diff options
15 files changed, 1284 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/CMake/AbseilDll.cmake b/CMake/AbseilDll.cmake
index 19272795..f21ba284 100644
--- a/CMake/AbseilDll.cmake
+++ b/CMake/AbseilDll.cmake
@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ set(ABSL_INTERNAL_DLL_FILES
+ "log/"
+ "log/vlog_config.h"
+ "log/vlog_is_on.h"
diff --git a/absl/log/BUILD.bazel b/absl/log/BUILD.bazel
index 40c1bfbc..cb069381 100644
--- a/absl/log/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/absl/log/BUILD.bazel
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ cc_library(
deps = [
+ ":vlog_is_on",
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ cc_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
+ ":vlog_config",
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ cc_library(
deps = [
+ ":vlog_is_on",
@@ -235,6 +238,86 @@ cc_library(
+ name = "vlog_config",
+ srcs = [""],
+ hdrs = ["vlog_config.h"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+ deps = [
+ "//absl/base",
+ "//absl/base:config",
+ "//absl/base:core_headers",
+ "//absl/log/internal:fnmatch",
+ "//absl/memory",
+ "//absl/strings",
+ "//absl/synchronization",
+ "//absl/types:optional",
+ ],
+ name = "vlog_is_on",
+ hdrs = ["vlog_is_on.h"],
+ visibility = [
+ "//absl/log:__subpackages__",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ ":vlog_config",
+ "//absl/base:config",
+ "//absl/base:core_headers",
+ "//absl/strings",
+ ],
+# TODO(b/200695798): run this in TAP projects with -DABSL_MAX_VLOG_VERBOSITY={-100,100}
+ name = "vlog_is_on_test",
+ size = "small",
+ srcs = [
+ "",
+ ],
+ copts = ABSL_TEST_COPTS,
+ deps = [
+ ":flags",
+ ":log",
+ ":scoped_mock_log",
+ ":vlog_is_on",
+ "//absl/base:log_severity",
+ "//absl/flags:flag",
+ "//absl/types:optional",
+ "@com_google_googletest//:gtest",
+ "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main",
+ ],
+ name = "vlog_config_benchmark",
+ size = "medium",
+ srcs = [""],
+ copts = ABSL_TEST_COPTS,
+ tags = [
+ "benchmark",
+ "no_test_loonix",
+ "notsan",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ ":vlog_config",
+ "//absl/base:config",
+ "//absl/base:core_headers",
+ "//absl/container:layout",
+ "//absl/memory",
+ "//absl/random:distributions",
+ "//absl/strings",
+ "@com_github_google_benchmark//:benchmark_main",
+ ],
# Test targets
diff --git a/absl/log/CMakeLists.txt b/absl/log/CMakeLists.txt
index aa008865..916b5bea 100644
--- a/absl/log/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/absl/log/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ absl_cc_library(
+ absl::vlog_is_on
@@ -418,6 +419,7 @@ absl_cc_library(
+ absl::vlog_is_on
@@ -481,6 +483,7 @@ absl_cc_library(
+ absl::vlog_config_internal
@@ -536,6 +539,7 @@ absl_cc_library(
+ absl::vlog_is_on
@@ -673,19 +677,78 @@ absl_cc_library(
- log_internal_fnmatch
- "internal/"
- "internal/fnmatch.h"
- absl::config
- absl::strings
+ vlog_config_internal
+ ""
+ "vlog_config.h"
+ absl::base
+ absl::config
+ absl::core_headers
+ absl::log_internal_fnmatch
+ absl::memory
+ absl::strings
+ absl::synchronization
+ absl::optional
+ vlog_is_on
+ "vlog_is_on.h"
+ absl::vlog_config_internal
+ absl::config
+ absl::core_headers
+ absl::strings
+ vlog_is_on_test
+ ""
+ absl::log_flags
+ absl::log
+ absl::scoped_mock_log
+ absl::vlog_is_on
+ absl::log_severity
+ absl::flags
+ absl::optional
+ GTest::gmock_main
+ log_internal_fnmatch
+ "internal/"
+ "internal/fnmatch.h"
+ absl::config
+ absl::strings
# Test targets
diff --git a/absl/log/absl_log.h b/absl/log/absl_log.h
index 0517760b..0fd9ae3f 100644
--- a/absl/log/absl_log.h
+++ b/absl/log/absl_log.h
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
#define ABSL_PLOG(severity) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_PLOG_IMPL(_##severity)
#define ABSL_DLOG(severity) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DLOG_IMPL(_##severity)
+#define ABSL_VLOG(verbose_level) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_IMPL(verbose_level)
+#define ABSL_DVLOG(verbose_level) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DVLOG_IMPL(verbose_level)
#define ABSL_LOG_IF(severity, condition) \
ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IF_IMPL(_##severity, condition)
#define ABSL_PLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
@@ -73,6 +76,15 @@
#define ABSL_DLOG_EVERY_N_SEC(severity, n_seconds) \
+#define ABSL_VLOG_EVERY_N(verbose_level, n) \
+#define ABSL_VLOG_FIRST_N(verbose_level, n) \
+#define ABSL_VLOG_EVERY_POW_2(verbose_level, n) \
+#define ABSL_VLOG_EVERY_N_SEC(verbose_level, n) \
#define ABSL_LOG_IF_EVERY_N(severity, condition, n) \
ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IF_EVERY_N_IMPL(_##severity, condition, n)
#define ABSL_LOG_IF_FIRST_N(severity, condition, n) \
diff --git a/absl/log/ b/absl/log/
index 215b7bd5..dfb0d8e6 100644
--- a/absl/log/
+++ b/absl/log/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "absl/flags/marshalling.h"
#include "absl/log/globals.h"
#include "absl/log/internal/config.h"
+#include "absl/log/vlog_config.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
@@ -118,3 +119,25 @@ ABSL_FLAG(bool, log_prefix, true,
.OnUpdate([] {
+ABSL_FLAG(int, v, 0,
+ "Show all VLOG(m) messages for m <= this. Overridable by --vmodule.")
