(*********************************************************************** v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team unit val declare_eq_decidability : mutual_inductive -> unit (** Build and register a congruence scheme for an equality-like inductive type *) val declare_congr_scheme : inductive -> unit (** Build and register rewriting schemes for an equality-like inductive type *) val declare_rewriting_schemes : inductive -> unit (** Mutual Minimality/Induction scheme *) val do_mutual_induction_scheme : (identifier located * bool * inductive * rawsort) list -> unit (** Main calls to interpret the Scheme command *) val do_scheme : (identifier located option * scheme) list -> unit (** Combine a list of schemes into a conjunction of them *) val build_combined_scheme : env -> constant list -> constr * types val do_combined_scheme : identifier located -> identifier located list -> unit (** Hook called at each inductive type definition *) val declare_default_schemes : mutual_inductive -> unit