path: root/absl/container/internal/inlined_vector.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'absl/container/internal/inlined_vector.h')
1 files changed, 895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/absl/container/internal/inlined_vector.h b/absl/container/internal/inlined_vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..123e04c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/container/internal/inlined_vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h"
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
+#include "absl/types/span.h"
+namespace absl {
+inline namespace lts_2019_08_08 {
+namespace inlined_vector_internal {
+template <typename Iterator>
+using IsAtLeastForwardIterator = std::is_convertible<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category,
+ std::forward_iterator_tag>;
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+using IsMemcpyOk = absl::conjunction<
+ std::is_same<std::allocator<typename AllocatorType::value_type>,
+ AllocatorType>,
+ absl::is_trivially_copy_constructible<typename AllocatorType::value_type>,
+ absl::is_trivially_copy_assignable<typename AllocatorType::value_type>,
+ absl::is_trivially_destructible<typename AllocatorType::value_type>>;
+template <typename AllocatorType, typename ValueType, typename SizeType>
+void DestroyElements(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr, ValueType* destroy_first,
+ SizeType destroy_size) {
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>;
+ if (destroy_first != nullptr) {
+ for (auto i = destroy_size; i != 0;) {
+ --i;
+ AllocatorTraits::destroy(*alloc_ptr, destroy_first + i);
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Overwrite unused memory with `0xab` so we can catch uninitialized usage.
+ //
+ // Cast to `void*` to tell the compiler that we don't care that we might be
+ // scribbling on a vtable pointer.
+ auto* memory_ptr = static_cast<void*>(destroy_first);
+ auto memory_size = sizeof(ValueType) * destroy_size;
+ std::memset(memory_ptr, 0xab, memory_size);
+#endif // NDEBUG
+ }
+template <typename AllocatorType, typename ValueType, typename ValueAdapter,
+ typename SizeType>
+void ConstructElements(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr, ValueType* construct_first,
+ ValueAdapter* values_ptr, SizeType construct_size) {
+ for (SizeType i = 0; i < construct_size; ++i) {
+ values_ptr->ConstructNext(alloc_ptr, construct_first + i);
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(alloc_ptr, construct_first, i);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename ValueType, typename ValueAdapter, typename SizeType>
+void AssignElements(ValueType* assign_first, ValueAdapter* values_ptr,
+ SizeType assign_size) {
+ for (SizeType i = 0; i < assign_size; ++i) {
+ values_ptr->AssignNext(assign_first + i);
+ }
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+struct StorageView {
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using size_type = typename AllocatorType::size_type;
+ pointer data;
+ size_type size;
+ size_type capacity;
+template <typename AllocatorType, typename Iterator>
+class IteratorValueAdapter {
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>;
+ public:
+ explicit IteratorValueAdapter(const Iterator& it) : it_(it) {}
+ void ConstructNext(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr, pointer construct_at) {
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(*alloc_ptr, construct_at, *it_);
+ ++it_;
+ }
+ void AssignNext(pointer assign_at) {
+ *assign_at = *it_;
+ ++it_;
+ }
+ private:
+ Iterator it_;
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+class CopyValueAdapter {
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using const_pointer = typename AllocatorType::const_pointer;
+ using const_reference = typename AllocatorType::const_reference;
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>;
+ public:
+ explicit CopyValueAdapter(const_reference v) : ptr_(std::addressof(v)) {}
+ void ConstructNext(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr, pointer construct_at) {
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(*alloc_ptr, construct_at, *ptr_);
+ }
+ void AssignNext(pointer assign_at) { *assign_at = *ptr_; }
+ private:
+ const_pointer ptr_;
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+class DefaultValueAdapter {
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using value_type = typename AllocatorType::value_type;
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>;
+ public:
+ explicit DefaultValueAdapter() {}
+ void ConstructNext(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr, pointer construct_at) {
