name of datatype ('{0}') is used as a variable", id.val);
- } else if (e.Tokens.Count == 1 && e.Arguments != null) {
- Error(id, "name of dataypte ('{0}') is used as a function", id.val);
- // resolve the arguments nonetheless
- foreach (var arg in e.Arguments) {
- ResolveExpression(arg, twoState, specContext);
- }
- } else {
- var args = (e.Tokens.Count == 2 ? e.Arguments : null) ?? new List<Expression>();
- r = new DatatypeValue(id, id.val, e.Tokens[1].val, args);
- ResolveExpression(r, twoState, specContext);
- if (e.Tokens.Count != 2) {
- r = ResolveSuffix(r, e, 2, twoState, specContext);
- }
+ var args = (e.Tokens.Count == 2 ? e.Arguments : null) ?? new List<Expression>();
+ r = new DatatypeValue(id, id.val, e.Tokens[1].val, args);
+ ResolveExpression(r, twoState, specContext);
+ if (e.Tokens.Count != 2) {
+ r = ResolveSuffix(r, e, 2, twoState, specContext);
@@ -2035,6 +2033,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else {
Contract.Assert(ctype != null && ctype.ResolvedClass != null); // follows from postcondition of ResolveMember
e.Field = (Field)member;
+ if (e.Obj is StaticReceiverExpr) {
+ Error(expr, "a field must be selected via an object, not just a class name");
+ }
// build the type substitution map
Dictionary<TypeParameter,Type> subst = new Dictionary<TypeParameter,Type>();
for (int i = 0; i < ctype.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
@@ -2108,6 +2109,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else {
Function function = (Function)member;
e.Function = function;
+ if (e.Receiver is StaticReceiverExpr && !function.IsStatic) {
+ Error(expr, "an instance function must be selected via an object, not just a class name");
+ }
if (!specContext && function.IsGhost) {
Error(expr, "function calls are allowed only in specification contexts (consider declaring the function a 'function method')");
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Answer b/Test/dafny0/Answer
index d9d3a572..289a597d 100644
--- a/Test/dafny0/Answer
+++ b/Test/dafny0/Answer
@@ -402,11 +402,25 @@ Execution trace:
Dafny program verifier finished with 3 verified, 3 errors
-------------------- ResolutionErrors.dfy --------------------
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(39,13): Error: 'this' is not allowed in a 'class' context
ResolutionErrors.dfy(10,16): Error: 'decreases *' is not allowed on ghost loops
ResolutionErrors.dfy(22,11): Error: array selection requires an array2 (got array3<T>)
ResolutionErrors.dfy(23,12): Error: sequence/array selection requires a sequence or array (got array3<T>)
ResolutionErrors.dfy(24,11): Error: array selection requires an array4 (got array<T>)
-4 resolution/type errors detected in ResolutionErrors.dfy
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(45,14): Error: a field must be selected via an object, not just a class name
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(46,7): Error: unresolved identifier: F
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(47,14): Error: an instance function must be selected via an object, not just a class name
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(48,7): Error: unresolved identifier: G
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(50,2): Error: member M does not exist in class _default
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(52,2): Error: member N does not exist in class _default
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(55,8): Error: non-function expression is called with parameters
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(56,14): Error: member z does not exist in class Global
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(75,12): Error: the name 'Benny' denotes a datatype constructor, but does not do so uniquely; add an explicit qualification (for example, 'Abc.Benny')
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(80,12): Error: the name 'David' denotes a datatype constructor, but does not do so uniquely; add an explicit qualification (for example, 'Abc.David')
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(81,12): Error: the name 'David' denotes a datatype constructor, but does not do so uniquely; add an explicit qualification (for example, 'Abc.David')
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(83,12): Error: the name 'David' denotes a datatype constructor, but does not do so uniquely; add an explicit qualification (for example, 'Abc.David')
+ResolutionErrors.dfy(85,12): Error: wrong number of arguments to datatype constructor Abc (found 2, expected 1)
+18 resolution/type errors detected in ResolutionErrors.dfy
-------------------- Array.dfy --------------------
Array.dfy(10,12): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause
@@ -540,6 +554,10 @@ Execution trace:
Dafny program verifier finished with 6 verified, 1 error
+-------------------- Basics.dfy --------------------
+Dafny program verifier finished with 5 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- ControlStructures.dfy --------------------
