(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* obj = declare_object {(default_object "TOKEN") with open_function = (fun i o -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_token o); cache_function = cache_token; subst_function = Libobject.ident_subst_function; classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o)} let add_token_obj s = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inToken s) (**********************************************************************) (* Printing grammar entries *) let entry_buf = Buffer.create 64 type any_entry = AnyEntry : 'a Pcoq.Gram.entry -> any_entry let grammars : any_entry list String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty let register_grammar name grams = grammars := String.Map.add name grams !grammars let pr_entry e = let () = Buffer.clear entry_buf in let ft = Format.formatter_of_buffer entry_buf in let () = Pcoq.Gram.entry_print ft e in str (Buffer.contents entry_buf) let pr_registered_grammar name = let gram = try Some (String.Map.find name !grammars) with Not_found -> None in match gram with | None -> error "Unknown or unprintable grammar entry." | Some entries -> let pr_one (AnyEntry e) = str "Entry " ++ str (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.name e) ++ str " is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry e in prlist pr_one entries let pr_grammar = function | "constr" | "operconstr" | "binder_constr" -> str "Entry constr is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.constr ++ str "and lconstr is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.lconstr ++ str "where binder_constr is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.binder_constr ++ str "and operconstr is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.operconstr | "pattern" -> pr_entry Pcoq.Constr.pattern | "vernac" -> str "Entry vernac is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac ++ str "Entry command is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.command ++ str "Entry syntax is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.syntax ++ str "Entry gallina is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.gallina ++ str "Entry gallina_ext is" ++ fnl () ++ pr_entry Pcoq.Vernac_.gallina_ext | name -> pr_registered_grammar name (**********************************************************************) (* Parse a format (every terminal starting with a letter or a single quote (except a single quote alone) must be quoted) *) let parse_format ((loc, str) : lstring) = let str = " "^str in let l = String.length str in let push_token a = function | cur::l -> (a::cur)::l | [] -> [[a]] in let push_white n l = if Int.equal n 0 then l else push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in let close_box i b = function | a::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (UnpBox (b,a)) l | _ -> error "Non terminated box in format." in let close_quotation i = if i < String.length str && str.[i] == '\'' && (Int.equal (i+1) l || str.[i+1] == ' ') then i+1 else error "Incorrectly terminated quoted expression." in let rec spaces n i = if i < String.length str && str.[i] == ' ' then spaces (n+1) (i+1) else n in let rec nonspaces quoted n i = if i < String.length str && str.[i] != ' ' then if str.[i] == '\'' && quoted && (i+1 >= String.length str || str.[i+1] == ' ') then if Int.equal n 0 then error "Empty quoted token." else n else nonspaces quoted (n+1) (i+1) else if quoted then error "Spaces are not allowed in (quoted) symbols." else n in let rec parse_non_format i = let n = nonspaces false 0 i in push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token (i+n)) and parse_quoted n i = if i < String.length str then match str.[i] with (* Parse " // " *) | '/' when i <= String.length str && str.[i+1] == '/' -> (* We forget the useless n spaces... *) push_token (UnpCut PpFnl) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+2))) (* Parse " .. / .. " *) | '/' when i <= String.length str -> let p = spaces 0 (i+1) in push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p))) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+p+1))) | c -> (* The spaces are real spaces *) push_white n (match c with | '[' -> if i <= String.length str then match str.[i+1] with (* Parse " [h .. ", *) | 'h' when i+1 <= String.length str && str.[i+2] == 'v' -> (parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3)) (* Parse " [v .. ", *) | 'v' -> parse_box (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2) (* Parse " [ .. ", *) | ' ' | '\'' -> parse_box (fun n -> PpHOVB n) (i+1) | _ -> error "\"v\", \"hv\", \" \" expected after \"[\" in format." else error "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format." (* Parse "]" *) | ']' -> ([] :: parse_token (close_quotation (i+1))) (* Parse a non formatting token *) | c -> let n = nonspaces true 0 i in push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2))) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n)))) else if Int.equal n 0 then [] else error "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation." and parse_box box i = let n = spaces 0 i in close_box i (box n) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n))) and parse_token i = let n = spaces 0 i in let i = i+n in if i < l then match str.[i] with (* Parse a ' *) | '\'' when i+1 >= String.length str || str.[i+1] == ' ' -> push_white (n-1) (push_token (UnpTerminal "'") (parse_token (i+1))) (* Parse the beginning of a quoted expression *) | '\'' -> parse_quoted (n-1) (i+1) (* Otherwise *) | _ -> push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i) else push_white n [[]] in try if not (String.is_empty str) then match parse_token 0 with | [l] -> l | _ -> error "Box closed without being opened in format." else error "Empty format." with reraise -> let (e, info) = CErrors.push reraise in let info = Option.cata (Loc.add_loc info) info loc in iraise (e, info) (***********************) (* Analyzing notations *) type symbol_token = WhiteSpace of int | String of string let split_notation_string str = let push_token beg i l = if Int.equal beg i then l else let s = String.sub str beg (i - beg) in String s :: l in let push_whitespace beg i l = if Int.equal beg i then l else WhiteSpace (i-beg) :: l in let rec loop beg i = if i < String.length str then if str.