(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* pp_global_params -> unit * set the parameters of a formatter *) let set_gp ft gp = Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ; Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ; Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ; Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp let get_gp ft = { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft (); max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft (); max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft (); ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () } (* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *) let with_fp chan out_function flush_function = let ft = Format.make_formatter out_function flush_function in Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft chan; ft (* Output on a channel ch *) let with_output_to ch = let ft = with_fp ch (output_substring ch) (fun () -> flush ch) in set_gp ft deep_gp; ft let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter let _ = set_dflt_gp !std_ft let err_ft = ref Format.err_formatter let _ = set_gp !err_ft deep_gp let deep_ft = ref (with_output_to stdout) let _ = set_gp !deep_ft deep_gp (* For parametrization through vernacular *) let default = Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft () let default_margin = Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft () let get_depth_boxes () = Some (Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ()) let set_depth_boxes v = Format.pp_set_max_boxes !std_ft (match v with None -> default | Some v -> v) let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ()) let set_margin v = let v = match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v in Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter v; Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft v; Format.pp_set_margin !deep_ft v; (* Heuristic, based on usage: the column on the right of max_indent column is 20% of width, capped to 30 characters *) let m = max (64 * v / 100) (v-30) in Format.pp_set_max_indent Format.str_formatter m; Format.pp_set_max_indent !std_ft m; Format.pp_set_max_indent !deep_ft m (** Console display of feedback *) (** Default tags *) module Tag = struct let error = "message.error" let warning = "message.warning" let debug = "message.debug" end let msgnl_with ?pre_hdr fmt strm = pp_with fmt (strm ++ fnl ()); Format.pp_print_flush fmt () module Emacs = struct (* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *) let quote_warning_start = "" let quote_warning_end = "" let quote_info_start = "" let quote_info_end = "" let quote_emacs q_start q_end msg = hov 0 (seq [str q_start; brk(0,0); msg; brk(0,0); str q_end]) let quote_warning = quote_emacs quote_warning_start quote_warning_end let quote_info = quote_emacs quote_info_start quote_info_end end let dbg_hdr = tag Tag.debug (str "Debug:") ++ spc () let info_hdr = mt () let warn_hdr = tag Tag.warning (str "Warning:") ++ spc () let err_hdr = tag Tag.error (str "Error:") ++ spc () let make_body quoter info ?pre_hdr s = pr_opt_no_spc (fun x -> x ++ fnl ()) pre_hdr ++ quoter (hov 0 (info ++ s)) (* The empty quoter *) let noq x = x (* Generic logger *) let gen_logger dbg warn ?pre_hdr level msg = match level with | Debug -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body dbg dbg_hdr ?pre_hdr msg) | Info -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body dbg info_hdr ?pre_hdr msg) | Notice -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body noq info_hdr ?pre_hdr msg) | Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () -> msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body warn warn_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)) () | Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body noq err_hdr ?pre_hdr msg) (** Standard loggers *) (* We provide a generic clear_log_backend callback for backends wanting to do clenaup after the print. *) let std_logger_cleanup = ref (fun () -> ()) let std_logger ?pre_hdr level msg = gen_logger (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) ?pre_hdr level msg; !std_logger_cleanup () (** Color logging. Moved from Ppstyle, it may need some more refactoring *) (* Tag map for terminal style *) let default_tag_map () = let open Terminal in [ (* Local to console toplevel *) "message.error" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`RED () ; "message.warning" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`YELLOW () ; "message.debug" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`MAGENTA () (* Coming from the printer *) ; "constr.evar" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_BLUE () ; "constr.keyword" , make ~bold:true () ; "constr.type" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`YELLOW () ; "constr.notation" , make ~fg_color:`WHITE () (* ["constr"; "variable"] is not assigned *) ; "constr.reference" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_GREEN () ; "constr.path" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_MAGENTA () ; "module.definition", make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`LIGHT_RED () ; "module.keyword" , make ~bold:true () ; "tactic.keyword" , make ~bold:true () ; "tactic.primitive" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_GREEN () ; "tactic.string" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_RED () ] let tag_map = ref CString.Map.empty let init_tag_map styles = let set accu (name, st) = CString.Map.add name st accu in tag_map := List.fold_left set !tag_map styles let clear_styles () = tag_map := CString.Map.empty let parse_color_config file = let styles = Terminal.parse file in init_tag_map styles let dump_tags () = CString.Map.bindings !tag_map (** Not thread-safe. We should put a lock somewhere if we print from different threads. Do we? *) let make_style_stack () = (** Default tag is to reset everything *) let empty = Terminal.make () in let default_tag = Terminal.({ fg_color = Some `DEFAULT; bg_color = Some `DEFAULT; bold = Some false; italic = Some false; underline = Some false; negative = Some false; }) in let style_stack = ref [] in let peek () = match !style_stack with | [] -> default_tag (** Anomalous case, but for robustness *) | st :: _ -> st in let push tag = let style = try CString.Map.find tag !tag_map with | Not_found -> empty in (** Use the merging of the latest tag and the one being currently pushed. This may be useful if for instance the latest tag changes the background and the current one the foreground, so that the two effects are additioned. *) let style = Terminal.merge (peek ()) style in style_stack := style :: !style_stack; Terminal.eval style in let pop _ = match !style_stack with | [] -> (** Something went wrong, we fallback *) Terminal.eval default_tag | _ :: rem -> style_stack := rem; Terminal.eval (peek ()) in let clear () = style_stack := [] in push, pop, clear let init_color_output () = init_tag_map (default_tag_map ()); let push_tag, pop_tag, clear_tag = make_style_stack () in std_logger_cleanup := clear_tag; let tag_handler = { Format.mark_open_tag = push_tag; Format.mark_close_tag = pop_tag; Format.print_open_tag = ignore; Format.print_close_tag = ignore; } in Format.pp_set_mark_tags !std_ft true; Format.pp_set_mark_tags !err_ft true; Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !std_ft tag_handler; Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !err_ft tag_handler (* Rules for emacs: - Debug/info: emacs_quote_info - Warning/Error: emacs_quote_err - Notice: unquoted *) let emacs_logger = gen_logger Emacs.quote_info Emacs.quote_warning (* This is specific to the toplevel *) let pr_loc loc = let fname = loc.Loc.fname in if CString.equal fname "" then Loc.(str"Toplevel input, characters " ++ int loc.bp ++ str"-" ++ int loc.ep ++ str":") else Loc.(str"File " ++ str "\"" ++ str fname ++ str "\"" ++ str", line " ++ int loc.line_nb ++ str", characters " ++ int (loc.bp-loc.bol_pos) ++ str"-" ++ int (loc.ep-loc.bol_pos) ++ str":") let print_err_exn ?extra any = let (e, info) = CErrors.push any in let loc = Loc.get_loc info in let msg_loc = Option.cata pr_loc (mt ()) loc in let pre_hdr = pr_opt_no_spc (fun x -> x) extra ++ msg_loc in let msg = CErrors.iprint (e, info) ++ fnl () in std_logger ~pre_hdr Feedback.Error msg let with_output_to_file fname func input = (* XXX FIXME: redirect std_ft *) (* let old_logger = !logger in *) let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in (* logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel); *) try let output = func input in (* logger := old_logger; *) close_out channel; output with reraise -> let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in (* logger := old_logger; *) close_out channel; Exninfo.iraise reraise