+ .OnUpdate([] {
+ absl::log_internal::UpdateGlobalVLogLevel(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_v));
+ });
+ std::string, vmodule, "",
+ "per-module log verbosity level."
+ " Argument is a comma-separated list of <module name>=<log level>."
+ " <module name> is a glob pattern, matched against the filename base"
+ " (that is, name ignoring .cc/.h./-inl.h)."
+ " A pattern without slashes matches just the file name portion, otherwise"
+ " the whole file path below the workspace root"
+ " (still without .cc/.h./-inl.h) is matched."
+ " ? and * in the glob pattern match any single or sequence of characters"
+ " respectively including slashes."
+ " <log level> overrides any value given by --v.")
+ .OnUpdate([] {
+ absl::log_internal::UpdateVModule(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_vmodule));
+ });
diff --git a/absl/log/internal/BUILD.bazel b/absl/log/internal/BUILD.bazel
index 2030a3d7..90643a5e 100644
--- a/absl/log/internal/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/absl/log/internal/BUILD.bazel
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ cc_library(
+ "//absl/log:vlog_is_on",
diff --git a/absl/log/internal/flags.h b/absl/log/internal/flags.h
index b91b8644..c4539785 100644
--- a/absl/log/internal/flags.h
+++ b/absl/log/internal/flags.h
@@ -50,4 +50,10 @@ ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(std::string, log_backtrace_at);
// each message logged. Defaults to true.
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(bool, log_prefix);
+// Global log verbosity level. Default is 0.
+// Per-module log verbosity level. By default is empty and is unused.
+ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(std::string, vmodule);
diff --git a/absl/log/internal/log_impl.h b/absl/log/internal/log_impl.h
index 9326780d..ba90eda8 100644
--- a/absl/log/internal/log_impl.h
+++ b/absl/log/internal/log_impl.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "absl/log/internal/conditions.h"
#include "absl/log/internal/log_message.h"
#include "absl/log/internal/strip.h"
+#include "absl/log/vlog_is_on.h"
#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IMPL(severity) \
@@ -41,6 +42,35 @@
+// The `switch` ensures that this expansion is the begnning of a statement (as
+// opposed to an expression). The use of both `case 0` and `default` is to
+// suppress a compiler warning.
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_IMPL(verbose_level) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ _INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ .WithVerbosity(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DVLOG_IMPL(verbose_level) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ _INFO, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ .WithVerbosity(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DVLOG_IMPL(verbose_level) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ _INFO, false && VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ .WithVerbosity(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IF_IMPL(severity, condition) \
@@ -134,6 +164,42 @@
(EveryNSec, n_seconds) ABSL_LOGGING_INTERNAL_LOG##severity.InternalStream()
#endif // def NDEBUG
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_EVERY_N_IMPL(verbose_level, n) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ STATEFUL, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ (EveryN, n) ABSL_LOGGING_INTERNAL_LOG_INFO.InternalStream().WithVerbosity( \
+ absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_FIRST_N_IMPL(verbose_level, n) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ STATEFUL, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ (FirstN, n) ABSL_LOGGING_INTERNAL_LOG_INFO.InternalStream().WithVerbosity( \
+ absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_EVERY_POW_2_IMPL(verbose_level) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ STATEFUL, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ (EveryPow2) ABSL_LOGGING_INTERNAL_LOG_INFO.InternalStream().WithVerbosity( \
+ absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
+#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_EVERY_N_SEC_IMPL(verbose_level, n_seconds) \
+ switch (const int absl_logging_internal_verbose_level = (verbose_level)) \
+ case 0: \
+ default: \
+ STATEFUL, VLOG_IS_ON(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)) \
+ (EveryNSec, n_seconds) ABSL_LOGGING_INTERNAL_LOG_INFO.InternalStream() \
+ .WithVerbosity(absl_logging_internal_verbose_level)
#define ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IF_EVERY_N_IMPL(severity, condition, n) \
ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_CONDITION##severity(STATEFUL, condition)(EveryN, n) \
diff --git a/absl/log/log.h b/absl/log/log.h
index 99e78ea8..b721b087 100644
--- a/absl/log/log.h
+++ b/absl/log/log.h
@@ -53,6 +53,14 @@
// * .NoPrefix()
// Omits the prefix from this line. The prefix includes metadata about the
// logged data such as source code location and timestamp.
+// * .WithVerbosity(int verbose_level)
+// Sets the verbosity field of the logged message as if it was logged by
+// `VLOG(verbose_level)`. Unlike `VLOG`, this method does not affect
+// evaluation of the statement when the specified `verbose_level` has been
+// disabled. The only effect is on `LogSink` implementations which make use
+// of the `absl::LogSink::verbosity()` value. The value
+// `absl::LogEntry::kNoVerbosityLevel` can be specified to mark the message
+// not verbose.