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(*alloc_ptr, construct_at);
+ }
+ void AssignNext(pointer assign_at) { *assign_at = value_type(); }
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+class AllocationTransaction {
+ using value_type = typename AllocatorType::value_type;
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using size_type = typename AllocatorType::size_type;
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<AllocatorType>;
+ public:
+ explicit AllocationTransaction(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr)
+ : alloc_data_(*alloc_ptr, nullptr) {}
+ ~AllocationTransaction() {
+ if (DidAllocate()) {
+ AllocatorTraits::deallocate(GetAllocator(), GetData(), GetCapacity());
+ }
+ }
+ AllocationTransaction(const AllocationTransaction&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const AllocationTransaction&) = delete;
+ AllocatorType& GetAllocator() { return alloc_data_.template get<0>(); }
+ pointer& GetData() { return alloc_data_.template get<1>(); }
+ size_type& GetCapacity() { return capacity_; }
+ bool DidAllocate() { return GetData() != nullptr; }
+ pointer Allocate(size_type capacity) {
+ GetData() = AllocatorTraits::allocate(GetAllocator(), capacity);
+ GetCapacity() = capacity;
+ return GetData();
+ }
+ private:
+ container_internal::CompressedTuple<AllocatorType, pointer> alloc_data_;
+ size_type capacity_ = 0;
+template <typename AllocatorType>
+class ConstructionTransaction {
+ using pointer = typename AllocatorType::pointer;
+ using size_type = typename AllocatorType::size_type;
+ public:
+ explicit ConstructionTransaction(AllocatorType* alloc_ptr)
+ : alloc_data_(*alloc_ptr, nullptr) {}
+ ~ConstructionTransaction() {
+ if (DidConstruct()) {
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(std::addressof(GetAllocator()),
+ GetData(), GetSize());
+ }
+ }
+ ConstructionTransaction(const ConstructionTransaction&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const ConstructionTransaction&) = delete;
+ AllocatorType& GetAllocator() { return alloc_data_.template get<0>(); }
+ pointer& GetData() { return alloc_data_.template get<1>(); }
+ size_type& GetSize() { return size_; }
+ bool DidConstruct() { return GetData() != nullptr; }
+ template <typename ValueAdapter>
+ void Construct(pointer data, ValueAdapter* values_ptr, size_type size) {
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(std::addressof(GetAllocator()),
+ data, values_ptr, size);
+ GetData() = data;
+ GetSize() = size;
+ }
+ void Commit() {
+ GetData() = nullptr;
+ GetSize() = 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ container_internal::CompressedTuple<AllocatorType, pointer> alloc_data_;
+ size_type size_ = 0;
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+class Storage {
+ public:
+ using allocator_type = A;
+ using value_type = typename allocator_type::value_type;
+ using pointer = typename allocator_type::pointer;
+ using const_pointer = typename allocator_type::const_pointer;
+ using reference = typename allocator_type::reference;
+ using const_reference = typename allocator_type::const_reference;
+ using rvalue_reference = typename allocator_type::value_type&&;
+ using size_type = typename allocator_type::size_type;
+ using difference_type = typename allocator_type::difference_type;
+ using iterator = pointer;
+ using const_iterator = const_pointer;
+ using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
+ using MoveIterator = std::move_iterator<iterator>;
+ using AllocatorTraits = absl::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
+ using IsMemcpyOk = inlined_vector_internal::IsMemcpyOk<allocator_type>;
+ using StorageView = inlined_vector_internal::StorageView<allocator_type>;
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ using IteratorValueAdapter =
+ inlined_vector_internal::IteratorValueAdapter<allocator_type, Iterator>;
+ using CopyValueAdapter =
+ inlined_vector_internal::CopyValueAdapter<allocator_type>;
+ using DefaultValueAdapter =
+ inlined_vector_internal::DefaultValueAdapter<allocator_type>;
+ using AllocationTransaction =
+ inlined_vector_internal::AllocationTransaction<allocator_type>;
+ using ConstructionTransaction =
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructionTransaction<allocator_type>;
+ static size_type NextCapacity(size_type current_capacity) {
+ return current_capacity * 2;
+ }
+ static size_type ComputeCapacity(size_type current_capacity,
+ size_type requested_capacity) {
+ return (std::max)(NextCapacity(current_capacity), requested_capacity);
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Storage Constructors and Destructor
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Storage() : metadata_() {}
