# # Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include(CMakeParseArguments) include(AbseilConfigureCopts) # The IDE folder for Abseil that will be used if Abseil is included in a CMake # project that sets # set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # For example, Visual Studio supports folders. set(ABSL_IDE_FOLDER Abseil) # absl_cc_library() # # CMake function to imitate Bazel's cc_library rule. # # Parameters: # NAME: name of target (see Note) # HDRS: List of public header files for the library # SRCS: List of source files for the library # DEPS: List of other libraries to be linked in to the binary targets # COPTS: List of private compile options # DEFINES: List of public defines # LINKOPTS: List of link options # PUBLIC: Add this so that this library will be exported under absl:: (see Note). # Also in IDE, target will appear in Abseil folder while non PUBLIC will be in Abseil/internal. # TESTONLY: When added, this target will only be built if user passes -DABSL_RUN_TESTS=ON to CMake. # # Note: # By default, absl_cc_library will always create a library named absl_internal_${NAME}, # and alias target absl::${NAME}. # This is to reduce namespace pollution. # # absl_cc_library( # NAME # awesome # HDRS # "a.h" # SRCS # "a.cc" # ) # absl_cc_library( # NAME # fantastic_lib # SRCS # "b.cc" # DEPS # absl_internal_awesome # not "awesome"! # ) # # If PUBLIC is set, absl_cc_library will instead create a target named # absl_${NAME} and still an alias absl::${NAME}. # # absl_cc_library( # NAME # main_lib # ... # PUBLIC # ) # # User can then use the library as absl::main_lib (although absl_main_lib is defined too). # # TODO: Implement "ALWAYSLINK" function(absl_cc_library) cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_CC_LIB "DISABLE_INSTALL;PUBLIC;TESTONLY" "NAME" "HDRS;SRCS;COPTS;DEFINES;LINKOPTS;DEPS" ${ARGN} ) if (NOT ABSL_CC_LIB_TESTONLY OR ABSL_RUN_TESTS) if (ABSL_CC_LIB_PUBLIC) set(_NAME "absl_${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME}") else() set(_NAME "absl_internal_${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME}") endif() # Check if this is a header-only library # Note that as of February 2019, many popular OS's (for example, Ubuntu # 16.04 LTS) only come with cmake 3.5 by default. For this reason, we can't # use list(FILTER...) set(ABSL_CC_SRCS "${ABSL_CC_LIB_SRCS}") foreach(src_file IN LISTS ABSL_CC_SRCS) if(${src_file} MATCHES ".*\\.(h|inc)") list(REMOVE_ITEM ABSL_CC_SRCS "${src_file}") endif() endforeach() if ("${ABSL_CC_SRCS}" STREQUAL "") set(ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE 1) else() set(ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE 0) endif() if(NOT ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE) add_library(${_NAME} STATIC "") target_sources(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_SRCS} ${ABSL_CC_LIB_HDRS}) target_include_directories(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_compile_options(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_COPTS}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS} ) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEFINES}) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. if(ABSL_CC_LIB_PUBLIC) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}) elseif(ABSL_CC_LIB_TESTONLY) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/test) else() set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/internal) endif() # INTERFACE libraries can't have the CXX_STANDARD property set set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD ${ABSL_CXX_STANDARD}) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) else() # Generating header-only library add_library(${_NAME} INTERFACE) target_include_directories(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS} ${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS} ) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEFINES}) endif() add_library(absl::${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME} ALIAS ${_NAME}) endif() endfunction() # absl_cc_test() # # CMake function to imitate Bazel's cc_test rule. # # Parameters: # NAME: name of target (see Usage below) # SRCS: List of source files for the binary # DEPS: List of other libraries to be linked in to the binary targets # COPTS: List of private compile options # DEFINES: List of public defines # LINKOPTS: List of link options # # Note: # By default, absl_cc_test will always create a binary named absl_${NAME}. # This will also add it to ctest list as absl_${NAME}. # # Usage: # absl_cc_library( # NAME # awesome # HDRS # "a.h" # SRCS # "a.cc" # PUBLIC # ) # # absl_cc_test( # NAME # awesome_test # SRCS # "awesome_test.cc" # DEPS # absl::awesome # gmock # gtest_main # ) function(absl_cc_test) if(NOT ABSL_RUN_TESTS) return() endif() cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_CC_TEST "" "NAME" "SRCS;COPTS;DEFINES;LINKOPTS;DEPS" ${ARGN} ) set(_NAME "absl_${ABSL_CC_TEST_NAME}") add_executable(${_NAME} "") target_sources(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_SRCS}) target_include_directories(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE ${GMOCK_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEFINES} ) target_compile_options(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_COPTS} ) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEPS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_LINKOPTS} ) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/test) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD ${ABSL_CXX_STANDARD}) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) add_test(NAME ${_NAME} COMMAND ${_NAME}) endfunction() function(check_target my_target) if(NOT TARGET ${my_target}) message(FATAL_ERROR " ABSL: compiling absl requires a ${my_target} CMake target in your project, see CMake/README.md for more details") endif(NOT TARGET ${my_target}) endfunction()