path: root/absl/synchronization
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2 files changed, 350 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/absl/synchronization/mutex.h b/absl/synchronization/mutex.h
index 840b9d6b..4d9e0312 100644
--- a/absl/synchronization/mutex.h
+++ b/absl/synchronization/mutex.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
// Unlike a `std::mutex`, the Abseil `Mutex` provides the following additional
// features:
// * Conditional predicates intrinsic to the `Mutex` object
-// * Reader/writer locks, in addition to standard exclusive/writer locks
+// * Shared/reader locks, in addition to standard exclusive/writer locks
// * Deadlock detection and debug support.
// The following helper classes are also defined within this file:
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class LOCKABLE Mutex {
// Mutex::ReaderLockWhen()
// Mutex::WriterLockWhen()
- // Blocks until simultaneously both `cond` is `true` and this` Mutex` can
+ // Blocks until simultaneously both `cond` is `true` and this `Mutex` can
// be acquired, then atomically acquires this `Mutex`. `LockWhen()` is
// logically equivalent to `*Lock(); Await();` though they may have different
// performance characteristics.
diff --git a/absl/synchronization/ b/absl/synchronization/
index 53b93784..b2820e20 100644
--- a/absl/synchronization/
+++ b/absl/synchronization/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/sysinfo.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ CreateDefaultPool() {
// Hack to schedule a function to run on a thread pool thread after a
// duration has elapsed.
static void ScheduleAfter(absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool *tp,
- const std::function<void()> &func,
- absl::Duration after) {
+ absl::Duration after,
+ const std::function<void()> &func) {
tp->Schedule([func, after] {
@@ -1150,249 +1151,369 @@ TEST(Mutex, DeadlockIdBug) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// and so never expires/passes, and one that will expire/pass in the near
// future.
-// Encapsulate a Mutex-protected bool with its associated Condition/CondVar.
-class Cond {
- public:
- explicit Cond(bool use_deadline) : use_deadline_(use_deadline), c_(&b_) {}
- void Set(bool v) {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- b_ = v;
+static absl::Duration TimeoutTestAllowedSchedulingDelay() {
+ // Note: we use a function here because Microsoft Visual Studio fails to
+ // properly initialize constexpr static absl::Duration variables.
+ return absl::Milliseconds(150);
+// Returns true if `actual_delay` is close enough to `expected_delay` to pass
+// the timeouts/deadlines test. Otherwise, logs warnings and returns false.
+static bool DelayIsWithinBounds(absl::Duration expected_delay,
+ absl::Duration actual_delay) {
+ bool pass = true;
+ // Do not allow the observed delay to be less than expected. This may occur
+ // in practice due to clock skew or when the synchronization primitives use a
+ // different clock than absl::Now(), but these cases should be handled by the
+ // the retry mechanism in each TimeoutTest.
+ if (actual_delay < expected_delay) {
+ "Actual delay %s was too short, expected %s (difference %s)",
+ absl::FormatDuration(actual_delay).c_str(),
+ absl::FormatDuration(expected_delay).c_str(),
+ absl::FormatDuration(actual_delay - expected_delay).c_str());
+ pass = false;
- bool AwaitWithTimeout(absl::Duration timeout) {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- return use_deadline_ ? mu_.AwaitWithDeadline(c_, absl::Now() + timeout)
- : mu_.AwaitWithTimeout(c_, timeout);
+ // If the expected delay is <= zero then allow a small error tolerance, since
+ // we do not expect context switches to occur during test execution.
+ // Otherwise, thread scheduling delays may be substantial in rare cases, so
+ // tolerate up to kTimeoutTestAllowedSchedulingDelay of error.
+ absl::Duration tolerance = expected_delay <= absl::ZeroDuration()
+ ? absl::Milliseconds(10)
+ : TimeoutTestAllowedSchedulingDelay();
+ if (actual_delay > expected_delay + tolerance) {
+ "Actual delay %s was too long, expected %s (difference %s)",
+ absl::FormatDuration(actual_delay).c_str(),
+ absl::FormatDuration(expected_delay).c_str(),
+ absl::FormatDuration(actual_delay - expected_delay).c_str());
+ pass = false;
+ return pass;
+// Parameters for TimeoutTest, below.
