# # Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include(CMakeParseArguments) # # create a library in the absl namespace # # parameters # SOURCES : sources files for the library # PUBLIC_LIBRARIES: targets and flags for linking phase # PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS: compile flags for the library. Will not be exported. # EXPORT_NAME: export name for the absl:: target export # TARGET: target name # # create a target associated to # libraries are installed under CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR by default # function(absl_library) cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_LIB "DISABLE_INSTALL" # keep that in case we want to support installation one day "TARGET;EXPORT_NAME" "SOURCES;PUBLIC_LIBRARIES;PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS" ${ARGN} ) set(_NAME ${ABSL_LIB_TARGET}) string(TOUPPER ${_NAME} _UPPER_NAME) add_library(${_NAME} STATIC ${ABSL_LIB_SOURCES}) target_compile_options(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_COMPILE_CXXFLAGS} ${ABSL_LIB_PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_LIB_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ABSL_LIB_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_LIB_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER Abseil) if(ABSL_LIB_EXPORT_NAME) add_library(absl::${ABSL_LIB_EXPORT_NAME} ALIAS ${_NAME}) endif() endfunction() # # header only virtual target creation # function(absl_header_library) cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_HO_LIB "DISABLE_INSTALL" "EXPORT_NAME;TARGET" "PUBLIC_LIBRARIES;PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS;PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRS;PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS" ${ARGN} ) set(_NAME ${ABSL_HO_LIB_TARGET}) set(__dummy_header_only_lib_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_NAME}_header_only_dummy.cc") if(NOT EXISTS ${__dummy_header_only_lib_file}) file(WRITE ${__dummy_header_only_lib_file} "/* generated file for header-only cmake target */ namespace absl { // single meaningless symbol void ${_NAME}__header_fakesym() {} } // namespace absl " ) endif() add_library(${_NAME} ${__dummy_header_only_lib_file}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_HO_LIB_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ABSL_HO_LIB_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_HO_LIB_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER Abseil) if(ABSL_HO_LIB_EXPORT_NAME) add_library(absl::${ABSL_HO_LIB_EXPORT_NAME} ALIAS ${_NAME}) endif() endfunction() # # create an abseil unit_test and add it to the executed test list # # parameters # TARGET: target name prefix # SOURCES: sources files for the tests # PUBLIC_LIBRARIES: targets and flags for linking phase. # PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS: compile flags for the test. Will not be exported. # # create a target associated to _bin # # all tests will be register for execution with add_test() # # test compilation and execution is disable when BUILD_TESTING=OFF # function(absl_test) cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_TEST "" "TARGET" "SOURCES;PUBLIC_LIBRARIES;PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS;PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRS" ${ARGN} ) if(BUILD_TESTING) set(_NAME ${ABSL_TEST_TARGET}) string(TOUPPER ${_NAME} _UPPER_NAME) add_executable(${_NAME}_bin ${ABSL_TEST_SOURCES}) target_compile_options(${_NAME}_bin PRIVATE ${ABSL_COMPILE_CXXFLAGS} ${ABSL_TEST_PRIVATE_COMPILE_FLAGS}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME}_bin PUBLIC ${ABSL_TEST_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES} ${ABSL_TEST_COMMON_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(${_NAME}_bin PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ABSL_TEST_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE ${GMOCK_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME}_bin PROPERTY FOLDER Abseil) add_test(${_NAME} ${_NAME}_bin) endif(BUILD_TESTING) endfunction() function(check_target my_target) if(NOT TARGET ${my_target}) message(FATAL_ERROR " ABSL: compiling absl requires a ${my_target} CMake target in your project, see CMake/README.md for more details") endif(NOT TARGET ${my_target}) endfunction()