[i] == ' ' then push_token beg i (loop_on_whitespace (i+1) (i+1)) else loop beg (i+1) else push_token beg i [] and loop_on_whitespace beg i = if i < String.length str then if str.[i] != ' ' then push_whitespace beg i (loop i (i+1)) else loop_on_whitespace beg (i+1) else push_whitespace beg i [] in loop 0 0 (* Interpret notations with a recursive component *) let out_nt = function NonTerminal x -> x | _ -> assert false let msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation = "In the notation, the special symbol \"..\" must occur in\na configuration of the form \"x symbs .. symbs y\"." let rec find_pattern nt xl = function | Break n as x :: l, Break n' :: l' when Int.equal n n' -> find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l') | Terminal s as x :: l, Terminal s' :: l' when String.equal s s' -> find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l') | [], NonTerminal x' :: l' -> (out_nt nt,x',List.rev xl),l' | _, Break s :: _ | Break s :: _, _ -> error ("A break occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.") | _, Terminal s :: _ | Terminal s :: _, _ -> user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.find_pattern" (str "The token \"" ++ str s ++ str "\" occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.") | _, [] -> error msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation | ((SProdList _ | NonTerminal _) :: _), _ | _, (SProdList _ :: _) -> anomaly (Pp.str "Only Terminal or Break expected on left, non-SProdList on right") let rec interp_list_parser hd = function | [] -> [], List.rev hd | NonTerminal id :: tl when Id.equal id ldots_var -> if List.is_empty hd then error msg_expected_form_of_recursive_notation; let hd = List.rev hd in let ((x,y,sl),tl') = find_pattern (List.hd hd) [] (List.tl hd,tl) in let xyl,tl'' = interp_list_parser [] tl' in (* We remember each pair of variable denoting a recursive part to *) (* remove the second copy of it afterwards *) (x,y)::xyl, SProdList (x,sl) :: tl'' | (Terminal _ | Break _) as s :: tl -> if List.is_empty hd then let yl,tl' = interp_list_parser [] tl in yl, s :: tl' else interp_list_parser (s::hd) tl | NonTerminal _ as x :: tl -> let xyl,tl' = interp_list_parser [x] tl in xyl, List.rev_append hd tl' | SProdList _ :: _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected SProdList in interp_list_parser") (* Find non-terminal tokens of notation *) (* To protect alphabetic tokens and quotes from being seen as variables *) let quote_notation_token x = let n = String.length x in let norm = CLexer.is_ident x in if (n > 0 && norm) || (n > 2 && x.[0] == '\'') then "'"^x^"'" else x let rec raw_analyze_notation_tokens = function | [] -> [] | String ".." :: sl -> NonTerminal ldots_var :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl | String "_" :: _ -> error "_ must be quoted." | String x :: sl when CLexer.is_ident x -> NonTerminal (Names.Id.of_string x) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl | String s :: sl -> Terminal (String.drop_simple_quotes s) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl | WhiteSpace n :: sl -> Break n :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl let is_numeral symbs = match List.filter (function Break _ -> false | _ -> true) symbs with | ([Terminal "-"; Terminal x] | [Terminal x]) -> (try let _ = Bigint.of_string x in true with Failure _ -> false) | _ -> false let rec get_notation_vars = function | [] -> [] | NonTerminal id :: sl -> let vars = get_notation_vars sl in if Id.equal id ldots_var then vars else if Id.List.mem id vars then user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.get_notation_vars" (str "Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs more than once.") else id::vars | (Terminal _ | Break _) :: sl -> get_notation_vars sl | SProdList _ :: _ -> assert false let analyze_notation_tokens l = let l = raw_analyze_notation_tokens l in let vars = get_notation_vars l in let recvars,l = interp_list_parser [] l in recvars, List.subtract Id.equal vars (List.map snd recvars), l let error_not_same_scope x y = user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.error_not_name_scope" (str "Variables " ++ pr_id x ++ str " and " ++ pr_id y ++ str " must be in the same scope.") (**********************************************************************) (* Build pretty-printing rules *) let prec_assoc = function | RightA -> (L,E) | LeftA -> (E,L) | NonA -> (L,L) let precedence_of_entry_type from = function | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> n, Prec n | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (b,Some a)) -> n, let (lp,rp) = prec_assoc a in if b == Left then lp else rp | ETConstr (NumLevel n,InternalProd) -> n, Prec n | ETConstr (NextLevel,_) -> from, L | _ -> 0, E (* ?? *) (* Some breaking examples *) (* "x = y" : "x /1 = y" (breaks before any symbol) *) (* "x =S y" : "x /1 =S /1 y" (protect from confusion; each side for symmetry)*) (* "+ {" : "+ {" may breaks reversibility without space but oth. not elegant *) (* "x y" : "x spc y" *) (* "{ x } + { y }" : "{ x } / + { y }" *) (* "< x , y > { z , t }" : "< x , / y > / { z , / t }" *) let starts_with_left_bracket s = let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) && (s.[0] == '{' || s.[0] == '[' || s.[0] == '(') let ends_with_right_bracket s = let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) && (s.[l-1] == '}' || s.[l-1] == ']' || s.[l-1] == ')') let is_left_bracket s = starts_with_left_bracket s && not (ends_with_right_bracket s) let is_right_bracket s = not (starts_with_left_bracket s) && ends_with_right_bracket s let is_comma s = let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) && (s.[0] == ',' || s.[0] == ';') let is_operator s = let l = String.length s in not (Int.equal l 0) && (s.[0] == '+' || s.[0] == '*' || s.[0] == '=' || s.[0] == '-' || s.[0] == '/' || s.[0] == '<' || s.[0] == '>' || s.[0] == '@' || s.[0] == '\\' || s.[0] == '&' || s.[0] == '~' || s.