ControlStructures.dfy(5,3): Error: missing case in case statement: Blue
Execution trace:
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eeb2d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+class Global {
+ static function G(x: int): int { x+x }
+ static method N(x: int) returns (ghost r: int)
+ ensures r == Global.G(x);
+ {
+ if {
+ case true => r := G(x+0);
+ case true =>
+ var g: Global;
+ r := g.G(x);
+ case true =>
+ var g: Global := null;
+ r := g.G(x);
+ case true =>
+ r := Global.G(x);
+ }
+ }
+method TestCalls(k: nat) {
+ var g: Global, h: Global;
+ assume g != h;
+ ghost var r: int;
+ ghost var s := Global.G(k);
+// call r := Global.N(k);
+// assert r == s;
+ call r := g.N(k);
+ assert r == s;
+ call r := h.N(k);
+ assert r == s;
+ g := null;
+ call r := g.N(k);
+ assert r == s;
+// call r := Global.N(r);
+ if (k == 0) {
+ assert r == s;
+ } else {
+// assert r == s; // error: G(k) and G(k+k) are different
+ }
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/ResolutionErrors.dfy b/Test/dafny0/ResolutionErrors.dfy
index 5ec0cc4c..b33d4d54 100644
--- a/Test/dafny0/ResolutionErrors.dfy
+++ b/Test/dafny0/ResolutionErrors.dfy
@@ -8,18 +8,82 @@ method GhostDivergentLoop()
ghost var i := 0;
while (i < 2)
decreases *; // error: not allowed on a ghost loop
- invariant i <= 2;
- invariant (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < i ==> a[j] > 0);
+ invariant i <= 2;
+ invariant (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < i ==> a[j] > 0);
i := 0;
assert a[1] != a[1]; // ...for then this would incorrectly verify
-method M<T>(a: array3<T>, b: array<T>, m: int, n: int)
+method ManyIndices<T>(a: array3<T>, b: array<T>, m: int, n: int)
// the following invalid expressions were once incorrectly resolved:
var x := a[m, n]; // error
var y := a[m]; // error
var z := b[m, n, m, n]; // error
+// -------- name resolution
+class Global {
+ var X: int;
+ function method F(x: int): int { x }
+ static function method G(x: int): int { x }
+ method M(x: int) returns (r: int)
+ {
+ r := x + X;
+ }
+ static method N(x: int) returns (r: int)
+ {
+ r := x + X; // error: cannot access instance field X from static method
+ }
+method TestNameResolution0() {
+ var z: int;
+ z := Global.X; // error: X is an instance field
+ z := F(2); // error: cannot resolve F
+ z := Global.F(2); // error: invocation of instance function requires an instance
+ z := G(2); // error: cannot resolve G
+ z := Global.G(2);
+ call z := M(2); // error: cannot resolve M
+// call z := Global.M(2); // error: call to instance method requires an instance
+ call z := N(1); // error: cannot resolve N
+// call z := Global.N(1);
+ z := z(5); // error: using local as if it were a function
+ z := Global.z; // error: class Global does not have a member z
+ var Global: Global; // a local variable with the name 'Global'
+ z := Global.X; // this means the instance field X of the object stored in the local variable 'Global'
+ var gg: Global := null;
+ var y := gg.G(5);
+ call y := gg.N(5);
+datatype Abc = Abel | Benny | Cecilia(y: int) | David(x: int) | Eleanor;
+datatype Xyz = Alberta | Benny | Constantine(y: int) | David(x: int);
+datatype Rst = David(x: int, y: int);
+function Tuv(arg0: Abc, arg1: bool): int { 10 }
+var Eleanor: bool;
+method TestNameResolution1() {
+ var a0 := Abel;
+ var a1 := Alberta;
+ var b0 := Benny; // error: there's more than one constructor with the name Benny; needs qualification
+ var b1 := Abc.Benny;
+ var b2 := Xyz.Benny;
+ var Benny := 15; // introduce a local variable with the name 'Benny'
+ var b3 := Benny;
+ var d0 := David(20); // error: constructor name David is ambiguous
+ var d1 := David; // error: constructor name David is ambiguous (never mind that the signature does
+ // not match either of them)
+ var d2 := David(20, 40); // error: constructor name Davis is ambiguous (never mind that the given
+ // parameters match the signature of only one of those constructors)
+ var d3 := Abc.David(20, 40); // error: wrong number of parameters
+ var d4 := Rst.David(20, 40);
+ var e := Eleanor;
+ assert Tuv(e, this.Eleanor) == 10;
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat b/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
index 16bc0e2b..22221a15 100644
--- a/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
+++ b/Test/dafny0/runtest.bat
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for %%f in (TypeTests.dfy NatTypes.dfy SmallTests.dfy Definedness.dfy
FunctionSpecifications.dfy ResolutionErrors.dfy
Array.dfy MultiDimArray.dfy NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy AdvancedLHS.dfy
Modules0.dfy Modules1.dfy BadFunction.dfy
- Comprehensions.dfy ControlStructures.dfy
+ Comprehensions.dfy Basics.dfy ControlStructures.dfy
Termination.dfy Use.dfy DTypes.dfy
TypeParameters.dfy Datatypes.dfy TypeAntecedents.dfy SplitExpr.dfy
Refinement.dfy RefinementErrors.dfy) do (