(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !elim_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> elim_flag := b) } let case_flag = ref true let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname = "automatic declaration of case analysis schemes"; optkey = ["Case";"Analysis";"Schemes"]; optread = (fun () -> !elim_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> elim_flag := b) } let eq_flag = ref true let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname = "automatic declaration of boolean equality"; optkey = ["Boolean";"Equality";"Schemes"]; optread = (fun () -> !eq_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> eq_flag := b) } let _ = (* compatibility *) declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname = "automatic declaration of boolean equality"; optkey = ["Equality";"Scheme"]; optread = (fun () -> !eq_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> eq_flag := b) } let is_eq_flag () = !eq_flag && Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_2 let eq_dec_flag = ref false let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname = "automatic declaration of decidable equality"; optkey = ["Decidable";"Equality";"Schemes"]; optread = (fun () -> !eq_dec_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> eq_dec_flag := b) } let rewriting_flag = ref false let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname ="automatic declaration of rewriting schemes for equality types"; optkey = ["Rewriting";"Schemes"]; optread = (fun () -> !rewriting_flag) ; optwrite = (fun b -> rewriting_flag := b) } (* Util *) let define id internal c t = let f = if internal then declare_internal_constant else declare_constant in let kn = f id (DefinitionEntry { const_entry_body = c; const_entry_type = t; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_boxed = Flags.boxed_definitions() }, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Scheme) in definition_message id; kn (* Boolean equality *) let declare_beq_scheme_gen internal names kn = ignore (define_mutual_scheme beq_scheme_kind internal names kn) let alarm what internal msg = let debug = false in if internal then (if debug then Flags.if_verbose Pp.msg_warning (hov 0 msg ++ fnl () ++ what ++ str " not defined.")) else errorlabstrm "" msg let try_declare_scheme what f internal names kn = try f internal names kn with | ParameterWithoutEquality cst -> alarm what internal (str "Boolean equality not found for parameter " ++ pr_con cst ++ str".") | InductiveWithProduct -> alarm what internal (str "Unable to decide equality of functional arguments.") | InductiveWithSort -> alarm what internal (str "Unable to decide equality of type arguments.") | NonSingletonProp ind -> alarm what internal (str "Cannot extract computational content from proposition " ++ quote (Printer.pr_inductive (Global.env()) ind) ++ str ".") | EqNotFound (ind',ind) -> alarm what internal (str "Boolean equality on " ++ quote (Printer.pr_inductive (Global.env()) ind') ++ strbrk " is missing.") | UndefinedCst s -> alarm what internal (strbrk "Required constant " ++ str s ++ str " undefined.") | _ -> alarm what internal (str "Unknown exception during scheme creation.") let beq_scheme_msg mind = let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in (* TODO: mutual inductive case *) str "Boolean equality on " ++ pr_enum (fun ind -> quote (Printer.pr_inductive (Global.env()) ind)) (list_tabulate (fun i -> (mind,i)) (Array.length mib.mind_packets)) let declare_beq_scheme_with l kn = try_declare_scheme (beq_scheme_msg kn) declare_beq_scheme_gen false l kn let try_declare_beq_scheme kn = (* TODO: handle Fix, see e.g. TheoryList.In_spec, eventually handle proof-irrelevance; improve decidability by depending on decidability for the parameters rather than on the bl and lb properties *) try_declare_scheme (beq_scheme_msg kn) declare_beq_scheme_gen true [] kn let declare_beq_scheme = declare_beq_scheme_with [] (* Induction/recursion schemes *) let optimize_non_type_induction_scheme kind dep sort ind = if check_scheme kind ind then (* in case the inductive has a type elimination, generates only one induction scheme, the other ones share the same code with the apropriate type *) let cte = find_scheme kind ind in let c = mkConst cte in let t = type_of_constant (Global.env()) cte in let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let npars = (* if a constructor of [ind] contains a recursive call, the scheme is generalized only wrt recursively uniform parameters *) if (Inductiveops.mis_is_recursive_subset [snd ind] mip.mind_recargs) then mib.mind_nparams_rec else mib.mind_nparams in snd (weaken_sort_scheme (new_sort_in_family sort) npars c t) else build_induction_scheme (Global.env()) Evd.empty ind dep sort let build_induction_scheme_in_type dep sort ind = build_induction_scheme (Global.env()) Evd.empty ind dep sort let rect_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rect_nodep" (build_induction_scheme_in_type false InType) let rect_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rect" ~aux:"_rect_from_prop" (build_induction_scheme_in_type false InType) let rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rect" ~aux:"_rect_from_type" (build_induction_scheme_in_type true InType) let rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rect_dep" (build_induction_scheme_in_type true InType) let