(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* env -> constr -> bool type display_function = global_reference -> env -> constr -> unit module SearchBlacklist = Goptions.MakeStringTable (struct let key = ["Search";"Blacklist"] let title = "Current search blacklist : " let member_message s b = str ("Search blacklist does "^(if b then "" else "not ")^"include "^s) let synchronous = true end) (* The functions print_constructors and crible implement the behavior needed for the Coq searching commands. These functions take as first argument the procedure that will be called to treat each entry. This procedure receives the name of the object, the assumptions that will make it possible to print its type, and the constr term that represent its type. *) let print_constructors indsp fn env nconstr = for i = 1 to nconstr do fn (ConstructRef (indsp,i)) env (Inductiveops.type_of_constructor env (indsp,i)) done let rec head_const c = match kind_of_term c with | Prod (_,_,d) -> head_const d | LetIn (_,_,_,d) -> head_const d | App (f,_) -> head_const f | Cast (d,_,_) -> head_const d | _ -> c (* General search, restricted to head constant if [only_head] *) let gen_crible refopt (fn : global_reference -> env -> constr -> unit) = let env = Global.env () in let crible_rec (sp,kn) lobj = match object_tag lobj with | "VARIABLE" -> (try let (id,_,typ) = Global.lookup_named (basename sp) in if refopt = None || head_const typ = constr_of_global (Option.get refopt) then fn (VarRef id) env typ with Not_found -> (* we are in a section *) ()) | "CONSTANT" -> let cst = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant env cst in if refopt = None || head_const typ = constr_of_global (Option.get refopt) then fn (ConstRef cst) env typ | "INDUCTIVE" -> let mind = Global.mind_of_delta_kn kn in let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in (match refopt with | Some (IndRef ((kn',tyi) as ind)) when eq_mind mind kn' -> print_constructors ind fn env (Array.length (mib.mind_packets.(tyi).mind_user_lc)) | Some _ -> () | _ -> Array.iteri (fun i mip -> print_constructors (mind,i) fn env (Array.length mip.mind_user_lc)) mib.mind_packets) | _ -> () in try Declaremods.iter_all_segments crible_rec with Not_found -> () let crible ref = gen_crible (Some ref) (* Fine Search. By Yves Bertot. *) exception No_full_path let rec head c = let c = strip_outer_cast c in match kind_of_term c with | Prod (_,_,c) -> head c | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> head c | _ -> c let xor a b = (a or b) & (not (a & b)) let plain_display accu ref a c = let pc = pr_lconstr_env a c in let pr = pr_global ref in accu := !accu ++ hov 2 (pr ++ str":" ++ spc () ++ pc) ++ fnl () let filter_by_module (module_list:dir_path list) (accept:bool) (ref:global_reference) _ _ = try let sp = path_of_global ref in let sl = dirpath sp in let rec filter_aux = function | m :: tl -> (not (is_dirpath_prefix_of m sl)) && (filter_aux tl) | [] -> true in xor accept (filter_aux module_list) with No_full_path -> false let ref_eq = Globnames.encode_mind Coqlib.logic_module (id_of_string "eq"), 0 let c_eq = mkInd ref_eq let gref_eq = IndRef ref_eq let mk_rewrite_pattern1 eq pattern = PApp (PRef eq, [| PMeta None; pattern; PMeta None |]) let mk_rewrite_pattern2 eq pattern = PApp (PRef eq, [| PMeta None; PMeta None; pattern |]) let pattern_filter pat _ a c = try try is_matching pat (head c) with _ -> is_matching pat (head (Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty c)) with UserError _ -> false let filtered_search filter_function display_function ref = crible ref (fun s a c -> if filter_function s a c then display_function s a c) let rec id_from_pattern = function | PRef gr -> gr (* should be appear as a PRef (VarRef sp) !! | PVar id -> Nametab.locate (make_qualid [] (string_of_id id)) *) | PApp (p,_) -> id_from_pattern p | _ -> error "The pattern is not simple enough." let raw_pattern_search extra_filter display_function pat = let name = id_from_pattern pat in filtered_search (fun s a c -> (pattern_filter pat s a c) & extra_filter s a c) display_function name let raw_search_rewrite extra_filter display_function pattern = filtered_search (fun s a c -> ((pattern_filter (mk_rewrite_pattern1 gref_eq pattern) s a c) || (pattern_filter (mk_rewrite_pattern2 gref_eq pattern) s a c)) && extra_filter s a c) display_function gref_eq let raw_search_by_head extra_filter display_function pattern = Errors.todo "raw_search_by_head" let name_of_reference ref = string_of_id (basename_of_global ref) let full_name_of_reference ref = let (dir,id) = repr_path (path_of_global ref) in string_of_dirpath dir ^ "." ^ string_of_id id (* * functions to use the new Libtypes facility *) let raw_search search_function extra_filter display_function pat = let env = Global.env() in List.iter (fun (gr,_,_) -> let typ = Global.type_of_global gr in if extra_filter gr env typ then display_function gr env typ ) (search_function pat) let text_pattern_search extra_filter pat = let ans = ref (mt ()) in raw_search Libtypes.search_concl extra_filter (plain_display ans) pat; !ans let text_search_rewrite extra_filter pat = let ans = ref (mt ()) in raw_search (Libtypes.search_eq_concl c_eq) extra_filter (plain_display ans) pat; !ans let text_search_by_head extra_filter pat = let ans = ref (mt ()) in raw_search Libtypes.search_head_concl extra_filter (plain_display ans) pat; !ans let filter_by_module_from_list = function | [], _ -> (fun _ _ _ -> true) | l, outside -> filter_by_module l (not outside) let filter_blacklist gr _ _ = let name = full_name_of_reference gr in let l = SearchBlacklist.elements () in List.for_all (fun str -> not (string_string_contains ~where:name ~what:str)) l let (&&&&&) f g x y z = f x y z && g x y z let search_by_head pat inout = text_search_by_head (filter_by_module_from_list inout &&&&& filter_blacklist) pat let search_rewrite pat inout = text_search_rewrite (filter_by_module_from_list inout &&&&& filter_blacklist) pat let search_pattern pat inout = text_pattern_search (filter_by_module_from_list inout &&&&& filter_blacklist) pat let gen_filtered_search filter_function display_function = gen_crible None (fun s a c -> if filter_function s a c then display_function s a c) (** SearchAbout *) type glob_search_about_item = | GlobSearchSubPattern of constr_pattern | GlobSearchString of string let search_about_item (itemref,typ) = function | GlobSearchSubPattern pat -> is_matching_appsubterm ~closed:false pat typ | GlobSearchString s -> string_string_contains ~where:(name_of_reference itemref) ~what:s let raw_search_about filter_modules display_function l = let filter ref' env typ = filter_modules ref' env typ && List.for_all (fun (b,i) -> b = search_about_item (ref',typ) i) l && filter_blacklist ref' () () in gen_filtered_search filter display_function let search_about reference inout = let ans = ref (mt ()) in raw_search_about (filter_by_module_from_list inout) (plain_display ans) reference; !ans