+ explicit Storage(const allocator_type& alloc)
+ : metadata_(alloc, /* empty and inlined */ 0) {}
+ ~Storage() {
+ pointer data = GetIsAllocated() ? GetAllocatedData() : GetInlinedData();
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(), data, GetSize());
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Storage Member Accessors
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_type& GetSizeAndIsAllocated() { return metadata_.template get<1>(); }
+ const size_type& GetSizeAndIsAllocated() const {
+ return metadata_.template get<1>();
+ }
+ size_type GetSize() const { return GetSizeAndIsAllocated() >> 1; }
+ bool GetIsAllocated() const { return GetSizeAndIsAllocated() & 1; }
+ pointer GetAllocatedData() { return data_.allocated.allocated_data; }
+ const_pointer GetAllocatedData() const {
+ return data_.allocated.allocated_data;
+ }
+ pointer GetInlinedData() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(
+ std::addressof(data_.inlined.inlined_data[0]));
+ }
+ const_pointer GetInlinedData() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const_pointer>(
+ std::addressof(data_.inlined.inlined_data[0]));
+ }
+ size_type GetAllocatedCapacity() const {
+ return data_.allocated.allocated_capacity;
+ }
+ size_type GetInlinedCapacity() const { return static_cast<size_type>(N); }
+ StorageView MakeStorageView() {
+ return GetIsAllocated()
+ ? StorageView{GetAllocatedData(), GetSize(),
+ GetAllocatedCapacity()}
+ : StorageView{GetInlinedData(), GetSize(), GetInlinedCapacity()};
+ }
+ allocator_type* GetAllocPtr() {
+ return std::addressof(metadata_.template get<0>());
+ }
+ const allocator_type* GetAllocPtr() const {
+ return std::addressof(metadata_.template get<0>());
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Storage Member Mutators
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename ValueAdapter>
+ void Initialize(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size);
+ template <typename ValueAdapter>
+ void Assign(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size);
+ template <typename ValueAdapter>
+ void Resize(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size);
+ template <typename ValueAdapter>
+ iterator Insert(const_iterator pos, ValueAdapter values,
+ size_type insert_count);
+ template <typename... Args>
+ reference EmplaceBack(Args&&... args);
+ iterator Erase(const_iterator from, const_iterator to);
+ void Reserve(size_type requested_capacity);
+ void ShrinkToFit();
+ void Swap(Storage* other_storage_ptr);
+ void SetIsAllocated() {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() |= static_cast<size_type>(1);
+ }
+ void UnsetIsAllocated() {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() &= ((std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)() - 1);
+ }
+ void SetSize(size_type size) {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() =
+ (size << 1) | static_cast<size_type>(GetIsAllocated());
+ }
+ void SetAllocatedSize(size_type size) {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = (size << 1) | static_cast<size_type>(1);
+ }
+ void SetInlinedSize(size_type size) {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = size << static_cast<size_type>(1);
+ }
+ void AddSize(size_type count) {
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() += count << static_cast<size_type>(1);
+ }
+ void SubtractSize(size_type count) {
+ assert(count <= GetSize());
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() -= count << static_cast<size_type>(1);
+ }
+ void SetAllocatedData(pointer data, size_type capacity) {
+ data_.allocated.allocated_data = data;
+ data_.allocated.allocated_capacity = capacity;
+ }
+ void AcquireAllocatedData(AllocationTransaction* allocation_tx_ptr) {
+ SetAllocatedData(allocation_tx_ptr->GetData(),
+ allocation_tx_ptr->GetCapacity());
+ allocation_tx_ptr->GetData() = nullptr;
+ allocation_tx_ptr->GetCapacity() = 0;
+ }
+ void MemcpyFrom(const Storage& other_storage) {
+ assert(IsMemcpyOk::value || other_storage.GetIsAllocated());
+ GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = other_storage.GetSizeAndIsAllocated();
+ data_ = other_storage.data_;
+ }
+ void DeallocateIfAllocated() {
+ if (GetIsAllocated()) {
+ AllocatorTraits::deallocate(*GetAllocPtr(), GetAllocatedData(),
+ GetAllocatedCapacity());
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ using Metadata =
+ container_internal::CompressedTuple<allocator_type, size_type>;
+ struct Allocated {
+ pointer allocated_data;
+ size_type allocated_capacity;
+ };
+ struct Inlined {
+ using InlinedDataElement =
+ absl::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(value_type), alignof(value_type)>;
