(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Ident (loc,a) | RRef (loc,a) -> Qualid (loc,qualid_of_sp (Nametab.sp_of_global a)) | RVar (loc,x) -> Ident (loc,x) | _ -> anomaly "globalize_ref: not a reference" let globalize_ref_term vars ref = match Constrintern.interp_reference (vars,[]) ref with | RRef (loc,VarRef a) -> CRef (Ident (loc,a)) | RRef (loc,a) -> CRef (Qualid (loc,qualid_of_sp (Nametab.sp_of_global a))) | RVar (loc,x) -> CRef (Ident (loc,x)) | c -> Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty c let rec globalize_constr_expr vars = function | CRef ref -> globalize_ref_term vars ref | CAppExpl (_,(p,ref),l) -> let f = map_constr_expr_with_binders globalize_constr_expr (fun x e -> e) vars in CAppExpl (dummy_loc,(p,globalize_ref vars ref), List.map f l) | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders globalize_constr_expr (fun id e -> id::e) vars c let without_translation f x = let old = Options.do_translate () in let oldv7 = !Options.v7 in Options.make_translate false; try let r = f x in Options.make_translate old; Options.v7:=oldv7; r with e -> Options.make_translate old; Options.v7:=oldv7; raise e let _ = set_constr_globalizer (fun vars e -> for_grammar (without_translation (globalize_constr_expr vars)) e) let _ = define_ast_quotation true "constr" constr_parser_with_glob (** For old ast printer *) (* Pretty-printer state summary *) let _ = declare_summary "syntax" { freeze_function = Esyntax.freeze; unfreeze_function = Esyntax.unfreeze; init_function = Esyntax.init; survive_module = false; survive_section = false } (* Pretty-printing objects = syntax_entry *) let cache_syntax (_,ppobj) = Esyntax.add_ppobject ppobj let subst_syntax (_,subst,ppobj) = Extend.subst_syntax_command Ast.subst_astpat subst ppobj let (inPPSyntax,outPPSyntax) = declare_object {(default_object "PPSYNTAX") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_syntax o); cache_function = cache_syntax; subst_function = subst_syntax; classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } (* Syntax extension functions (registered in the environnement) *) (* Checking the pretty-printing rules against free meta-variables. * Note that object are checked before they are added in the environment. * Syntax objects in compiled modules are not re-checked. *) let add_syntax_obj whatfor sel = (* if not !Options.v7_only then*) Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inPPSyntax (interp_syntax_entry whatfor sel)) (**********************************************************************) (* Grammar *) let _ = declare_summary "GRAMMAR_LEXER" { freeze_function = Egrammar.freeze; unfreeze_function = Egrammar.unfreeze; init_function = Egrammar.init; survive_module = false; survive_section = false } (* Tokens *) let cache_token (_,s) = Pcoq.lexer.Token.using ("", s) let (inToken, outToken) = declare_object {(default_object "TOKEN") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_token o); cache_function = cache_token; subst_function = Libobject.ident_subst_function; classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o); export_function = (fun x -> Some x)} let add_token_obj s = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inToken s) (* Grammars (especially Tactic Notation) *) let make_terminal_status = function | VTerm s -> Some s | VNonTerm _ -> None let qualified_nterm current_univ = function | NtQual (univ, en) -> (univ, en) | NtShort en -> (current_univ, en) let rec make_tags = function | VTerm s :: l -> make_tags l | VNonTerm (loc, nt, po) :: l -> let (u,nt) = qualified_nterm "tactic" nt in let (etyp, _) = Egrammar.interp_entry_name u nt in etyp :: make_tags l | [] -> [] let declare_pprule = function (* Pretty-printing rules only for Grammar (Tactic Notation) *) | Egrammar.TacticGrammar gl -> let f (s,(s',l),tac) = let pp = (make_tags l, (s',List.map make_terminal_status l)) in Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule true s pp; Pptactic.declare_extra_tactic_pprule false s pp in List.iter f gl | _ -> () let cache_grammar (_,a) = Egrammar.extend_grammar a; declare_pprule a let subst_grammar (_,subst,a) = Egrammar.subst_all_grammar_command subst a let (inGrammar, outGrammar) = declare_object {(default_object "GRAMMAR") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_grammar o); cache_function = cache_grammar; subst_function = subst_grammar; classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o); export_function = (fun x -> Some x)} open Genarg let check_entry_type (u,n) = if u = "tactic" or u = "vernac" then error "tactic and vernac not supported"; match entry_type (get_univ u) n with | None -> Pcoq.create_entry_if_new (get_univ u) n ConstrArgType | Some (ConstrArgType | IdentArgType | RefArgType) -> () | _ -> error "Cannot arbitrarily extend non constr/ident/ref entries" let add_grammar_obj univ entryl = let u = create_univ_if_new univ in let g = interp_grammar_command univ check_entry_type entryl in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGrammar (Egrammar.Grammar g)) let add_tactic_grammar g = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGrammar (Egrammar.TacticGrammar g)) (* printing grammar entries *) let print_grammar univ entry = if !Options.v7 then let u = get_univ univ in let typ = explicitize_entry (fst u) entry in let te,_,_ = get_constr_entry false typ in Gram.Entry.print te else let te = match entry with | "constr" | "operconstr" -> weaken_entry Pcoq.Constr.operconstr | "tuple_constr" -> weaken_entry Pcoq.Constr.tuple_constr | "pattern" -> weaken_entry Pcoq.Constr.pattern | "tuple_pattern" -> weaken_entry Pcoq.Constr.tuple_pattern | "tactic" -> weaken_entry Pcoq.Tactic.simple_tactic | _ -> error "Unknown or unprintable grammar entry" in Gram.Entry.print te (* Parse a format *) let parse_format (loc,str) = let str = " "^str in let l = String.length str in let push_token a = function | cur::l -> (a::cur)::l | [] -> [[a]] in let push_white n l = if n = 0 then l else push_token (UnpTerminal (String.make n ' ')) l in let close_box i b = function | a::(_::_ as l) -> push_token (UnpBox (b,a)) l | _ -> error "Non terminated box in format" in let close_quotation i = if i < String.length str & str.[i] = '\'' & (i+1 = l or str.[i+1] = ' ') then i+1 else error "Incorrectly terminated quoted expression" in let rec spaces n i = if i < String.length str & str.[i] = ' ' then spaces (n+1) (i+1) else n in let rec nonspaces quoted n i = if i < String.length str & str.[i] <> ' ' then if str.[i] = '\'' then if i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '\'' then (String.blit str (i+2) str (i+1) (l-i-2); str.[l-1] <- ' '; nonspaces quoted (n+1) (i+1)) else if quoted then n else error "Space expected between part of the notation and format annotation" else nonspaces quoted (n+1) (i+1) else n in let rec parse_non_format i = let n = nonspaces false 0 i in push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str i n)) (parse_token (i+n)) and parse_quoted n i = if i < String.length str then match str.[i] with (* Parse " // " *) | '/' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '/' -> (* We forget the useless n spaces... *) push_token (UnpCut PpFnl) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+2))) (* Parse " .. / .. " *) | '/' when i <= String.length str -> let p = spaces 0 (i+1) in push_token (UnpCut (PpBrk (n,p))) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+p+1))) | c -> (* The spaces are real spaces *) push_white n (match c with | '[' -> if i <= String.length str then match str.[i+1] with (* Parse " [h .. ", *) | 'h' when i+1 <= String.length str & str.[i+2] = 'v' -> (parse_box (fun n -> PpHVB n) (i+3)) (* Parse " [v .. ", *) | 'v' -> parse_box (fun n -> PpVB n) (i+2) (* Parse " [ .. ", *) | ' ' | '\'' -> parse_box (fun n -> PpHOVB n) (i+1) | _ -> error "\"v\", \"hv\", \" \" expected after \"[\" in format" else error "\"v\", \"hv\" or \" \" expected after \"[\" in format" (* Parse "]" *) | ']' -> ([] :: parse_token (close_quotation (i+1))) (* Parse a non formatting token *) | c -> let n = nonspaces true 0 i in push_token (UnpTerminal (String.sub str (i-1) (n+2))) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n)))) else if n = 0 then [] else error "Ending spaces non part of a format annotation" and parse_box box i = let n = spaces 0 i in close_box i (box n) (parse_token (close_quotation (i+n))) and parse_token i = let n = spaces 0 i in let i = i+n in if i < l then match str.[i] with (* Parse a ' *) | '\'' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '\'' -> push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i) (* Parse the beginning of a quoted expression *) | '\'' -> parse_quoted (n-1) (i+1) (* Otherwise *) | _ -> push_white (n-1) (parse_non_format i) else push_white n [[]] in try if str <> "" then match parse_token 0 with | [l] -> l | _ -> error "Box closed without being opened in format" else error "Empty format" with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e (* Build the syntax and grammar rules *) type printing_precedence = int * parenRelation type parsing_precedence = int option type symbol = | Terminal of string | NonTerminal of identifier | Break of int let prec_assoc = function | Gramext.RightA -> (L,E) | Gramext.LeftA -> (E,L) | Gramext.NonA -> (L,L) (* For old ast printer *) let meta_pattern m = Pmeta(m,Tany) open Symbols type white_status = Juxtapose | Separate of int | NextIsTerminal let precedence_of_entry_type from = function | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> n, Prec n | ETConstr (NumLevel n,BorderProd (left,Some a)) -> n, let (lp,rp) = prec_assoc a in if left then lp else rp | ETConstr (NumLevel n,InternalProd) -> n, Prec n | ETConstr (NextLevel,_) -> from, L | ETOther ("constr","annot") -> 10, Prec 10 | _ -> 0, E (* ?? *) (* Some breaking examples *) (* "x = y" : "x /1 = y" (breaks before any symbol) *) (* "x =S y" : "x /1 =S /1 y" (protect from confusion; each side for symmetry)*) (* "+ {" : "+ {" may breaks reversibility without space but oth. not elegant *) (* "x y" : "x spc y" *) (* "{ x } + { y }" : "{ x } / + { y }" *) (* "< x , y > { z , t }" : "< x , / y > / { z , / t }" *) let is_left_bracket s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & (s.