// * .WithTimestamp(absl::Time timestamp)
// Uses the specified timestamp instead of one collected at the time of
// execution.
@@ -190,6 +198,7 @@
#define ABSL_LOG_LOG_H_
#include "absl/log/internal/log_impl.h"
+#include "absl/log/vlog_is_on.h" // IWYU pragma: export
// LOG()
@@ -213,11 +222,32 @@
// terminate the program if `NDEBUG` is defined.
#define DLOG(severity) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DLOG_IMPL(_##severity)
+// `VLOG` uses numeric levels to provide verbose logging that can configured at
+// runtime, including at a per-module level. `VLOG` statements are logged at
+// `INFO` severity if they are logged at all; the numeric levels are on a
+// different scale than the proper severity levels. Positive levels are
+// disabled by default. Negative levels should not be used.
+// Example:
+// VLOG(1) << "I print when you run the program with --v=1 or higher";
+// VLOG(2) << "I print when you run the program with --v=2 or higher";
+// See vlog_is_on.h for further documentation, including the usage of the
+// --vmodule flag to log at different levels in different source files.
+#define VLOG(severity) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_VLOG_IMPL(severity)
+// `DVLOG` behaves like `VLOG` in debug mode (i.e. `#ifndef NDEBUG`).
+// Otherwise, it compiles away and does nothing.
+#define DVLOG(severity) ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_DVLOG_IMPL(severity)
// `LOG_IF` and friends add a second argument which specifies a condition. If
// the condition is false, nothing is logged.
// Example:
// LOG_IF(INFO, num_cookies > 10) << "Got lots of cookies";
+// There is no `VLOG_IF` because the order of evaluation of the arguments is
+// ambiguous and the alternate spelling with an `if`-statement is trivial.
#define LOG_IF(severity, condition) \
ABSL_LOG_INTERNAL_LOG_IF_IMPL(_##severity, condition)
#define PLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
@@ -285,6 +315,15 @@
#define DLOG_EVERY_N_SEC(severity, n_seconds) \
+#define VLOG_EVERY_N(severity, n) \
+#define VLOG_FIRST_N(severity, n) \
+#define VLOG_EVERY_POW_2(severity) \
+#define VLOG_EVERY_N_SEC(severity, n_seconds) \
// `LOG_IF_EVERY_N` and friends behave as the corresponding `LOG_EVERY_N`
// but neither increment a counter nor log a message if condition is false (as
// `LOG_IF`).
diff --git a/absl/log/log_entry.h b/absl/log/log_entry.h
index 9e4ae8eb..7a55dfe2 100644
--- a/absl/log/log_entry.h
+++ b/absl/log/log_entry.h
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ class LogEntry final {
// LogEntry::verbosity()
// Returns this entry's verbosity, or `kNoVerbosityLevel` for a non-verbose
- // entry. Verbosity control is not available outside of Google yet.
+ // entry. Taken from the argument to `VLOG` or from
+ // `LOG(...).WithVerbosity(...)`.
int verbosity() const { return verbose_level_; }
// LogEntry::timestamp()
diff --git a/absl/log/ b/absl/log/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7375b279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/log/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "absl/log/vlog_config.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
+#include "absl/base/config.h"
+#include "absl/base/const_init.h"
+#include "absl/base/internal/spinlock.h"
+#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
+#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "absl/log/internal/fnmatch.h"
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "absl/strings/strip.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace log_internal {
+namespace {
+bool ModuleIsPath(absl::string_view module_pattern) {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ return module_pattern.find_first_of("/\\") != module_pattern.npos;
+ return module_pattern.find('/') != module_pattern.npos;
+} // namespace
+} // namespace log_internal
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled(int stale_v, int level) {
+ if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(stale_v != kUninitialized)) {
+ // Because of the prerequisites to this function, we know that stale_v is
+ // either uninitialized or >= level. If it's not uninitialized, that means
+ // it must be >= level, thus we should log.
+ return true;
+ }
+ stale_v = log_internal::RegisterAndInitialize(this);
+ return ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(stale_v >= level);
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled0(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 0); }
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled1(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 1); }
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled2(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 2); }
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled3(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 3); }
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled4(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 4); }
+bool VLogSite::SlowIsEnabled5(int stale_v) { return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, 5); }
+namespace log_internal {
+namespace {
+struct VModuleInfo final {
+ std::string module_pattern;
+ bool module_is_path; // i.e. it contains a path separator.
+ int vlog_level;
+ // Allocates memory.
+ VModuleInfo(absl::string_view module_pattern_arg, bool module_is_path_arg,
+ int vlog_level_arg)
+ : module_pattern(std::string(module_pattern_arg)),
+ module_is_path(module_is_path_arg),
+ vlog_level(vlog_level_arg) {}
+// `mutex` guards all of the data structures that aren't lock-free.
+// To avoid problems with the heap checker which calls into `VLOG`, `mutex` must
+// be a `SpinLock` that prevents fiber scheduling instead of a `Mutex`.
+ABSL_CONST_INIT absl::base_internal::SpinLock mutex(
+ absl::kConstInit, absl::base_internal::SCHEDULE_KERNEL_ONLY);
+// `update_sites_mutex` serializes updates to all of the sites (i.e. those in
+// `site_list_head`) themselves.
