(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (loc,e) | e -> (dummy_loc,e) in let (inner,inex) = match re with | Error_in_file (_, (f,loc), e) when loc <> dummy_loc -> ((f, loc), e) | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, e) when loc <> dummy_loc -> ((file, loc), e) | _ -> ((file,cmdloc), re) in raise (Error_in_file (file, inner, disable_drop inex)) let real_error = function | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, e) -> e | Error_in_file (_, _, e) -> e | e -> e (* Opening and closing a channel. Open it twice when verbose: the first channel is used to read the commands, and the second one to print them. Note: we could use only one thanks to seek_in, but seeking on and on in the file we parse seems a bit risky to me. B.B. *) let open_file_twice_if verbosely fname = let _,longfname = find_file_in_path (Library.get_load_path ()) fname in let in_chan = open_in longfname in let verb_ch = if verbosely then Some (open_in longfname) else None in let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_channel in_chan) in (in_chan, longfname, (po, verb_ch)) let close_input in_chan (_,verb) = try close_in in_chan; match verb with | Some verb_ch -> close_in verb_ch | _ -> () with _ -> () let verbose_phrase verbch loc = match verbch with | Some ch -> let len = snd loc - fst loc in let s = String.create len in seek_in ch (fst loc); really_input ch s 0 len; message s; pp_flush() | _ -> () exception End_of_input let parse_phrase (po, verbch) = match Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry po with | Some (loc,_ as com) -> verbose_phrase verbch loc; com | None -> raise End_of_input (* vernac parses the given stream, executes interpfun on the syntax tree it * parses, and is verbose on "primitives" commands if verbosely is true *) let just_parsing = ref false let chan_translate = ref stdout let pr_new_syntax loc ocom = let com = match ocom with | Some (VernacV7only _) -> Options.v7_only := true; mt() | Some VernacNop -> mt() | Some com -> let fs = States.freeze () in let com = pr_vernac com in States.unfreeze fs; com | None -> mt() in Format.set_formatter_out_channel !chan_translate; Format.set_max_boxes max_int; if !translate_file then msg (hov 0 ( (*str"{"++int (fst loc)++str"}"++List.fold_right (fun ((b,e),s) strm -> str"("++int b++str","++int e++str":"++str s++str")"++strm) !Pp.comments (mt()) ++*) comment (fst loc) ++ com ++ comment (snd loc - 1))) else msgnl (hov 4 (str"New Syntax:" ++ fnl() ++ com)); Constrintern.set_temporary_implicits_in []; Constrextern.set_temporary_implicits_out []; Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout let rec vernac_com interpfun (loc,com) = let rec interp = function | VernacLoad (verbosely, fname) -> let ch = !chan_translate in let cs = Lexer.com_state() in let cl = !Pp.comments in if Options.do_translate() then begin let _,f = find_file_in_path (Library.get_load_path ()) (make_suffix fname ".v") in chan_translate := open_out (f^"8"); Pp.comments := [] end; begin try read_vernac_file verbosely (make_suffix fname ".v"); if Options.do_translate () then close_out !chan_translate; chan_translate := ch; Lexer.restore_com_state cs; Pp.comments := cl with e -> if Options.do_translate() then close_out !chan_translate; chan_translate := ch; Lexer.restore_com_state cs; Pp.comments := cl; raise e end; | VernacList l -> List.iter (fun (_,v) -> interp v) l | VernacTime v -> let tstart = System.get_time() in if not !just_parsing then interpfun v; let tend = System.get_time() in msgnl (str"Finished transaction in " ++ System.fmt_time_difference tstart tend) (* To be interpreted in v7 or translator input only *) | VernacV7only v -> Options.v7_only := true; if !Options.v7 || Options.do_translate() then interp v; Options.v7_only := false (* To be interpreted in translator output only *) | VernacV8only v -> if not !Options.v7 && not (do_translate()) then interp v | v -> if not !just_parsing then interpfun v in try Options.v7_only := false; if do_translate () then pr_new_syntax loc (Some com); interp com; with e -> Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout; Options.v7_only := false; raise (DuringCommandInterp (loc, e)) and vernac interpfun input = vernac_com interpfun (parse_phrase input) and read_vernac_file verbosely s = let interpfun = if verbosely then Vernacentries.interp else Options.silently Vernacentries.interp in let (in_chan, fname, input) = open_file_twice_if verbosely s in try (* we go out of the following infinite loop when a End_of_input is * raised, which means that we raised the end of the file being loaded *) while true do vernac interpfun input; pp_flush () done with e -> (* whatever the exception *) Format.set_formatter_out_channel stdout; close_input in_chan input; (* we must close the file first *) match real_error e with | End_of_input -> if do_translate () then pr_new_syntax (max_int,max_int) None | _ -> raise_with_file fname e (* raw_do_vernac : char Stream.t -> unit * parses and executes one command of the vernacular char stream. * Marks the end of the command in the lib_stk to make vernac undoing * easier. *) let raw_do_vernac po = vernac (States.with_heavy_rollback Vernacentries.interp) (po,None); Lib.mark_end_of_command() (* Load a vernac file. Errors are annotated with file and location *) let load_vernac verb file = chan_translate := if Options.do_translate () then open_out (file^"8") else stdout; try read_vernac_file verb file; if Options.do_translate () then close_out !chan_translate; with e -> if Options.do_translate () then close_out !chan_translate; raise_with_file file e (* Compile a vernac file (f is assumed without .v suffix) *) let compile verbosely f = (* let s = Filename.basename f in let m = Names.id_of_string s in let _,longf = find_file_in_path (Library.get_load_path ()) (f^".v") in let ldir0 = Library.find_logical_path (Filename.dirname longf) in let ldir = Libnames.extend_dirpath ldir0 m in Termops.set_module ldir; (* Just for universe naming *) Lib.start_module ldir; if !dump then dump_string ("F" ^ Names.string_of_dirpath ldir ^ "\n"); let _ = load_vernac verbosely longf in let mid = Lib.end_module m in assert (mid = ldir); Library.save_module_to ldir (longf^"o") *) let ldir,long_f_dot_v = Library.start_library f in if !dump then dump_string ("F" ^ Names.string_of_dirpath ldir ^ "\n"); let _ = load_vernac verbosely long_f_dot_v in if Pfedit.get_all_proof_names () <> [] then (message "Error: There are pending proofs"; exit 1); Library.save_library_to ldir (long_f_dot_v ^ "o")