[0] = '{' or s.[0] = '[' or s.[0] = '(') let is_right_bracket s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & (s.[l-1] = '}' or s.[l-1] = ']' or s.[l-1] = ')') let is_left_bracket_on_left s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & s.[l-1] = '>' let is_right_bracket_on_right s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & s.[0] = '<' let is_comma s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & (s.[0] = ',' or s.[0] = ';') let is_operator s = let l = String.length s in l <> 0 & (s.[0] = '+' or s.[0] = '*' or s.[0] = '=' or s.[0] = '-' or s.[0] = '/' or s.[0] = '<' or s.[0] = '>' or s.[0] = '@' or s.[0] = '\\' or s.[0] = '&' or s.[0] = '~') type previous_prod_status = NoBreak | CanBreak let is_non_terminal = function | NonTerminal _ -> true | _ -> false let add_break n l = UNP_BRK (n,1) :: l (* For old ast printer *) let make_hunks_ast symbols etyps from = let rec make ws = function | NonTerminal m :: prods -> let _,lp = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.assoc m etyps) in let u = PH (meta_pattern (string_of_id m), None, lp) in if prods <> [] && is_non_terminal (List.hd prods) then u :: add_break 1 (make CanBreak prods) else u :: make CanBreak prods | Terminal s :: prods when List.exists is_non_terminal prods -> let protect = is_letter s.[0] || (is_non_terminal (List.hd prods) && (is_letter (s.[String.length s -1])) || (is_digit (s.[String.length s -1]))) in if is_comma s || is_right_bracket s then RO s :: add_break 0 (make NoBreak prods) else if (is_operator s || is_left_bracket s) && ws = CanBreak then add_break (if protect then 1 else 0) (RO (if protect then s^" " else s) :: make CanBreak prods) else if protect then (if ws = CanBreak then add_break 1 else (fun x -> x)) (RO (s^" ") :: make CanBreak prods) else RO s :: make CanBreak prods | Terminal s :: prods -> RO s :: make NoBreak prods | Break n :: prods -> add_break n (make NoBreak prods) | [] -> [] in make NoBreak symbols let add_break n l = UnpCut (PpBrk(n,0)) :: l let make_hunks etyps symbols from = let vars,typs = List.split etyps in let rec make ws = function | NonTerminal m :: prods -> let i = list_index m vars in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in let u = UnpMetaVar (i ,prec) in if prods <> [] && is_non_terminal (List.hd prods) then u :: add_break 1 (make CanBreak prods) else u :: make CanBreak prods | Terminal s :: prods when List.exists is_non_terminal prods -> if is_comma s then UnpTerminal s :: add_break 1 (make NoBreak prods) else if is_right_bracket s then UnpTerminal s :: add_break 0 (make NoBreak prods) else if is_left_bracket s then if ws = CanBreak then add_break 1 (UnpTerminal s :: make CanBreak prods) else UnpTerminal s :: make CanBreak prods else if is_operator s then if ws = CanBreak then UnpTerminal (" "^s) :: add_break 1 (make NoBreak prods) else UnpTerminal s :: add_break 1 (make NoBreak prods) else if ws = CanBreak or is_ident_tail s.[String.length s - 1] then add_break 1 (UnpTerminal (s^" ") :: make CanBreak prods) else UnpTerminal s :: make CanBreak prods | Terminal s :: prods -> if is_right_bracket s then UnpTerminal s ::make NoBreak prods else if ws = CanBreak then add_break 1 (UnpTerminal s :: make NoBreak prods) else UnpTerminal s :: make NoBreak prods | Break n :: prods -> add_break n (make NoBreak prods) | [] -> [] in make NoBreak symbols let strip s = let n = String.length s in if n >= 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\'' then if n > 2 then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else "'" else s (* To protect alphabetic tokens and quotes from being seen as variables *) let quote x = let n = String.length x in if n > 0 & (is_letter x.[0] or is_letter x.[n-1] or is_digit x.[n-1]) then "'"^x^"'" else if x = "'" then "''" else x let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs) as vt) symfmt = let rec aux = function | symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when s' = String.make (String.length s') ' ' -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l | Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt when quote s = s' -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpTerminal s :: l | NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when s = id_of_string s' -> let i = list_index s vars in let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpMetaVar (i,prec) :: l | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt -> let symbs', b' = aux (symbs,b) in let symbs', l = aux (symbs',fmt) in symbs', UnpBox (a,b') :: l | symbs, (UnpCut _ as u) :: fmt -> let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l | symbs, [] -> symbs, [] | _, _ -> error "The format does not match the notation" in match aux symfmt with | [], l -> l | _ -> error "The