(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit; use_file : string -> unit; add_dir : string -> unit; ml_loop : unit -> unit } (* Determines the behaviour of Coq with respect to ML files (compiled or not) *) type kind_load = | WithTop of toplevel | WithoutTop (* Must be always initialized *) let load = ref WithoutTop (* Are we in a native version of Coq? *) let is_native = Dynlink.is_native (* Sets and initializes a toplevel (if any) *) let set_top toplevel = load := WithTop toplevel; Nativelib.load_obj := toplevel.load_obj (* Removes the toplevel (if any) *) let remove () = load := WithoutTop; Nativelib.load_obj := (fun x -> () : string -> unit) (* Tests if an Ocaml toplevel runs under Coq *) let is_ocaml_top () = match !load with | WithTop _ -> true |_ -> false (* Tests if we can load ML files *) let has_dynlink = Coq_config.has_natdynlink || not is_native (* Runs the toplevel loop of Ocaml *) let ocaml_toploop () = match !load with | WithTop t -> Printexc.catch t.ml_loop () | _ -> () (* Try to interpret load_obj's (internal) errors *) let report_on_load_obj_error exc = let x = Obj.repr exc in (* Try an horrible (fragile) hack to report on Symtable dynlink errors *) (* (we follow ocaml's Printexc.to_string decoding of exceptions) *) if Obj.is_block x && String.equal (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.field x 0) 0)) "Symtable.Error" then let err_block = Obj.field x 1 in if Int.equal (Obj.tag err_block) 0 then (* Symtable.Undefined_global of string *) str "reference to undefined global " ++ str (Obj.magic (Obj.field err_block 0)) else str (Printexc.to_string exc) else str (Printexc.to_string exc) (* Dynamic loading of .cmo/.cma *) let dir_ml_load s = match !load with | WithTop t -> (try t.load_obj s with | e when Errors.noncritical e -> let e = Errors.push e in match e with | (UserError _ | Failure _ | Not_found as u) -> raise u | exc -> let msg = report_on_load_obj_error exc in errorlabstrm "Mltop.load_object" (str"Cannot link ml-object " ++ str s ++ str" to Coq code (" ++ msg ++ str ").")) | WithoutTop -> let warn = Flags.is_verbose() in let _,gname = find_file_in_path ~warn !coq_mlpath_copy s in try Dynlink.loadfile gname; with Dynlink.Error a -> errorlabstrm "Mltop.load_object" (strbrk "while loading " ++ str s ++ strbrk ": " ++ str (Dynlink.error_message a)) (* Dynamic interpretation of .ml *) let dir_ml_use s = match !load with | WithTop t -> t.use_file s | _ -> msg_warning (str "Cannot access the ML compiler") (* Adds a path to the ML paths *) let add_ml_dir s = match !load with | WithTop t -> t.add_dir s; keep_copy_mlpath s | WithoutTop when has_dynlink -> keep_copy_mlpath s | _ -> () (* For Rec Add ML Path *) let add_rec_ml_dir unix_path = List.iter (fun (lp,_) -> add_ml_dir lp) (all_subdirs ~unix_path) (* Adding files to Coq and ML loadpath *) let add_path ~unix_path:dir ~coq_root:coq_dirpath ~implicit = if exists_dir dir then begin add_ml_dir dir; Loadpath.add_load_path dir (if implicit then Loadpath.ImplicitRootPath else Loadpath.RootPath) coq_dirpath end else msg_warning (str ("Cannot open " ^ dir)) let convert_string d = try Names.Id.of_string d with UserError _ -> msg_warning (str ("Directory "^d^" cannot be used as a Coq identifier (skipped)")); raise Exit let add_rec_path ~unix_path ~coq_root ~implicit = if exists_dir unix_path then let dirs = all_subdirs ~unix_path in let prefix = Names.DirPath.repr coq_root in let convert_dirs (lp, cp) = try let path = List.rev_map convert_string cp @ prefix in Some (lp, Names.DirPath.make path) with Exit -> None in let dirs = List.map_filter convert_dirs dirs in let () = add_ml_dir unix_path in let add (path, dir) = Loadpath.add_load_path path Loadpath.ImplicitPath dir in let () = if implicit then List.iter add dirs in Loadpath.add_load_path unix_path (if implicit then Loadpath.ImplicitRootPath else Loadpath.RootPath) coq_root else msg_warning (str ("Cannot open " ^ unix_path)) (* convertit un nom quelconque en nom de fichier ou de module *) let mod_of_name name = if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" then Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmo" else name let get_ml_object_suffix name = if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" then Some ".cmo" else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cma" then Some ".cma" else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxs" then Some ".cmxs" else None let file_of_name name = let suffix = get_ml_object_suffix name in let fail s = errorlabstrm "Mltop.load_object" (str"File not found on loadpath : " ++ str s ++ str"\n" ++ str"Loadpath: " ++ str(String.concat ":" !coq_mlpath_copy)) in if is_native then let name = match suffix with | Some ((".cmo"|".cma") as suffix) -> (Filename.chop_suffix name suffix) ^ ".cmxs" | Some ".cmxs" -> name | _ -> name ^ ".cmxs" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else fail name else let (full, base) = match suffix with | Some ".cmo" | Some ".cma" -> true, name | Some ".cmxs" -> false, Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmxs" | _ -> false, name in if full then if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy base then base else fail base else let name = base ^ ".cma" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else let name = base ^ ".cmo" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else fail (base ^ ".cm[ao]") (** Is the ML code of the standard library placed into loadable plugins or statically compiled into coqtop ? For