# # Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include(CMakeParseArguments) include(AbseilConfigureCopts) include(AbseilDll) # The IDE folder for Abseil that will be used if Abseil is included in a CMake # project that sets # set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # For example, Visual Studio supports folders. if(NOT DEFINED ABSL_IDE_FOLDER) set(ABSL_IDE_FOLDER Abseil) endif() if(ABSL_USE_SYSTEM_INCLUDES) set(ABSL_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_WARNING_GUARD SYSTEM) else() set(ABSL_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_WARNING_GUARD "") endif() # absl_cc_library() # # CMake function to imitate Bazel's cc_library rule. # # Parameters: # NAME: name of target (see Note) # HDRS: List of public header files for the library # SRCS: List of source files for the library # DEPS: List of other libraries to be linked in to the binary targets # COPTS: List of private compile options # DEFINES: List of public defines # LINKOPTS: List of link options # PUBLIC: Add this so that this library will be exported under absl:: # Also in IDE, target will appear in Abseil folder while non PUBLIC will be in Abseil/internal. # TESTONLY: When added, this target will only be built if both # BUILD_TESTING=ON and ABSL_BUILD_TESTING=ON. # # Note: # By default, absl_cc_library will always create a library named absl_${NAME}, # and alias target absl::${NAME}. The absl:: form should always be used. # This is to reduce namespace pollution. # # absl_cc_library( # NAME # awesome # HDRS # "a.h" # SRCS # "a.cc" # ) # absl_cc_library( # NAME # fantastic_lib # SRCS # "b.cc" # DEPS # absl::awesome # not "awesome" ! # PUBLIC # ) # # absl_cc_library( # NAME # main_lib # ... # DEPS # absl::fantastic_lib # ) # # TODO: Implement "ALWAYSLINK" function(absl_cc_library) cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_CC_LIB "DISABLE_INSTALL;PUBLIC;TESTONLY" "NAME" "HDRS;SRCS;COPTS;DEFINES;LINKOPTS;DEPS" ${ARGN} ) if(ABSL_CC_LIB_TESTONLY AND NOT ((BUILD_TESTING AND ABSL_BUILD_TESTING) OR (ABSL_BUILD_TEST_HELPERS AND ABSL_CC_LIB_PUBLIC))) return() endif() if(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL) set(_NAME "${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME}") else() set(_NAME "absl_${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME}") endif() # Check if this is a header-only library # Note that as of February 2019, many popular OS's (for example, Ubuntu # 16.04 LTS) only come with cmake 3.5 by default. For this reason, we can't # use list(FILTER...) set(ABSL_CC_SRCS "${ABSL_CC_LIB_SRCS}") foreach(src_file IN LISTS ABSL_CC_SRCS) if(${src_file} MATCHES ".*\\.(h|inc)") list(REMOVE_ITEM ABSL_CC_SRCS "${src_file}") endif() endforeach() if(ABSL_CC_SRCS STREQUAL "") set(ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE 1) else() set(ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE 0) endif() # Determine this build target's relationship to the DLL. It's one of four things: # 1. "dll" -- This target is part of the DLL # 2. "dll_dep" -- This target is not part of the DLL, but depends on the DLL. # Note that we assume any target not in the DLL depends on the # DLL. This is not a technical necessity but a convenience # which happens to be true, because nearly every target is # part of the DLL. # 3. "shared" -- This is a shared library, perhaps on a non-windows platform # where DLL doesn't make sense. # 4. "static" -- This target does not depend on the DLL and should be built # statically. if (${ABSL_BUILD_DLL}) if(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL) absl_internal_dll_contains(TARGET ${_NAME} OUTPUT _in_dll) absl_internal_test_dll_contains(TARGET ${_NAME} OUTPUT _in_test_dll) else() absl_internal_dll_contains(TARGET ${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME} OUTPUT _in_dll) absl_internal_test_dll_contains(TARGET ${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME} OUTPUT _in_test_dll) endif() if (${_in_dll} OR ${_in_test_dll}) # This target should be replaced by the DLL set(_build_type "dll") set(ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE 1) else() # Building a DLL, but this target is not part of the DLL set(_build_type "dll_dep") endif() elseif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(_build_type "shared") else() set(_build_type "static") endif() # Generate a pkg-config file for every library: if(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL) if(absl_VERSION) set(PC_VERSION "${absl_VERSION}") else() set(PC_VERSION "head") endif() if(NOT _build_type STREQUAL "dll") set(LNK_LIB "${LNK_LIB} -labsl_${_NAME}") endif() foreach(dep ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS}) if(${dep} MATCHES "^absl::(.