format does not match the notation" let string_of_prec (n,p) = (string_of_int n)^(match p with E -> "E" | L -> "L" | _ -> "") let string_of_symbol = function | NonTerminal _ -> ["_"] | Terminal s -> [s] | Break _ -> [] let assoc_of_type n (_,typ) = precedence_of_entry_type n typ let string_of_assoc = function | Some(Gramext.RightA) -> "RIGHTA" | Some(Gramext.LeftA) | None -> "LEFTA" | Some(Gramext.NonA) -> "NONA" let make_anon_notation symbols = String.concat " " (List.flatten (List.map string_of_symbol symbols)) let make_symbolic n symbols etyps = ((n,List.map (assoc_of_type n) etyps), make_anon_notation symbols) let rec define_keywords = function NonTerm(_,Some(_,(ETConstr _|ETOther("constr","binder_constr")))) as n1 :: Term("IDENT",k) :: l when not !Options.v7 -> prerr_endline ("Defining '"^k^"' as keyword"); Lexer.add_token("",k); n1 :: Term("",k) :: define_keywords l | n :: l -> n :: define_keywords l | [] -> [] let make_production etyps symbols = let prod = List.fold_right (fun t l -> match t with | NonTerminal m -> let typ = List.assoc m etyps in NonTerm (ProdPrimitive typ, Some (m,typ)) :: l | Terminal s -> Term (Extend.terminal s) :: l | Break _ -> l) symbols [] in define_keywords prod let rec analyse_tokens = function | [] -> [], [] | String x :: sl when Lexer.is_normal_token x -> Lexer.check_ident x; let id = Names.id_of_string x in let (vars,l) = analyse_tokens sl in if List.mem id vars then error ("Variable "^x^" occurs more than once"); (id::vars, NonTerminal id :: l) | String s :: sl -> Lexer.check_special_token s; let (vars,l) = analyse_tokens sl in (vars, Terminal (strip s) :: l) | WhiteSpace n :: sl -> let (vars,l) = analyse_tokens sl in (vars, Break n :: l) let rec find_symbols c_current c_next c_last = function | [] -> [] | NonTerminal id :: sl -> let prec = if sl <> [] then c_current else c_last in (id, prec) :: (find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl) | Terminal s :: sl -> find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl | Break n :: sl -> find_symbols c_current c_next c_last sl let border = function | (_,ETConstr(_,BorderProd (_,a))) :: _ -> a | _ -> None let recompute_assoc typs = match border typs, border (List.rev typs) with | Some Gramext.LeftA, Some Gramext.RightA -> assert false | Some Gramext.LeftA, _ -> Some Gramext.LeftA | _, Some Gramext.RightA -> Some Gramext.RightA | _ -> None let make_grammar_rule n typs symbols ntn = let assoc = recompute_assoc typs in let prod = make_production typs symbols in (n,assoc,ntn,prod) (* For old ast printer *) let metas_of sl = List.fold_right (fun it metatl -> match it with | NonTerminal m -> m::metatl | _ -> metatl) sl [] (* For old ast printer *) let make_pattern symbols ast = let env = List.map (fun m -> (string_of_id m,ETast)) (metas_of symbols) in fst (to_pat env ast) (* For old ast printer *) let make_syntax_rule n name symbols typs ast ntn sc = [{syn_id = name; syn_prec = n; syn_astpat = make_pattern symbols ast; syn_hunks = [UNP_SYMBOLIC(sc,ntn,UNP_BOX (PpHOVB 1,make_hunks_ast symbols typs n))]}] let make_pp_rule (n,typs,symbols) = [UnpBox (PpHOVB 0, make_hunks typs symbols n)] let make_pp_rule (n,typs,symbols,fmt) = match fmt with | None -> [UnpBox (PpHOVB 0, make_hunks typs symbols n)] | Some fmt -> [UnpBox (PpHOVB 0, hunks_of_format (n,List.split typs) (symbols,parse_format fmt))] (**************************************************************************) (* Syntax extenstion: common parsing/printing rules and no interpretation *) (* v7 and translator : prec is for v7 (None if V8Notation), prec8 is for v8 *) (* v8 : prec is for v8, prec8 is the same *) let pr_arg_level from = function | (n,L) when n=from -> str "at next level" | (n,E) -> str "at level " ++ int n | (n,L) -> str "at level below " ++ int n | (n,_) -> str "Unknown level" let pr_level ntn (from,args) = let lopen = ntn.[0] = '_' and ropen = ntn.[String.length ntn - 1] = '_' in (* let ppassoc, args = match args with | [] -> mt (), [] | (nl,lpr)::l when nl=from & fst (list_last l)=from -> let (_,rpr),l = list_sep_last l in match lpr, snd (list_last l) with | L,E -> Gramext.RightA, l | E,L -> Gramext.LeftA, l | L,L -> Gramext.NoneA, l | _ -> args *) str "at level " ++ int from ++ spc () ++ str "with arguments" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_arg_level from) args let cache_syntax_extension (_,(_,(prec,prec8),ntn,gr,se)) = try let oldprec, oldprec8 = Symbols.level_of_notation ntn in if prec8 <> oldprec8 & (Options.do_translate () or not !Options.v7) then errorlabstrm "" (str ((if Options.do_translate () then "For new syntax, notation " else "Notation ") ^ntn^" is already defined") ++ spc() ++ pr_level ntn oldprec8 ++ spc() ++ str "while it is now required to be" ++ spc() ++ pr_level ntn prec8) else (* Inconsistent v8 notations but not while translating; forget... *) (); (* V8 notations are consistent (from both translator or v8) *) if prec <> None then begin (* Update the V7 parsing rule *) if oldprec <> None & out_some