+ InlinedDataElement inlined_data[N];
+ };
+ union Data {
+ Allocated allocated;
+ Inlined inlined;
+ };
+ Metadata metadata_;
+ Data data_;
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+template <typename ValueAdapter>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Initialize(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size)
+ -> void {
+ // Only callable from constructors!
+ assert(!GetIsAllocated());
+ assert(GetSize() == 0);
+ pointer construct_data;
+ if (new_size > GetInlinedCapacity()) {
+ // Because this is only called from the `InlinedVector` constructors, it's
+ // safe to take on the allocation with size `0`. If `ConstructElements(...)`
+ // throws, deallocation will be automatically handled by `~Storage()`.
+ size_type new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(GetInlinedCapacity(), new_size);
+ pointer new_data = AllocatorTraits::allocate(*GetAllocPtr(), new_capacity);
+ SetAllocatedData(new_data, new_capacity);
+ SetIsAllocated();
+ construct_data = new_data;
+ } else {
+ construct_data = GetInlinedData();
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(GetAllocPtr(), construct_data,
+ &values, new_size);
+ // Since the initial size was guaranteed to be `0` and the allocated bit is
+ // already correct for either case, *adding* `new_size` gives us the correct
+ // result faster than setting it directly.
+ AddSize(new_size);
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+template <typename ValueAdapter>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Assign(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size) -> void {
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ absl::Span<value_type> assign_loop;
+ absl::Span<value_type> construct_loop;
+ absl::Span<value_type> destroy_loop;
+ if (new_size > storage_view.capacity) {
+ size_type new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ construct_loop = {new_data, new_size};
+ destroy_loop = {, storage_view.size};
+ } else if (new_size > storage_view.size) {
+ assign_loop = {, storage_view.size};
+ construct_loop = { + storage_view.size,
+ new_size - storage_view.size};
+ } else {
+ assign_loop = {, new_size};
+ destroy_loop = { + new_size, storage_view.size - new_size};
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::AssignElements(, &values,
+ assign_loop.size());
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(),, &values, construct_loop.size());
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ destroy_loop.size());
+ if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ SetIsAllocated();
+ }
+ SetSize(new_size);
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+template <typename ValueAdapter>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Resize(ValueAdapter values, size_type new_size) -> void {
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ ConstructionTransaction construction_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(;
+ absl::Span<value_type> construct_loop;
+ absl::Span<value_type> move_construct_loop;
+ absl::Span<value_type> destroy_loop;
+ if (new_size > storage_view.capacity) {
+ size_type new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ construct_loop = {new_data + storage_view.size,
+ new_size - storage_view.size};
+ move_construct_loop = {new_data, storage_view.size};
+ destroy_loop = {, storage_view.size};
+ } else if (new_size > storage_view.size) {
+ construct_loop = { + storage_view.size,
+ new_size - storage_view.size};
+ } else {
+ destroy_loop = { + new_size, storage_view.size - new_size};
+ }
+ construction_tx.Construct(, &values,
+ construct_loop.size());
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(),, &move_values,
+ move_construct_loop.size());
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ destroy_loop.size());
+ construction_tx.Commit();
+ if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ SetIsAllocated();
+ }
+ SetSize(new_size);
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+template <typename ValueAdapter>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Insert(const_iterator pos, ValueAdapter values,
+ size_type insert_count) -> iterator {
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ size_type insert_index =
+ std::distance(const_iterator(, pos);
+ size_type insert_end_index = insert_index + insert_count;
+ size_type new_size = storage_view.size + insert_count;
+ if (new_size > storage_view.capacity) {
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ ConstructionTransaction construction_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ ConstructionTransaction move_construciton_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(;