[0] == '$') let is_non_terminal = function | NonTerminal _ | SProdList _ -> true | _ -> false let is_next_non_terminal = function | [] -> false | pr :: _ -> is_non_terminal pr let is_next_terminal = function Terminal _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false let is_next_break = function Break _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false let add_break n l = UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l let add_break_if_none n = function | ((UnpCut (PpBrk _) :: _) | []) as l -> l | l -> UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l let check_open_binder isopen sl m = let pr_token = function | Terminal s -> str s | Break n -> str "␣" | _ -> assert false in if isopen && not (List.is_empty sl) then user_err (str "as " ++ pr_id m ++ str " is a non-closed binder, no such \"" ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_token sl ++ strbrk "\" is allowed to occur.") (* Heuristics for building default printing rules *) let index_id id l = List.index Id.equal id l let make_hunks etyps symbols from = let vars,typs = List.split etyps in let rec make = function | NonTerminal m :: prods -> let i = index_id m vars in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in let u = UnpMetaVar (i,prec) in if is_next_non_terminal prods then u :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods) else u :: make_with_space prods | Terminal s :: prods when List.exists is_non_terminal prods -> if (is_comma s || is_operator s) then (* Always a breakable space after comma or separator *) UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods) else if is_right_bracket s && is_next_terminal prods then (* Always no space after right bracked, but possibly a break *) UnpTerminal s :: add_break_if_none 0 (make prods) else if is_left_bracket s && is_next_non_terminal prods then UnpTerminal s :: make prods else if not (is_next_break prods) then (* Add rigid space, no break, unless user asked for something *) UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods else (* Rely on user spaces *) UnpTerminal s :: make prods | Terminal s :: prods -> (* Separate but do not cut a trailing sequence of terminal *) (match prods with | Terminal _ :: _ -> UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make prods | _ -> UnpTerminal s :: make prods) | Break n :: prods -> add_break n (make prods) | SProdList (m,sl) :: prods -> let i = index_id m vars in let typ = List.nth typs (i-1) in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from typ in let sl' = (* If no separator: add a break *) if List.is_empty sl then add_break 1 [] (* We add NonTerminal for simulation but remove it afterwards *) else snd (List.sep_last (make (sl@[NonTerminal m]))) in let hunk = match typ with | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,sl') | ETBinder isopen -> check_open_binder isopen sl m; UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,sl') | _ -> assert false in hunk :: make_with_space prods | [] -> [] and make_with_space prods = match prods with | Terminal s' :: prods'-> if is_operator s' then (* A rigid space before operator and a breakable after *) UnpTerminal (" "^s') :: add_break_if_none 1 (make prods') else if is_comma s' then (* No space whatsoever before comma *) make prods else if is_right_bracket s' then make prods else (* A breakable space between any other two terminals *) add_break_if_none 1 (make prods) | (NonTerminal _ | SProdList _) :: _ -> (* A breakable space before a non-terminal *) add_break_if_none 1 (make prods) | Break _ :: _ -> (* Rely on user wish *) make prods | [] -> [] in make symbols (* Build default printing rules from explicit format *) let error_format () = error "The format does not match the notation." let rec split_format_at_ldots hd = function | UnpTerminal s :: fmt when String.equal s (Id.to_string ldots_var) -> List.rev hd, fmt | u :: fmt -> check_no_ldots_in_box u; split_format_at_ldots (u::hd) fmt | [] -> raise Exit and check_no_ldots_in_box = function | UnpBox (_,fmt) -> (try let _ = split_format_at_ldots [] fmt in error ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur at the same formatting depth than the variables of which it is the ellipse.") with Exit -> ()) | _ -> () let skip_var_in_recursive_format = function | UnpTerminal _ :: sl (* skip first var *) -> (* To do, though not so important: check that the names match the names in the notation *) sl | _ -> error_format () let read_recursive_format sl fmt = let get_head fmt = let sl = skip_var_in_recursive_format fmt in try split_format_at_ldots [] sl with Exit -> error_format () in let rec get_tail = function | a :: sepfmt, b :: fmt when Pervasives.(=) a b -> get_tail (sepfmt, fmt) (* FIXME *) | [], tail -> skip_var_in_recursive_format tail | _ -> error "The format is not the same on the right and left hand side of the special token \"..\"." in let slfmt, fmt = get_head fmt in slfmt, get_tail (slfmt, fmt) let warn_skip_spaces_curly = CWarnings.create ~name:"skip-spaces-curly" ~category:"parsing" (fun () ->strbrk "Skipping spaces inside curly brackets") let rec drop_spacing = function | UnpCut _ as u :: fmt -> warn_skip_spaces_curly (); drop_spacing fmt | UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when String.equal s' (String.make (String.length s') ' ') -> warn_skip_spaces_curly (); drop_spacing fmt | fmt -> fmt let has_closing_curly_brace symbs fmt = (* TODO: recognize and fail in case a box overlaps a pair of curly braces *) let fmt = drop_spacing fmt in match symbs, fmt with | NonTerminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when Id.equal s (Id.of_string s') -> let fmt = drop_spacing fmt in (match fmt with | UnpTerminal "}" :: fmt -> Some (u :: fmt) | _ -> None) | _ -> None let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt = let a = ref None in let rec aux = function | symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when String.equal s' (String.make (String.length s') ' ') -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l | symbs, (UnpTerminal "{") :: fmt when (a := has_closing_curly_brace symbs fmt; !a <> None) -> let newfmt = Option.get !a in aux (symbs,newfmt) | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s') :: fmt when String.equal s (String.drop_simple_quotes s') -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpTerminal s :: l | NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when Id.equal s (Id.of_string s') -> let i = index_id s vars in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpMetaVar (i,prec) :: l | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt -> let symbs', b' = aux (symbs,b) in let symbs', l = aux (symbs',fmt) in symbs', UnpBox (a,b') :: l | symbs, (UnpCut _ as u) :: fmt -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l | SProdList (m,sl) :: symbs, fmt -> let i = index_id m vars in let typ = List.nth typs (i-1) in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from typ in let slfmt,fmt = read_recursive_format sl fmt in let sl, slfmt = aux (sl,slfmt) in if not (List.is_empty sl) then error_format (); let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in let hunk = match typ with | ETConstr _ -> UnpListMetaVar (i,prec,slfmt) | ETBinder isopen -> check_open_binder isopen sl m; UnpBinderListMetaVar (i,isopen,slfmt) | _ -> assert false in symbs, hunk :: l | symbs, [] -> symbs, [] | _, _ -> error_format () in match aux symfmt with | [], l -> l | _ -> error_format () (**********************************************************************) (* Build parsing rules *) let assoc_of_type n (_,typ) = precedence_of_entry_type n typ let is_not_small_constr = function ETConstr _ -> true | ETOther("constr","binder_constr") -> true | _ -> false let rec define_keywords_aux = function | GramConstrNonTerminal(e,Some _) as n1 :: GramConstrTerminal(IDENT k) :: l when is_not_small_constr e -> Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "Identifier '" ++ str k ++ str "' now a keyword"); CLexer.add_keyword k; n1 :: GramConstrTerminal(KEYWORD k) :: define_keywords_aux l | n :: l -> n :: define_keywords_aux l | [] -> [] (* Ensure that IDENT articulation terminal symbols are keywords *) let define_keywords = function | GramConstrTerminal(IDENT k)::l -> Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "Identifier '" ++ str k ++ str "' now a keyword"); CLexer.add_keyword k; GramConstrTerminal(KEYWORD k) :: define_keywords_aux l | l -> define_keywords_aux l let distribute a ll = List.map (fun l -> a @ l) ll (* Expand LIST1(t,sep) into the combination of t and t;sep;LIST1(t,sep) as many times as expected in [n] argument *) let rec expand_list_rule typ tkl x n i hds ll = if Int.equal i n then let hds = GramConstrListMark (n,true) :: hds @ [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstrList (typ,tkl), Some x)] in distribute hds ll else let camlp4_message_name = Some (add_suffix x ("_"^string_of_int n)) in let main = GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr typ, camlp4_message_name) in let tks = List.map (fun x -> GramConstrTerminal x) tkl in distribute (GramConstrListMark (i+1,false) :: hds @ [main]) ll @ expand_list_rule typ tkl x n (i+1) (main :: tks @ hds) ll let make_production etyps symbols = let prod = List.fold_right (fun t ll -> match t with | NonTerminal m -> let typ = List.assoc m etyps in distribute [GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some m)] ll | Terminal s -> distribute [GramConstrTerminal (CLexer.terminal s)] ll | Break _ -> ll | SProdList (x,sl) -> let tkl = List.flatten (List.map (function Terminal s -> [CLexer.terminal s] | Break _ -> [] | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Found a non terminal token in recursive notation separator")) sl) in match List.assoc x etyps with | ETConstr typ -> expand_list_rule typ tkl x 1 0 [] ll | ETBinder o -> distribute [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETBinderList (o,tkl), Some x)] ll | _ -> error "Components of recursive patterns in notation must be terms or binders.") symbols [[]] in List.map define_keywords prod let rec find_symbols c_current c_next c_last = function | [] -> [] | NonTerminal id :: sl -> let prec = if not (List.is_empty sl) then c_current else c_last in (id, prec) :: (find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl) | Terminal s :: sl -> find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl | Break n :: sl -> find_symbols c_current c_next c_last sl | SProdList (x,_) :: sl' -> (x,c_next)::(find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl') let border = function | (_,ETConstr(_,BorderProd (_,a))) :: _ -> a | _ -> None let recompute_assoc typs = match border typs, border (List.rev typs) with | Some LeftA, Some RightA -> assert false | Some LeftA, _ -> Some LeftA | _, Some RightA -> Some RightA | _ -> None (**************************************************************************) (* Registration of syntax extensions (parsing/printing, no interpretation)*) let pr_arg_level from = function | (n,L) when Int.equal n from -> str "at next level" | (n,E) -> str "at level " ++ int n | (n,L) -> str "at level below " ++ int n | (n,Prec m) when Int.equal m n -> str "at level " ++ int n | (n,_) -> str "Unknown level" let pr_level ntn (from,args) = str "at level " ++ int from ++ spc () ++ str "with arguments" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_arg_level from) args let error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec = user_err (str "Notation " ++ str ntn ++ str " is already defined" ++ spc() ++ pr_level ntn oldprec ++ spc() ++ str "while it is now required to be" ++ spc() ++ pr_level ntn prec ++ str ".") type syntax_extension = { synext_level : Notation.level; synext_notation : notation; synext_notgram : notation_grammar; synext_unparsing : unparsing list; synext_extra : (string * string) list; synext_compat : Flags.compat_version option; } let is_active_compat = function | None -> true | Some v -> 0 <= Flags.version_compare v !Flags.compat_version type syntax_extension_obj = locality_flag * syntax_extension list let cache_one_syntax_extension se = let ntn = se.synext_notation in let prec = se.synext_level in let onlyprint = se.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting in try let oldprec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in if not (Notation.level_eq prec oldprec) then error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec with Not_found -> if is_active_compat se.synext_compat then begin (* Reserve the notation level *) Notation.declare_notation_level ntn prec; (* Declare the parsing rule *) if not onlyprint then Egramcoq.extend_constr_grammar prec se.synext_notgram; (* Declare the notation rule *) Notation.declare_notation_rule ntn ~extra:se.synext_extra (se.synext_unparsing, fst prec) se.synext_notgram end let cache_syntax_extension (_, (_, sy)) = List.iter cache_one_syntax_extension sy let subst_parsing_rule subst x = x let subst_printing_rule subst x = x let subst_syntax_extension (subst, (local, sy)) = let map sy = { sy with synext_notgram = subst_parsing_rule subst sy.synext_notgram; synext_unparsing = subst_printing_rule subst sy.synext_unparsing; } in (local, List.map map sy) let classify_syntax_definition (local, _ as o) = if local then Dispose else Substitute o let