// Utilities for testing exception-safety #ifndef ABSL_BASE_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_SAFETY_TESTING_H_ #define ABSL_BASE_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_SAFETY_TESTING_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "absl/base/config.h" #include "absl/base/internal/pretty_function.h" #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/strings/substitute.h" namespace absl { struct AllocInspector; // A configuration enum for Throwing*. Operations whose flags are set will // throw, everything else won't. This isn't meant to be exhaustive, more flags // can always be made in the future. enum class NoThrow : uint8_t { kNone = 0, kMoveCtor = 1, kMoveAssign = 1 << 1, kAllocation = 1 << 2, kIntCtor = 1 << 3, kNoThrow = static_cast(-1) }; constexpr NoThrow operator|(NoThrow a, NoThrow b) { using T = absl::underlying_type_t; return static_cast(static_cast(a) | static_cast(b)); } constexpr NoThrow operator&(NoThrow a, NoThrow b) { using T = absl::underlying_type_t; return static_cast(static_cast(a) & static_cast(b)); } namespace exceptions_internal { constexpr bool ThrowingAllowed(NoThrow flags, NoThrow flag) { return !static_cast(flags & flag); } // A simple exception class. We throw this so that test code can catch // exceptions specifically thrown by ThrowingValue. class TestException { public: explicit TestException(absl::string_view msg) : msg_(msg) {} absl::string_view what() const { return msg_; } private: std::string msg_; }; extern int countdown; void MaybeThrow(absl::string_view msg); testing::AssertionResult FailureMessage(const TestException& e, int countdown) noexcept; class TrackedObject { protected: explicit TrackedObject(absl::string_view child_ctor) { if (!GetAllocs().emplace(this, child_ctor).second) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Object at address " << static_cast(this) << " re-constructed in ctor " << child_ctor; } } TrackedObject(const TrackedObject&) = delete; TrackedObject(TrackedObject&&) = delete; static std::unordered_map& GetAllocs() { static auto* m = new std::unordered_map(); return *m; } ~TrackedObject() noexcept { if (GetAllocs().erase(this) == 0) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Object at address " << static_cast(this) << " destroyed improperly"; } } friend struct ::absl::AllocInspector; }; } // namespace exceptions_internal // A test class which is contextually convertible to bool. The conversion can // be instrumented to throw at a controlled time. class ThrowingBool { public: ThrowingBool(bool b) noexcept : b_(b) {} // NOLINT(runtime/explicit) explicit operator bool() const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return b_; } private: bool b_; }; // A testing class instrumented to throw an exception at a controlled time. // // ThrowingValue implements a slightly relaxed version of the Regular concept -- // that is it's a value type with the expected semantics. It also implements // arithmetic operations. It doesn't implement member and pointer operators // like operator-> or operator[]. // // ThrowingValue can be instrumented to have certain operations be noexcept by // using compile-time bitfield flag template arguments. That is, to make an // ThrowingValue which has a noexcept move constructor and noexcept move // assignment, use // ThrowingValue. template class ThrowingValue : private exceptions_internal::TrackedObject { public: ThrowingValue() : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ = 0; } ThrowingValue(const ThrowingValue& other) : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ = other.dummy_; } ThrowingValue(ThrowingValue&& other) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kMoveCtor)) : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION) { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kMoveCtor)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); } dummy_ = other.dummy_; } explicit ThrowingValue(int i) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kIntCtor)) : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION) { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kIntCtor)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); } dummy_ = i; } // absl expects nothrow destructors ~ThrowingValue() noexcept = default; ThrowingValue& operator=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ = other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator=(ThrowingValue&& other) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kMoveAssign)) { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kMoveAssign)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); } dummy_ = other.dummy_; return *this; } // Arithmetic Operators ThrowingValue operator+(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ + other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator+() const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator-(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ - other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator-() const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(-dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue& operator++() { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); ++dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue operator++(int) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); auto out = ThrowingValue(dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); ++dummy_; return out; } ThrowingValue& operator--() { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); --dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue operator--(int) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); auto out = ThrowingValue(dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); --dummy_; return out; } ThrowingValue operator*(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ * other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator/(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ / other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator%(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ % other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator<<(int shift) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ << shift, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator>>(int shift) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ >> shift, NoThrowTag{}); } // Comparison Operators friend ThrowingBool operator==(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ == b.dummy_; } friend ThrowingBool operator!