path: root/absl/strings/internal/
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Diffstat (limited to 'absl/strings/internal/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/absl/strings/internal/ b/absl/strings/internal/
index 0f657aaf..e1fa6b6b 100644
--- a/absl/strings/internal/
+++ b/absl/strings/internal/
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/spinlock.h"
+#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/debugging/stacktrace.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_internal.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/cord_rep_ring.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_handle.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_statistics.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/cordz_update_tracker.h"
@@ -34,6 +36,198 @@ constexpr int CordzInfo::kMaxStackDepth;
ABSL_CONST_INIT CordzInfo::List CordzInfo::global_list_{absl::kConstInit};
+namespace {
+// CordRepAnalyzer performs the analysis of a cord.
+// It computes absolute node counts and total memory usage, and an 'estimated
+// fair share memory usage` statistic.
+// Conceptually, it divides the 'memory usage' at each location in the 'cord
+// graph' by the cumulative reference count of that location. The cumulative
+// reference count is the factored total of all edges leading into that node.
+// The top level node is treated specially: we assume the current thread
+// (typically called from the CordzHandler) to hold a reference purely to
+// perform a safe analysis, and not being part of the application. So we
+// substract 1 from the reference count of the top node to compute the
+// 'application fair share' excluding the reference of the current thread.
+// An example of fair sharing, and why we multiply reference counts:
+// Assume we have 2 CordReps, both being a Substring referencing a Flat:
+// CordSubstring A (refcount = 5) --> child Flat C (refcount = 2)
+// CordSubstring B (refcount = 9) --> child Flat C (refcount = 2)
+// Flat C has 2 incoming edges from the 2 substrings (refcount = 2) and is not
+// referenced directly anywhere else. Translated into a 'fair share', we then
+// attribute 50% of the memory (memory / refcount = 2) to each incoming edge.
+// Rep A has a refcount of 5, so we attribute each incoming edge 1 / 5th of the
+// memory cost below it, i.e.: the fair share of Rep A of the memory used by C
+// is then 'memory C / (refcount C * refcount A) + (memory A / refcount A)'.
+// It is also easy to see how all incoming edges add up to 100%.
+class CordRepAnalyzer {
+ public:
+ // Creates an analyzer instance binding to `statistics`.
+ explicit CordRepAnalyzer(CordzStatistics& statistics)
+ : statistics_(statistics) {}
+ // Analyzes the memory statistics and node counts for the provided `rep`, and
+ // adds the results to `statistics`. Note that node counts and memory sizes
+ // are not initialized, computed values are added to any existing values.
+ void AnalyzeCordRep(const CordRep* rep) {
+ // Process all linear nodes.
+ // As per the class comments, use refcout - 1 on the top level node, as the
+ // top level node is assumed to be referenced only for analysis purposes.
+ size_t refcount = rep->refcount.Get();
+ RepRef repref{rep, (refcount > 1) ? refcount - 1 : 1};
+ // Process all top level linear nodes (substrings and flats).
+ repref = CountLinearReps(repref, memory_usage_);
+ // We should have have either a concat or ring node node if not null.
+ if (repref.rep != nullptr) {
+ assert(repref.rep->tag == RING || repref.rep->tag == CONCAT);
+ if (repref.rep->tag == RING) {
+ AnalyzeRing(repref);
+ } else if (repref.rep->tag == CONCAT) {
+ AnalyzeConcat(repref);
+ }
+ }
+ // Adds values to output
+ statistics_.estimated_memory_usage +=;
+ statistics_.estimated_fair_share_memory_usage += memory_usage_.fair_share;
+ }
+ private:
+ // RepRef identifies a CordRep* inside the Cord tree with its cumulative
+ // refcount including itself. For example, a tree consisting of a substring
+ // with a refcount of 3 and a child flat with a refcount of 4 will have RepRef
+ // refcounts of 3 and 12 respectively.
+ struct RepRef {
+ const CordRep* rep;
+ size_t refcount;
+ // Returns a 'child' RepRef which contains the cumulative reference count of
+ // this instance multiplied by the child's reference count.
+ RepRef Child(const CordRep* child) const {
+ return RepRef{child, refcount * child->refcount.Get()};
+ }
+ };
+ // Memory usage values
+ struct MemoryUsage {
+ size_t total = 0;
+ size_t fair_share = 0;
+ // Adds 'size` memory usage to this class, with a cumulative (recursive)
+ // reference count of `refcount`
+ void Add(size_t size, size_t refcount) {
+ total += size;
+ fair_share += size / refcount;
+ }
+ };
+ // Returns `rr` if `rr.rep` is not null and a CONCAT type.
+ // Asserts that `rr.rep` is a concat node or null.