+struct TimeoutTestParam {
+ // The file and line number (used for logging purposes only).
+ const char *from_file;
+ int from_line;
+ // Should the absolute deadline API based on absl::Time be tested? If false,
+ // the relative deadline API based on absl::Duration is tested.
+ bool use_absolute_deadline;
+ // The deadline/timeout used when calling the API being tested
+ // (e.g. Mutex::LockWhenWithDeadline).
+ absl::Duration wait_timeout;
+ // The delay before the condition will be set true by the test code. If zero
+ // or negative, the condition is set true immediately (before calling the API
+ // being tested). Otherwise, if infinite, the condition is never set true.
+ // Otherwise a closure is scheduled for the future that sets the condition
+ // true.
+ absl::Duration satisfy_condition_delay;
+ // The expected result of the condition after the call to the API being
+ // tested. Generally `true` means the condition was true when the API returns,
+ // `false` indicates an expected timeout.
+ bool expected_result;
+ // The expected delay before the API under test returns. This is inherently
+ // flaky, so some slop is allowed (see `DelayIsWithinBounds` above), and the
+ // test keeps trying indefinitely until this constraint passes.
+ absl::Duration expected_delay;
- bool LockWhenWithTimeout(absl::Duration timeout) {
- bool b = use_deadline_ ? mu_.LockWhenWithDeadline(c_, absl::Now() + timeout)
- : mu_.LockWhenWithTimeout(c_, timeout);
- mu_.Unlock();
- return b;
+// Print a `TimeoutTestParam` to a debug log.
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TimeoutTestParam &param) {
+ return os << "from: " << param.from_file << ":" << param.from_line
+ << " use_absolute_deadline: "
+ << (param.use_absolute_deadline ? "true" : "false")
+ << " wait_timeout: " << param.wait_timeout
+ << " satisfy_condition_delay: " << param.satisfy_condition_delay
+ << " expected_result: "
+ << (param.expected_result ? "true" : "false")
+ << " expected_delay: " << param.expected_delay;
+std::string FormatString(const TimeoutTestParam &param) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << param;
+ return os.str();
+// Like `thread::Executor::ScheduleAt` except:
+// a) Delays zero or negative are executed immediately in the current thread.
+// b) Infinite delays are never scheduled.
+// c) Calls this test's `ScheduleAt` helper instead of using `pool` directly.
+static void RunAfterDelay(absl::Duration delay,
+ absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool *pool,
+ const std::function<void()> &callback) {
+ if (delay <= absl::ZeroDuration()) {
+ callback(); // immediate
+ } else if (delay != absl::InfiniteDuration()) {
+ ScheduleAfter(pool, delay, callback);
- bool ReaderLockWhenWithTimeout(absl::Duration timeout) {
- bool b = use_deadline_
- ? mu_.ReaderLockWhenWithDeadline(c_, absl::Now() + timeout)
- : mu_.ReaderLockWhenWithTimeout(c_, timeout);
- mu_.ReaderUnlock();
- return b;
- }
+class TimeoutTest : public ::testing::Test,
+ public ::testing::WithParamInterface<TimeoutTestParam> {};
- void Await() {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- mu_.Await(c_);
- }
+std::vector<TimeoutTestParam> MakeTimeoutTestParamValues() {
+ // The `finite` delay is a finite, relatively short, delay. We make it larger
+ // than our allowed scheduling delay (slop factor) to avoid confusion when
+ // diagnosing test failures. The other constants here have clear meanings.
+ const absl::Duration finite = 3 * TimeoutTestAllowedSchedulingDelay();
+ const absl::Duration never = absl::InfiniteDuration();
+ const absl::Duration negative = -absl::InfiniteDuration();
+ const absl::Duration immediate = absl::ZeroDuration();
- void Signal(bool v) {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- b_ = v;
- cv_.Signal();
+ // Every test case is run twice; once using the absolute deadline API and once
+ // using the relative timeout API.
+ std::vector<TimeoutTestParam> values;
+ for (bool use_absolute_deadline : {false, true}) {
+ // Tests with a negative timeout (deadline in the past), which should
+ // immediately return current state of the condition.
