// Copyright 2020 The Abseil Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "absl/debugging/leak_check.h" #include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h" #include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h" #include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring_reader.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" namespace absl { ABSL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace cord_internal { namespace { using testing::Eq; // Creates a flat for testing CordRep* MakeFlat(absl::string_view s) { CordRepFlat* flat = CordRepFlat::New(s.length()); memcpy(flat->Data(), s.data(), s.length()); flat->length = s.length(); return flat; } CordRepRing* FromFlats(Span flats) { CordRepRing* ring = CordRepRing::Create(MakeFlat(flats[0]), flats.size() - 1); for (int i = 1; i < flats.size(); ++i) { ring = CordRepRing::Append(ring, MakeFlat(flats[i])); } return ring; } std::array TestFlats() { return {"abcdefghij", "klmnopqrst", "uvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJ", "KLMNOPQRST", "UVWXYZ", "1234567890", "~!@#$%^&*()_", "+-=", "[]\\{}|;':", ",/<>?", "."}; } TEST(CordRingReaderTest, DefaultInstance) { CordRepRingReader reader; EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast(reader)); EXPECT_THAT(reader.ring(), Eq(nullptr)); #ifndef NDEBUG EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.length(), ".*"); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.consumed(), ".*"); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.remaining(), ".*"); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.Next(), ".*"); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.Seek(0), ".*"); #endif } TEST(CordRingReaderTest, Reset) { CordRepRingReader reader; auto flats = TestFlats(); CordRepRing* ring = FromFlats(flats); absl::string_view first = reader.Reset(ring); EXPECT_THAT(first, Eq(flats[0])); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(reader)); EXPECT_THAT(reader.ring(), Eq(ring)); EXPECT_THAT(reader.index(), Eq(ring->head())); EXPECT_THAT(reader.node(), Eq(ring->entry_child(ring->head()))); EXPECT_THAT(reader.length(), Eq(ring->length)); EXPECT_THAT(reader.consumed(), Eq(flats[0].length())); EXPECT_THAT(reader.remaining(), Eq(ring->length - reader.consumed())); reader.Reset(); EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast(reader)); EXPECT_THAT(reader.ring(), Eq(nullptr)); CordRep::Unref(ring); } TEST(CordRingReaderTest, Next) { CordRepRingReader reader; auto flats = TestFlats(); CordRepRing* ring = FromFlats(flats); CordRepRing::index_type head = ring->head(); reader.Reset(ring); size_t consumed = reader.consumed(); size_t remaining = reader.remaining(); for (int i = 1; i < flats.size(); ++i) { CordRepRing::index_type index = ring->advance(head, i); consumed += flats[i].length(); remaining -= flats[i].length(); absl::string_view next = reader.Next(); ASSERT_THAT(next, Eq(flats[i])); ASSERT_THAT(reader.index(), Eq(index)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.node(), Eq(ring->entry_child(index))); ASSERT_THAT(reader.consumed(), Eq(consumed)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.remaining(), Eq(remaining)); } #ifndef NDEBUG EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.Next(), ".*"); #endif CordRep::Unref(ring); } TEST(CordRingReaderTest, SeekForward) { CordRepRingReader reader; auto flats = TestFlats(); CordRepRing* ring = FromFlats(flats); CordRepRing::index_type head = ring->head(); reader.Reset(ring); size_t consumed = 0; size_t remaining = ring->length;; for (int i = 0; i < flats.size(); ++i) { CordRepRing::index_type index = ring->advance(head, i); size_t offset = consumed; consumed += flats[i].length(); remaining -= flats[i].length(); for (int off = 0; off < flats[i].length(); ++off) { absl::string_view chunk = reader.Seek(offset + off); ASSERT_THAT(chunk, Eq(flats[i].substr(off))); ASSERT_THAT(reader.index(), Eq(index)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.node(), Eq(ring->entry_child(index))); ASSERT_THAT(reader.consumed(), Eq(consumed)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.remaining(), Eq(remaining)); } } CordRep::Unref(ring); } TEST(CordRingReaderTest, SeekBackward) { CordRepRingReader reader; auto flats = TestFlats(); CordRepRing* ring = FromFlats(flats); CordRepRing::index_type head = ring->head(); reader.Reset(ring); size_t consumed = ring->length; size_t remaining = 0; for (int i = flats.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CordRepRing::index_type index = ring->advance(head, i); size_t offset = consumed - flats[i].length(); for (int off = 0; off < flats[i].length(); ++off) { absl::string_view chunk = reader.Seek(offset + off); ASSERT_THAT(chunk, Eq(flats[i].substr(off))); ASSERT_THAT(reader.index(), Eq(index)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.node(), Eq(ring->entry_child(index))); ASSERT_THAT(reader.consumed(), Eq(consumed)); ASSERT_THAT(reader.remaining(), Eq(remaining)); } consumed -= flats[i].length(); remaining += flats[i].length(); } #ifndef NDEBUG EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(reader.Seek(ring->length), ".*"); #endif CordRep::Unref(ring); } } // namespace } // namespace cord_internal ABSL_NAMESPACE_END } // namespace absl