oldprec <> out_some prec then (* None of them is V8Notation and they are different: warn *) Options.if_verbose warning ("Notation "^ntn^ " was already assigned a different level or sublevels"); Egrammar.extend_grammar (Egrammar.Notation (out_some gr)) end with Not_found -> (* Reserve the notation level *) Symbols.declare_notation_level ntn (prec,prec8); (* Declare the parsing rule *) option_iter (fun gr -> Egrammar.extend_grammar (Egrammar.Notation gr)) gr; (* Declare the printing rule *) Symbols.declare_notation_printing_rule ntn (se,fst prec8) let subst_notation_grammar subst x = x let subst_printing_rule subst x = x let subst_syntax_extension (_,subst,(local,prec,ntn,gr,se)) = (local,prec,ntn, option_app (subst_notation_grammar subst) gr, subst_printing_rule subst se) let classify_syntax_definition (_,(local,_,_,_,_ as o)) = if local then Dispose else Substitute o let export_syntax_definition (local,_,_,_,_ as o) = if local then None else Some o let (inSyntaxExtension, outSyntaxExtension) = declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAX-EXTENSION") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_syntax_extension o); cache_function = cache_syntax_extension; subst_function = subst_syntax_extension; classify_function = classify_syntax_definition; export_function = export_syntax_definition} let interp_modifiers = let onlyparsing = ref false in let rec interp assoc level etyps format = function | [] -> (assoc,level,etyps,!onlyparsing,format) | SetEntryType (s,typ) :: l -> let id = id_of_string s in if List.mem_assoc id etyps then error (s^" is already assigned to an entry or constr level") else interp assoc level ((id,typ)::etyps) format l | SetItemLevel ([],n) :: l -> interp assoc level etyps format l | SetItemLevel (s::idl,n) :: l -> let id = id_of_string s in if List.mem_assoc id etyps then error (s^" is already assigned to an entry or constr level") else let typ = ETConstr (n,()) in interp assoc level ((id,typ)::etyps) format (SetItemLevel (idl,n)::l) | SetLevel n :: l -> if level <> None then error "A level is given more than once" else interp assoc (Some n) etyps format l | SetAssoc a :: l -> if assoc <> None then error "An associativity is given more than once" else interp (Some a) level etyps format l | SetOnlyParsing :: l -> onlyparsing := true; interp assoc level etyps format l | SetFormat s :: l -> if format <> None then error "A format is given more than once" onlyparsing := true; interp assoc level etyps (Some s) l in interp None None [] None let merge_modifiers a n l = (match a with None -> [] | Some a -> [SetAssoc a]) @ (match n with None -> [] | Some n -> [SetLevel n]) @ l let interp_infix_modifiers modl = let (assoc,level,t,b,fmt) = interp_modifiers modl in if t <> [] then error "explicit entry level or type unexpected in infix notation"; (assoc,level,b,fmt) (* 2nd list of types has priority *) let rec merge_entry_types etyps' = function | [] -> etyps' | (x,_ as e)::etyps -> e :: merge_entry_types (List.remove_assoc x etyps') etyps let set_entry_type etyps (x,typ) = let typ = try match List.assoc x etyps, typ with | ETConstr (n,()), (_,BorderProd (left,_)) -> ETConstr (n,BorderProd (left,None)) | ETConstr (n,()), (_,InternalProd) -> ETConstr (n,InternalProd) | (ETPattern | ETIdent | ETBigint | ETOther _ | ETReference as t), _ -> t with Not_found -> ETConstr typ in (x,typ) let check_rule_reversibility l = if List.for_all (function NonTerminal _ -> true | _ -> false) l then error "A notation must include at least one symbol" let find_precedence_v7 lev etyps symbols = (match symbols with | NonTerminal x :: _ -> (try match List.assoc x etyps with | ETConstr _ -> error "The level of the leftmost non-terminal cannot be changed" | _ -> () with Not_found -> ()) | _ -> ()); if lev = None then 1 else out_some lev let find_precedence lev etyps symbols = match symbols with | NonTerminal x :: _ -> (try match List.assoc x etyps with | ETConstr _ -> error "The level of the leftmost non-terminal cannot be changed" | ETIdent | ETBigint | ETReference -> if lev = None then Options.if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0") else if lev <> Some 0 then error "A notation starting with an atomic expression must be at level 0"; 0 | ETPattern | ETOther _ -> (* Give a default ? *) if lev = None then error "Need an explicit level" else out_some lev with Not_found -> if lev = None then error "A left-recursive notation must have an explicit level" else out_some lev) | Terminal _ ::l when (match list_last symbols with Terminal _ -> true |_ -> false) -> if lev = None then (Options.if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0"); 0) else out_some lev | _ -> if lev = None then error "Cannot determine the level"; out_some lev let compute_syntax_data forv7 (df,modifiers) = let (assoc,n,etyps,onlyparse,fmt) = interp_modifiers modifiers in (* Notation defaults to NONA *) let assoc = match assoc with None -> Some Gramext.NonA | a -> a in let toks = split df in let innerlevel = NumLevel (if forv7 then 10 else 200) in let (vars,symbols) = analyse_tokens toks in check_rule_reversibility symbols; let n = if !Options.v7 then find_precedence_v7 n etyps symbols else find_precedence n etyps symbols in let typs = find_symbols (NumLevel n,BorderProd(true,assoc)) (innerlevel,InternalProd) (NumLevel n,BorderProd(false,assoc)) symbols in (* To globalize... *) let typs = List.map (set_entry_type etyps) typs in let (prec,notation) = make_symbolic n symbols typs in ((onlyparse,vars,notation),prec,(n,typs,symbols,fmt)) let add_syntax_extension local mv mv8 = let data8 = option_app (compute_syntax_data false) mv8 in let data = option_app (compute_syntax_data !Options.v7) mv in let prec,gram_rule = match data with | None -> None, None | Some ((_,_,notation),prec,(n,typs,symbols,_)) -> Some prec, Some (make_grammar_rule n typs symbols notation) in match data, data8 with | None, None -> (* Nothing to do: V8Notation while not translating *) () | _, Some d | Some d, None -> let ((_,_,notation),ppprec,ppdata) = d in let notation = match data with Some ((_,_,ntn),_,_) -> ntn | _ -> notation in let pp_rule = make_pp_rule ppdata in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local,(prec,ppprec),notation,gram_rule,pp_rule)) (**********************************************************************) (* Distfix, Infix, Notations *) (* A notation comes with a grammar rule, a pretty-printing rule, an identifiying pattern called notation and an associated scope *) let load_notation _ (_,(_,_,ntn,scope,pat,onlyparse,_,_)) = option_iter Symbols.declare_scope scope let open_notation i (_,(_,oldse,ntn,scope,pat,onlyparse,pp8only,df)) = if i=1 then begin let b,oldpp8only = Symbols.exists_notation_in_scope scope ntn pat in (* Declare the old printer rule and its interpretation *) if (not b or oldpp8only) & oldse <> None then Esyntax.add_ppobject {sc_univ="constr";sc_entries=out_some oldse}; (* Declare the interpretation *) if not b then Symbols.declare_notation_interpretation ntn scope pat df pp8only; if oldpp8only & not pp8only then Options.silently (Symbols.declare_notation_interpretation ntn scope pat df) pp8only; if not b & not onlyparse then Symbols.declare_uninterpretation (NotationRule (scope,ntn)) pat end let cache_notation o = load_notation 1 o; open_notation 1 o let subst_notation (_,subst,(lc,oldse,ntn,scope,(metas,pat),b,b',df)) = (lc,option_app (list_smartmap (Extend.subst_syntax_entry Ast.subst_astpat subst)) oldse, ntn,scope, (metas,subst_aconstr subst pat), b, b', df) let classify_notation (_,(local,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ as o)) = if local then Dispose else Substitute o let export_notation (local,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ as o) = if local then None else Some o let (inNotation, outNotation) = declare_object {(default_object "NOTATION") with open_function = open_notation; cache_function = cache_notation; subst_function = subst_notation; load_function = load_notation; classify_function = classify_notation; export_function = export_notation} (* For old ast printer *) let rec reify_meta_ast vars = function | Smetalam (loc,s,body) -> Smetalam (loc,s,reify_meta_ast vars body) (* | Node(loc,"META",[Num (_,n)]) -> Nmeta (loc,create_meta n)*) | Node(loc,"ISEVAR",[]) -> Nmeta (loc,"$_") | Node(loc,op,args) -> Node (loc,op, List.map (reify_meta_ast vars) args) | Slam(loc,Some id,body) when List.mem id vars -> Smetalam (loc,string_of_id id,reify_meta_ast vars body) | Slam(loc,na,body) -> Slam(loc,na,reify_meta_ast vars body) | Nvar (loc,id) when List.mem id vars -> Nmeta (loc,string_of_id id) | Nmeta _ | Id _ | Nvar _ | Str _ | Num _ | Path _ as a -> a | Dynamic _ as a -> (* Hum... what to do here *) a (* For old ast syntax *) let make_old_pp_rule n symbols typs r ntn scope vars = let ast = Termast.ast_of_rawconstr r in let ast = reify_meta_ast vars ast in let scope_name = match scope with Some s -> s | None -> "core_scope" in let rule_name = ntn^"_"^scope_name^"_notation" in make_syntax_rule n rule_name symbols typs ast ntn scope let add_notation_in_scope local df c mods omodv8 scope toks = let ((onlyparse,vars,notation),prec,(n,typs,symbols,_ as ppdata)) = compute_syntax_data !Options.v7 (df,mods) in (* Declare the parsing and printing rules if not already done *) (* For both v7 and translate: parsing is as described for v7 in v7 file *) (* For v8: parsing is as described in v8 file *) (* For v7: printing is by the old printer - see below *) (* For translate: printing is as described for v8 in v7 file *) (* For v8: printing is as described in v8 file *) (* In short: parsing does not depend on omodv8 *) (* Printing depends on mv8 if defined, otherwise of mods (scaled by 10) *) (* if in v7, or of mods without scaling if in v8 *) let ppnot,ppprec,pp_rule = match omodv8 with | Some mv8 -> let (_,_,ntn8),p,d = compute_syntax_data false mv8 in ntn8,p,make_pp_rule d | _ -> (* means the rule already exists: recover it *) try let _, oldprec8 = Symbols.level_of_notation