+ABSL_CONST_INIT absl::Mutex update_sites_mutex
+ ABSL_ACQUIRED_AFTER(mutex)(absl::kConstInit);
+ABSL_CONST_INIT int global_v ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex) = 0;
+// `site_list_head` is the head of a singly-linked list. Traversal, insertion,
+// and reads are atomic, so no locks are required, but updates to existing
+// elements are guarded by `update_sites_mutex`.
+ABSL_CONST_INIT std::atomic<VLogSite*> site_list_head{nullptr};
+ABSL_CONST_INIT std::vector<VModuleInfo>* vmodule_info ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex)
+ ABSL_PT_GUARDED_BY(mutex){nullptr};
+// Only used for lisp.
+ABSL_CONST_INIT std::vector<std::function<void()>>* update_callbacks
+ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(update_sites_mutex)
+ ABSL_PT_GUARDED_BY(update_sites_mutex){nullptr};
+// Allocates memory.
+std::vector<VModuleInfo>& get_vmodule_info()
+ if (!vmodule_info) vmodule_info = new std::vector<VModuleInfo>;
+ return *vmodule_info;
+// Does not allocate or take locks.
+int VLogLevel(absl::string_view file, const std::vector<VModuleInfo>* infos,
+ int current_global_v) {
+ // `infos` is null during a call to `VLOG` prior to setting `vmodule` (e.g. by
+ // parsing flags). We can't allocate in `VLOG`, so we treat null as empty
+ // here and press on.
+ if (!infos || infos->empty()) return current_global_v;
+ // Get basename for file
+ absl::string_view basename = file;
+ {
+ const size_t sep = basename.rfind('/');
+ if (sep != basename.npos) {
+ basename.remove_prefix(sep + 1);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ } else {
+ const size_t sep = basename.rfind('\\');
+ if (sep != basename.npos) basename.remove_prefix(sep + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ absl::string_view stem = file, stem_basename = basename;
+ {
+ const size_t sep = stem_basename.find('.');
+ if (sep != stem_basename.npos) {
+ stem.remove_suffix(stem_basename.size() - sep);
+ stem_basename.remove_suffix(stem_basename.size() - sep);
+ }
+ if (absl::ConsumeSuffix(&stem_basename, "-inl")) {
+ stem.remove_suffix(absl::string_view("-inl").size());
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& info : *infos) {
+ if (info.module_is_path) {
+ // If there are any slashes in the pattern, try to match the full
+ // name.
+ if (FNMatch(info.module_pattern, stem)) {
+ return info.vlog_level == kUseFlag ? current_global_v : info.vlog_level;
+ }
+ } else if (FNMatch(info.module_pattern, stem_basename)) {
+ return info.vlog_level == kUseFlag ? current_global_v : info.vlog_level;
+ }
+ }
+ return current_global_v;
+// Allocates memory.
+int AppendVModuleLocked(absl::string_view module_pattern, int log_level)
+ for (const auto& info : get_vmodule_info()) {
+ if (FNMatch(info.module_pattern, module_pattern)) {
+ // This is a memory optimization to avoid storing patterns that will never
+ // match due to exit early semantics. Primarily optimized for our own unit
+ // tests.
+ return info.vlog_level;
+ }
+ }
+ bool module_is_path = ModuleIsPath(module_pattern);
+ get_vmodule_info().emplace_back(std::string(module_pattern), module_is_path,
+ log_level);
+ return global_v;
+// Allocates memory.
+int PrependVModuleLocked(absl::string_view module_pattern, int log_level)
+ absl::optional<int> old_log_level;
+ for (const auto& info : get_vmodule_info()) {
+ if (FNMatch(info.module_pattern, module_pattern)) {
+ old_log_level = info.vlog_level;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool module_is_path = ModuleIsPath(module_pattern);
+ auto iter = get_vmodule_info().emplace(get_vmodule_info().cbegin(),
+ std::string(module_pattern),
+ module_is_path, log_level);
+ // This is a memory optimization to avoid storing patterns that will never
+ // match due to exit early semantics. Primarily optimized for our own unit
+ // tests.
+ get_vmodule_info().erase(
+ std::remove_if(++iter, get_vmodule_info().end(),
+ [module_pattern](const VModuleInfo& info) {
+ return FNMatch(info.module_pattern, module_pattern);
+ }),
+ get_vmodule_info().cend());
+ return old_log_level.value_or(global_v);
+} // namespace
+int VLogLevel(absl::string_view file) ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex) {
+ absl::base_internal::SpinLockHolder l(&mutex);
+ return VLogLevel(file, vmodule_info, global_v);
+int RegisterAndInitialize(VLogSite* v) ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex) {
+ // std::memory_order_seq_cst is overkill in this function, but given that this
+ // path is intended to be slow, it's not worth the brain power to relax that.
+ VLogSite* h = site_list_head.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ VLogSite* old = nullptr;
+ if (v->next_.compare_exchange_strong(old, h, std::memory_order_seq_cst,
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
+ // Multiple threads may attempt to register this site concurrently.
+ // By successfully setting `v->next` this thread commits to being *the*
+ // thread that installs `v` in the list.
+ while (!site_list_head.compare_exchange_weak(
+ h, v, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
+ v->, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ }
+ }
+ int old_v = VLogSite::kUninitialized;
+ int new_v = VLogLevel(v->file_);
+ // No loop, if someone else set this, we should respect their evaluation of
+ // `VLogLevel`. This may mean we return a stale `v`, but `v` itself will
+ // always arrive at the freshest value. Otherwise, we could be writing a
+ // stale value and clobbering the fresher one.