inSyntaxExtension : syntax_extension_obj -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAX-EXTENSION") with open_function = (fun i o -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_syntax_extension o); cache_function = cache_syntax_extension; subst_function = subst_syntax_extension; classify_function = classify_syntax_definition} (**************************************************************************) (* Precedences *) (* Interpreting user-provided modifiers *) (* XXX: We could move this to the parser itself *) module NotationMods = struct type notation_modifier = { assoc : gram_assoc option; level : int option; etyps : (Id.t * simple_constr_prod_entry_key) list; (* common to syn_data below *) only_parsing : bool; only_printing : bool; compat : compat_version option; format : string Loc.located option; extra : (string * string) list; } let default = { assoc = None; level = None; etyps = []; only_parsing = false; only_printing = false; compat = None; format = None; extra = []; } end let interp_modifiers modl = let open NotationMods in let rec interp acc = function | [] -> acc | SetEntryType (s,typ) :: l -> let id = Id.of_string s in if Id.List.mem_assoc id acc.etyps then user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.interp_modifiers" (str s ++ str " is already assigned to an entry or constr level."); interp { acc with etyps = (id,typ) :: acc.etyps; } l | SetItemLevel ([],n) :: l -> interp acc l | SetItemLevel (s::idl,n) :: l -> let id = Id.of_string s in if Id.List.mem_assoc id acc.etyps then user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.interp_modifiers" (str s ++ str " is already assigned to an entry or constr level."); let typ = ETConstr (n,()) in interp { acc with etyps = (id,typ)::acc.etyps; } (SetItemLevel (idl,n)::l) | SetLevel n :: l -> interp { acc with level = Some n; } l | SetAssoc a :: l -> if not (Option.is_empty acc.assoc) then error "An associativity is given more than once."; interp { acc with assoc = Some a; } l | SetOnlyParsing :: l -> interp { acc with only_parsing = true; } l | SetOnlyPrinting :: l -> interp { acc with only_printing = true; } l | SetCompatVersion v :: l -> interp { acc with compat = Some v; } l | SetFormat ("text",s) :: l -> if not (Option.is_empty acc.format) then error "A format is given more than once."; interp { acc with format = Some s; } l | SetFormat (k,(_,s)) :: l -> interp { acc with extra = (k,s)::acc.extra; } l in interp default modl let check_infix_modifiers modifiers = let t = (interp_modifiers modifiers).NotationMods.etyps in if not (List.is_empty t) then error "Explicit entry level or type unexpected in infix notation." let check_useless_entry_types recvars mainvars etyps = let vars = let (l1,l2) = List.split recvars in l1@l2@mainvars in match List.filter (fun (x,etyp) -> not (List.mem x vars)) etyps with | (x,_)::_ -> user_err ~hdr:"Metasyntax.check_useless_entry_types" (pr_id x ++ str " is unbound in the notation.") | _ -> () let check_binder_type recvars etyps = let l1,l2 = List.split recvars in let l = l1@l2 in List.iter (function | (x,ETBinder b) when not (List.mem x l) -> CErrors.user_err (str (if b then "binder" else "closed binder") ++ strbrk " is only for use in recursive notations for binders.") | _ -> ()) etyps let not_a_syntax_modifier = function | SetOnlyParsing -> true | SetOnlyPrinting -> true | SetCompatVersion _ -> true | _ -> false let no_syntax_modifiers mods = List.for_all not_a_syntax_modifier mods let is_only_parsing mods = let test = function SetOnlyParsing -> true | _ -> false in List.exists test mods let is_only_printing mods = let test = function SetOnlyPrinting -> true | _ -> false in List.exists test mods let get_compat_version mods = let test = function SetCompatVersion v -> Some v | _ -> None in try Some (List.find_map test mods) with Not_found -> None (* Compute precedences from modifiers (or find default ones) *) let set_entry_type etyps (x,typ) = let typ = try match List.assoc x etyps, typ with | ETConstr (n,()), (_,BorderProd (left,_)) -> ETConstr (n,BorderProd (left,None)) | ETConstr (n,()), (_,InternalProd) -> ETConstr (n,InternalProd) | (ETPattern | ETName | ETBigint | ETOther _ | ETReference | ETBinder _ as t), _ -> t | (ETBinderList _ |ETConstrList _), _ -> assert false with Not_found -> ETConstr typ in (x,typ) let join_auxiliary_recursive_types recvars etyps = List.fold_right (fun (x,y) typs -> let xtyp = try Some (List.assoc x etyps) with Not_found -> None in let ytyp = try Some (List.assoc y etyps) with Not_found -> None in match xtyp,ytyp with | None, None -> typs | Some _, None -> typs | None, Some ytyp -> (x,ytyp)::typs | Some xtyp, Some ytyp when Pervasives.(=) xtyp ytyp -> typs (* FIXME *) | Some xtyp, Some ytyp -> user_err (strbrk "In " ++ pr_id x ++ str " .. " ++ pr_id y ++ strbrk ", both ends have incompatible types.")) recvars etyps let internalization_type_of_entry_type = function | ETConstr _ -> NtnInternTypeConstr | ETBigint | ETReference -> NtnInternTypeConstr | ETBinder _ -> NtnInternTypeBinder | ETName -> NtnInternTypeIdent | ETPattern | ETOther _ -> error "Not supported." | ETBinderList _ | ETConstrList _ -> assert false let set_internalization_type typs = List.map (fun (_, e) -> internalization_type_of_entry_type e) typs let make_internalization_vars recvars mainvars typs = let maintyps = List.combine mainvars typs in let extratyps = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (y,List.assoc x maintyps)) recvars in maintyps @ extratyps let make_interpretation_type isrec isonlybinding = function | NtnInternTypeConstr when isrec -> NtnTypeConstrList | NtnInternTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeIdent -> if isonlybinding then NtnTypeOnlyBinder else NtnTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeBinder when isrec -> NtnTypeBinderList | NtnInternTypeBinder -> error "Type binder is only for use in recursive notations for binders." let make_interpretation_vars recvars allvars = let eq_subscope (sc1, l1) (sc2, l2) = Option.equal String.equal sc1 sc2 && List.equal String.equal l1 l2 in let check (x, y) = let (_,scope1, _) = Id.Map.find x allvars in let (_,scope2, _) = Id.Map.find y allvars in if not (eq_subscope scope1 scope2) then error_not_same_scope x y in let () = List.iter check recvars in let useless_recvars = List.map snd recvars in let mainvars = Id.Map.filter (fun x _ -> not (Id.List.mem x