+ size_type new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ construction_tx.Construct(new_data + insert_index, &values, insert_count);
+ move_construciton_tx.Construct(new_data, &move_values, insert_index);
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(), new_data + insert_end_index, &move_values,
+ storage_view.size - insert_index);
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ storage_view.size);
+ construction_tx.Commit();
+ move_construciton_tx.Commit();
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ SetAllocatedSize(new_size);
+ return iterator(new_data + insert_index);
+ } else {
+ size_type move_construction_destination_index =
+ (std::max)(insert_end_index, storage_view.size);
+ ConstructionTransaction move_construction_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_construction_values(
+ MoveIterator( +
+ (move_construction_destination_index - insert_count)));
+ absl::Span<value_type> move_construction = {
+ + move_construction_destination_index,
+ new_size - move_construction_destination_index};
+ pointer move_assignment_values = + insert_index;
+ absl::Span<value_type> move_assignment = {
+ + insert_end_index,
+ move_construction_destination_index - insert_end_index};
+ absl::Span<value_type> insert_assignment = {move_assignment_values,
+ move_construction.size()};
+ absl::Span<value_type> insert_construction = {
+ + insert_assignment.size(),
+ insert_count - insert_assignment.size()};
+ move_construction_tx.Construct(,
+ &move_construction_values,
+ move_construction.size());
+ for (pointer destination = + move_assignment.size(),
+ last_destination =,
+ source = move_assignment_values + move_assignment.size();
+ ;) {
+ --destination;
+ --source;
+ if (destination < last_destination) break;
+ *destination = std::move(*source);
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::AssignElements(, &values,
+ insert_assignment.size());
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(),, &values,
+ insert_construction.size());
+ move_construction_tx.Commit();
+ AddSize(insert_count);
+ return iterator( + insert_index);
+ }
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+template <typename... Args>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::EmplaceBack(Args&&... args) -> reference {
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(;
+ pointer construct_data;
+ if (storage_view.size == storage_view.capacity) {
+ size_type new_capacity = NextCapacity(storage_view.capacity);
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ construct_data = new_data;
+ } else {
+ construct_data =;
+ }
+ pointer end = construct_data + storage_view.size;
+ AllocatorTraits::construct(*GetAllocPtr(), end, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(), allocation_tx.GetData(), &move_values,
+ storage_view.size);
+ }
+ AllocatorTraits::destroy(*GetAllocPtr(), end);
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ storage_view.size);
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ SetIsAllocated();
+ }
+ AddSize(1);
+ return *end;
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Erase(const_iterator from, const_iterator to)
+ -> iterator {
+ assert(from != to);
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ size_type erase_size = std::distance(from, to);
+ size_type erase_index =
+ std::distance(const_iterator(, from);
+ size_type erase_end_index = erase_index + erase_size;
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator( + erase_end_index));
+ inlined_vector_internal::AssignElements( + erase_index,
+ &move_values,
+ storage_view.size - erase_end_index);
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(
+ GetAllocPtr(), + (storage_view.size - erase_size),
+ erase_size);
+ SubtractSize(erase_size);
+ return iterator( + erase_index);
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Reserve(size_type requested_capacity) -> void {
+ StorageView storage_view = MakeStorageView();
+ if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(requested_capacity <= storage_view.capacity)) return;
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(;
+ size_type new_capacity =
+ ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, requested_capacity);
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(GetAllocPtr(), new_data,
+ &move_values, storage_view.size);
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ storage_view.size);
+ DeallocateIfAllocated();
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ SetIsAllocated();
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::ShrinkToFit() -> void {
+ // May only be called on allocated instances!
