(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Options open Names open Generic open Term open Inductive open Indtypes open Sign open Environ open Type_errors open Reduction open Logic open Pretty open Printer open Ast let guill s = "\""^s^"\"" let explain_unbound_rel k ctx n = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in [< 'sTR"Unbound reference: "; pe; 'fNL; 'sTR"The reference "; 'iNT n; 'sTR" is free" >] let explain_cant_execute k ctx c = let tc = prterm_env ctx c in [< 'sTR"Cannot execute term:"; 'bRK(1,1); tc >] let explain_not_type k ctx c = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"In environment" >] k ctx in let pc = prterm_env ctx c in [< pe; 'cUT; 'sTR "the term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR"should be typed by Set, Prop or Type." >];; let explain_bad_assumption k ctx c = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in [< 'sTR "Cannot declare a variable or hypothesis over the term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR "because this term is not a type." >];; let explain_reference_variables id = [< 'sTR "the constant"; 'sPC; print_id id; 'sPC; 'sTR "refers to variables which are not in the context" >] let msg_bad_elimination ctx k = function | Some(ki,kp,explanation) -> let pki = prterm_env ctx ki in let pkp = prterm_env ctx kp in (hOV 0 [< 'fNL; 'sTR "Elimination of an inductive object of sort : "; pki; 'bRK(1,0); 'sTR "is not allowed on a predicate in sort : "; pkp ;'fNL; 'sTR "because"; 'sPC; 'sTR explanation >]) | None -> [<>] let explain_elim_arity k ctx ind aritylst c p pt okinds = let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in let ppar = prlist_with_sep pr_coma (prterm_env ctx) aritylst in let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pp = prterm_env ctx p in let ppt = prterm_env ctx pt in [< 'sTR "Incorrect elimination of"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR "in the inductive type"; 'bRK(1,1); pi; 'fNL; 'sTR "The elimination predicate"; 'bRK(1,1); pp; 'sPC; 'sTR "has type"; 'bRK(1,1); ppt; 'fNL; 'sTR "It should be one of :"; 'bRK(1,1) ; hOV 0 ppar; 'fNL; msg_bad_elimination ctx k okinds >] let explain_case_not_inductive k ctx c ct = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pct = prterm_env ctx ct in [< 'sTR "In Cases expression"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR "has type"; 'bRK(1,1); pct; 'sPC; 'sTR "which is not an inductive definition" >] let explain_number_branches k ctx c ct expn = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pct = prterm_env ctx ct in [< 'sTR "Cases on term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC ; 'sTR "of type"; 'bRK(1,1); pct; 'sPC; 'sTR "expects "; 'iNT expn; 'sTR " branches" >] let explain_ill_formed_branch k ctx c i actty expty = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pa = prterm_env ctx actty in let pe = prterm_env ctx expty in [< 'sTR "In Cases expression on term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR "the branch " ; 'iNT (i+1); 'sTR " has type"; 'bRK(1,1); pa ; 'sPC; 'sTR "which should be"; 'bRK(1,1); pe >] let explain_generalization k ctx (name,var) c = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in let pv = prterm_env ctx (body_of_type var) in let pc = prterm_env (add_rel (name,var) ctx) c in [< 'sTR"Illegal generalization: "; pe; 'fNL; 'sTR"Cannot generalize"; 'bRK(1,1); pv; 'sPC; 'sTR"over"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR"which should be typed by Set, Prop or Type." >] let explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"In environment" >] k ctx in let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pct = prterm_env ctx ct in let pt = prterm_env ctx pt in [< pe; 'fNL; 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc ; 'sPC ; 'sTR"does not have type"; 'bRK(1,1); pt; 'fNL; 'sTR"Actually, it has type" ; 'bRK(1,1); pct >] let explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx (n,exptyp,actualtyp) rator randl = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in let many = match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th" in let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun c -> let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl in [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Type Error): "; pe; 'fNL; 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC; 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ; 'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL; 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL; 'sTR"The ";'iNT n; 'sTR (many^" term of type "); prterm_env ctx actualtyp; 'sTR" should be coercible to type "; prterm_env ctx exptyp >] let explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl = let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun c -> let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl in [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Non-functional construction): "; pe; 'fNL; 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC; 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ; 'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL; 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL >] (* (co)fixpoints *) let explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx str lna i vdefs = let pvd = prterm_env ctx vdefs.(i) in let s = match List.nth lna i with Name id -> string_of_id id | Anonymous -> "_" in [< str; 'fNL; 'sTR"The "; if Array.length vdefs = 1 then [<>] else [<'iNT (i+1); 'sTR "-th ">]; 'sTR"recursive definition"; 'sPC; 'sTR s; 'sPC ; 'sTR":="; 'sPC ; pvd; 'sPC; 'sTR "is not well-formed" >] let explain_ill_typed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs = let pvd = prterm_env ctx (vdefj.(i)).uj_val in let pvdt = prterm_env ctx (vdefj.(i)).uj_type in let pv = prterm_env ctx (body_of_type vargs.(i)) in [< 'sTR"The " ; if Array.length vdefj = 1 then [<>] else [<'iNT (i+1); 'sTR "-th">]; 'sTR"recursive definition" ; 'sPC; pvd; 'sPC; 'sTR "has type"; 'sPC; pvdt;'sPC; 'sTR "it should be"; 'sPC; pv >] let explain_not_inductive k ctx c = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in [< 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'sPC; 'sTR "is not an inductive definition" >] let explain_ml_case k ctx mes c ct br brt = let pc = prterm_env ctx c in let pct = prterm_env ctx ct in let expln = match mes with | "Inductive" -> [< pct; 'sTR "is not an inductive definition">] | "Predicate" -> [< 'sTR "ML case not allowed on a predicate">] | "Absurd" -> [< 'sTR "Ill-formed case expression on an empty type" >] | "Decomp" -> let plf = prterm_env ctx br in let pft = prterm_env ctx brt in [< 'sTR "The branch "; plf; 'wS 1; 'cUT; 'sTR "has type "; pft; 'wS 1; 'cUT; 'sTR "does not correspond to the inductive definition" >] | "Dependent" -> [< 'sTR "ML case not allowed for a dependent case elimination">] | _ -> [<>] in hOV 0 [< 'sTR "In ML case expression on "; pc; 'wS 1; 'cUT ; 'sTR "of type"; 'wS 1; pct; 'wS 1; 'cUT; 'sTR "which is an inductive predicate."; 'fNL; expln >] let explain_cant_find_case_type k ctx c = let pe = prterm_env ctx c in hOV 3 [<'sTR "Cannot infer type of whole Case expression on"; 'wS 1; pe >] (*** let explain_cant_find_case_type_loc loc k ctx c = let pe = prterm_env ctx c in user_err_loc (loc,"pretype", hOV 3 [<'sTR "Cannot infer type of whole Case expression on"; 'wS 1; pe >]) ***) let explain_occur_check k ctx ev rhs = let id = "?" ^ string_of_int ev in let pt = prterm_env ctx rhs in [< 'sTR"Occur check failed: tried to define "; 'sTR id; 'sTR" with term"; 'bRK(1,1); pt >] let explain_not_clean k ctx ev t = let c = Rel (Intset.choose (free_rels t)) in let id = "?" ^ string_of_int ev in let var = prterm_env ctx c in [< 'sTR"Tried to define "; 'sTR id; 'sTR" with a term using variable "; var; 'sPC; 'sTR"which is not in its