useless_recvars)) allvars in Id.Map.mapi (fun x (isonlybinding, sc, typ) -> (sc, make_interpretation_type (Id.List.mem_assoc x recvars) isonlybinding typ)) mainvars let check_rule_productivity l = if List.for_all (function NonTerminal _ | Break _ -> true | _ -> false) l then error "A notation must include at least one symbol."; if (match l with SProdList _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false) then error "A recursive notation must start with at least one symbol." let warn_notation_bound_to_variable = CWarnings.create ~name:"notation-bound-to-variable" ~category:"parsing" (fun () -> strbrk "This notation will not be used for printing as it is bound to a single variable.") let warn_non_reversible_notation = CWarnings.create ~name:"non-reversible-notation" ~category:"parsing" (fun () -> strbrk "This notation will not be used for printing as it is not reversible.") let is_not_printable onlyparse nonreversible = function | NVar _ -> if not onlyparse then warn_notation_bound_to_variable (); true | _ -> if not onlyparse && nonreversible then (warn_non_reversible_notation (); true) else onlyparse let find_precedence lev etyps symbols = let first_symbol = let rec aux = function | Break _ :: t -> aux t | h :: t -> Some h | [] -> None in aux symbols in let last_is_terminal () = let rec aux b = function | Break _ :: t -> aux b t | Terminal _ :: t -> aux true t | _ :: t -> aux false t | [] -> b in aux false symbols in match first_symbol with | None -> [],0 | Some (NonTerminal x) -> (try match List.assoc x etyps with | ETConstr _ -> error "The level of the leftmost non-terminal cannot be changed." | ETName | ETBigint | ETReference -> begin match lev with | None -> ([Feedback.msg_info ?loc:None ,strbrk "Setting notation at level 0."],0) | Some 0 -> ([],0) | _ -> error "A notation starting with an atomic expression must be at level 0." end | ETPattern | ETBinder _ | ETOther _ -> (* Give a default ? *) if Option.is_empty lev then error "Need an explicit level." else [],Option.get lev | ETConstrList _ | ETBinderList _ -> assert false (* internally used in grammar only *) with Not_found -> if Option.is_empty lev then error "A left-recursive notation must have an explicit level." else [],Option.get lev) | Some (Terminal _) when last_is_terminal () -> if Option.is_empty lev then ([Feedback.msg_info ?loc:None ,strbrk "Setting notation at level 0."], 0) else [],Option.get lev | Some _ -> if Option.is_empty lev then error "Cannot determine the level."; [],Option.get lev let check_curly_brackets_notation_exists () = try let _ = Notation.level_of_notation "{ _ }" in () with Not_found -> error "Notations involving patterns of the form \"{ _ }\" are treated \n\ specially and require that the notation \"{ _ }\" is already reserved." (* Remove patterns of the form "{ _ }", unless it is the "{ _ }" notation *) let remove_curly_brackets l = let rec skip_break acc = function | Break _ as br :: l -> skip_break (br::acc) l | l -> List.rev acc, l in let rec aux deb = function | [] -> [] | Terminal "{" as t1 :: l -> let br,next = skip_break [] l in (match next with | NonTerminal _ as x :: l' as l0 -> let br',next' = skip_break [] l' in (match next' with | Terminal "}" as t2 :: l'' as l1 -> if not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq l l0) || not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq l' l1) then warn_skip_spaces_curly (); if deb && List.is_empty l'' then [t1;x;t2] else begin check_curly_brackets_notation_exists (); x :: aux false l'' end | l1 -> t1 :: br @ x :: br' @ aux false l1) | l0 -> t1 :: aux false l0) | x :: l -> x :: aux false l in aux true l module SynData = struct (* XXX: Document *) type syn_data = { (* Notation name and location *) info : notation * notation_location; (* Fields coming from the vernac-level modifiers *) only_parsing : bool; only_printing : bool; compat : compat_version option; format : string Loc.located option; extra : (string * string) list; (* XXX: Callback to printing, must remove *) msgs : ((std_ppcmds -> unit) * std_ppcmds) list; (* Fields for internalization *) recvars : (Id.t * Id.t) list; mainvars : Id.List.elt list; intern_typs : notation_var_internalization_type list; (* Notation data for parsing *) level : int; syntax_data : (Id.t * (production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen) list * (* typs *) symbol list; (* symbols *) not_data : notation * (* notation *) (int * parenRelation) list * (* precedence *) bool; (* needs_squash *) } end let compute_syntax_data df modifiers = let open SynData in let open NotationMods in let mods = interp_modifiers modifiers in let onlyprint = mods.only_printing in let onlyparse = mods.only_parsing in if onlyprint && onlyparse then error "A notation cannot be both 'only printing' and 'only parsing'."; let assoc = Option.append mods.assoc (Some NonA) in let toks = split_notation_string df in let recvars,mainvars,symbols = analyze_notation_tokens toks in let _ = check_useless_entry_types recvars mainvars mods.etyps in let _ = check_binder_type recvars mods.etyps in (* Notations for interp and grammar *) let ntn_for_interp = make_notation_key symbols in let symbols' = remove_curly_brackets symbols in let ntn_for_grammar = make_notation_key symbols' in if not onlyprint then check_rule_productivity symbols'; (* Misc *) let need_squash = not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq symbols symbols') in let msgs,n = find_precedence mods.level mods.etyps symbols' in let innerlevel = NumLevel 200 in let typs = find_symbols (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Left,assoc)) (innerlevel,InternalProd) (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Right,assoc)) symbols' in (* To globalize... *) let etyps = join_auxiliary_recursive_types recvars mods.etyps in let sy_typs = List.map (set_entry_type etyps) typs in let prec = List.map (assoc_of_type n) sy_typs in let i_typs = set_internalization_type sy_typs in let sy_data = (sy_typs,symbols') in let sy_fulldata = (ntn_for_grammar,prec,need_squash) in let df' = ((Lib.library_dp(),Lib.current_dirpath true),df) in let i_data = ntn_for_interp, df' in (* Return relevant data for interpretation and for parsing/printing *) { info = i_data; only_parsing = mods.only_parsing; only_printing = mods.only_printing; compat = mods.compat; format = mods.format; extra = mods.extra; msgs; recvars; mainvars; intern_typs = i_typs; level = n; syntax_data = sy_data; not_data = sy_fulldata; } let compute_pure_syntax_data df mods = let open SynData in let sd = compute_syntax_data df mods in let msgs = if sd.only_parsing then (Feedback.msg_warning ?loc:None, strbrk "The only parsing modifier has no effect in Reserved Notation.")::sd.msgs else sd.msgs in { sd with msgs } (**********************************************************************) (* Registration of notations interpretation *) type notation_obj = { notobj_local : bool; notobj_scope : scope_name option; notobj_interp : interpretation; notobj_onlyparse : bool; notobj_onlyprint : bool; notobj_compat : Flags.compat_version option; notobj_notation : notation * notation_location; } let load_notation _ (_, nobj) = Option.iter Notation.declare_scope nobj.notobj_scope let open_notation i (_, nobj) = let scope = nobj.notobj_scope in let (ntn, df) = nobj.notobj_notation in let pat = nobj.notobj_interp in let fresh = not (Notation.exists_notation_in_scope scope ntn pat) in let active = is_active_compat nobj.notobj_compat in if Int.equal i 1 && fresh && active then begin (* Declare the interpretation *) let onlyprint = nobj.notobj_onlyprint in let () = Notation.declare_notation_interpretation ntn scope pat df ~onlyprint in (* Declare the uninterpretation *) if not nobj.notobj_onlyparse then Notation.declare_uninterpretation (NotationRule (scope, ntn)) pat end let cache_notation o = load_notation 1 o; open_notation 1 o let subst_notation (subst, nobj) = { nobj with notobj_interp = subst_interpretation subst nobj.notobj_interp; } let classify_notation nobj = if nobj.notobj_local then Dispose else Substitute nobj let inNotation : notation_obj -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "NOTATION") with open_function = open_notation; cache_function = cache_notation; subst_function = subst_notation; load_function = load_notation; classify_function = classify_notation} (**********************************************************************) let with_lib_stk_protection f x = let fs = Lib.freeze `No in try let a = f x in Lib.unfreeze fs; a with reraise -> let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in let () = Lib.unfreeze fs in iraise reraise let with_syntax_protection f x = with_lib_stk_protection (Pcoq.with_grammar_rule_protection (with_notation_protection f)) x (**********************************************************************) (* Recovering existing syntax *) let contract_notation ntn = if String.equal ntn "{ _ }" then ntn else let rec aux ntn i = if i <= String.length ntn - 5 then let ntn' = if String.is_sub "{ _ }" ntn i && (i = 0 || ntn.[i-1] = ' ') && (i = String.length ntn - 5 || ntn.[i+5] = ' ') then String.sub ntn 0 i ^ "_" ^ String.sub ntn (i+5) (String.length ntn -i-5) else ntn in aux ntn' (i+1) else ntn in aux ntn 0 exception NoSyntaxRule let recover_syntax ntn = try let prec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in let pp_rule,_ = Notation.find_notation_printing_rule ntn in let pp_extra_rules = Notation.find_notation_extra_printing_rules ntn in let pa_rule = Notation.find_notation_parsing_rules ntn in { synext_level = prec; synext_notation = ntn; synext_notgram = pa_rule; synext_unparsing = pp_rule; synext_extra = pp_extra_rules; synext_compat = None; } with Not_found -> raise NoSyntaxRule let recover_squash_syntax sy = let sq = recover_syntax "{ _ }" in [sy; sq] let recover_notation_syntax rawntn = let ntn = contract_notation rawntn in let sy = recover_syntax ntn in let need_squash = not (String.equal ntn rawntn) in let rules = if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy] in sy.synext_notgram.notgram_typs, rules, sy.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting (**********************************************************************) (* Main entry point for building parsing and printing rules *) let make_pa_rule i_typs level (typs,symbols) ntn onlyprint = let assoc = recompute_assoc typs in let prod = make_production typs symbols in { notgram_level = level; notgram_assoc = assoc; notgram_notation = ntn; notgram_prods = prod; notgram_typs = i_typs; notgram_onlyprinting = onlyprint; } let make_pp_rule level (typs,symbols) fmt = match fmt with | None -> [UnpBox (PpHOVB 0, make_hunks typs symbols level)] | Some fmt -> hunks_of_format (level, List.split typs) (symbols, parse_format fmt) (* let make_syntax_rules i_typs (ntn,prec,need_squash) sy_data fmt extra onlyprint compat = *) let make_syntax_rules (sd : SynData.syn_data) = let open SynData in let ntn, prec, need_squash = sd.not_data in let pa_rule = make_pa_rule sd.intern_typs sd.level sd.syntax_data ntn sd.only_printing in let pp_rule = make_pp_rule sd.level sd.syntax_data sd.format in let sy = { synext_level = (sd.level, prec); synext_notation = ntn; synext_notgram = pa_rule; synext_unparsing = pp_rule; synext_extra = sd.extra; synext_compat = sd.compat; } in (* By construction, the rule for "{ _ }" is declared, but we need to redeclare it because the file where it is declared needs not be open when the current file opens (especially in presence of -nois) *) if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy] (**********************************************************************) (* Main functions about notations *) let to_map l = let fold accu (x, v) = Id.Map.add x v accu in List.fold_left fold Id.Map.empty l let add_notation_in_scope local df c mods scope = let open SynData in let sd = compute_syntax_data df mods in (* Prepare the interpretation *) (* Prepare the parsing and printing rules *) let sy_rules = make_syntax_rules sd in let i_vars = make_internalization_vars sd.recvars sd.mainvars sd.intern_typs in let nenv = { ninterp_var_type = to_map i_vars; ninterp_rec_vars = to_map sd.recvars; } in let (acvars, ac, reversible) = interp_notation_constr nenv c in let interp = make_interpretation_vars sd.recvars acvars in let map (x, _) = try Some (x, Id.Map.find x interp) with Not_found -> None in let onlyparse = is_not_printable sd.only_parsing (not reversible) ac in let notation = { notobj_local = local; notobj_scope = scope; notobj_interp = (List.map_filter map i_vars, ac); (** Order is important here! *) notobj_onlyparse = onlyparse; notobj_onlyprint = sd.only_printing; notobj_compat = sd.compat; notobj_notation = sd.info; } in (* Ready to change the global state *) Flags.if_verbose (List.iter (fun (f,x) -> f