+ assert(GetIsAllocated());
+ StorageView storage_view{GetAllocatedData(), GetSize(),
+ GetAllocatedCapacity()};
+ if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(storage_view.size == storage_view.capacity)) return;
+ AllocationTransaction allocation_tx(GetAllocPtr());
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(;
+ pointer construct_data;
+ if (storage_view.size > GetInlinedCapacity()) {
+ size_type new_capacity = storage_view.size;
+ pointer new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_capacity);
+ construct_data = new_data;
+ } else {
+ construct_data = GetInlinedData();
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(GetAllocPtr(), construct_data,
+ &move_values, storage_view.size);
+ }
+ SetAllocatedData(, storage_view.capacity);
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(GetAllocPtr(),,
+ storage_view.size);
+ AllocatorTraits::deallocate(*GetAllocPtr(),,
+ storage_view.capacity);
+ if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
+ AcquireAllocatedData(&allocation_tx);
+ } else {
+ UnsetIsAllocated();
+ }
+template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
+auto Storage<T, N, A>::Swap(Storage* other_storage_ptr) -> void {
+ using std::swap;
+ assert(this != other_storage_ptr);
+ if (GetIsAllocated() && other_storage_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) {
+ swap(data_.allocated, other_storage_ptr->data_.allocated);
+ } else if (!GetIsAllocated() && !other_storage_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) {
+ Storage* small_ptr = this;
+ Storage* large_ptr = other_storage_ptr;
+ if (small_ptr->GetSize() > large_ptr->GetSize()) swap(small_ptr, large_ptr);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < small_ptr->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ swap(small_ptr->GetInlinedData()[i], large_ptr->GetInlinedData()[i]);
+ }
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(large_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize()));
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ large_ptr->GetAllocPtr(),
+ small_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize(), &move_values,
+ large_ptr->GetSize() - small_ptr->GetSize());
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(
+ large_ptr->GetAllocPtr(),
+ large_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize(),
+ large_ptr->GetSize() - small_ptr->GetSize());
+ } else {
+ Storage* allocated_ptr = this;
+ Storage* inlined_ptr = other_storage_ptr;
+ if (!allocated_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) swap(allocated_ptr, inlined_ptr);
+ StorageView allocated_storage_view{allocated_ptr->GetAllocatedData(),
+ allocated_ptr->GetSize(),
+ allocated_ptr->GetAllocatedCapacity()};
+ IteratorValueAdapter<MoveIterator> move_values(
+ MoveIterator(inlined_ptr->GetInlinedData()));
+ inlined_vector_internal::ConstructElements(
+ inlined_ptr->GetAllocPtr(), allocated_ptr->GetInlinedData(),
+ &move_values, inlined_ptr->GetSize());
+ }
+ allocated_ptr->SetAllocatedData(,
+ allocated_storage_view.capacity);
+ }
+ inlined_vector_internal::DestroyElements(inlined_ptr->GetAllocPtr(),
+ inlined_ptr->GetInlinedData(),
+ inlined_ptr->GetSize());
+ inlined_ptr->SetAllocatedData(,
+ allocated_storage_view.capacity);
+ }
+ swap(GetSizeAndIsAllocated(), other_storage_ptr->GetSizeAndIsAllocated());
+ swap(*GetAllocPtr(), *other_storage_ptr->GetAllocPtr());
+} // namespace inlined_vector_internal
+} // inline namespace lts_2019_08_08
+} // namespace absl