scope." >] let explain_var_not_found k ctx id = [< 'sTR "The variable"; 'sPC; 'sTR (string_of_id id); 'sPC ; 'sTR "was not found"; 'sPC ; 'sTR "in the current"; 'sPC ; 'sTR "environment" >] (* Pattern-matching errors *) let explain_bad_constructor k ctx cstr ind = let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in let pc = pr_constructor ctx cstr in let pt = pr_inductive ctx (inductive_of_constructor cstr) in [< 'sTR "Expecting a constructor in inductive type "; pi; 'bRK(1,1) ; 'sTR " but found the constructor " ; pc; 'bRK(1,1) ; 'sTR " in inductive type "; pt >] let explain_wrong_numarg_of_constructor k ctx cstr n = let pc = pr_constructor ctx (cstr,[||]) in [<'sTR "The constructor "; pc; 'sTR " expects " ; 'iNT n ; 'sTR " arguments. ">] let explain_wrong_predicate_arity k ctx pred nondep_arity dep_arity= let pp = prterm_env ctx pred in [<'sTR "The elimination predicate " ; pp; 'cUT; 'sTR "should be of arity " ; 'iNT nondep_arity ; 'sTR " (for non dependent case) or " ; 'iNT dep_arity ; 'sTR " (for dependent case).">] let explain_needs_inversion k ctx x t = let px = prterm_env ctx x in let pt = prterm_env ctx t in [< 'sTR "Sorry, I need inversion to compile pattern matching of term "; px ; 'sTR " of type: "; pt>] let explain_type_error k ctx = function | UnboundRel n -> explain_unbound_rel k ctx n | CantExecute c -> explain_cant_execute k ctx c | NotAType c -> explain_not_type k ctx c | BadAssumption c -> explain_bad_assumption k ctx c | ReferenceVariables id -> explain_reference_variables id | ElimArity (ind, aritylst, c, p, pt, okinds) -> explain_elim_arity k ctx ind aritylst c p pt okinds | CaseNotInductive (c, ct) -> explain_case_not_inductive k ctx c ct | NumberBranches (c, ct, n) -> explain_number_branches k ctx c ct n | IllFormedBranch (c, i, actty, expty) -> explain_ill_formed_branch k ctx c i actty expty | Generalization (nvar, c) -> explain_generalization k ctx nvar c | ActualType (c, ct, pt) -> explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt | CantApplyBadType (t, rator, randl) -> explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx t rator randl | CantApplyNonFunctional (rator, randl) -> explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl | IllFormedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) -> explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs | IllTypedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) -> explain_ill_typed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs | NotInductive c -> explain_not_inductive k ctx c | MLCase (mes,c,ct,br,brt) -> explain_ml_case k ctx mes c ct br brt | CantFindCaseType c -> explain_cant_find_case_type k ctx c | OccurCheck (n,c) -> explain_occur_check k ctx n c | NotClean (n,c) -> explain_not_clean k ctx n c | VarNotFound id -> explain_var_not_found k ctx id (* Pattern-matching errors *) | BadConstructor (c,ind) -> explain_bad_constructor k ctx c ind | WrongNumargConstructor (c,n) -> explain_wrong_numarg_of_constructor k ctx c n | WrongPredicateArity (pred,n,dep) -> explain_wrong_predicate_arity k ctx pred n dep | NeedsInversion (x,t) -> explain_needs_inversion k ctx x t let explain_refiner_bad_type arg ty conclty = [< 'sTR"refiner was given an argument"; 'bRK(1,1); prterm arg; 'sPC; 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prterm ty; 'sPC; 'sTR"instead of"; 'bRK(1,1); prterm conclty >] let explain_refiner_occur_meta t = [< 'sTR"cannot refine with term"; 'bRK(1,1); prterm t; 'sPC; 'sTR"because there are metavariables, and it is"; 'sPC; 'sTR"neither an application nor a Case" >] let explain_refiner_cannot_applt t harg = [< 'sTR"in refiner, a term of type "; 'bRK(1,1); prterm t; 'sPC; 'sTR"could not be applied to"; 'bRK(1,1); prterm harg >] let explain_refiner_cannot_unify m n = let pm = prterm m in let pn = prterm n in [< 'sTR"Impossible to unify"; 'bRK(1,1) ; pm; 'sPC ; 'sTR"with"; 'bRK(1,1) ; pn >] let