// Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "absl/hash/hash.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h" #include "absl/hash/hash_testing.h" #include "absl/hash/internal/spy_hash_state.h" #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h" #include "absl/numeric/int128.h" namespace { using absl::Hash; using absl::hash_internal::SpyHashState; template class HashValueIntTest : public testing::Test { }; TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(HashValueIntTest); template SpyHashState SpyHash(const T& value) { return SpyHashState::combine(SpyHashState(), value); } // Helper trait to verify if T is hashable. We use absl::Hash's poison status to // detect it. template using is_hashable = std::is_default_constructible>; TYPED_TEST_P(HashValueIntTest, BasicUsage) { EXPECT_TRUE((is_hashable::value)); TypeParam n = 42; EXPECT_EQ(SpyHash(n), SpyHash(TypeParam{42})); EXPECT_NE(SpyHash(n), SpyHash(TypeParam{0})); EXPECT_NE(SpyHash(std::numeric_limits::max()), SpyHash(std::numeric_limits::min())); } TYPED_TEST_P(HashValueIntTest, FastPath) { // Test the fast-path to make sure the values are the same. TypeParam n = 42; EXPECT_EQ(absl::Hash{}(n), absl::Hash>{}(std::tuple(n))); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(HashValueIntTest, BasicUsage, FastPath); using IntTypes = testing::Types; INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(My, HashValueIntTest, IntTypes); template struct IsHashCallble : std::false_type {}; template struct IsHashCallble>()( std::declval()))>> : std::true_type {}; template struct IsAggregateInitializable : std::false_type {}; template struct IsAggregateInitializable> : std::true_type {}; TEST(IsHashableTest, ValidHash) { EXPECT_TRUE((is_hashable::value)); EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_default_constructible>::value); EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_copy_constructible>::value); EXPECT_TRUE(std::is_move_constructible>::value); EXPECT_TRUE(absl::is_copy_assignable>::value); EXPECT_TRUE(absl::is_move_assignable>::value); EXPECT_TRUE(IsHashCallble::value); EXPECT_TRUE(IsAggregateInitializable>::value); } #if ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_CAN_POISON_ && !defined(__APPLE__) TEST(IsHashableTest, PoisonHash) { struct X {}; EXPECT_FALSE((is_hashable::value)); EXPECT_FALSE(std::is_default_constructible>::value); EXPECT_FALSE(std::is_copy_constructible>::value); EXPECT_FALSE(std::is_move_constructible>::value); EXPECT_FALSE(absl::is_copy_assignable>::value); EXPECT_FALSE(absl::is_move_assignable>::value); EXPECT_FALSE(IsHashCallble::value); EXPECT_FALSE(IsAggregateInitializable>::value); } #endif // ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_CAN_POISON_ // Hashable types // // These types exist simply to exercise various AbslHashValue behaviors, so // they are named by what their AbslHashValue overload does. struct NoOp { template friend HashCode AbslHashValue(HashCode h, NoOp n) { return std::move(h); } }; struct EmptyCombine { template friend HashCode AbslHashValue(HashCode h, EmptyCombine e) { return HashCode::combine(std::move(h)); } }; template struct CombineIterative { template friend HashCode AbslHashValue(HashCode h, CombineIterative c) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { h = HashCode::combine(std::move(h), Int(i)); } return h; } }; template struct CombineVariadic { template friend HashCode AbslHashValue(HashCode h, CombineVariadic c) { return HashCode::combine(std::move(h), Int(0), Int(1), Int(2), Int(3), Int(4)); } }; using InvokeTag = absl::hash_internal::InvokeHashTag; template using InvokeTagConstant = std::integral_constant; template struct MinTag; template struct MinTag : MinTag<(a < b ? a : b), Tags...> {}; template struct MinTag : InvokeTagConstant {}; template struct CustomHashType { size_t value; }; template struct EnableIfContained : std::enable_if...>::value> {}; template < typename H, InvokeTag... Tags, typename = typename EnableIfContained::type> H AbslHashValue(H state, CustomHashType t) { static_assert(MinTag::value == InvokeTag::kHashValue, ""); return H::combine(std::move(state), t.value + static_cast(InvokeTag::kHashValue)); } } // namespace namespace absl { namespace hash_internal { template struct is_uniquely_represented< CustomHashType, typename EnableIfContained::type> : std::true_type {}; } // namespace hash_internal } // namespace absl #if ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_SUPPORT_LEGACY_HASH_ namespace ABSL_INTERNAL_LEGACY_HASH_NAMESPACE { template struct hash> { template ::type> size_t operator()(CustomHashType t) const { static_assert(MinTag::value == InvokeTag::kLegacyHash, ""); return t.value + static_cast(InvokeTag::kLegacyHash); } }; } // namespace ABSL_INTERNAL_LEGACY_HASH_NAMESPACE #endif // ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_SUPPORT_LEGACY_HASH_ namespace std { template // NOLINT struct hash> { template ::type> size_t operator()(CustomHashType t) const { static_assert(MinTag::value == InvokeTag::kStdHash, ""); return t.value + static_cast(InvokeTag::kStdHash); } }; } // namespace std namespace { template void TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant, T...) { using type = CustomHashType; SCOPED_TRACE(testing::PrintToString(std::vector{T::value...