+ if (v->v_.compare_exchange_strong(old_v, new_v, std::memory_order_seq_cst,
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst)) {
+ return new_v;
+ }
+ return old_v;
+void UpdateVLogSites() ABSL_UNLOCK_FUNCTION(mutex)
+ ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(update_sites_mutex) {
+ std::vector<VModuleInfo> infos = get_vmodule_info();
+ int current_global_v = global_v;
+ // We need to grab `update_sites_mutex` before we release `mutex` to ensure
+ // that updates are not interleaved (resulting in an inconsistent final state)
+ // and to ensure that the final state in the sites matches the final state of
+ // `vmodule_info`. We unlock `mutex` to ensure that uninitialized sites don't
+ // have to wait on all updates in order to acquire `mutex` and initialize
+ // themselves.
+ absl::MutexLock ul(&update_sites_mutex);
+ mutex.Unlock();
+ VLogSite* n = site_list_head.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ // Because sites are added to the list in the order they are executed, there
+ // tend to be clusters of entries with the same file.
+ const char* last_file = nullptr;
+ int last_file_level = 0;
+ while (n != nullptr) {
+ if (n->file_ != last_file) {
+ last_file = n->file_;
+ last_file_level = VLogLevel(n->file_, &infos, current_global_v);
+ }
+ n->, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ n = n->next_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ }
+ if (update_callbacks) {
+ for (auto& cb : *update_callbacks) {
+ cb();
+ }
+ }
+void UpdateVModule(absl::string_view vmodule)
+ ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex, update_sites_mutex) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<absl::string_view, int>> glob_levels;
+ for (absl::string_view glob_level : absl::StrSplit(vmodule, ',')) {
+ const size_t eq = glob_level.rfind('=');
+ if (eq == glob_level.npos) continue;
+ const absl::string_view glob = glob_level.substr(0, eq);
+ int level;
+ if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(glob_level.substr(eq + 1), &level)) continue;
+ glob_levels.emplace_back(glob, level);
+ }
+ mutex.Lock(); // Unlocked by UpdateVLogSites().
+ get_vmodule_info().clear();
+ for (const auto& it : glob_levels) {
+ const absl::string_view glob = it.first;
+ const int level = it.second;
+ AppendVModuleLocked(glob, level);
+ }
+ UpdateVLogSites();
+int UpdateGlobalVLogLevel(int v)
+ ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex, update_sites_mutex) {
+ mutex.Lock(); // Unlocked by UpdateVLogSites().
+ const int old_global_v = global_v;
+ if (v == global_v) {
+ mutex.Unlock();
+ return old_global_v;
+ }
+ global_v = v;
+ UpdateVLogSites();
+ return old_global_v;
+int PrependVModule(absl::string_view module_pattern, int log_level)
+ ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex, update_sites_mutex) {
+ mutex.Lock(); // Unlocked by UpdateVLogSites().
+ int old_v = PrependVModuleLocked(module_pattern, log_level);
+ UpdateVLogSites();
+ return old_v;
+void OnVLogVerbosityUpdate(std::function<void()> cb)
+ ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(update_sites_mutex) {
+ absl::MutexLock ul(&update_sites_mutex);
+ if (!update_callbacks)
+ update_callbacks = new std::vector<std::function<void()>>;
+ update_callbacks->push_back(std::move(cb));
+VLogSite* SetVModuleListHeadForTestOnly(VLogSite* v) {
+ return, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+} // namespace log_internal
+} // namespace absl
diff --git a/absl/log/vlog_config.h b/absl/log/vlog_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ff56265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/log/vlog_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// vlog_config.h
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This header file defines `VLogSite`, a public primitive that represents
+// a callsite for the `VLOG` family of macros and related libraries.
+// It also declares and defines multiple internal utilities used to implement
+// `VLOG`, such as `VLogSiteManager`.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "absl/log/log.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
+#include "absl/base/config.h"
+#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
+#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+namespace absl {
+class VLogSite;
+namespace log_internal {
+class SyntheticBinary;
+int RegisterAndInitialize(VLogSite* v);
+void UpdateVLogSites();
+constexpr int kUseFlag = (std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min)();
+} // namespace log_internal
+// Represents a unique callsite for a `VLOG()` or `VLOG_IS_ON()` call.
+// Libraries that provide `VLOG`-like functionality should use this to
+// efficiently handle --vmodule.
+// VLogSite objects must not be destroyed until the program exits. Doing so will
+// probably yield nasty segfaults in VLogSiteManager::UpdateLogSites(). The
+// recommendation is to make all such objects function-local statics.
+class VLogSite final {
+ public:
+ // `f` must not be destroyed until the program exits.
+ explicit constexpr VLogSite(const char* f)
+ : file_(f), v_(kUninitialized), next_(nullptr) {}
+ VLogSite(const VLogSite&) = delete;
+ VLogSite& operator=(const VLogSite&) = delete;
+ // Inlining the function yields a ~3x performance improvement at the cost of a
+ // 1.5x code size increase at the call site.
+ // Takes locks but does not allocate memory.
+ bool IsEnabled(int level) {
+ int stale_v = v_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(level > stale_v)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We put everything other than the fast path, i.e. vlogging is initialized
+ // but not on, behind an out-of-line function to reduce code size.
+ // "level" is almost always a call-site constant, so we can save a bit
+ // of code space by special-casing for a few common levels.