x)) sd.msgs; Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local, sy_rules)); Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation notation); sd.info let add_notation_interpretation_core local df ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c scope onlyparse onlyprint compat = let dfs = split_notation_string df in let recvars,mainvars,symbs = analyze_notation_tokens dfs in (* Recover types of variables and pa/pp rules; redeclare them if needed *) let i_typs, onlyprint = if not (is_numeral symbs) then begin let i_typs,sy_rules,onlyprint' = recover_notation_syntax (make_notation_key symbs) in let () = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local,sy_rules)) in (** If the only printing flag has been explicitly requested, put it back *) let onlyprint = onlyprint || onlyprint' in i_typs, onlyprint end else [], false in (* Declare interpretation *) let path = (Lib.library_dp(), Lib.current_dirpath true) in let df' = (make_notation_key symbs, (path,df)) in let i_vars = make_internalization_vars recvars mainvars i_typs in let nenv = { ninterp_var_type = to_map i_vars; ninterp_rec_vars = to_map recvars; } in let (acvars, ac, reversible) = interp_notation_constr ~impls nenv c in let interp = make_interpretation_vars recvars acvars in let map (x, _) = try Some (x, Id.Map.find x interp) with Not_found -> None in let onlyparse = is_not_printable onlyparse (not reversible) ac in let notation = { notobj_local = local; notobj_scope = scope; notobj_interp = (List.map_filter map i_vars, ac); (** Order is important here! *) notobj_onlyparse = onlyparse; notobj_onlyprint = onlyprint; notobj_compat = compat; notobj_notation = df'; } in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation notation); df' (* Notations without interpretation (Reserved Notation) *) let add_syntax_extension local ((loc,df),mods) = let open SynData in let psd = compute_pure_syntax_data df mods in let sy_rules = make_syntax_rules {psd with compat = None} in Flags.if_verbose (List.iter (fun (f,x) -> f x)) psd.msgs; Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension(local,sy_rules)) (* Notations with only interpretation *) let add_notation_interpretation ((loc,df),c,sc) = let df' = add_notation_interpretation_core false df c sc false false None in Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true let set_notation_for_interpretation impls ((_,df),c,sc) = (try ignore (silently (fun () -> add_notation_interpretation_core false df ~impls c sc false false None) ()); with NoSyntaxRule -> error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared."); Option.iter (fun sc -> Notation.open_close_scope (false,true,sc)) sc (* Main entry point *) let add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc = let df' = if no_syntax_modifiers modifiers then (* No syntax data: try to rely on a previously declared rule *) let onlyparse = is_only_parsing modifiers in let onlyprint = is_only_printing modifiers in let compat = get_compat_version modifiers in try add_notation_interpretation_core local df c sc onlyparse onlyprint compat with NoSyntaxRule -> (* Try to determine a default syntax rule *) add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc else (* Declare both syntax and interpretation *) add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc in Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true let add_notation_extra_printing_rule df k v = let notk = let dfs = split_notation_string df in let _,_, symbs = analyze_notation_tokens dfs in make_notation_key symbs in Notation.add_notation_extra_printing_rule notk k v (* Infix notations *) let inject_var x = CAst.make @@ CRef (Ident (Loc.tag @@ Id.of_string x),None) let add_infix local ((loc,inf),modifiers) pr sc = check_infix_modifiers modifiers; (* check the precedence *) let metas = [inject_var "x"; inject_var "y"] in let c = mkAppC (pr,metas) in let df = "x "^(quote_notation_token inf)^" y" in add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc (**********************************************************************) (* Delimiters and classes bound to scopes *) type scope_command = | ScopeDelim of string | ScopeClasses of scope_class list | ScopeRemove let load_scope_command _ (_,(scope,dlm)) = Notation.declare_scope scope let open_scope_command i (_,(scope,o)) = if Int.equal i 1 then match o with | ScopeDelim dlm -> Notation.declare_delimiters scope dlm | ScopeClasses cl -> List.iter (Notation.declare_scope_class scope) cl | ScopeRemove -> Notation.remove_delimiters scope let cache_scope_command o = load_scope_command 1 o; open_scope_command 1 o let subst_scope_command (subst,(scope,o as x)) = match o with | ScopeClasses cl -> let cl' = List.map_filter (subst_scope_class subst) cl in let cl' = if List.for_all2eq (==) cl cl' then cl else cl' in scope, ScopeClasses cl' | _ -> x let inScopeCommand : scope_name * scope_command -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "DELIMITERS") with cache_function = cache_scope_command; open_function = open_scope_command; load_function = load_scope_command; subst_function = subst_scope_command; classify_function = (fun obj -> Substitute obj)} let add_delimiters scope key = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeDelim key)) let remove_delimiters scope = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeRemove)) let add_class_scope scope cl = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeClasses cl)) (* Check if abbreviation to a name and avoid early insertion of maximal implicit arguments *) let try_interp_name_alias = function | [], { CAst.v = CRef (ref,_) } -> intern_reference ref | _ -> raise Not_found let add_syntactic_definition ident (vars,c) local onlyparse = let nonprintable = ref false in let vars,pat = try [], NRef (try_interp_name_alias (vars,c)) with Not_found -> let fold accu id = Id.Map.add id NtnInternTypeConstr accu in let i_vars = List.fold_left fold Id.Map.empty vars in let nenv = { ninterp_var_type = i_vars; ninterp_rec_vars = Id.Map.empty; } in let nvars, pat, reversible = interp_notation_constr nenv c in let () = nonprintable := not reversible in let map id = let (_,sc,_) = Id.Map.find id nvars in (id, sc) in List.map map vars, pat in let onlyparse = match onlyparse with | None when (is_not_printable false !nonprintable pat) -> Some Flags.Current | p -> p in Syntax_def.declare_syntactic_definition local ident onlyparse (vars,pat)