(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* flush_all (); orig_stdout := Unix.out_channel_of_descr (Unix.dup Unix.stdout); Unix.dup2 Unix.stderr Unix.stdout; Pp_control.std_ft := out_ft; Pp_control.err_ft := out_ft; Pp_control.deep_ft := deep_out_ft; set_binary_mode_out !orig_stdout true; set_binary_mode_in stdin true; ), (fun () -> Format.pp_print_flush out_ft (); let r = Buffer.contents out_buff in Buffer.clear out_buff; r) (** Categories of commands *) let coqide_known_option table = List.mem table [ ["Printing";"Implicit"]; ["Printing";"Coercions"]; ["Printing";"Matching"]; ["Printing";"Synth"]; ["Printing";"Notations"]; ["Printing";"All"]; ["Printing";"Records"]; ["Printing";"Existential";"Instances"]; ["Printing";"Universes"]] type command_attribute = NavigationCommand | QueryCommand | DebugCommand | KnownOptionCommand | OtherStatePreservingCommand | GoalStartingCommand | SolveCommand | ProofEndingCommand let rec attribute_of_vernac_command = function (* Control *) | VernacTime com -> attribute_of_vernac_command com | VernacTimeout(_,com) -> attribute_of_vernac_command com | VernacFail com -> attribute_of_vernac_command com | VernacList _ -> [] (* unsupported *) | VernacLoad _ -> [] (* Syntax *) | VernacTacticNotation _ -> [] | VernacSyntaxExtension _ -> [] | VernacDelimiters _ -> [] | VernacBindScope _ -> [] | VernacOpenCloseScope _ -> [] | VernacArgumentsScope _ -> [] | VernacInfix _ -> [] | VernacNotation _ -> [] (* Gallina *) | VernacDefinition (_,_,DefineBody _,_) -> [] | VernacDefinition (_,_,ProveBody _,_) -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacStartTheoremProof _ -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacEndProof _ -> [ProofEndingCommand] | VernacExactProof _ -> [ProofEndingCommand] | VernacAssumption _ -> [] | VernacInductive _ -> [] | VernacFixpoint _ -> [] | VernacCoFixpoint _ -> [] | VernacScheme _ -> [] | VernacCombinedScheme _ -> [] (* Modules *) | VernacDeclareModule _ -> [] | VernacDefineModule _ -> [] | VernacDeclareModuleType _ -> [] | VernacInclude _ -> [] (* Gallina extensions *) | VernacBeginSection _ -> [] | VernacEndSegment _ -> [] | VernacRequire _ -> [] | VernacImport _ -> [] | VernacCanonical _ -> [] | VernacCoercion _ -> [] | VernacIdentityCoercion _ -> [] (* Type classes *) | VernacInstance _ -> [] | VernacContext _ -> [] | VernacDeclareInstances _ -> [] | VernacDeclareClass _ -> [] (* Solving *) | VernacSolve _ -> [SolveCommand] | VernacSolveExistential _ -> [SolveCommand] (* Auxiliary file and library management *) | VernacRequireFrom _ -> [] | VernacAddLoadPath _ -> [] | VernacRemoveLoadPath _ -> [] | VernacAddMLPath _ -> [] | VernacDeclareMLModule _ -> [] | VernacChdir o -> (* TODO: [Chdir d] is currently not undo-able (not stored in coq state). But if we register [Chdir] in the state, loading [initial.coq] will wrongly cd to the compile-time directory at each coqtop launch. *) if o = None then [QueryCommand] else [] (* State management *) | VernacWriteState _ -> [] | VernacRestoreState _ -> [] (* Resetting *) | VernacRemoveName _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResetName _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResetInitial -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBack _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBackTo _ -> [NavigationCommand] (* Commands *) | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition _ -> [] | VernacCreateHintDb _ -> [] | VernacRemoveHints _ -> [] | VernacHints _ -> [] | VernacSyntacticDefinition _ -> [] | VernacDeclareImplicits _ -> [] | VernacArguments _ -> [] | VernacDeclareReduction _ -> [] | VernacReserve _ -> [] | VernacGeneralizable _ -> [] | VernacSetOpacity _ -> [] | VernacSetOption (_,["Ltac";"Debug"], _) -> [DebugCommand] | VernacSetOption (_,o,BoolValue true) | VernacUnsetOption (_,o) -> if coqide_known_option o then [KnownOptionCommand] else [] | VernacSetOption _ -> [] | VernacRemoveOption _ -> [] | VernacAddOption _ -> [] | VernacMemOption _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacPrintOption _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacCheckMayEval _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacGlobalCheck _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacPrint _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacSearch _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacLocate _ -> [QueryCommand] | VernacComments _ -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacNop -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] (* Proof management *) | VernacGoal _ -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacAbort _ -> [] | VernacAbortAll -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacRestart -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacSuspend -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacResume _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacUndo _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacUndoTo _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacBacktrack _ -> [NavigationCommand] | VernacFocus _ -> [SolveCommand] | VernacUnfocus -> [SolveCommand] | VernacShow _ -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacCheckGuard -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacProof (Tacexpr.TacId []) -> [OtherStatePreservingCommand] | VernacProof _ -> [] | VernacProofMode _ -> [] | VernacSubproof _ -> [SolveCommand] | VernacEndSubproof -> [SolveCommand] (* Toplevel control *) | VernacToplevelControl _ -> [] (* Extensions *) | VernacExtend ("Subtac_Obligations", _) -> [GoalStartingCommand] | VernacExtend _ -> [] let is_vernac_navigation_command com = List.mem NavigationCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_query_command com = List.mem QueryCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_known_option_command com = List.mem KnownOptionCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_debug_command com = List.mem DebugCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_goal_printing_command com = let attribute = attribute_of_vernac_command com in List.mem GoalStartingCommand attribute or List.mem SolveCommand attribute let is_vernac_state_preserving_command com = let attribute = attribute_of_vernac_command com in List.mem OtherStatePreservingCommand attribute or List.mem QueryCommand attribute let is_vernac_tactic_command com = List.mem SolveCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) let is_vernac_proof_ending_command com = List.mem ProofEndingCommand (attribute_of_vernac_command com) (** Command history stack We maintain a stack of the past states of the system. Each successfully interpreted command adds a [reset_info] element to this stack, storing what were the (label / open proofs / current proof depth) just _before_ the interpretation of this command. A label is just an integer (cf. BackTo and Bactrack vernac commands). *) type reset_info = { label : int; proofs : identifier list; depth : int } let com_stk = Stack.create () let compute_reset_info () = { label = Lib.current_command_label (); proofs = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names (); depth = max 0 (Pfedit.current_proof_depth ()) } (** Interpretation (cf. [Ide_intf.interp]) *) (** Check whether a command is forbidden by CoqIDE *) let coqide_cmd_checks (loc,ast) = let user_error s = raise (Loc.Exc_located (loc, Util.UserError ("CoqIde", str s))) in if is_vernac_debug_command ast then user_error "Debug mode not available within CoqIDE"; if is_vernac_navigation_command ast then user_error "Use CoqIDE navigation instead"; if is_vernac_known_option_command ast then user_error "Use CoqIDE display menu instead"; if is_vernac_query_command ast then msgerrnl (str "Warning: query commands should not be inserted in scripts") let raw_eval_expr = Vernac.eval_expr let eval_expr loc_ast = let rewind_info = compute_reset_info () in raw_eval_expr loc_ast; Stack.push rewind_info com_stk let interp (raw,verbosely,s) = if not raw then (prerr_endline "Starting interp..."; prerr_endline s); let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in let loc_ast = Vernac.parse_sentence (pa,None) in if not raw then coqide_cmd_checks loc_ast; (* We run tactics silently, since we will query the goal state later. Otherwise, we honor the IDE verbosity flag. *) Flags.make_silent (is_vernac_goal_printing_command (snd loc_ast) || not verbosely); if raw then raw_eval_expr loc_ast else eval_expr loc_ast; Flags.make_silent true; if not raw then prerr_endline ("...Done with interp of : "^s); read_stdout () (** Backtracking (cf. [Ide_intf.rewind]). We now rely on the [Backtrack] command just as ProofGeneral. *) let rewind count = if count = 0 then 0 else let current_proofs = Pfedit.get_all_proof_names () in (* 1) First, let's pop the history stack exactly [count] times. NB: Normally, the IDE will not rewind by more than the numbers of already interpreted commands, hence no risk of [Stack.Empty]. *) let initial_target = for i = 1 to count - 1 do ignore (Stack.pop com_stk) done; Stack.pop com_stk in (* 2) Backtrack by enough additional steps to avoid re-opening proofs. Typically, when a Qed has been crossed, we backtrack to the proof start. NB: We cannot reach the empty stack, since the oldest [reset_info] in the history cannot have opened proofs. *) let already_opened p = List.mem p current_proofs in let rec extra_back n target = if List.for_all already_opened target.proofs then n,target else extra_back (n+1) (Stack.pop com_stk) in let extra_count, target = extra_back 0 initial_target in (* 3) Now that [target.proofs] is a subset of the opened proofs before the rewind, we simply abort the extra proofs (if any). NB: It is critical here that proofs are nested in a regular way (i.e. no Resume or Suspend, as enforced above). This way, we can simply count the extra proofs to abort instead of taking care of their names. *) let naborts = List.length current_proofs - List.length target.proofs in (* 4) We are now ready to call [Backtrack] *) prerr_endline ("Rewind to state "^string_of_int target.label^ ", proof depth "^string_of_int target.depth^ ", num of aborts "^string_of_int naborts); Vernacentries.vernac_backtrack target.label target.depth naborts; Lib.mark_end_of_command (); (* We've short-circuited Vernac.eval_expr *) extra_count (** Goal display *) let hyp_next_tac sigma env (id,_,ast) = let id_s = Names.string_of_id id in let type_s = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ltype_env env ast) in [ ("clear "^id_s),("clear "^id_s^".\n"); ("apply "^id_s),("apply "^id_s^".\n"); ("exact "^id_s),("exact "^id_s^".\n"); ("generalize "^id_s),("generalize "^id_s^".\n"); ("absurd <"^id_s^">"),("absurd "^type_s^".\n") ] @ (if Hipattern.is_equality_type ast then [ ("discriminate "^id_s),("discriminate "^id_s^".\n"); ("injection "^id_s),("injection "^id_s^".\n") ] else []) @ (if Hipattern.is_equality_type (snd (Reductionops.splay_prod env sigma ast)) then [ ("rewrite "^id_s),("rewrite "^id_s^".\n"); ("rewrite <- "^id_s),("rewrite <- "^id_s^".\n") ] else []) @ [ ("elim "^id_s), ("elim "^id_s^".\n"); ("inversion "^id_s), ("inversion "^id_s^".\n"); ("inversion clear "^id_s), ("inversion_clear "^id_s^".\n") ] let concl_next_tac sigma concl = let expand s = (s,s^".\n") in List.map expand ([ "intro"; "intros"; "intuition" ] @ (if Hipattern.is_equality_type (Goal.V82.concl sigma concl) then [ "reflexivity"; "discriminate"; "symmetry" ] else []) @ [ "assumption"; "omega"; "ring"; "auto"; "eauto"; "tauto"; "trivial"; "decide equality"; "simpl"; "subst"; "red"; "split"; "left"; "right" ]) let process_goal sigma g = let env = Goal.V82.env sigma g in let ccl = let norm_constr = Reductionops.nf_evar sigma (Goal.V82.concl sigma g) in string_of_ppcmds (pr_ltype_env_at_top env norm_constr) in let process_hyp h_env d acc = let d = Term.map_named_declaration (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma) d in (string_of_ppcmds (pr_var_decl h_env d)) :: acc in (* (string_of_ppcmds (pr_var_decl h_env d), hyp_next_tac sigma h_env d)::acc in *) let hyps = List.rev (Environ.fold_named_context process_hyp env ~init: []) in { Interface.goal_hyp = hyps; Interface.goal_ccl = ccl } (* hyps,(ccl,concl_next_tac sigma g)) *) let goals () = try let pfts = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in let { Evd.it=all_goals ; sigma=sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pfts in if all_goals = [] then begin let { Evd.it = bgoals ; sigma = sigma } = Proof.V82.background_subgoals pfts in if bgoals = [] then let exl = Evarutil.non_instantiated sigma in if exl = [] then Interface.Proof_completed else let el = List.map (fun evar -> string_of_ppcmds (pr_evar evar)) exl in Interface.Uninstantiated_evars el else Interface.Unfocused_goals (List.map (process_goal sigma) bgoals) end else Interface.Goals (List.map (process_goal sigma) all_goals) with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Interface.No_current_proof let hints () = try let pfts = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in let { Evd.it = all_goals ; sigma = sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pfts in match all_goals with | [] -> None | g :: _ -> let env = Goal.V82.env sigma g in let hint_goal = concl_next_tac sigma g in let get_hint_hyp env d accu = hyp_next_tac sigma env d :: accu in let hint_hyps = List.rev (Environ.fold_named_context get_hint_hyp env ~init: []) in Some (hint_hyps, hint_goal) with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> None (** Other API calls *) let inloadpath dir = Library.is_in_load_paths (System.physical_path_of_string dir) let status () = (** We remove the initial part of the current [dir_path] (usually Top in an interactive session, cf "coqtop -top"), and display the other parts (opened sections and modules) *) let path = let l = Names.repr_dirpath (Lib.cwd ()) in let l = snd (Util.list_sep_last l) in if l = [] then None else Some (Names.string_of_dirpath (Names.make_dirpath l)) in let proof = try Some (Names.string_of_id (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ())) with _ -> None in { Interface.status_path = path; Interface.status_proofname = proof } let get_options () = let table = Goptions.get_tables () in let fold key state accu = (key, state) :: accu in Goptions.OptionMap.fold fold table [] let set_options options = let iter (name, value) = match value with | BoolValue b -> Goptions.set_bool_option_value name b | IntValue i -> Goptions.set_int_option_value name i | StringValue s -> Goptions.set_string_option_value name s in List.iter iter options (** Grouping all call handlers together + error handling *) let eval_call c = let rec handle_exn e = catch_break := false; let pr_exn e = string_of_ppcmds (Errors.print e) in match e with | Vernacexpr.Drop -> None, "Drop is not allowed by coqide!" | Vernacexpr.Quit -> None, "Quit is not allowed by coqide!" | Vernac.DuringCommandInterp (_,inner) -> handle_exn inner | Error_in_file (_,_,inner) -> None, pr_exn inner | Loc.Exc_located (loc, inner) when loc = dummy_loc -> None, pr_exn inner | Loc.Exc_located (loc, inner) -> Some (Util.unloc loc), pr_exn inner | e -> None, pr_exn e in let interruptible f x = catch_break := true; Util.check_for_interrupt (); let r = f x in catch_break := false; r in let handler = { Interface.interp = interruptible interp; Interface.rewind = interruptible rewind; Interface.goals = interruptible goals; Interface.hints = interruptible hints; Interface.status = interruptible status; Interface.inloadpath = interruptible inloadpath; Interface.get_options = interruptible get_options; Interface.set_options = interruptible set_options; Interface.mkcases = interruptible Vernacentries.make_cases; Interface.handle_exn = handle_exn; } in (* If the messages of last command are still there, we remove them *) ignore (read_stdout ()); Ide_intf.abstract_eval_call handler c (** The main loop *) (** Exceptions during eval_call should be converted into [Interface.Fail] messages by [handle_exn] above. Otherwise, we die badly, after having tried to send a last message to the ide: trying to recover from errors with the current protocol would most probably bring desynchronisation between coqtop and ide. With marshalling, reading an answer to a different request could hang the ide... *) let pr_debug s = if !Flags.debug then Printf.eprintf "[pid %d] %s\n%!" (Unix.getpid ()) s let fail err = Ide_intf.of_value (fun _ -> assert false) (Interface.Fail (None, err)) let loop () = let p = Xml_parser.make () in let () = Xml_parser.check_eof p false in init_signal_handler (); catch_break := false; (* ensure we have a command separator object (DOT) so that the first command can be reseted. *) Lib.mark_end_of_command(); try while true do let xml_answer = try let xml_query = Xml_parser.parse p (Xml_parser.SChannel stdin) in let q = Ide_intf.to_call xml_query in let () = pr_debug ("<-- " ^ Ide_intf.pr_call q) in let r = eval_call q in let () = pr_debug ("--> " ^ Ide_intf.pr_full_value q r) in Ide_intf.of_answer q r with | Xml_parser.Error (err, loc) -> let msg = "Syntax error in query: " ^ Xml_parser.error_msg err in fail msg | Ide_intf.Marshal_error -> fail "Incorrect query." in Xml_utils.print_xml !orig_stdout xml_answer; flush !orig_stdout done with e -> let msg = Printexc.to_string e in let r = "Fatal exception in coqtop:\n" ^ msg in pr_debug ("==> " ^ r); (try Xml_utils.print_xml !orig_stdout (fail r); flush !orig_stdout with _ -> ()); exit 1