+#if ABSL_HAVE_BUILTIN(__builtin_constant_p) || defined(__GNUC__)
+ if (__builtin_constant_p(level)) {
+ if (level == 0) return SlowIsEnabled0(stale_v);
+ if (level == 1) return SlowIsEnabled1(stale_v);
+ if (level == 2) return SlowIsEnabled2(stale_v);
+ if (level == 3) return SlowIsEnabled3(stale_v);
+ if (level == 4) return SlowIsEnabled4(stale_v);
+ if (level == 5) return SlowIsEnabled5(stale_v);
+ }
+ return SlowIsEnabled(stale_v, level);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend int log_internal::RegisterAndInitialize(VLogSite* v);
+ friend void log_internal::UpdateVLogSites();
+ friend class log_internal::SyntheticBinary;
+ static constexpr int kUninitialized = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+ // SlowIsEnabled performs slower checks to determine whether a log site is
+ // enabled. Because it is expected to be called somewhat rarely
+ // (comparatively), it is not inlined to save on code size.
+ //
+ // Prerequisites to calling SlowIsEnabled:
+ // 1) stale_v is uninitialized OR
+ // 2) stale_v is initialized and >= level (meaning we must log).
+ // Takes locks but does not allocate memory.
+ bool SlowIsEnabled(int stale_v, int level);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled0(int stale_v);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled1(int stale_v);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled2(int stale_v);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled3(int stale_v);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled4(int stale_v);
+ ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool SlowIsEnabled5(int stale_v);
+ // This object is too size-sensitive to use absl::string_view.
+ const char* const file_;
+ std::atomic<int> v_;
+ std::atomic<VLogSite*> next_;
+ "VLogSite must be trivially destructible");
+namespace log_internal {
+// Returns the current verbose log level of `file`.
+// Does not allocate memory.
+int VLogLevel(absl::string_view file);
+// Registers a site `v` to get updated as `vmodule` and `v` change. Also
+// initializes the site based on their current values, and returns that result.
+// Does not allocate memory.
+int RegisterAndInitialize(VLogSite* v);
+// Allocates memory.
+void UpdateVLogSites();
+// Completely overwrites the saved value of `vmodule`.
+// Allocates memory.
+void UpdateVModule(absl::string_view vmodule);
+// Updates the global verbosity level to `v` and returns the prior value.
+// Allocates memory.
+int UpdateGlobalVLogLevel(int v);
+// Atomically prepends `module_pattern=log_level` to the start of vmodule.
+// Returns the prior value for `module_pattern` if there was an exact match and
+// `global_v` otherwise.
+// Allocates memory.
+int PrependVModule(absl::string_view module_pattern, int log_level);
+// Registers `on_update` to be called whenever `v` or `vmodule` change.
+// Allocates memory.
+void OnVLogVerbosityUpdate(std::function<void()> cb);
+// Does not allocate memory.
+VLogSite* SetVModuleListHeadForTestOnly(VLogSite* v);
+} // namespace log_internal
+} // namespace absl
diff --git a/absl/log/ b/absl/log/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78994b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/log/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <new>
+#include <random>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/base/config.h"
+#include "absl/container/internal/layout.h"
+#include "absl/log/vlog_config.h"
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/random/distributions.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace log_internal {
+// Performance of `UpdateLogSites` depends upon the number and organization of
+// `VLogSite`s in the program. We can synthesize some on the heap to mimic
+// their layout and linkage in static data.
+class SyntheticBinary {
+ public:
+ explicit SyntheticBinary(const size_t num_tus,
+ const size_t max_extra_static_data_bytes_per_tu,
+ const size_t max_sites_per_tu,
+ const int num_shuffles) {
+ per_tu_data_.reserve(num_tus);
+ auto sites = absl::make_unique<VLogSite *[]>(num_tus * max_sites_per_tu);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tus; i++) {
+ const std::string filename =
+ absl::StrCat("directory-", i / 100, "/subdirectory-", i % 100 / 10,
+ "/file-", i % 10, ".cc");
+ container_internal::Layout<char, VLogSite, char> layout(
+ filename.size() + 1,
+ absl::LogUniform<size_t>(bitgen_, 1, max_sites_per_tu),
+ absl::LogUniform<size_t>(bitgen_, 0,
+ max_extra_static_data_bytes_per_tu));
+ auto buf = absl::make_unique<char[]>(layout.AllocSize());
+ layout.PoisonPadding(buf.get());
+ memcpy(layout.Pointer<0>(buf.get()), filename.c_str(),
+ filename.size() + 1);
+ for (VLogSite &site : layout.Slice<1>(buf.get())) {
+ sites[num_sites_++] =
+ new (&site) VLogSite(layout.Pointer<0>(buf.get()));
+ // The last one is a dangling pointer but will be fixed below.
+ + 1, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ }
+ num_extra_static_data_bytes_ += layout.Size<2>();
+ per_tu_data_.push_back(PerTU{layout, std::move(buf)});
+ }
+ // Now link the files together back-to-front into a circular list.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tus; i++) {
+ auto &tu = per_tu_data_[i];
+ auto &next_tu = per_tu_data_[(i + 1) % num_tus];
+ tu.layout.Slice<1>(tu.buf.get())
+ .back()
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ }
+ // Now do some shufflin'.