*)") # for DLL builds many libs are not created, but add # the pkgconfigs nevertheless, pointing to the dll. if(_build_type STREQUAL "dll") # hide this MATCHES in an if-clause so it doesn't overwrite # the CMAKE_MATCH_1 from (${dep} MATCHES "^absl::(.*)") if(NOT PC_DEPS MATCHES "abseil_dll") # Join deps with commas. if(PC_DEPS) set(PC_DEPS "${PC_DEPS},") endif() # don't duplicate dll-dep if it exists already set(PC_DEPS "${PC_DEPS} abseil_dll = ${PC_VERSION}") set(LNK_LIB "${LNK_LIB} -labseil_dll") endif() else() # Join deps with commas. if(PC_DEPS) set(PC_DEPS "${PC_DEPS},") endif() set(PC_DEPS "${PC_DEPS} absl_${CMAKE_MATCH_1} = ${PC_VERSION}") endif() endif() endforeach() foreach(cflag ${ABSL_CC_LIB_COPTS}) if(${cflag} MATCHES "^(-Wno|/wd)") # These flags are needed to suppress warnings that might fire in our headers. set(PC_CFLAGS "${PC_CFLAGS} ${cflag}") elseif(${cflag} MATCHES "^(-W|/w[1234eo])") # Don't impose our warnings on others. elseif(${cflag} MATCHES "^-m") # Don't impose CPU instruction requirements on others, as # the code performs feature detection on runtime. else() set(PC_CFLAGS "${PC_CFLAGS} ${cflag}") endif() endforeach() string(REPLACE ";" " " PC_LINKOPTS "${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS}") FILE(GENERATE OUTPUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig/absl_${_NAME}.pc" CONTENT "\ prefix=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\n\ exec_prefix=\${prefix}\n\ libdir=${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}\n\ includedir=${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR}\n\ \n\ Name: absl_${_NAME}\n\ Description: Abseil ${_NAME} library\n\ URL: https://abseil.io/\n\ Version: ${PC_VERSION}\n\ Requires:${PC_DEPS}\n\ Libs: -L\${libdir} $<$>:${LNK_LIB}> ${PC_LINKOPTS}\n\ Cflags: -I\${includedir}${PC_CFLAGS}\n") INSTALL(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig/absl_${_NAME}.pc" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig") endif() if(NOT ABSL_CC_LIB_IS_INTERFACE) if(_build_type STREQUAL "dll_dep") # This target depends on the DLL. When adding dependencies to this target, # any depended-on-target which is contained inside the DLL is replaced # with a dependency on the DLL. add_library(${_NAME} STATIC "") target_sources(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_SRCS} ${ABSL_CC_LIB_HDRS}) absl_internal_dll_targets( DEPS ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS} OUTPUT _dll_deps ) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${_dll_deps} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS} ${ABSL_DEFAULT_LINKOPTS} ) if (ABSL_CC_LIB_TESTONLY) set(_gtest_link_define "GTEST_LINKED_AS_SHARED_LIBRARY=1") else() set(_gtest_link_define) endif() target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ABSL_CONSUME_DLL "${_gtest_link_define}" ) elseif(_build_type STREQUAL "static" OR _build_type STREQUAL "shared") add_library(${_NAME} "") target_sources(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_SRCS} ${ABSL_CC_LIB_HDRS}) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS} ${ABSL_DEFAULT_LINKOPTS} ) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid build type: ${_build_type}") endif() # Linker language can be inferred from sources, but in the case of DLLs we # don't have any .cc files so it would be ambiguous. We could set it # explicitly only in the case of DLLs but, because "CXX" is always the # correct linker language for static or for shared libraries, we set it # unconditionally. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE "CXX") target_include_directories(${_NAME} ${ABSL_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_WARNING_GUARD} PUBLIC "$" $ ) target_compile_options(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_COPTS}) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEFINES}) # Add all Abseil targets to a a folder in the IDE for organization. if(ABSL_CC_LIB_PUBLIC) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}) elseif(ABSL_CC_LIB_TESTONLY) set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/test) else() set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/internal) endif() if(ABSL_PROPAGATE_CXX_STD) # Abseil libraries require C++14 as the current minimum standard. When # compiled with C++17 (either because it is the compiler's default or # explicitly requested), then Abseil requires C++17. target_compile_features(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_INTERNAL_CXX_STD_FEATURE}) endif() # When being installed, we lose the absl_ prefix. We want to put it back # to have properly named lib files. This is a no-op when we are not being # installed. if(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL) set_target_properties(${_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "absl_${_NAME}" SOVERSION 0 ) endif() else() # Generating header-only library add_library(${_NAME} INTERFACE) target_include_directories(${_NAME} ${ABSL_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_WARNING_GUARD} INTERFACE "$" $ ) if (_build_type STREQUAL "dll") set(ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS abseil_dll) endif() target_link_libraries(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEPS} ${ABSL_CC_LIB_LINKOPTS} ${ABSL_DEFAULT_LINKOPTS} ) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_CC_LIB_DEFINES}) if(ABSL_PROPAGATE_CXX_STD) # Abseil libraries require C++14 as the current minimum standard. # Top-level application CMake projects should ensure a consistent C++ # standard for all compiled sources by setting CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. target_compile_features(${_NAME} INTERFACE ${ABSL_INTERNAL_CXX_STD_FEATURE}) endif() endif() if(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL) install(TARGETS ${_NAME} EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ) endif() add_library(absl::${ABSL_CC_LIB_NAME} ALIAS ${_NAME}) endfunction() # absl_cc_test() # # CMake function to imitate Bazel's cc_test rule. # # Parameters: # NAME: name of target (see Usage below) # SRCS: List of source files for the binary # DEPS: List of other libraries to be linked in to the binary targets # COPTS: List of private compile options # DEFINES: List of public defines # LINKOPTS: List of link options # # Note: # By default, absl_cc_test will always create a binary named absl_${NAME}. # This will also add it to ctest list as absl_${NAME}. # # Usage: # absl_cc_library( # NAME # awesome # HDRS # "a.h" # SRCS # "a.cc" # PUBLIC # ) # # absl_cc_test( # NAME # awesome_test # SRCS # "awesome_test.cc" # DEPS # absl::awesome # GTest::gmock # GTest::gtest_main # ) function(absl_cc_test) if(NOT (BUILD_TESTING AND ABSL_BUILD_TESTING)) return() endif() cmake_parse_arguments(ABSL_CC_TEST "" "NAME" "SRCS;COPTS;DEFINES;LINKOPTS;DEPS" ${ARGN} ) set(_NAME "absl_${ABSL_CC_TEST_NAME}") add_executable(${_NAME} "") target_sources(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_SRCS}) target_include_directories(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_COMMON_INCLUDE_DIRS} PRIVATE ${absl_gtest_src_dir}/googletest/include ${absl_gtest_src_dir}/googlemock/include ) if (${ABSL_BUILD_DLL}) target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEFINES} ABSL_CONSUME_DLL ABSL_CONSUME_TEST_DLL GTEST_LINKED_AS_SHARED_LIBRARY=1 ) # Replace dependencies on targets inside the DLL with abseil_dll itself. absl_internal_dll_targets( DEPS ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEPS} OUTPUT ABSL_CC_TEST_DEPS ) absl_internal_dll_targets( DEPS ${ABSL_CC_TEST_LINKOPTS} OUTPUT ABSL_CC_TEST_LINKOPTS ) else() target_compile_definitions(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEFINES} ) endif() target_compile_options(${_NAME} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_COPTS} ) target_link_libraries(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_CC_TEST_DEPS} PRIVATE ${ABSL_CC_TEST_LINKOPTS} ) # Add all Abseil targets to a folder in the IDE for organization. set_property(TARGET ${_NAME} PROPERTY FOLDER ${ABSL_IDE_FOLDER}/test) if(ABSL_PROPAGATE_CXX_STD) # Abseil libraries require C++14 as the current minimum standard. # Top-level application CMake projects should ensure a consistent C++ # standard for all compiled sources by setting CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. target_compile_features(${_NAME} PUBLIC ${ABSL_INTERNAL_CXX_STD_FEATURE}) endif() add_test(NAME ${_NAME} COMMAND ${_NAME}) endfunction()