(*i $Id$ i*) (* Parsing of vernacular. *) (* Like [Exc_located], but specifies the outermost file read, the input buffer associated to the location of the error, and the error itself. *) exception Error_in_file of string * (string * Coqast.loc) * exn (* Read a vernac command on the specified input (parse only). Raises [End_of_file] if EOF (or Ctrl-D) is reached. *) val parse_phrase : Pcoq.Gram.parsable * in_channel option -> Coqast.t (* Reads and executes vernac commands from a stream. The boolean [just_parsing] disables interpretation of commands. *) exception DuringCommandInterp of Coqast.loc * exn exception End_of_input val just_parsing : bool ref val raw_do_vernac : Pcoq.Gram.parsable -> unit (* Load a vernac file, verbosely or not. Errors are annotated with file and location *) val load_vernac : bool -> string -> unit