})); EXPECT_TRUE(is_hashable()); EXPECT_TRUE(is_hashable()); EXPECT_TRUE(is_hashable()); const size_t offset = static_cast(std::min({T::value...})); EXPECT_EQ(SpyHash(type{7}), SpyHash(size_t{7 + offset})); } void TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant) { #if ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_CAN_POISON_ // is_hashable is false if we don't support any of the hooks. using type = CustomHashType<>; EXPECT_FALSE(is_hashable()); EXPECT_FALSE(is_hashable()); EXPECT_FALSE(is_hashable()); #endif // ABSL_HASH_INTERNAL_CAN_POISON_ } template void TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant tag, T... t) { constexpr auto next = static_cast(static_cast(Tag) + 1); TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant(), tag, t...); TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant(), t...); } TEST(HashTest, CustomHashType) { TestCustomHashType(InvokeTagConstant()); } TEST(HashTest, NoOpsAreEquivalent) { EXPECT_EQ(Hash()({}), Hash()({})); EXPECT_EQ(Hash()({}), Hash()({})); } template class HashIntTest : public testing::Test { }; TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(HashIntTest); TYPED_TEST_P(HashIntTest, BasicUsage) { EXPECT_NE(Hash()({}), Hash()(0)); EXPECT_NE(Hash()({}), Hash()(std::numeric_limits::max())); if (std::numeric_limits::min() != 0) { EXPECT_NE(Hash()({}), Hash()(std::numeric_limits::min())); } EXPECT_EQ(Hash>()({}), Hash>()({})); } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(HashIntTest, BasicUsage); using IntTypes = testing::Types; INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(My, HashIntTest, IntTypes); struct StructWithPadding { char c; int i; template friend H AbslHashValue(H hash_state, const StructWithPadding& s) { return H::combine(std::move(hash_state), s.c, s.i); } }; static_assert(sizeof(StructWithPadding) > sizeof(char) + sizeof(int), "StructWithPadding doesn't have padding"); static_assert(std::is_standard_layout::value, ""); // This check has to be disabled because libstdc++ doesn't support it. // static_assert(std::is_trivially_constructible::value, ""); template struct ArraySlice { T* begin; T* end; template friend H AbslHashValue(H hash_state, const ArraySlice& slice) { for (auto t = slice.begin; t != slice.end; ++t) { hash_state = H::combine(std::move(hash_state), *t); } return hash_state; } }; TEST(HashTest, HashNonUniquelyRepresentedType) { // Create equal StructWithPadding objects that are known to have non-equal // padding bytes. static const size_t kNumStructs = 10; unsigned char buffer1[kNumStructs * sizeof(StructWithPadding)]; std::memset(buffer1, 0, sizeof(buffer1)); auto* s1 = reinterpret_cast(buffer1); unsigned char buffer2[kNumStructs * sizeof(StructWithPadding)]; std::memset(buffer2, 255, sizeof(buffer2)); auto* s2 = reinterpret_cast(buffer2); for (int i = 0; i < kNumStructs; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(i); s1[i].c = s2[i].c = '0' + i; s1[i].i = s2[i].i = i; ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(buffer1 + i * sizeof(StructWithPadding), buffer2 + i * sizeof(StructWithPadding), sizeof(StructWithPadding)) == 0) << "Bug in test code: objects do not have unequal" << " object representations"; } EXPECT_EQ(Hash()(s1[0]), Hash()(s2[0])); EXPECT_EQ(Hash>()({s1, s1 + kNumStructs}), Hash>()({s2, s2 + kNumStructs})); } TEST(HashTest, StandardHashContainerUsage) { std::unordered_map> map = {{0, "foo"}, { 42, "bar" }}; EXPECT_NE(map.find(0), map.end()); EXPECT_EQ(map.find(1), map.end()); EXPECT_NE(map.find(0u), map.end()); } struct ConvertibleFromNoOp { ConvertibleFromNoOp(NoOp) {} // NOLINT(runtime/explicit) template friend H AbslHashValue(H hash_state, ConvertibleFromNoOp) { return H::combine(std::move(hash_state), 1); } }; TEST(HashTest, HeterogeneousCall) { EXPECT_NE(Hash()(NoOp()), Hash()(NoOp())); } TEST(IsUniquelyRepresentedTest, SanityTest) { using absl::hash_internal::is_uniquely_represented; EXPECT_TRUE(is_uniquely_represented::value); EXPECT_TRUE(is_uniquely_represented::value); EXPECT_FALSE(is_uniquely_represented::value); EXPECT_FALSE(is_uniquely_represented::value); } struct IntAndString { int i; std::string s; template friend H AbslHashValue(H hash_state, IntAndString int_and_string) { return H::combine(std::move(hash_state), int_and_string.s, int_and_string.i); } }; TEST(HashTest, SmallValueOn64ByteBoundary) { Hash()(IntAndString{0, std::string(63, '0')}); } struct TypeErased { size_t n; template friend H AbslHashValue(H hash_state, const TypeErased& v) { v.HashValue(absl::HashState::Create(&hash_state)); return hash_state; } void HashValue(absl::HashState state) const { absl::HashState::combine(std::move(state), n); } }; TEST(HashTest, TypeErased) { EXPECT_TRUE((is_hashable::value)); EXPECT_TRUE((is_hashable>::value)); EXPECT_EQ(SpyHash(TypeErased{7}), SpyHash(size_t{7})); EXPECT_NE(SpyHash(TypeErased{7}), SpyHash(size_t{13})); EXPECT_EQ(SpyHash(std::make_pair(TypeErased{7}, 17)), SpyHash(std::make_pair(size_t{7}, 17))); } } // namespace