(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | VernacRedirect (_, (_,c)) | VernacTime (_,c) -> is_navigation_vernac c (* Time Back* is harmless *) | c -> is_deep_navigation_vernac c and is_deep_navigation_vernac = function | VernacTimeout (_,c) | VernacFail c -> is_navigation_vernac c | _ -> false (* NB: Reset is now allowed again as asked by A. Chlipala *) let is_reset = function | VernacResetInitial | VernacResetName _ -> true | _ -> false let checknav_simple loc cmd = if is_navigation_vernac cmd && not (is_reset cmd) then user_error loc "Navigation commands forbidden in files." let checknav_deep loc ast = if is_deep_navigation_vernac ast then user_error loc "Navigation commands forbidden in nested commands." (* When doing Load on a file, two behaviors are possible: - either the history stack is grown by only one command, the "Load" itself. This is mandatory for command-counting interfaces (CoqIDE). - either each individual sub-commands in the file is added to the history stack. This allows commands like Show Script to work across the loaded file boundary (cf. bug #2820). The best of the two could probably be combined someday, in the meanwhile we use a flag. *) let atomic_load = ref true let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optsync = true; Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optname = "atomic registration of commands in a Load"; Goptions.optkey = ["Atomic";"Load"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !atomic_load); Goptions.optwrite = ((:=) atomic_load) } let disable_drop = function | Drop -> CErrors.error "Drop is forbidden." | e -> e (* Opening and closing a channel. Open it twice when verbose: the first channel is used to read the commands, and the second one to print them. Note: we could use only one thanks to seek_in, but seeking on and on in the file we parse seems a bit risky to me. B.B. *) let open_file_twice_if verbosely longfname = let in_chan = open_utf8_file_in longfname in let verb_ch = if verbosely then Some (open_utf8_file_in longfname) else None in let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable ~file:longfname (Stream.of_channel in_chan) in (in_chan, longfname, (po, verb_ch)) let close_input in_chan (_,verb) = try close_in in_chan; match verb with | Some verb_ch -> close_in verb_ch | _ -> () with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> () let verbose_phrase verbch loc = let loc = Loc.unloc loc in match verbch with | Some ch -> let len = snd loc - fst loc in let s = String.create len in seek_in ch (fst loc); really_input ch s 0 len; Feedback.msg_notice (str s) | None -> () exception End_of_input let parse_sentence = Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun (po, verbch) -> match Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse Pcoq.main_entry po with | Some (loc,_ as com) -> verbose_phrase verbch loc; com | None -> raise End_of_input) (* vernac parses the given stream, executes interpfun on the syntax tree it * parses, and is verbose on "primitives" commands if verbosely is true *) let chan_beautify = ref stdout let beautify_suffix = ".beautified" let set_formatter_translator ch = let out s b e = output ch s b e in Format.set_formatter_output_functions out (fun () -> flush ch); Format.set_max_boxes max_int let pr_new_syntax_in_context loc chan_beautify ocom = let loc = Loc.unloc loc in if !beautify_file then set_formatter_translator chan_beautify; let fs = States.freeze ~marshallable:`No in (* The content of this is not supposed to fail, but if ever *) try (* Side-effect: order matters *) let before = comment (CLexer.extract_comments (fst loc)) in let com = match ocom with | Some com -> Ppvernac.pr_vernac com | None -> mt() in let after = comment (CLexer.extract_comments (snd loc)) in if !beautify_file then Pp.msg_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.pp_tag !Pp_control.std_ft (hov 0 (before ++ com ++ after)) else Feedback.msg_info (hov 4 (str"New Syntax:" ++ fnl() ++ (hov 0 com))); States.unfreeze fs; Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout with any -> States.unfreeze fs; Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout let pr_new_syntax po loc chan_beautify ocom = (* Reinstall the context of parsing which includes the bindings of comments to locations *) Pcoq.Gram.with_parsable po (pr_new_syntax_in_context chan_beautify loc) ocom (* For coqtop -time, we display the position in the file, and a glimpse of the executed command *) let pp_cmd_header loc com = let shorten s = try (String.sub s 0 30)^"..." with _ -> s in let noblank s = for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do match s.[i] with | ' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' -> s.[i] <- '~' | _ -> () done; s in let (start,stop) = Loc.unloc loc in let safe_pr_vernac x = try Ppvernac.pr_vernac x with e -> str (Printexc.to_string e) in let cmd = noblank (shorten (string_of_ppcmds (safe_pr_vernac com))) in str "Chars " ++ int start ++ str " - " ++ int stop ++ str " [" ++ str cmd ++ str "] " (* This is a special case where we assume we are in console batch mode and take control of the console. *) let print_cmd_header loc com = Pp.pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.pp_tag !Pp_control.std_ft (pp_cmd_header loc com); Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft () let rec interp_vernac po chan_beautify checknav (loc,com) = let interp = function | VernacLoad (verbosely, fname) -> let fname = Envars.expand_path_macros ~warn:(fun x -> Feedback.msg_warning (str x)) fname in let fname = CUnix.make_suffix fname ".v" in let f = Loadpath.locate_file fname in load_vernac verbosely f | v -> Stm.interp (Flags.is_verbose()) (loc,v) in try checknav loc