+ auto new_sites = absl::make_unique<VLogSite *[]>(num_sites_);
+ for (int shuffle_num = 0; shuffle_num < num_shuffles; shuffle_num++) {
+ // Each shuffle cuts the ring into three pieces and rearranges them.
+ const size_t cut_a = absl::Uniform(bitgen_, size_t{0}, num_sites_);
+ const size_t cut_b = absl::Uniform(bitgen_, size_t{0}, num_sites_);
+ const size_t cut_c = absl::Uniform(bitgen_, size_t{0}, num_sites_);
+ if (cut_a == cut_b || cut_b == cut_c || cut_a == cut_c) continue;
+ // The same cuts, sorted:
+ const size_t cut_1 = std::min({cut_a, cut_b, cut_c});
+ const size_t cut_3 = std::max({cut_a, cut_b, cut_c});
+ const size_t cut_2 = cut_a ^ cut_b ^ cut_c ^ cut_1 ^ cut_3;
+ VLogSite *const tmp = sites[cut_1]->next_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ sites[cut_1]->
+ sites[cut_2]->next_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst),
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ sites[cut_2]->
+ sites[cut_3]->next_.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst),
+ std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ sites[cut_3]->, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ memcpy(&new_sites[0], &sites[0], sizeof(VLogSite *) * (cut_1 + 1));
+ memcpy(&new_sites[cut_1 + 1], &sites[cut_2 + 1],
+ sizeof(VLogSite *) * (cut_3 - cut_2));
+ memcpy(&new_sites[cut_1 + 1 + cut_3 - cut_2], &sites[cut_1 + 1],
+ sizeof(VLogSite *) * (cut_2 - cut_1));
+ memcpy(&new_sites[cut_3 + 1], &sites[cut_3 + 1],
+ sizeof(VLogSite *) * (num_sites_ - cut_3 - 1));
+ sites.swap(new_sites);
+ }
+ const char *last_file = nullptr;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sites_; i++) {
+ if (sites[i]->file_ == last_file) continue;
+ last_file = sites[i]->file_;
+ num_new_files_++;
+ }
+ absl::log_internal::SetVModuleListHeadForTestOnly(sites[0]);
+ sites[num_tus - 1]->, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ }
+ ~SyntheticBinary() {
+ static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible<VLogSite>::value, "");
+ absl::log_internal::SetVModuleListHeadForTestOnly(nullptr);
+ }
+ size_t num_sites() const { return num_sites_; }
+ size_t num_new_files() const { return num_new_files_; }
+ size_t num_extra_static_data_bytes() const {
+ return num_extra_static_data_bytes_;
+ }
+ private:
+ struct PerTU {
+ container_internal::Layout<char, VLogSite, char> layout;
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf;
+ };
+ std::mt19937 bitgen_;
+ std::vector<PerTU> per_tu_data_;
+ size_t num_sites_ = 0;
+ size_t num_new_files_ = 0;
+ size_t num_extra_static_data_bytes_ = 0;
+namespace {
+void BM_UpdateVModuleEmpty(benchmark::State& state) {
+ SyntheticBinary bin(static_cast<size_t>(state.range(0)), 10 * 1024 * 1024,
+ 256, state.range(1));
+ for (auto s : state) {
+ absl::log_internal::UpdateVModule("");
+ }
+ state.SetItemsProcessed(static_cast<int>(bin.num_new_files()));
+ ->ArgPair(100, 200)
+ ->ArgPair(1000, 2000)
+ ->ArgPair(10000, 20000);
+void BM_UpdateVModuleShort(benchmark::State& state) {
+ SyntheticBinary bin(static_cast<size_t>(state.range(0)), 10 * 1024 * 1024,
+ 256, state.range(1));
+ for (auto s : state) {
+ absl::log_internal::UpdateVModule("directory2/*=4");
+ }
+ state.SetItemsProcessed(static_cast<int>(bin.num_new_files()));
+ ->ArgPair(100, 200)
+ ->ArgPair(1000, 2000)
+ ->ArgPair(10000, 20000);
+void BM_UpdateVModuleLong(benchmark::State& state) {
+ SyntheticBinary bin(static_cast<size_t>(state.range(0)), 10 * 1024 * 1024,
+ 256, state.range(1));
+ for (auto s : state) {
+ absl::log_internal::UpdateVModule(
+ "d?r?c?o?y2/*=4,d?*r?*c?**o?*y1/*=2,d?*rc?**o?*y3/*=2,,"
+ "d?*r?*c?**o?*1/*=1,d?*r?**o?*y1/*=2,d?*r???***y1/*=7,"
+ "d?*r?**o?*y1/aaa=6");
+ }
+ state.SetItemsProcessed(static_cast<int>(bin.num_new_files()));
+ ->ArgPair(100, 200)
+ ->ArgPair(1000, 2000)
+ ->ArgPair(10000, 20000);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace log_internal
+} // namespace absl
diff --git a/absl/log/vlog_is_on.h b/absl/log/vlog_is_on.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e5abf56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/log/vlog_is_on.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Abseil Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File: log/vlog_is_on.h
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This header defines the `VLOG_IS_ON()` macro that controls the
+// variable-verbosity conditional logging.
+// It's used by `VLOG` in log.h, or it can also be used directly like this:
+// if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
+// foo_server.RecomputeStatisticsExpensive();
+// LOG(INFO) << foo_server.LastStatisticsAsString();
+// }
+// Each source file has an effective verbosity level that's a non-negative
+// integer computed from the `--vmodule` and `--v` flags.