=(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ != b.dummy_; } friend ThrowingBool operator<(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ < b.dummy_; } friend ThrowingBool operator<=(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ <= b.dummy_; } friend ThrowingBool operator>(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ > b.dummy_; } friend ThrowingBool operator>=(const ThrowingValue& a, const ThrowingValue& b) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return a.dummy_ >= b.dummy_; } // Logical Operators ThrowingBool operator!() const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return !dummy_; } ThrowingBool operator&&(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return dummy_ && other.dummy_; } ThrowingBool operator||(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return dummy_ || other.dummy_; } // Bitwise Logical Operators ThrowingValue operator~() const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(~dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator&(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ & other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator|(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ | other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } ThrowingValue operator^(const ThrowingValue& other) const { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return ThrowingValue(dummy_ ^ other.dummy_, NoThrowTag{}); } // Compound Assignment operators ThrowingValue& operator+=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ += other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator-=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ -= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator*=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ *= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator/=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ /= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator%=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ %= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator&=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ &= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator|=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ |= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator^=(const ThrowingValue& other) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ ^= other.dummy_; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator<<=(int shift) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ <<= shift; return *this; } ThrowingValue& operator>>=(int shift) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ >>= shift; return *this; } // Pointer operators void operator&() const = delete; // NOLINT(runtime/operator) // Stream operators friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ThrowingValue&) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return os; } friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const ThrowingValue&) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return is; } // Memory management operators // Args.. allows us to overload regular and placement new in one shot template static void* operator new(size_t s, Args&&... args) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kAllocation)) { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kAllocation)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); } return ::operator new(s, std::forward(args)...); } template static void* operator new[](size_t s, Args&&... args) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kAllocation)) { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kAllocation)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); } return ::operator new[](s, std::forward(args)...); } // Abseil doesn't support throwing overloaded operator delete. These are // provided so a throwing operator-new can clean up after itself. // // We provide both regular and templated operator delete because if only the // templated version is provided as we did with operator new, the compiler has // no way of knowing which overload of operator delete to call. See // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/new/operator_delete and // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/delete for the gory details. void operator delete(void* p) noexcept { ::operator delete(p); } template void operator delete(void* p, Args&&... args) noexcept { ::operator delete(p, std::forward(args)...); } void operator delete[](void* p) noexcept { return ::operator delete[](p); } template void operator delete[](void* p, Args&&... args) noexcept { return ::operator delete[](p, std::forward(args)...); } // Non-standard access to the actual contained value. No need for this to // throw. int& Get() noexcept { return dummy_; } const int& Get() const noexcept { return dummy_; } private: struct NoThrowTag {}; ThrowingValue(int i, NoThrowTag) noexcept : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), dummy_(i) {} int dummy_; }; // While not having to do with exceptions, explicitly delete comma operator, to // make sure we don't use it on user-supplied types. template void operator,(const ThrowingValue& ef, T&& t) = delete; template void operator,(T&& t, const ThrowingValue& ef) = delete; // An allocator type which is instrumented to throw at a controlled time, or not // to throw, using NoThrow. The supported settings are the default of every // function which is allowed to throw in a conforming allocator possibly // throwing, or nothing throws, in line with the ABSL_ALLOCATOR_THROWS // configuration macro. template class ThrowingAllocator : private exceptions_internal::TrackedObject { static_assert(Flags == NoThrow::kNone || Flags == NoThrow::kNoThrow, "Invalid flag"); public: using pointer = T*; using const_pointer = const T*; using reference = T&; using const_reference = const T&; using void_pointer = void*; using const_void_pointer = const void*; using value_type = T; using size_type = size_t; using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using is_nothrow = std::integral_constant; using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::true_type; using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type; using propagate_on_container_swap = std::true_type; using is_always_equal = std::false_type; ThrowingAllocator() : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); dummy_ = std::make_shared(next_id_++); } template ThrowingAllocator( // NOLINT const ThrowingAllocator& other) noexcept : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), dummy_(other.State()) {} ThrowingAllocator(const ThrowingAllocator& other) noexcept : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), dummy_(other.State()) {} template ThrowingAllocator( // NOLINT ThrowingAllocator&& other) noexcept : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), dummy_(std::move(other.State())) {} ThrowingAllocator(ThrowingAllocator&& other) noexcept : TrackedObject(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), dummy_(std::move(other.State())) {} ~ThrowingAllocator() noexcept = default; template ThrowingAllocator& operator=( const ThrowingAllocator& other) noexcept { dummy_ = other.State(); return *this; } template ThrowingAllocator& operator=(ThrowingAllocator&& other) noexcept { dummy_ = std::move(other.State()); return *this; } template struct rebind { using other = ThrowingAllocator; }; pointer allocate(size_type n) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { ReadStateAndMaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return static_cast(::operator new(n * sizeof(T))); } pointer allocate(size_type n, const_void_pointer) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { return allocate(n); } void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type) noexcept { ReadState(); ::operator delete(static_cast(ptr)); } template void construct(U* ptr, Args&&... args) noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { ReadStateAndMaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); ::new (static_cast(ptr)) U(std::forward(args)...); } template void destroy(U* p) noexcept { ReadState(); p->~U(); } size_type max_size() const noexcept(!exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { ReadStateAndMaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return std::numeric_limits::max() / sizeof(value_type); } ThrowingAllocator select_on_container_copy_construction() noexcept( !exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { auto& out = *this; ReadStateAndMaybeThrow(ABSL_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return out; } template bool operator==(const ThrowingAllocator& other) const noexcept { return dummy_ == other.dummy_; } template bool operator!=(const ThrowingAllocator& other) const noexcept { return dummy_ != other.dummy_; } template friend class ThrowingAllocator; private: const std::shared_ptr& State() const { return dummy_; } std::shared_ptr& State() { return dummy_; } void ReadState() { // we know that this will never be true, but the compiler doesn't, so this // should safely force a read of the value. if (*dummy_ < 0) std::abort(); } void ReadStateAndMaybeThrow(absl::string_view msg) const { if (exceptions_internal::ThrowingAllowed(Flags, NoThrow::kNoThrow)) { exceptions_internal::MaybeThrow( absl::Substitute("Allocator id $0 threw from $1", *dummy_, msg)); } } static int next_id_; std::shared_ptr dummy_; }; template int ThrowingAllocator::next_id_ = 0; // Inspects the constructions and destructions of anything inheriting from // TrackedObject. Place this as a member variable in a test fixture to ensure // that every ThrowingValue was constructed and destroyed correctly. struct AllocInspector { AllocInspector() = default; ~AllocInspector() { auto& allocs = exceptions_internal::TrackedObject::GetAllocs(); for (const auto& kv : allocs) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Object at address " << static_cast(kv.first) << " constructed from " << kv.second << " not destroyed"; } allocs.clear(); } }; // Tests that performing operation Op on a T follows the basic exception safety // guarantee. // // Parameters: // * T: the type under test. // * FunctionFromTPtrToVoid: A functor exercising the function under test. It // should take a T* and return void. // // There must also be a function named `AbslCheckInvariants` in an associated // namespace of T which takes a const T& and returns true if the T's class // invariants hold, and false if they don't. template testing::AssertionResult TestBasicGuarantee(T* t, FunctionFromTPtrToVoid&& op) { for (int countdown = 0;; ++countdown) { exceptions_internal::countdown = countdown; try { op(t); break; } catch (const exceptions_internal::TestException& e) { if (!AbslCheckInvariants(*t)) { return exceptions_internal::FailureMessage(e, countdown) << " broke invariants."; } } } exceptions_internal::countdown = -1; return testing::AssertionSuccess(); } // Tests that performing operation Op on a T follows the strong exception safety // guarantee. // // Parameters: // * T: the type under test. T must be copy-constructable and // equality-comparible. // * FunctionFromTPtrToVoid: A functor exercising the function under test. It // should take a T* and return void. // // There must also be a function named `AbslCheckInvariants` in an associated // namespace of T which takes a const T& and returns true if the T's class // invariants hold, and false if they don't. template testing::AssertionResult TestStrongGuarantee(T* t, FunctionFromTPtrToVoid&& op) { exceptions_internal::countdown = -1; for (auto countdown = 0;; ++countdown) { T dup = *t; exceptions_internal::countdown = countdown; try { op(t); break; } catch (const exceptions_internal::TestException& e) { if (!AbslCheckInvariants(*t)) { return exceptions_internal::FailureMessage(e, countdown) << " broke invariants."; } if (dup != *t) return exceptions_internal::FailureMessage(e, countdown) << " changed state."; } } exceptions_internal::countdown = -1; return testing::AssertionSuccess(); } } // namespace absl #endif // ABSL_BASE_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_SAFETY_TESTING_H_