+ // The condition is already true:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ negative, // wait_timeout
+ immediate, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ true, // expected_result
+ immediate, // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition becomes true, but the timeout has already expired:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ negative, // wait_timeout
+ finite, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ false, // expected_result
+ immediate // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition never becomes true:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ negative, // wait_timeout
+ never, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ false, // expected_result
+ immediate // expected_delay
+ });
+ // Tests with an infinite timeout (deadline in the infinite future), which
+ // should only return when the condition becomes true.
+ // The condition is already true:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ never, // wait_timeout
+ immediate, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ true, // expected_result
+ immediate // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition becomes true before the (infinite) expiry:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ never, // wait_timeout
+ finite, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ true, // expected_result
+ finite, // expected_delay
+ });
+ // Tests with a (small) finite timeout (deadline soon), with the condition
+ // becoming true both before and after its expiry.
+ // The condition is already true:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ never, // wait_timeout
+ immediate, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ true, // expected_result
+ immediate // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition becomes true before the expiry:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ finite * 2, // wait_timeout
+ finite, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ true, // expected_result
+ finite // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition becomes true, but the timeout has already expired:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ finite, // wait_timeout
+ finite * 2, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ false, // expected_result
+ finite // expected_delay
+ });
+ // The condition never becomes true:
+ values.push_back(TimeoutTestParam{
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, use_absolute_deadline,
+ finite, // wait_timeout
+ never, // satisfy_condition_delay
+ false, // expected_result
+ finite // expected_delay
+ });
- bool WaitWithTimeout(absl::Duration timeout) {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- absl::Time deadline = absl::Now() + timeout;
- if (use_deadline_) {
- while (!b_ && !cv_.WaitWithDeadline(&mu_, deadline)) {
- }
- } else {
- while (!b_ && !cv_.WaitWithTimeout(&mu_, timeout)) {
- timeout = deadline - absl::Now(); // recompute timeout
- }
+ return values;
+// Instantiate `TimeoutTest` with `MakeTimeoutTestParamValues()`.
+ testing::ValuesIn(MakeTimeoutTestParamValues()));
+TEST_P(TimeoutTest, Await) {
+ const TimeoutTestParam params = GetParam();
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Params: %s", FormatString(params).c_str());
+ // Because this test asserts bounds on scheduling delays it is flaky. To
+ // compensate it loops forever until it passes. Failures express as test
+ // timeouts, in which case the test log can be used to diagnose the issue.
+ for (int attempt = 1;; ++attempt) {
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Attempt %d", attempt);
+ absl::Mutex mu;
+ bool value = false; // condition value (under mu)
+ std::unique_ptr<absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool> pool =
+ CreateDefaultPool();
+ RunAfterDelay(params.satisfy_condition_delay, pool.get(), [&] {
+ absl::MutexLock l(&mu);
+ value = true;
+ });
+ absl::MutexLock lock(&mu);
+ absl::Time start_time = absl::Now();
+ absl::Condition cond(&value);
+ bool result =
+ params.use_absolute_deadline
+ ? mu.AwaitWithDeadline(cond, start_time + params.wait_timeout)
+ : mu.AwaitWithTimeout(cond, params.wait_timeout);
+ if (DelayIsWithinBounds(params.expected_delay, absl::Now() - start_time)) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_result, result);
+ break;
- return b_;
- }
- void Wait() {
- absl::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
- while (!b_) cv_.Wait(&mu_);
- }
- private:
- const bool use_deadline_;
- bool b_;
- absl::Condition c_;
- absl::CondVar cv_;
- absl::Mutex mu_;
-class OperationTimer {
- public:
- OperationTimer() : start_(absl::Now()) {}
- absl::Duration Get() const { return absl::Now() - start_; }
- private:
- const absl::Time start_;
-static void CheckResults(bool exp_result, bool act_result,
- absl::Duration exp_duration,
- absl::Duration act_duration) {
- ABSL_RAW_CHECK(exp_result == act_result, "CheckResults failed");
- // Allow for some worse-case scheduling delay and clock skew.