+// `VLOG_IS_ON(n)` is true, and `VLOG(n)` logs, if that effective verbosity
+// level is greater than or equal to `n`.
+// `--vmodule` takes a comma-delimited list of key=value pairs. Each key is a
+// pattern matched against filenames, and the values give the effective severity
+// level applied to matching files. '?' and '*' characters in patterns are
+// interpreted as single-character and zero-or-more-character wildcards.
+// Patterns including a slash character are matched against full pathnames,
+// while those without are matched against basenames only. One suffix (i.e. the
+// last . and everything after it) is stripped from each filename prior to
+// matching, as is the special suffix "-inl".
+// Files are matched against globs in `--vmodule` in order, and the first match
+// determines the verbosity level.
+// Files which do not match any pattern in `--vmodule` use the value of `--v` as
+// their effective verbosity level. The default is 0.
+// SetVLOGLevel helper function is provided to do limited dynamic control over
+// V-logging by appending to `--vmodule`. Because these go at the beginning of
+// the list, they take priority over any globs previously added.
+// Resetting --vmodule will override all previous modifications to `--vmodule`,
+// including via SetVLOGLevel.
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
+#include "absl/base/config.h"
+#include "absl/log/vlog_config.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "absl/log/log.h"
+// This is expanded at the callsite to allow the compiler to optimize
+// always-false cases out of the build.
+// An ABSL_MAX_VLOG_VERBOSITY of 2 means that VLOG(3) and above should never
+// log.
+// Each VLOG_IS_ON call site gets its own VLogSite that registers with the
+// global linked list of sites to asynchronously update its verbosity level on
+// changes to --v or --vmodule. The verbosity can also be set by manually
+// calling SetVLOGLevel.
+// VLOG_IS_ON is not async signal safe, but it is guaranteed not to allocate
+// new memory.
+#define VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) \
+ ->::absl::VLogSite * \
+ { \
+ ABSL_CONST_INIT static ::absl::VLogSite site(__FILE__); \
+ return &site; \
+ }() \
+ ->IsEnabled(verbose_level))
+namespace absl {
+// Sets the global `VLOG(_IS_ON)` level to `log_level`. This level is applied
+// to any sites whose filename doesn't match any `module_pattern`. Returns the
+// prior value.
+inline int SetGlobalVLogLevel(int log_level) {
+ return absl::log_internal::UpdateGlobalVLogLevel(log_level);
+// Sets `VLOG(_IS_ON)` level for `module_pattern` to `log_level`.
+// This lets us dynamically control what is normally set by the --vmodule flag.
+// Returns the level that previously applied to module_pattern.
+// Calling this with `log_level` of kUseFlag will have all sites for that
+// pattern use the value of --v.
+inline int SetVLogLevel(absl::string_view module_pattern, int log_level) {
+ return absl::log_internal::PrependVModule(module_pattern, log_level);
+} // namespace absl
+#endif // ABSL_LOG_VLOG_IS_ON_H_
diff --git a/absl/log/ b/absl/log/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28a2eea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/log/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Abseil Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "absl/log/vlog_is_on.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "absl/base/log_severity.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/log/flags.h"
+#include "absl/log/log.h"
+#include "absl/log/scoped_mock_log.h"
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
+namespace {
+using ::testing::_;
+absl::optional<int> MaxLogVerbosity() {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+absl::optional<int> MinLogLevel() {
+ return static_cast<int>(ABSL_MIN_LOG_LEVEL);
+ return absl::nullopt;
+TEST(VLogIsOn, GlobalWorksWithoutMaxVerbosityAndMinLogLevel) {
+ if (MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || MinLogLevel().has_value()) {
+ }
+ absl::SetGlobalVLogLevel(3);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "important"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(3) << "important";
+ VLOG(4) << "spam";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, FileWorksWithoutMaxVerbosityAndMinLogLevel) {
+ if (MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || MinLogLevel().has_value()) {
+ }
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on_test", 3);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "important"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(3) << "important";
+ VLOG(4) << "spam";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, PatternWorksWithoutMaxVerbosityAndMinLogLevel) {
+ if (MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || MinLogLevel().has_value()) {
+ }
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on*", 3);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "important"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(3) << "important";
+ VLOG(4) << "spam";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, GlobalDoesNotFilterBelowMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() < 2) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetGlobalVLogLevel(1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "asdf"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(2) << "asdf";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, FileDoesNotFilterBelowMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() < 2) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on_test", 1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "asdf"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(2) << "asdf";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, PatternDoesNotFilterBelowMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() < 2) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on*", 1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(absl::LogSeverity::kInfo, _, "asdf"));
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(2) << "asdf";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, GlobalFiltersAboveMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() >= 4) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetGlobalVLogLevel(1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(4) << "dfgh";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, FileFiltersAboveMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() >= 4) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on_test", 1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(4) << "dfgh";
+TEST(VLogIsOn, PatternFiltersAboveMaxVerbosity) {
+ if (!MaxLogVerbosity().has_value() || *MaxLogVerbosity() >= 4) {
+ }
+ // Set an arbitrary high value to avoid filtering VLOGs in tests by default.
+ absl::SetVLogLevel("vlog_is_on*", 1000);
+ absl::ScopedMockLog log(absl::MockLogDefault::kDisallowUnexpected);
+ log.StartCapturingLogs();
+ VLOG(4) << "dfgh";
+} // namespace