(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* aux (c1::acc) c2 | Cast (c,_) -> aux acc c | t -> acc,t in aux [] t let objdef_err ref = errorlabstrm "object_declare" [< pr_id (Termops.id_of_global (Global.env()) ref); 'sTR" is not a structure object" >] let objdef_declare ref = let sp = match ref with ConstRef sp -> sp | _ -> objdef_err ref in let env = Global.env () in let v = constr_of_reference ref in let vc = match Environ.constant_opt_value env sp with | Some vc -> vc | None -> objdef_err ref in let lt,t = decompose_lam vc in let lt = List.rev (List.map snd lt) in let f,args = match kind_of_term t with | App (f,args) -> f,args | _ -> objdef_err ref in let { s_PARAM = p; s_PROJ = lpj } = try (find_structure (match kind_of_term f with | Construct (indsp,1) -> indsp | _ -> objdef_err ref)) with Not_found -> objdef_err ref in let params, projs = try list_chop p (Array.to_list args) with _ -> objdef_err ref in let lps = try List.combine lpj projs with _ -> objdef_err ref in let comp = List.fold_left (fun l (spopt,t) -> (* comp=components *) match spopt with | None -> l | Some proji_sp -> let c, args = decompose_app t in try (ConstRef proji_sp, reference_of_constr c, args) :: l with Not_found -> l) [] lps in add_anonymous_leaf (inObjDef1 sp); List.iter (fun (refi,c,argj) -> add_new_objdef ((refi,c),v,lt,params,argj)) comp