- if ((exp_duration - absl::Milliseconds(40) > act_duration) ||
- (exp_duration + absl::Milliseconds(150) < act_duration)) {
- ABSL_RAW_LOG(FATAL, "CheckResults failed: operation took %s, expected %s",
- absl::FormatDuration(act_duration).c_str(),
- absl::FormatDuration(exp_duration).c_str());
-static void TestAwaitTimeout(Cond *cp, absl::Duration timeout, bool exp_result,
- absl::Duration exp_duration) {
- OperationTimer t;
- bool act_result = cp->AwaitWithTimeout(timeout);
- CheckResults(exp_result, act_result, exp_duration, t.Get());
-static void TestLockWhenTimeout(Cond *cp, absl::Duration timeout,
- bool exp_result, absl::Duration exp_duration) {
- OperationTimer t;
- bool act_result = cp->LockWhenWithTimeout(timeout);
- CheckResults(exp_result, act_result, exp_duration, t.Get());
+TEST_P(TimeoutTest, LockWhen) {
+ const TimeoutTestParam params = GetParam();
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Params: %s", FormatString(params).c_str());
+ // Because this test asserts bounds on scheduling delays it is flaky. To
+ // compensate it loops forever until it passes. Failures express as test
+ // timeouts, in which case the test log can be used to diagnose the issue.
+ for (int attempt = 1;; ++attempt) {
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Attempt %d", attempt);
+ absl::Mutex mu;
+ bool value = false; // condition value (under mu)
+ std::unique_ptr<absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool> pool =
+ CreateDefaultPool();
+ RunAfterDelay(params.satisfy_condition_delay, pool.get(), [&] {
+ absl::MutexLock l(&mu);
+ value = true;
+ });
+ absl::Time start_time = absl::Now();
+ absl::Condition cond(&value);
+ bool result =
+ params.use_absolute_deadline
+ ? mu.LockWhenWithDeadline(cond, start_time + params.wait_timeout)
+ : mu.LockWhenWithTimeout(cond, params.wait_timeout);
+ mu.Unlock();
-static void TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(Cond *cp, absl::Duration timeout,
- bool exp_result,
- absl::Duration exp_duration) {
- OperationTimer t;
- bool act_result = cp->ReaderLockWhenWithTimeout(timeout);
- CheckResults(exp_result, act_result, exp_duration, t.Get());
+ if (DelayIsWithinBounds(params.expected_delay, absl::Now() - start_time)) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_result, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-static void TestWaitTimeout(Cond *cp, absl::Duration timeout, bool exp_result,
- absl::Duration exp_duration) {
- OperationTimer t;
- bool act_result = cp->WaitWithTimeout(timeout);
- CheckResults(exp_result, act_result, exp_duration, t.Get());
+TEST_P(TimeoutTest, ReaderLockWhen) {
+ const TimeoutTestParam params = GetParam();
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Params: %s", FormatString(params).c_str());
+ // Because this test asserts bounds on scheduling delays it is flaky. To
+ // compensate it loops forever until it passes. Failures express as test
+ // timeouts, in which case the test log can be used to diagnose the issue.
+ for (int attempt = 0;; ++attempt) {
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Attempt %d", attempt);
+ absl::Mutex mu;
+ bool value = false; // condition value (under mu)
+ std::unique_ptr<absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool> pool =
+ CreateDefaultPool();
+ RunAfterDelay(params.satisfy_condition_delay, pool.get(), [&] {
+ absl::MutexLock l(&mu);
+ value = true;
+ });
+ absl::Time start_time = absl::Now();
+ bool result =
+ params.use_absolute_deadline
+ ? mu.ReaderLockWhenWithDeadline(absl::Condition(&value),
+ start_time + params.wait_timeout)
+ : mu.ReaderLockWhenWithTimeout(absl::Condition(&value),
+ params.wait_timeout);
+ mu.ReaderUnlock();
+ if (DelayIsWithinBounds(params.expected_delay, absl::Now() - start_time)) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_result, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-// Tests with a negative timeout (deadline in the past), which should
-// immediately return the current state of the condition.
-static void TestNegativeTimeouts(absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool *tp,
- Cond *cp) {
- const absl::Duration negative = -absl::InfiniteDuration();
- const absl::Duration immediate = absl::ZeroDuration();
- // The condition is already true:
- cp->Set(true);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, negative, true, immediate);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, true, immediate);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, true, immediate);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, negative, true, immediate);
- // The condition becomes true, but the timeout has already expired:
- const absl::Duration delay = absl::Milliseconds(200);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), 3 * delay);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- cp->Await(); // wait for the scheduled Set() to complete
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Signal, cp, true), delay);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- cp->Wait(); // wait for the scheduled Signal() to complete
- // The condition never becomes true:
- cp->Set(false);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, negative, false, immediate);
-// Tests with an infinite timeout (deadline in the infinite future), which
-// should only return when the condition becomes true.