notation in let rule,_ = Symbols.find_notation_printing_rule notation in notation,oldprec8,rule with Not_found -> error "No known parsing rule for this notation in V8" in let gram_rule = make_grammar_rule n typs symbols ppnot in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local,(Some prec,ppprec),ppnot,Some gram_rule,pp_rule)); (* Declare interpretation *) let a = interp_aconstr [] vars c in let old_pp_rule = (* Used only by v7 *) if onlyparse then None else let r = interp_global_rawconstr_with_vars vars c in Some (make_old_pp_rule n symbols typs r notation scope vars) in let onlyparse = onlyparse or !Options.v7_only in let vars = List.map (fun id -> id,[] (* insert the right scope *)) vars in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation(local,old_pp_rule,ppnot,scope,a,onlyparse,false,df)) let level_rule (n,p) = if p = E then n else max (n-1) 0 let check_notation_existence notation = try let a,_ = Symbols.level_of_notation notation in if a = None then raise Not_found with Not_found -> error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared" let build_old_pp_rule notation scope symbs (r,vars) = let prec = try let a,_ = Symbols.level_of_notation notation in if a = None then raise Not_found else out_some a with Not_found -> error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared" in let typs = List.map2 (fun id n -> id,ETConstr (NumLevel (level_rule n),InternalProd)) vars (snd prec) in make_old_pp_rule (fst prec) symbs typs r notation scope vars let add_notation_interpretation_core local symbs for_old df a scope onlyparse onlypp = let notation = make_anon_notation symbs in let old_pp_rule = if !Options.v7 then option_app (build_old_pp_rule notation scope symbs) for_old else None in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation(local,old_pp_rule,notation,scope,a,onlyparse,onlypp,df)) let add_notation_interpretation df names c sc = let (vars,symbs) = analyse_tokens (split df) in check_notation_existence (make_anon_notation symbs); let a = interp_aconstr names vars c in let a_for_old = interp_rawconstr_with_implicits (Global.env()) vars names c in let for_oldpp = Some (a_for_old,vars) in add_notation_interpretation_core false symbs for_oldpp df a sc false false let add_notation_in_scope_v8only local df c mv8 scope toks = let (_,vars,notation),prec,ppdata = compute_syntax_data false (df,mv8) in let pp_rule = make_pp_rule ppdata in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension(local,(None,prec),notation,None,pp_rule)); (* Declare the interpretation *) let onlyparse = false in let a = interp_aconstr [] vars c in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation(local,None,notation,scope,a,onlyparse,true,df)) let add_notation_v8only local c (df,modifiers) sc = let toks = split df in match toks with | [String x] when (modifiers = [] or modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing]) -> (* This is a ident to be declared as a rule *) add_notation_in_scope_v8only local df c (SetLevel 0::modifiers) sc toks | _ -> let (assoc,lev,typs,onlyparse,fmt) = interp_modifiers modifiers in match lev with | None-> if modifiers <> [] & modifiers <> [SetOnlyParsing] then error "Parsing rule for this notation includes no level" else (* Declare only interpretation *) let (vars,symbs) = analyse_tokens toks in let onlyparse = modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing] in let a = interp_aconstr [] vars c in let a_for_old = interp_global_rawconstr_with_vars vars c in add_notation_interpretation_core local symbs None df a sc onlyparse true | Some n -> (* Declare both syntax and interpretation *) let mods = if List.for_all (function SetAssoc _ -> false | _ -> true) modifiers then SetAssoc Gramext.NonA :: modifiers else modifiers in add_notation_in_scope_v8only local df c mods sc toks let add_notation local c dfmod mv8 sc = match dfmod with | None -> add_notation_v8only local c (out_some mv8) sc | Some (df,modifiers) -> let toks = split df in match toks with | [String x] when quote(strip x) = x (* This is an ident that can be qualified: a syntactic definition *) & (modifiers = [] or modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing]) -> (* Means a Syntactic Definition *) let ident = id_of_string (strip x) in let c = snd (interp_aconstr [] [] c) in let onlyparse = !Options.v7_only or modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing] in Syntax_def.declare_syntactic_definition local ident onlyparse c | [String x] when (modifiers = [] or modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing]) -> (* This is a ident to be declared as a rule *) add_notation_in_scope local df c (SetLevel 0::modifiers) mv8 sc toks | _ -> let (assoc,lev,typs,onlyparse,fmt) = interp_modifiers modifiers in match lev with | None-> if modifiers <> [] & modifiers <> [SetOnlyParsing] then error "Parsing rule for this notation includes no level" else (* Declare only interpretation *) let (vars,symbs) = analyse_tokens toks in check_notation_existence (make_anon_notation symbs); let onlyparse = modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing] in let a = interp_aconstr [] vars c in let a_for_old = interp_global_rawconstr_with_vars vars c in let for_old = Some (a_for_old,vars) in add_notation_interpretation_core local symbs for_old df a sc onlyparse false | Some n -> (* Declare both syntax and interpretation *) let assoc = match assoc with None -> Some Gramext.NonA | a -> a in add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers mv8 sc toks (* TODO add boxes information in the expression *) let inject_var x = CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id_of_string x)) let rec rename x vars n = function | [] -> (vars,[]) | String "_"::l -> let (vars,l) = rename x vars (n+1) l in let xn = x^(string_of_int n) in ((inject_var xn)::vars,xn::l) | String y::l -> let (vars,l) = rename x vars n l in (vars,(quote y)::l) | WhiteSpace _::l -> rename x vars n l let translate_distfix assoc df r = let (vars,l) = rename "x" [] 1 (split df) in let df = String.concat " " l in let a = mkAppC (mkRefC r, vars) in let assoc = match assoc with None -> Gramext.LeftA | Some a -> a in (assoc,df,a) let add_distfix local assoc n df r sc = (* "x" cannot clash since r is globalized (included section vars) *) let (vars,l) = rename "x" [] 1 (split df) in let df = String.concat " " l in let a = mkAppC (mkRefC r, vars) in let assoc = match assoc with None -> Gramext.LeftA | Some a -> a in add_notation_in_scope local df a [SetAssoc assoc;SetLevel n] None sc (split df) let add_infix local (inf,modl) pr mv8 sc = if inf="" (* Code for V8Infix only *) then let (p8,mv8) = out_some mv8 in let (a8,n8,onlyparse,fmt) = interp_infix_modifiers mv8 in let metas = [inject_var "x"; inject_var "y"] in let a = mkAppC (mkRefC pr,metas) in let df = "x "^(quote p8)^" y" in let toks = split df in if a8=None & n8=None & fmt=None then (* Declare only interpretation *) let (vars,symbs) = analyse_tokens toks in let a' = interp_aconstr [] vars a in let a_for_old = interp_global_rawconstr_with_vars vars a in add_notation_interpretation_core local symbs None df a' sc onlyparse true else if n8 = None then error "Needs a level" else let mv8 = match a8 with None -> SetAssoc Gramext.NonA :: mv8 |_ -> mv8 in add_notation_in_scope_v8only local df a mv8 sc toks else begin let (assoc,n,onlyparse,fmt) = interp_infix_modifiers modl in (* check the precedence *) if !Options.v7 & (n<> None & (out_some n < 1 or out_some n > 10)) then errorlabstrm "Metasyntax.infix_grammar_entry" (str"Precedence must be between 1 and 10."); (* if (assoc<>None) & (n<6 or n>9) then errorlabstrm "Vernacentries.infix_grammar_entry" (str"Associativity Precedence must be 6,7,8 or 9."); *) let metas = [inject_var "x"; inject_var "y"] in let a = mkAppC (mkRefC pr,metas) in let df = "x "^(quote inf)^" y" in let toks = split df in if not !Options.v7 & n=None & assoc=None then (* En v8, une notation sans information de parsing signifie *) (* de ne déclarer que l'interprétation *) (* Declare only interpretation *) let (vars,symbs) = analyse_tokens toks in check_notation_existence (make_anon_notation symbs); let a' = interp_aconstr [] vars a in let a_for_old = interp_global_rawconstr_with_vars vars a in let for_old = Some (a_for_old,vars) in add_notation_interpretation_core local symbs for_old df a' sc onlyparse false else (* Infix defaults to LEFTA in V7 (cf doc) *) let mv = match n with None when !Options.v7 -> SetLevel 1 :: modl | _ -> modl in let mv = match assoc with None when !Options.v7 -> SetAssoc Gramext.LeftA :: mv | _ -> mv in let mv8 = match mv8 with None -> None | Some(s8,mv8) -> if List.for_all (function SetLevel _ -> false | _ -> true) mv8 then error "Needs a level" else Some (("x "^quote s8^" y"),mv8) in add_notation_in_scope local df a mv mv8 sc toks end (* Delimiters and classes bound to scopes *) type scope_command = ScopeDelim of string | ScopeClasses of Classops.cl_typ let load_scope_command _ (_,(scope,dlm)) = Symbols.declare_scope scope let open_scope_command i (_,(scope,o)) = if i=1 then match o with | ScopeDelim dlm -> Symbols.declare_delimiters scope dlm | ScopeClasses cl -> Symbols.declare_class_scope scope cl let cache_scope_command o = load_scope_command 1 o; open_scope_command 1 o let subst_scope_command (_,subst,(scope,o as x)) = match o with | ScopeClasses cl -> let cl' = Classops.subst_cl_typ subst cl in if cl'==cl then x else scope, ScopeClasses cl' | _ -> x let (inScopeCommand,outScopeCommand) = declare_object {(default_object "DELIMITERS") with cache_function = cache_scope_command; open_function = open_scope_command; load_function = load_scope_command; subst_function = subst_scope_command; classify_function = (fun (_,obj) -> Substitute obj); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } let add_delimiters scope key = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeDelim key)) let add_class_scope scope cl = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeClasses cl))