explain_refiner_cannot_generalize ty = [< 'sTR "Cannot find a well-typed generalisation of the goal with type : "; prterm ty >] let explain_refiner_not_well_typed c = [< 'sTR"The term " ; prterm c ; 'sTR" is not well-typed" >] let explain_refiner_bad_tactic_args s l = [< 'sTR "Internal tactic "; 'sTR s; 'sTR " cannot be applied to "; Tacmach.pr_tactic (s,l) >] let explain_refiner_error = function | BadType (arg,ty,conclty) -> explain_refiner_bad_type arg ty conclty | OccurMeta t -> explain_refiner_occur_meta t | CannotApply (t,harg) -> explain_refiner_cannot_applt t harg | CannotUnify (m,n) -> explain_refiner_cannot_unify m n | CannotGeneralize ty -> explain_refiner_cannot_generalize ty | NotWellTyped c -> explain_refiner_not_well_typed c | BadTacticArgs (s,l) -> explain_refiner_bad_tactic_args s l let error_non_strictly_positive k lna c v = let env = assumptions_for_print lna in let pc = prterm_env env c in let pv = prterm_env env v in [< 'sTR "Non strictly positive occurrence of "; pv; 'sTR " in"; 'bRK(1,1); pc >] let error_ill_formed_inductive k lna c v = let env = assumptions_for_print lna in let pc = prterm_env env c in let pv = prterm_env env v in [< 'sTR "Not enough arguments applied to the "; pv; 'sTR " in"; 'bRK(1,1); pc >] let error_ill_formed_constructor k lna c v = let env = assumptions_for_print lna in let pc = prterm_env env c in let pv = prterm_env env v in [< 'sTR "The conclusion of"; 'bRK(1,1); pc; 'bRK(1,1); 'sTR "is not valid;"; 'bRK(1,1); 'sTR "it must be built from "; pv >] let str_of_nth n = (string_of_int n)^ (match n mod 10 with | 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | 3 -> "rd" | _ -> "th") let error_bad_ind_parameters k lna c n v1 v2 = let env = assumptions_for_print lna in let pc = prterm_env_at_top env c in let pv1 = prterm_env env v1 in let pv2 = prterm_env env v2 in [< 'sTR ("The "^(str_of_nth n)^" argument of "); pv2; 'bRK(1,1); 'sTR "must be "; pv1; 'sTR " in"; 'bRK(1,1); pc >] let error_same_names_types id = [< 'sTR "The name"; 'sPC; print_id id; 'sPC; 'sTR "is used twice is the inductive types definition." >] let error_same_names_constructors id cid = [< 'sTR "The constructor name"; 'sPC; print_id cid; 'sPC; 'sTR "is used twice is the definition of type"; 'sPC; print_id id >] let error_not_an_arity id = [< 'sTR "The type of"; 'sPC; print_id id; 'sPC; 'sTR "is not an arity." >] let error_bad_entry () = [< 'sTR "Bad inductive definition." >] let error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep kind i = [< 'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non Dependent"); 'sTR " case analysis on sort: "; print_sort kind; 'fNL; 'sTR "is not allowed for inductive definition: "; pr_inductive (Global.context()) i >] let error_bad_induction dep indid kind = [<'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non dependend"); 'sTR " induction for type "; print_id indid; 'sTR " and sort "; print_sort kind; 'sTR "is not allowed">] let error_not_mutual_in_scheme () = [< 'sTR "Induction schemes is concerned only with mutually inductive types" >] let explain_inductive_error = function (* These are errors related to inductive constructions *) | NonPos (lna,c,v) -> error_non_strictly_positive CCI lna c v | NotEnoughArgs (lna,c,v) -> error_ill_formed_inductive CCI lna c v | NotConstructor (lna,c,v) -> error_ill_formed_constructor CCI lna c v | NonPar (lna,c,n,v1,v2) -> error_bad_ind_parameters CCI lna c n v1 v2 | SameNamesTypes id -> error_same_names_types id | SameNamesConstructors (id,cid) -> error_same_names_constructors id cid | NotAnArity id -> error_not_an_arity id | BadEntry -> error_bad_entry () (* These are errors related to recursors *) | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis (dep,k,i) -> error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep k i | BadInduction (dep,indid,kind) -> error_bad_induction dep indid kind | NotMutualInScheme -> error_not_mutual_in_scheme ()