the moment this choice is made according to the presence of native dynlink : even if bytecode coqtop could always load plugins, we prefer to have uniformity between bytecode and native versions. *) (* [known_loaded_module] contains the names of the loaded ML modules * (linked or loaded with load_object). It is used not to load a * module twice. It is NOT the list of ML modules Coq knows. *) let known_loaded_modules = ref String.Set.empty let add_known_module mname = known_loaded_modules := String.Set.add mname !known_loaded_modules let module_is_known mname = String.Set.mem mname !known_loaded_modules (** A plugin is just an ML module with an initialization function. *) let known_loaded_plugins = ref String.Map.empty let add_known_plugin init name = add_known_module name; known_loaded_plugins := String.Map.add name init !known_loaded_plugins let init_known_plugins () = String.Map.iter (fun _ f -> f()) !known_loaded_plugins (** Registering functions to be used at caching time, that is when the Declare ML module command is issued. *) let cache_objs = ref String.Map.empty let declare_cache_obj f name = let objs = try String.Map.find name !cache_objs with Not_found -> [] in let objs = f :: objs in cache_objs := String.Map.add name objs !cache_objs let perform_cache_obj name = let objs = try String.Map.find name !cache_objs with Not_found -> [] in let objs = List.rev objs in List.iter (fun f -> f ()) objs (** ml object = ml module or plugin *) let init_ml_object mname = try String.Map.find mname !known_loaded_plugins () with Not_found -> () let load_ml_object mname fname= dir_ml_load fname; add_known_module mname; init_ml_object mname let load_ml_object_raw fname = dir_ml_load (file_of_name fname) (* Summary of declared ML Modules *) (* List and not String.Set because order is important: most recent first. *) let loaded_modules = ref [] let get_loaded_modules () = List.rev !loaded_modules let add_loaded_module md = loaded_modules := md :: !loaded_modules let reset_loaded_modules () = loaded_modules := [] let if_verbose_load verb f name fname = if not verb then f name fname else let info = "[Loading ML file "^fname^" ..." in try f name fname; msg_info (str (info^" done]")); with reraise -> msg_info (str (info^" failed]")); raise reraise (** Load a module for the first time (i.e. dynlink it) or simulate its reload (i.e. doing nothing except maybe an initialization function). *) let trigger_ml_object verb cache reinit name = if module_is_known name then begin if reinit then init_ml_object name; add_loaded_module name; if cache then perform_cache_obj name end else if not has_dynlink then error ("Dynamic link not supported (module "^name^")") else begin let file = file_of_name name in if_verbose_load (verb && is_verbose ()) load_ml_object name file; add_loaded_module name; if cache then perform_cache_obj name end let unfreeze_ml_modules x = reset_loaded_modules (); List.iter (trigger_ml_object false false false) x let _ = Summary.declare_summary Summary.ml_modules { Summary.freeze_function = (fun _ -> get_loaded_modules ()); Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze_ml_modules; Summary.init_function = reset_loaded_modules } (* Liboject entries of declared ML Modules *) type ml_module_object = { mlocal : Vernacexpr.locality_flag; mnames : string list } let cache_ml_objects (_,{mnames=mnames}) = let iter obj = trigger_ml_object true true true obj in List.iter iter mnames let load_ml_objects _ (_,{mnames=mnames}) = let iter obj = trigger_ml_object true false true obj in List.iter iter mnames let classify_ml_objects ({mlocal=mlocal} as o) = if mlocal then Dispose else Substitute o let inMLModule : ml_module_object -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "ML-MODULE") with cache_function = cache_ml_objects; load_function = load_ml_objects; subst_function = (fun (_,o) -> o); classify_function = classify_ml_objects } let declare_ml_modules local l = let l = List.map mod_of_name l in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMLModule {mlocal=local; mnames=l}) let print_ml_path () = let l = !coq_mlpath_copy in str"ML Load Path:" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl str l) (* Printing of loaded ML modules *) let print_ml_modules () = let l = get_loaded_modules () in str"Loaded ML Modules: " ++ pr_vertical_list str l let print_gc () = let stat = Gc.stat () in let msg = str "minor words: " ++ real stat.Gc.minor_words ++ fnl () ++ str "promoted words: " ++ real stat.Gc.promoted_words ++ fnl () ++ str "major words: " ++ real stat.Gc.major_words ++ fnl () ++ str "minor_collections: " ++ int stat.Gc.minor_collections ++ fnl () ++ str "major_collections: " ++ int stat.Gc.major_collections ++ fnl () ++ str "heap_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.heap_words ++ fnl () ++ str "heap_chunks: " ++ int stat.Gc.heap_chunks ++ fnl () ++ str "live_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.live_words ++ fnl () ++ str "live_blocks: " ++ int stat.Gc.live_blocks ++ fnl () ++ str "free_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.free_words ++ fnl () ++ str "free_blocks: " ++ int stat.Gc.free_blocks ++ fnl () ++ str "largest_free: " ++ int stat.Gc.largest_free ++ fnl () ++ str "fragments: " ++ int stat.Gc.fragments ++ fnl () ++ str "compactions: " ++ int stat.Gc.compactions ++ fnl () ++ str "top_heap_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.top_heap_words ++ fnl () ++ str "stack_size: " ++ int stat.Gc.stack_size in hv 0 msg