// Copyright 2023 The Abseil Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h" #include "absl/base/no_destructor.h" #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" namespace { // Number of static-NoDestructor-in-a-function to exercise. // This must be low enough not to hit template instantiation limits // (happens around 1000). constexpr int kNumObjects = 1; // set to 512 when doing benchmarks // 1 is faster to compile: just one templated // function instantiation // Size of individual objects to benchmark static-NoDestructor-in-a-function // usage with. constexpr int kObjSize = sizeof(void*)*1; // Simple object of kObjSize bytes (rounded to int). // We benchmark complete reading of its state via Verify(). class BM_Blob { public: BM_Blob(int val) { for (auto& d : data_) d = val; } BM_Blob() : BM_Blob(-1) {} void Verify(int val) const { // val must be the c-tor argument for (auto& d : data_) ABSL_INTERNAL_CHECK(d == val, ""); } private: int data_[kObjSize / sizeof(int) > 0 ? kObjSize / sizeof(int) : 1]; }; // static-NoDestructor-in-a-function pattern instances. // We'll instantiate kNumObjects of them. template const BM_Blob& NoDestrBlobFunc() { static absl::NoDestructor x(i); return *x; } // static-heap-ptr-in-a-function pattern instances // We'll instantiate kNumObjects of them. template const BM_Blob& OnHeapBlobFunc() { static BM_Blob* x = new BM_Blob(i); return *x; } // Type for NoDestrBlobFunc or OnHeapBlobFunc. typedef const BM_Blob& (*FuncType)(); // ========================================================================= // // Simple benchmarks that read a single BM_Blob over and over, hence // all they touch fits into L1 CPU cache: // Direct non-POD global variable (style guide violation) as a baseline. static BM_Blob direct_blob(0); void BM_Direct(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto s : state) { direct_blob.Verify(0); } } BENCHMARK(BM_Direct); void BM_NoDestr(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto s : state) { NoDestrBlobFunc<0>().Verify(0); } } BENCHMARK(BM_NoDestr); void BM_OnHeap(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto s : state) { OnHeapBlobFunc<0>().Verify(0); } } BENCHMARK(BM_OnHeap); // ========================================================================= // // Benchmarks that read kNumObjects of BM_Blob over and over, hence with // appropriate values of sizeof(BM_Blob) and kNumObjects their working set // can exceed a given layer of CPU cache. // Type of benchmark to select between NoDestrBlobFunc and OnHeapBlobFunc. enum BM_Type { kNoDestr, kOnHeap, kDirect }; // BlobFunc(t, i) returns the i-th function of type t. // n must be larger than i (we'll use kNumObjects for n). template FuncType BlobFunc(BM_Type t, int i) { if (i == n) { switch (t) { case kNoDestr: return &NoDestrBlobFunc; case kOnHeap: return &OnHeapBlobFunc; case kDirect: return nullptr; } } return BlobFunc(t, i); } template<> FuncType BlobFunc<0>(BM_Type t, int i) { ABSL_INTERNAL_CHECK(i == 0, ""); switch (t) { case kNoDestr: return &NoDestrBlobFunc<0>; case kOnHeap: return &OnHeapBlobFunc<0>; case kDirect: return nullptr; } return nullptr; } // Direct non-POD global variables (style guide violation) as a baseline. static BM_Blob direct_blobs[kNumObjects]; // Helper that cheaply maps benchmark iteration to randomish index in // [0, kNumObjects). int RandIdx(int i) { // int64 is to avoid overflow and generating negative return values: return (static_cast(i) * 13) % kNumObjects; } // Generic benchmark working with kNumObjects for any of the possible BM_Type. template void BM_Many(benchmark::State& state) { FuncType funcs[kNumObjects]; for (int i = 0; i < kNumObjects; ++i) { funcs[i] = BlobFunc(t, i); } if (t == kDirect) { for (auto s : state) { int idx = RandIdx(state.iterations()); direct_blobs[idx].Verify(-1); } } else { for (auto s : state) { int idx = RandIdx(state.iterations()); funcs[idx]().Verify(idx); } } } void BM_DirectMany(benchmark::State& state) { BM_Many(state); } void BM_NoDestrMany(benchmark::State& state) { BM_Many(state); } void BM_OnHeapMany(benchmark::State& state) { BM_Many(state); } BENCHMARK(BM_DirectMany); BENCHMARK(BM_NoDestrMany); BENCHMARK(BM_OnHeapMany); } // namespace