// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "absl/strings/ascii.h" #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "absl/base/macros.h" #include "absl/base/port.h" namespace { TEST(AsciiIsFoo, All) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isalpha(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isalpha(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isdigit(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isdigit(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (absl::ascii_isalpha(c) || absl::ascii_isdigit(c)) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isalnum(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isalnum(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i != '\0' && strchr(" \r\n\t\v\f", i)) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isspace(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isspace(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i >= 32 && i < 127) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isprint(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isprint(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (absl::ascii_isprint(c) && !absl::ascii_isspace(c) && !absl::ascii_isalnum(c)) { EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_ispunct(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } else { EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_ispunct(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i == ' ' || i == '\t') EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isblank(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isblank(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i < 32 || i == 127) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_iscntrl(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_iscntrl(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (absl::ascii_isdigit(c) || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'F') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'f')) { EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isxdigit(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } else { EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isxdigit(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i > 32 && i < 127) EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isgraph(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isgraph(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isupper(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isupper(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_islower(c)) << ": failed on " << c; else EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_islower(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (unsigned char c = 0; c < 128; c++) { EXPECT_TRUE(absl::ascii_isascii(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } for (int i = 128; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); EXPECT_TRUE(!absl::ascii_isascii(c)) << ": failed on " << c; } } // Checks that absl::ascii_isfoo returns the same value as isfoo in the C // locale. TEST(AsciiIsFoo, SameAsIsFoo) { #ifndef __ANDROID__ // temporarily change locale to C. It should already be C, but just for safety const char* old_locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C"); ASSERT_TRUE(old_locale != nullptr); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); EXPECT_EQ(isalpha(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isalpha(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isdigit(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isdigit(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isalnum(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isalnum(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isspace(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isspace(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(ispunct(c) != 0, absl::ascii_ispunct(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isblank(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isblank(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(iscntrl(c) != 0, absl::ascii_iscntrl(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isxdigit(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isxdigit(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isprint(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isprint(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isgraph(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isgraph(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isupper(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isupper(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(islower(c) != 0, absl::ascii_islower(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(isascii(c) != 0, absl::ascii_isascii(c)) << c; } #ifndef __ANDROID__ // restore the old locale. ASSERT_TRUE(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, old_locale)); #endif } TEST(AsciiToFoo, All) { #ifndef __ANDROID__ // temporarily change locale to C. It should already be C, but just for safety const char* old_locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C"); ASSERT_TRUE(old_locale != nullptr); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { const auto c = static_cast(i); if (absl::ascii_islower(c)) EXPECT_EQ(absl::ascii_toupper(c), 'A' + (i - 'a')) << c; else EXPECT_EQ(absl::ascii_toupper(c), static_cast(i)) << c; if (absl::ascii_isupper(c)) EXPECT_EQ(absl::ascii_tolower(c), 'a' + (i - 'A')) << c; else EXPECT_EQ(absl::ascii_tolower(c), static_cast(i)) << c; // These CHECKs only hold in a C locale. EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(tolower(i)), absl::ascii_tolower(c)) << c; EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(toupper(i)), absl::ascii_toupper(c)) << c; } #ifndef __ANDROID__ // restore the old locale. ASSERT_TRUE(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, old_locale)); #endif } TEST(AsciiStrTo, Lower) { const char buf[] = "ABCDEF"; const std::string str("GHIJKL"); const std::string str2("MNOPQR"); const absl::string_view sp(str2); std::string mutable_str("STUVWX"); EXPECT_EQ("abcdef", absl::AsciiStrToLower(buf)); EXPECT_EQ("ghijkl", absl::AsciiStrToLower(str)); EXPECT_EQ("mnopqr", absl::AsciiStrToLower(sp)); absl::AsciiStrToLower(&mutable_str); EXPECT_EQ("stuvwx", mutable_str); char mutable_buf[] = "Mutable"; std::transform(mutable_buf, mutable_buf + strlen(mutable_buf), mutable_buf, absl::ascii_tolower); EXPECT_STREQ("mutable", mutable_buf); } TEST(AsciiStrTo, Upper) { const char buf[] = "abcdef"; const std::string str("ghijkl"); const std::string str2("mnopqr"); const absl::string_view sp(str2); EXPECT_EQ("ABCDEF", absl::AsciiStrToUpper(buf)); EXPECT_EQ("GHIJKL", absl::AsciiStrToUpper(str)); EXPECT_EQ("MNOPQR", absl::AsciiStrToUpper(sp)); char mutable_buf[] = "Mutable"; std::transform(mutable_buf, mutable_buf + strlen(mutable_buf), mutable_buf, absl::ascii_toupper); EXPECT_STREQ("MUTABLE", mutable_buf); } TEST(StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace, FromStringView) { EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(absl::string_view{})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace({"foo"})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace({"\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo"})); EXPECT_EQ("foo foo\n ", absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace({"\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo foo\n "})); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace( {"\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"})); } TEST(StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace, InPlace) { std::string str; absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("", str); str = "foo"; absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo"; absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo foo\n "; absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo foo\n ", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"; absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, str); } TEST(StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace, FromStringView) { EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(absl::string_view{})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace({"foo"})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace({"foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"})); EXPECT_EQ(" \nfoo foo", absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace({" \nfoo foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"})); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace( {"\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"})); } TEST(StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace, InPlace) { std::string str; absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("", str); str = "foo"; absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = "foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"; absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = " \nfoo foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"; absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ(" \nfoo foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"; absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, str); } TEST(StripAsciiWhitespace, FromStringView) { EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(absl::string_view{})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripAsciiWhitespace({"foo"})); EXPECT_EQ("foo", absl::StripAsciiWhitespace({"\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo\t \n\f\r\n\v"})); EXPECT_EQ("foo foo", absl::StripAsciiWhitespace( {"\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"})); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, absl::StripAsciiWhitespace({"\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"})); } TEST(StripAsciiWhitespace, InPlace) { std::string str; absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("", str); str = "foo"; absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo\t \n\f\r\n\v"; absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\n\vfoo foo\t \n\f\r\n\v"; absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ("foo foo", str); str = "\t \n\f\r\v\n\t \n\f\r\v\n"; absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(&str); EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view{}, str); } TEST(RemoveExtraAsciiWhitespace, InPlace) { const char* inputs[] = {"No extra space", " Leading whitespace", "Trailing whitespace ", " Leading and trailing ", " Whitespace \t in\v middle ", "'Eeeeep! \n Newlines!\n", "nospaces", "", "\n\t a\t\n\nb \t\n"}; const char* outputs[] = { "No extra space", "Leading whitespace", "Trailing whitespace", "Leading and trailing", "Whitespace in middle", "'Eeeeep! Newlines!", "nospaces", "", "a\nb", }; const int NUM_TESTS = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(inputs); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) { std::string s(inputs[i]); absl::RemoveExtraAsciiWhitespace(&s); EXPECT_EQ(outputs[i], s); } } } // namespace