(*********************************************************************** v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team unit (** Adding a tactic notation in the environment *) val add_tactic_notation : int * grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list * raw_tactic_expr -> unit (** Adding a (constr) notation in the environment*) val add_infix : locality_flag -> (lstring * syntax_modifier list) -> constr_expr -> scope_name option -> unit val add_notation : locality_flag -> constr_expr -> (lstring * syntax_modifier list) -> scope_name option -> unit (** Declaring delimiter keys and default scopes *) val add_delimiters : scope_name -> string -> unit val add_class_scope : scope_name -> Classops.cl_typ -> unit (** Add only the interpretation of a notation that already has pa/pp rules *) val add_notation_interpretation : (lstring * constr_expr * scope_name option) -> unit (** Add a notation interpretation for supporting the "where" clause *) val set_notation_for_interpretation : Constrintern.full_internalization_env -> (lstring * constr_expr * scope_name option) -> unit (** Add only the parsing/printing rule of a notation *) val add_syntax_extension : locality_flag -> (lstring * syntax_modifier list) -> unit (** Add a syntactic definition (as in "Notation f := ...") *) val add_syntactic_definition : identifier -> identifier list * constr_expr -> bool -> bool -> unit (** Print the Camlp4 state of a grammar *) val print_grammar : string -> unit val check_infix_modifiers : syntax_modifier list -> unit