com; if !beautify then pr_new_syntax po chan_beautify loc (Some com); (* XXX: This is not 100% correct if called from an IDE context *) if !Flags.time then print_cmd_header loc com; let com = if !Flags.time then VernacTime (loc,com) else com in interp com with reraise -> let (reraise, info) = CErrors.push reraise in let loc' = Option.default Loc.ghost (Loc.get_loc info) in if Loc.is_ghost loc' then iraise (reraise, Loc.add_loc info loc) else iraise (reraise, info) (* Load a vernac file. CErrors are annotated with file and location *) and load_vernac verbosely file = let chan_beautify = if !Flags.beautify_file then open_out (file^beautify_suffix) else stdout in let (in_chan, fname, input) = open_file_twice_if verbosely file in try (* we go out of the following infinite loop when a End_of_input is * raised, which means that we raised the end of the file being loaded *) while true do let loc_ast = Flags.silently parse_sentence input in CWarnings.set_current_loc (fst loc_ast); Flags.silently (interp_vernac (fst input) chan_beautify checknav_simple) loc_ast; done with any -> (* whatever the exception *) let (e, info) = CErrors.push any in close_input in_chan input; (* we must close the file first *) match e with | End_of_input -> if !beautify then pr_new_syntax (fst input) chan_beautify (Loc.make_loc (max_int,max_int)) None; if !Flags.beautify_file then close_out chan_beautify; | reraise -> if !Flags.beautify_file then close_out chan_beautify; iraise (disable_drop e, info) (** [eval_expr : ?preserving:bool -> Loc.t * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> unit] It executes one vernacular command. By default the command is considered as non-state-preserving, in which case we add it to the Backtrack stack (triggering a save of a frozen state and the generation of a new state label). An example of state-preserving command is one coming from the query panel of Coqide. *) let process_expr po loc_ast = interp_vernac po stdout checknav_deep loc_ast (* XML output hooks *) let (f_xml_start_library, xml_start_library) = Hook.make ~default:ignore () let (f_xml_end_library, xml_end_library) = Hook.make ~default:ignore () let warn_file_no_extension = CWarnings.create ~name:"file-no-extension" ~category:"filesystem" (fun (f,ext) -> str "File \"" ++ str f ++ strbrk "\" has been implicitly expanded to \"" ++ str f ++ str ext ++ str "\"") let ensure_ext ext f = if Filename.check_suffix f ext then f else begin warn_file_no_extension (f,ext); f ^ ext end let chop_extension f = try Filename.chop_extension f with _ -> f let ensure_bname src tgt = let src, tgt = Filename.basename src, Filename.basename tgt in let src, tgt = chop_extension src, chop_extension tgt in if src <> tgt then begin Feedback.msg_error (str "Source and target file names must coincide, directories can differ"); Feedback.msg_error (str "Source: " ++ str src); Feedback.msg_error (str "Target: " ++ str tgt); flush_all (); exit 1 end let ensure ext src tgt = ensure_bname src tgt; ensure_ext ext tgt let ensure_v v = ensure ".v" v v let ensure_vo v vo = ensure ".vo" v vo let ensure_vio v vio = ensure ".vio" v vio let ensure_exists f = if not (Sys.file_exists f) then begin Feedback.msg_error (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str f)); exit 1 end (* Compile a vernac file *) let compile verbosely f = let check_pending_proofs () = let pfs = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names () in if not (List.is_empty pfs) then (Feedback.msg_error (str "There are pending proofs"); flush_all (); exit 1) in match !Flags.compilation_mode with | BuildVo -> let long_f_dot_v = ensure_v f in ensure_exists long_f_dot_v; let long_f_dot_vo = match !Flags.compilation_output_name with | None -> long_f_dot_v ^ "o" | Some f -> ensure_vo long_f_dot_v f in let ldir = Flags.verbosely Library.start_library long_f_dot_vo in Stm.set_compilation_hints long_f_dot_vo; Aux_file.(start_aux_file ~aux_file:(aux_file_name_for long_f_dot_vo) ~v_file:long_f_dot_v); Dumpglob.start_dump_glob ~vfile:long_f_dot_v ~vofile:long_f_dot_vo; Dumpglob.dump_string ("F" ^ Names.DirPath.to_string ldir ^ "\n"); if !Flags.xml_export then Hook.get f_xml_start_library (); let wall_clock1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let _ = load_vernac verbosely long_f_dot_v in Stm.join (); let wall_clock2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in check_pending_proofs (); Library.save_library_to ldir long_f_dot_vo (Global.opaque_tables ()); Aux_file.record_in_aux_at Loc.ghost "vo_compile_time" (Printf.sprintf "%.3f" (wall_clock2 -. wall_clock1)); Aux_file.stop_aux_file (); if !Flags.xml_export then Hook.get f_xml_end_library (); Dumpglob.end_dump_glob () | BuildVio -> let long_f_dot_v = ensure_v f in ensure_exists long_f_dot_v; let long_f_dot_vio = match !Flags.compilation_output_name with | None -> long_f_dot_v ^ "io" | Some f -> ensure_vio long_f_dot_v f in let ldir = Flags.verbosely Library.start_library long_f_dot_vio in Dumpglob.noglob (); Stm.set_compilation_hints long_f_dot_vio; let _ = load_vernac verbosely long_f_dot_v in Stm.finish (); check_pending_proofs (); Stm.snapshot_vio ldir long_f_dot_vio; Stm.reset_task_queue () | Vio2Vo -> let open Filename in let open Library in Dumpglob.noglob (); let f = if check_suffix f ".vio" then chop_extension f else f in let lfdv, sum, lib, univs, disch, tasks, proofs = load_library_todo f in Stm.set_compilation_hints lfdv; let univs, proofs = Stm.finish_tasks lfdv univs disch proofs tasks in Library.save_library_raw lfdv sum lib univs proofs let compile v f = ignore(CoqworkmgrApi.get 1); compile v f; CoqworkmgrApi.giveback 1 let () = Hook.set Stm.process_error_hook ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error