(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* !axiom_into_instance); optwrite = (:=) axiom_into_instance; } let should_axiom_into_instance = function | Discharge -> (* The typeclass behaviour of Variable and Context doesn't depend on section status *) true | Global | Local -> !axiom_into_instance let declare_assumption is_coe (local,p,kind) (c,ctx) pl imps impl nl {CAst.v=ident} = match local with | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let ctx = match ctx with | Monomorphic_const_entry ctx -> ctx | Polymorphic_const_entry ctx -> Univ.ContextSet.of_context ctx in let decl = (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum ((c,ctx),p,impl), IsAssumption kind) in let _ = declare_variable ident decl in let () = assumption_message ident in let () = if not !Flags.quiet && Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then Feedback.msg_info (str"Variable" ++ spc () ++ Id.print ident ++ strbrk " is not visible from current goals") in let r = VarRef ident in let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None true r in let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion r ~local:true false in (r,Univ.Instance.empty,true) | Global | Local | Discharge -> let do_instance = should_axiom_into_instance local in let local = DeclareDef.get_locality ident ~kind:"axiom" local in let inl = let open Declaremods in match nl with | NoInline -> None | DefaultInline -> Some (Flags.get_inline_level()) | InlineAt i -> Some i in let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,(c,ctx),inl), IsAssumption kind) in let kn = declare_constant ident ~local decl in let gr = ConstRef kn in let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in let () = Declare.declare_univ_binders gr pl in let () = assumption_message ident in let () = if do_instance then Typeclasses.declare_instance None false gr in let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion gr ~local p in let inst = match ctx with | Polymorphic_const_entry ctx -> Univ.UContext.instance ctx | Monomorphic_const_entry _ -> Univ.Instance.empty in (gr,inst,Lib.is_modtype_strict ()) let interp_assumption sigma env impls bl c = let c = mkCProdN ?loc:(local_binders_loc bl) bl c in let sigma, (ty, impls) = interp_type_evars_impls env sigma ~impls c in sigma, (ty, impls) (* When monomorphic the universe constraints are declared with the first declaration only. *) let next_uctx = let empty_uctx = Monomorphic_const_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty in function | Polymorphic_const_entry _ as uctx -> uctx | Monomorphic_const_entry _ -> empty_uctx let declare_assumptions idl is_coe k (c,uctx) pl imps nl = let refs, status, _ = List.fold_left (fun (refs,status,uctx) id -> let ref',u',status' = declare_assumption is_coe k (c,uctx) pl imps false nl id in (ref',u')::refs, status' && status, next_uctx uctx) ([],true,uctx) idl in List.rev refs, status let maybe_error_many_udecls = function | ({CAst.loc;v=id}, Some _) -> user_err ?loc ~hdr:"many_universe_declarations" Pp.(str "When declaring multiple axioms in one command, " ++ str "only the first is allowed a universe binder " ++ str "(which will be shared by the whole block).") | (_, None) -> () let process_assumptions_udecls kind l = let udecl, first_id = match l with | (coe, ((id, udecl)::rest, c))::rest' -> List.iter maybe_error_many_udecls rest; List.iter (fun (coe, (idl, c)) -> List.iter maybe_error_many_udecls idl) rest'; udecl, id | (_, ([], _))::_ | [] -> assert false in let () = match kind, udecl with | (Discharge, _, _), Some _ when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let loc = first_id.CAst.loc in let msg = Pp.str "Section variables cannot be polymorphic." in user_err ?loc msg | _ -> () in udecl, List.map (fun (coe, (idl, c)) -> coe, (List.map fst idl, c)) l let do_assumptions kind nl l = let open Context.Named.Declaration in let env = Global.env () in let udecl, l = process_assumptions_udecls kind l in let sigma, udecl = Univdecls.interp_univ_decl_opt env udecl in let l = if pi2 kind (* poly *) then (* Separate declarations so that A B : Type puts A and B in different levels. *) List.fold_right (fun (is_coe,(idl,c)) acc -> List.fold_right (fun id acc -> (is_coe, ([id], c)) :: acc) idl acc) l [] else l in (* We intepret all declarations in the same evar_map, i.e. as a telescope. *) let (sigma,_,_),l = List.fold_left_map (fun (sigma,env,ienv) (is_coe,(idl,c)) -> let sigma,(t,imps) = interp_assumption sigma env ienv [] c in let env = EConstr.push_named_context (List.map (fun {CAst.v=id} -> LocalAssum (id,t)) idl) env in let ienv = List.fold_right (fun {CAst.v=id} ienv -> let impls = compute_internalization_data env sigma Variable t imps in Id.Map.add id impls ienv) idl ienv in ((sigma,env,ienv),((is_coe,idl),t,imps))) (sigma,env,empty_internalization_env) l in let sigma = solve_remaining_evars all_and_fail_flags env sigma Evd.empty in (* The universe constraints come from the whole telescope. *) let sigma = Evd.minimize_universes sigma in let nf_evar c = EConstr.to_constr sigma c in let uvars, l = List.fold_left_map (fun uvars (coe,t,imps) -> let t = nf_evar t in let uvars = Univ.LSet.union uvars (Univops.universes_of_constr env t) in uvars, (coe,t,imps)) Univ.LSet.empty l in let sigma = Evd.restrict_universe_context sigma uvars in let uctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly:(pi2 kind) sigma udecl in let ubinders = Evd.universe_binders sigma in pi2 (List.fold_left (fun (subst,status,uctx) ((is_coe,idl),t,imps) -> let t = replace_vars subst t in let refs, status' = declare_assumptions idl is_coe kind (t,uctx) ubinders imps nl in let subst' = List.map2 (fun {CAst.v=id} (c,u) -> (id, Universes.constr_of_global_univ (c,u))) idl refs in subst'@subst, status' && status, next_uctx uctx) ([], true, uctx) l)