ind_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_ind_nodep" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_scheme_kind_from_type false InProp) let ind_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_ind" ~aux:"_ind_from_prop" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_scheme_kind_from_prop false InProp) let ind_dep_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_ind" ~aux:"_ind_from_type" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_type true InProp) let ind_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_ind_dep" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop true InProp) let rec_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rec_nodep" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_scheme_kind_from_type false InSet) let rec_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rec" ~aux:"_rec_from_prop" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_scheme_kind_from_prop false InSet) let rec_dep_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rec" ~aux:"_rec_from_type" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_type true InSet) let rec_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rec_dep" (optimize_non_type_induction_scheme rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop true InSet) let kinds_from_prop = [InType,rect_scheme_kind_from_prop; InProp,ind_scheme_kind_from_prop; InSet,rec_scheme_kind_from_prop] let kinds_from_type = [InType,rect_dep_scheme_kind_from_type; InProp,ind_dep_scheme_kind_from_type; InSet,rec_dep_scheme_kind_from_type] let declare_one_induction_scheme ind = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let kind = inductive_sort_family mip in let from_prop = kind = InProp in let kelim = elim_sorts (mib,mip) in let elims = list_map_filter (fun (sort,kind) -> if List.mem sort kelim then Some kind else None) (if from_prop then kinds_from_prop else kinds_from_type) in List.iter (fun kind -> ignore (define_individual_scheme kind true None ind)) elims let build_case_analysis_scheme_in_type dep ind = build_case_analysis_scheme (Global.env()) Evd.empty ind dep InType let case_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_case_nodep" (build_case_analysis_scheme_in_type false) let case_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_case" ~aux:"_case_from_prop" (build_case_analysis_scheme_in_type false) let case_dep_scheme_kind_from_type = declare_individual_scheme_object "_case" ~aux:"_case_from_type" (build_case_analysis_scheme_in_type true) let case_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop = declare_individual_scheme_object "_case_dep" (build_case_analysis_scheme_in_type true) let declare_one_case_analysis_scheme ind = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let kind = inductive_sort_family mip in let dep = if kind = InProp then case_scheme_kind_from_prop else case_dep_scheme_kind_from_type in let kelim = elim_sorts (mib,mip) in (* in case the inductive has a type elimination, generates only one induction scheme, the other ones share the same code with the apropriate type *) if List.mem InType kelim then ignore (define_individual_scheme dep true None ind) let declare_induction_schemes kn = let mib = Global.lookup_mind kn in if mib.mind_finite then begin for i = 0 to Array.length mib.mind_packets - 1 do declare_one_induction_scheme (kn,i); done; end (* Decidable equality *) let declare_eq_decidability_gen internal names kn = let mib = Global.lookup_mind kn in if mib.mind_finite then ignore (define_mutual_scheme eq_dec_scheme_kind internal names kn) let eq_dec_scheme_msg ind = (* TODO: mutual inductive case *) str "Decidable equality on " ++ quote (Printer.pr_inductive (Global.env()) ind) let declare_eq_decidability_scheme_with l kn = try_declare_scheme (eq_dec_scheme_msg (kn,0)) declare_eq_decidability_gen false l kn let try_declare_eq_decidability kn = try_declare_scheme (eq_dec_scheme_msg (kn,0)) declare_eq_decidability_gen true [] kn let declare_eq_decidability = declare_eq_decidability_scheme_with [] let ignore_error f x = try ignore (f x) with _ -> () let declare_rewriting_schemes ind = if Hipattern.is_inductive_equality ind then begin ignore (define_individual_scheme rew_r2l_scheme_kind true None ind); ignore (define_individual_scheme rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind true None ind); ignore (define_individual_scheme rew_l2r_forward_dep_scheme_kind true None ind); (* These ones expect the equality to be symmetric; the first one also *) (* needs eq *) ignore_error (define_individual_scheme rew_l2r_scheme_kind true None) ind; ignore_error (define_individual_scheme rew_l2r_dep_scheme_kind true None) ind; ignore_error (define_individual_scheme rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind true None) ind end let declare_congr_scheme ind = if Hipattern.is_equality_type (mkInd ind) then begin if try Coqlib.check_required_library Coqlib.logic_module_name; true with _ -> false then ignore (define_individual_scheme congr_scheme_kind true None ind) else warning "Cannot build congruence scheme because eq is not found" end let declare_sym_scheme ind = if Hipattern.is_inductive_equality ind then (* Expect the equality to be symmetric *) ignore_error (define_individual_scheme sym_scheme_kind true None) ind (* Scheme command *) let rec split_scheme l = let env = Global.env() in match l with | [] -> [],[] | (Some id,t)::q -> let l1,l2 = split_scheme q in ( match t with | InductionScheme (x,y,z) -> ((id,x,smart_global_inductive y,z)::l1),l2 | EqualityScheme x -> l1,((Some id,smart_global_inductive x)::l2) ) (* if no name has been provided, we build one from the types of the ind requested *) | (None,t)::q -> let l1,l2 = split_scheme q in ( match t with | InductionScheme (x,y,z) -> let ind = smart_global_inductive y in let sort_of_ind = Retyping.get_sort_family_of env Evd.empty (mkInd ind) in let z' = family_of_sort (interp_sort z) in let suffix = ( match sort_of_ind with | InProp -> if x then (match z' with | InProp -> "_ind_nodep" | InSet -> "_rec_nodep" | InType -> "_rect_nodep") else ( match z' with | InProp -> "_ind" | InSet -> "_rec" | InType -> "_rect" ) | _ -> if x then (match z' with | InProp -> "_ind" | InSet -> "_rec" | InType -> "_rect" ) else (match z' with | InProp -> "_ind_dep" | InSet -> "_rec_dep" | InType -> "_rect_dep") ) in let newid = add_suffix (basename_of_global (IndRef ind)) suffix in let newref = (dummy_loc,newid) in ((newref,x,ind,z)::l1),l2 | EqualityScheme x -> l1,((None,smart_global_inductive x)::l2) ) let do_mutual_induction_scheme lnamedepindsort = let lrecnames = List.map (fun ((_,f),_,_,_) -> f) lnamedepindsort and sigma = Evd.empty and env0 = Global.env() in let lrecspec = List.map (fun (_,dep,ind,sort) -> (ind,dep,interp_elimination_sort sort)) lnamedepindsort in let listdecl = Indrec.build_mutual_induction_scheme env0 sigma lrecspec in let rec declare decl fi lrecref = let decltype = Retyping.get_type_of env0 Evd.empty decl in let decltype = refresh_universes decltype in let cst = define fi false decl (Some decltype) in ConstRef cst :: lrecref in let _ = List.fold_right2 declare listdecl lrecnames [] in fixpoint_message None lrecnames let get_common_underlying_mutual_inductive = function | [] -> assert false | (id,(mind,i as ind))::l as all -> match List.filter (fun (_,(mind',_)) -> mind <> mind') l with | (_,ind')::_ -> raise (RecursionSchemeError (NotMutualInScheme (ind,ind'))) | [] -> if not (list_distinct (List.map snd (List.map snd all))) then error "A type occurs twice"; mind, list_map_filter (function (Some id,(_,i)) -> Some (i,snd id) | (None,_) -> None) all let do_scheme l = let ischeme,escheme = split_scheme l in (* we want 1 kind of scheme at a time so we check if the user tried to declare different schemes at once *) if (ischeme <> []) && (escheme <> []) then error "Do not declare equality and induction scheme at the same time." else ( if ischeme <> [] then do_mutual_induction_scheme ischeme else let mind,l = get_common_underlying_mutual_inductive escheme in declare_beq_scheme_with l mind; declare_eq_decidability_scheme_with l mind ) (**********************************************************************) (* Combined scheme *) (* Matthieu Sozeau, Dec 2006 *) let list_split_rev_at index l = let rec aux i acc = function hd :: tl when i = index -> acc, tl | hd :: tl -> aux (succ i) (hd :: acc) tl | [] -> failwith "list_split_when: Invalid argument" in aux 0 [] l let fold_left' f = function [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "fold_left'") | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left f hd tl let build_combined_scheme env schemes = let defs = List.map (fun cst -> (cst, Typeops.type_of_constant env cst)) schemes in (* let nschemes = List.length schemes in *) let find_inductive ty = let (ctx, arity) = decompose_prod ty in let (_, last) = List.hd ctx in match kind_of_term last with | App (ind, args) -> let ind = destInd ind in let (_,spec) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in ctx, ind, spec.mind_nrealargs | _ -> ctx, destInd last, 0 in let (c, t) = List.hd defs in let ctx, ind, nargs = find_inductive t in (* Number of clauses, including the predicates quantification *) let prods = nb_prod t - (nargs + 1) in let coqand = Coqlib.build_coq_and () and coqconj = Coqlib.build_coq_conj () in let relargs = rel_vect 0 prods in let concls = List.rev_map (fun (cst, t) -> mkApp(mkConst cst, relargs), snd (decompose_prod_n prods t)) defs in let concl_bod, concl_typ = fold_left' (fun (accb, acct) (cst, x) -> mkApp (coqconj, [| x; acct; cst; accb |]), mkApp (coqand, [| x; acct |])) concls in let ctx, _ = list_split_rev_at prods (List.rev_map (fun (x, y) -> x, None, y) ctx) in let typ = it_mkProd_wo_LetIn concl_typ ctx in let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn concl_bod ctx in (body, typ) let do_combined_scheme name schemes = let csts = List.map (fun x -> let refe = Ident x in let qualid = qualid_of_reference refe in try Nametab.locate_constant (snd qualid) with Not_found -> error ((string_of_qualid (snd qualid))^" is not declared.")) schemes in let body,typ = build_combined_scheme (Global.env ()) csts in ignore (define (snd name) false body (Some typ)); fixpoint_message None [snd name] (**********************************************************************) let map_inductive_block f kn n = for i=0 to n-1 do f (kn,i) done let mutual_inductive_size kn = Array.length (Global.lookup_mind kn).mind_packets let declare_default_schemes kn = let n = mutual_inductive_size kn in if !elim_flag then declare_induction_schemes kn; if !case_flag then map_inductive_block declare_one_case_analysis_scheme kn n; if is_eq_flag() then try_declare_beq_scheme kn; if !eq_dec_flag then try_declare_eq_decidability kn; if !rewriting_flag then map_inductive_block declare_congr_scheme kn n; if !rewriting_flag then map_inductive_block declare_sym_scheme kn n; if !rewriting_flag then map_inductive_block declare_rewriting_schemes kn n