-static void TestInfiniteTimeouts(absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool *tp,
- Cond *cp) {
- const absl::Duration infinite = absl::InfiniteDuration();
- const absl::Duration immediate = absl::ZeroDuration();
- // The condition is already true:
- cp->Set(true);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, infinite, true, immediate);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, infinite, true, immediate);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, infinite, true, immediate);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, infinite, true, immediate);
- // The condition becomes true before the (infinite) expiry:
- const absl::Duration delay = absl::Milliseconds(200);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, infinite, true, delay);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, infinite, true, delay);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, infinite, true, delay);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Signal, cp, true), delay);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, infinite, true, delay);
-// Tests with a (small) finite timeout (deadline soon), with the condition
-// becoming true both before and after its expiry.
-static void TestFiniteTimeouts(absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool *tp,
- Cond *cp) {
- const absl::Duration finite = absl::Milliseconds(400);
- const absl::Duration immediate = absl::ZeroDuration();
+TEST_P(TimeoutTest, Wait) {
+ const TimeoutTestParam params = GetParam();
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Params: %s", FormatString(params).c_str());
+ // Because this test asserts bounds on scheduling delays it is flaky. To
+ // compensate it loops forever until it passes. Failures express as test
+ // timeouts, in which case the test log can be used to diagnose the issue.
+ for (int attempt = 0;; ++attempt) {
+ ABSL_RAW_LOG(INFO, "Attempt %d", attempt);
+ absl::Mutex mu;
+ bool value = false; // condition value (under mu)
+ absl::CondVar cv; // signals a change of `value`
+ std::unique_ptr<absl::synchronization_internal::ThreadPool> pool =
+ CreateDefaultPool();
+ RunAfterDelay(params.satisfy_condition_delay, pool.get(), [&] {
+ absl::MutexLock l(&mu);
+ value = true;
+ cv.Signal();
+ });
+ absl::MutexLock lock(&mu);
+ absl::Time start_time = absl::Now();
+ absl::Duration timeout = params.wait_timeout;
+ absl::Time deadline = start_time + timeout;
+ while (!value) {
+ if (params.use_absolute_deadline ? cv.WaitWithDeadline(&mu, deadline)
+ : cv.WaitWithTimeout(&mu, timeout)) {
+ break; // deadline/timeout exceeded
+ }
+ timeout = deadline - absl::Now(); // recompute
+ }
+ bool result = value; // note: `mu` is still held
- // The condition is already true:
- cp->Set(true);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, finite, true, immediate);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, true, immediate);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, true, immediate);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, finite, true, immediate);
- // The condition becomes true before the expiry:
- const absl::Duration delay1 = finite / 2;
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay1);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, finite, true, delay1);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay1);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, true, delay1);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), delay1);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, true, delay1);
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Signal, cp, true), delay1);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, finite, true, delay1);
- // The condition becomes true, but the timeout has already expired:
- const absl::Duration delay2 = finite * 2;
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Set, cp, true), 3 * delay2);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- cp->Await(); // wait for the scheduled Set() to complete
- cp->Set(false);
- ScheduleAfter(tp, std::bind(&Cond::Signal, cp, true), delay2);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- cp->Wait(); // wait for the scheduled Signal() to complete
- // The condition never becomes true:
- cp->Set(false);
- TestAwaitTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- TestLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- TestReaderLockWhenTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
- TestWaitTimeout(cp, finite, false, finite);
-TEST(Mutex, Timeouts) {
- auto tp = CreateDefaultPool();
- for (bool use_deadline : {false, true}) {
- Cond cond(use_deadline);
- TestNegativeTimeouts(tp.get(), &cond);
- TestInfiniteTimeouts(tp.get(), &cond);
- TestFiniteTimeouts(tp.get(), &cond);
+ if (DelayIsWithinBounds(params.expected_delay, absl::Now() - start_time)) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(params.expected_result, result);
+ break;
+ }