(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (id, make_path [] id CCI)) (named_context !env) let lookup_named id = let rec look n = function | [] -> mkVar id | (Name id')::_ when id = id' -> mkRel n | _::r -> look (succ n) r in look 1 let args sign = Array.of_list (instance_from_section_context sign) let rec globalize bv c = match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> lookup_named id bv | Const (sp, _) -> let cb = lookup_constant sp !env in mkConst (sp, args cb.const_hyps) | Ind (sp,_ as spi, _) -> let mib = lookup_mind sp !env in mkMutInd (spi, args mib.mind_hyps) | Construct ((sp,_),_ as spc, _) -> let mib = lookup_mind sp !env in mkMutConstruct (spc, args mib.mind_hyps) | _ -> map_constr_with_named_binders (fun na l -> na::l) globalize bv c let check c = let c = globalize [] c in let (j,u) = safe_infer !env c in let ty = j_type j in let pty = pr_term CCI (env_of_safe_env !env) ty in mSGNL (hov 0 (str" :" ++ spc () ++ hov 0 pty ++ fnl ())) let definition id ty c = let c = globalize [] c in let ty = option_app (globalize []) ty in let ce = { const_entry_body = c; const_entry_type = ty } in let sp = make_path [] id CCI in env := add_constant sp ce (locals()) !env; mSGNL (hov 0 (pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str"is defined" ++ fnl ())) let parameter id t = let t = globalize [] t in let sp = make_path [] id CCI in env := add_parameter sp t (locals()) !env; mSGNL (hov 0 (str"parameter" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str"is declared" ++ fnl ())) let variable id t = let t = globalize [] t in env := push_named_assum (id,t) !env; mSGNL (hov 0 (str"variable" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str"is declared" ++ fnl ())) let inductive par inds = let nparams = List.length par in let bvpar = List.rev (List.map (fun (id,_) -> Name id) par) in let name_inds = List.map (fun (id,_,_) -> Name id) inds in let bv = bvpar @ List.rev name_inds in let npar = List.map (fun (id,c) -> (Name id, globalize [] c)) par in let one_inductive (id,ar,cl) = let cv = List.map (fun (_,c) -> prod_it (globalize bv c) npar) cl in { mind_entry_nparams = nparams; mind_entry_params = List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id, LocalAssum c)) par; mind_entry_typename = id; mind_entry_arity = prod_it (globalize bvpar ar) npar; mind_entry_consnames = List.map fst cl; mind_entry_lc = cv } in let inds = List.map one_inductive inds in let mie = { mind_entry_finite = true; mind_entry_inds = inds } in let sp = let mi1 = List.hd inds in make_path [] mi1.mind_entry_typename CCI in env := add_mind sp mie (locals()) !env; mSGNL (hov 0 (str"inductive type(s) are declared" ++ fnl ())) let execute = function | Check c -> check c | Definition (id, ty, c) -> definition id ty c | Parameter (id, t) -> parameter id t | Variable (id, t) -> variable id t | Inductive (par,inds) -> inductive par inds let parse_file f = let c = open_in f in let cs = Stream.of_channel c in try while true do let c = Grammar.Entry.parse command cs in execute c done with | End_of_file | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, End_of_file) -> close_in c; exit 0 | exn -> close_in c; raise exn module Explain = Fhimsg.Make(struct let pr_term = pr_term end) let rec explain_exn = function | TypeError (k,ctx,te) -> mSGNL (hov 0 (str "type error:" ++ spc () ++ Explain.explain_type_error k ctx te ++ fnl ())) | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,exn) -> explain_exn exn | exn -> mSGNL (hov 0 (str"error: " ++ str (Printexc.to_string exn) ++ fnl ())) let top () = let cs = Stream.of_channel stdin in while true do try let c = Grammar.Entry.parse command cs in execute c with | End_of_file | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, End_of_file) -> exit 0 | exn -> explain_exn exn done let main () = if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then parse_file "test" else if Sys.argv.(1) = "-top" then top () else parse_file (Sys.argv.(1)) let _ = Printexc.print main ()