+ static RepRef AssertConcat(RepRef repref) {
+ const CordRep* rep = repref.rep;
+ assert(rep == nullptr || rep->tag == CONCAT);
+ return (rep != nullptr && rep->tag == CONCAT) ? repref : RepRef{nullptr, 0};
+ }
+ // Processes 'linear' reps (substring, flat, external) not requiring iteration
+ // or recursion. Returns RefRep{null} if all reps were processed, else returns
+ // the top-most non-linear concat or ring cordrep.
+ // Node counts are updated into `statistics_`, memory usage is update into
+ // `memory_usage`, which typically references `memory_usage_` except for ring
+ // buffers where we count children unrounded.
+ RepRef CountLinearReps(RepRef rep, MemoryUsage& memory_usage) {
+ // Consume all substrings
+ while (rep.rep->tag == SUBSTRING) {
+ statistics_.node_count++;
+ statistics_.node_counts.substring++;
+ memory_usage.Add(sizeof(CordRepSubstring), rep.refcount);
+ rep = rep.Child(rep.rep->substring()->child);
+ }
+ // Consume possible FLAT
+ if (rep.rep->tag >= FLAT) {
+ statistics_.node_count++;
+ statistics_.node_counts.flat++;
+ memory_usage.Add(rep.rep->flat()->AllocatedSize(), rep.refcount);
+ return RepRef{nullptr, 0};
+ }
+ // Consume possible external
+ if (rep.rep->tag == EXTERNAL) {
+ statistics_.node_count++;
+ statistics_.node_counts.external++;
+ size_t size = rep.rep->length + sizeof(CordRepExternalImpl<intptr_t>);
+ memory_usage.Add(size, rep.refcount);
+ return RepRef{nullptr, 0};
+ }
+ return rep;
+ }
+ // Analyzes the provided concat node in a flattened recursive way.
+ void AnalyzeConcat(RepRef rep) {
+ absl::InlinedVector<RepRef, 47> pending;
+ while (rep.rep != nullptr) {
+ const CordRepConcat* concat = rep.rep->concat();
+ RepRef left = rep.Child(concat->left);
+ RepRef right = rep.Child(concat->right);
+ statistics_.node_count++;
+ statistics_.node_counts.concat++;
+ memory_usage_.Add(sizeof(CordRepConcat), rep.refcount);
+ right = AssertConcat(CountLinearReps(right, memory_usage_));
+ rep = AssertConcat(CountLinearReps(left, memory_usage_));
+ if (rep.rep != nullptr) {
+ if (right.rep != nullptr) {
+ pending.push_back(right);
+ }
+ } else if (right.rep != nullptr) {
+ rep = right;
+ } else if (!pending.empty()) {
+ rep = pending.back();
+ pending.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Counts the provided ring buffer child into `child_usage`.
+ void CountRingChild(const CordRep* child, MemoryUsage& child_usage) {
+ RepRef rep{child, static_cast<size_t>(child->refcount.Get())};
+ rep = CountLinearReps(rep, child_usage);
+ assert(rep.rep == nullptr);
+ }
+ // Analyzes the provided ring. As ring buffers can have many child nodes, the
+ // effect of rounding errors can become non trivial, so we compute the totals
+ // first at the ring level, and then divide the fair share of the total
+ // including children fair share totals.
+ void AnalyzeRing(RepRef rep) {
+ statistics_.node_count++;
+ statistics_.node_counts.ring++;
+ MemoryUsage ring_usage;
+ const CordRepRing* ring = rep.rep->ring();
+ ring_usage.Add(CordRepRing::AllocSize(ring->capacity()), 1);
+ ring->ForEach([&](CordRepRing::index_type pos) {
+ CountRingChild(ring->entry_child(pos), ring_usage);
+ });
+ +=;
+ memory_usage_.fair_share += ring_usage.fair_share / rep.refcount;
+ }
+ CordzStatistics& statistics_;
+ MemoryUsage memory_usage_;
+} // namespace
CordzInfo* CordzInfo::Head(const CordzSnapshot& snapshot) {
@@ -101,8 +295,7 @@ CordzInfo::CordzInfo(CordRep* rep, const CordzInfo* src,
parent_stack_depth_(FillParentStack(src, parent_stack_)),
- create_time_(absl::Now()),
- size_(rep->length) {
+ create_time_(absl::Now()) {
@@ -173,9 +366,6 @@ void CordzInfo::Lock(MethodIdentifier method)
void CordzInfo::Unlock() ABSL_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(mutex_) {
bool tracked = rep_ != nullptr;
- if (rep_) {
- }
if (!tracked) {
@@ -195,7 +385,12 @@ CordzStatistics CordzInfo::GetCordzStatistics() const {
stats.method = method_;
stats.parent_method = parent_method_;
stats.update_tracker = update_tracker_;
- stats.size = size_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (CordRep* rep = RefCordRep()) {
+ stats.size = rep->length;
+ CordRepAnalyzer analyzer(stats);
+ analyzer.AnalyzeCordRep(rep);
+ CordRep::Unref(rep);
+ }
return stats;