(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Sign open Term open Declarations open Inductive open Instantiate open Reduction open Cooking open Typeops open Libobject open Lib open Declare open Impargs open Classops open Class open Recordops let recalc_sp dir sp = let (_,spid,k) = repr_path sp in Names.make_path dir spid k let rec find_var id = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (sp,b,_)::l -> if basename sp = id then b=None else find_var id l let build_abstract_list hyps ids_to_discard = map_succeed (fun id -> try if find_var id hyps then ABSTRACT else failwith "caugth" with Not_found -> failwith "caugth") ids_to_discard (* Discharge of inductives is done here (while discharge of constants is done by the kernel for efficiency). *) let abstract_inductive ids_to_abs hyps inds = let abstract_one_assum id t inds = let ntyp = List.length inds in let new_refs = list_tabulate (fun k -> applist(mkRel (k+2),[mkRel 1])) ntyp in let inds' = List.map (function (np,tname,arity,cnames,lc) -> let arity' = mkNamedProd id t arity in let lc' = List.map (fun b -> mkNamedProd id t (substl new_refs b)) lc in (np,tname,arity',cnames,lc')) inds in (inds',ABSTRACT) in let abstract_one_def id c inds = List.map (function (np,tname,arity,cnames,lc) -> let arity' = replace_vars [id, c] arity in let lc' = List.map (replace_vars [id, c]) lc in (np,tname,arity',cnames,lc')) inds in let abstract_once ((hyps,inds,modl) as sofar) id = match hyps with | (hyp,None,t as d)::rest when id = hyp -> let (inds',modif) = abstract_one_assum hyp t inds in (rest, inds', modif::modl) | (hyp,Some b,t as d)::rest when id = hyp -> let inds' = abstract_one_def hyp b inds in (rest, inds', modl) | _ -> sofar in let (_,inds',revmodl) = List.fold_left abstract_once (hyps,inds,[]) ids_to_abs in let inds'' = List.map (fun (nparams,a,arity,c,lc) -> let nparams' = nparams + (List.length revmodl) in let params, short_arity = decompose_prod_n_assum nparams' arity in let shortlc = List.map (fun c -> snd (decompose_prod_n_assum nparams' c))lc in let params' = List.map (function | (Name id,None,p) -> id, LocalAssum p | (Name id,Some p,_) -> id, LocalDef p | (Anonymous,_,_) -> anomaly"Unnamed inductive local variable") params in { mind_entry_nparams = nparams'; mind_entry_params = params'; mind_entry_typename = a; mind_entry_arity = short_arity; mind_entry_consnames = c; mind_entry_lc = shortlc }) inds' in (inds'', List.rev revmodl) let process_inductive osecsp nsecsp oldenv (ids_to_discard,modlist) mib = assert (Array.length mib.mind_packets > 0); let finite = mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_finite in let inds = array_map_to_list (fun mip -> let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in let arity = expmod_type oldenv modlist (mind_user_arity mip) in let lc = Array.map (expmod_type oldenv modlist) (mind_user_lc mip) in (nparams, mip.mind_typename, arity, Array.to_list mip.mind_consnames, Array.to_list lc)) mib.mind_packets in let hyps = List.map (fun (sp,c,t) -> (basename sp,c,t)) mib.mind_hyps in let hyps' = map_named_context (expmod_constr oldenv modlist) hyps in let (inds',modl) = abstract_inductive ids_to_discard hyps' inds in let lmodif_one_mind i = let nbc = Array.length (mind_nth_type_packet mib i).mind_consnames in (((osecsp,i), DO_ABSTRACT ((nsecsp,i),modl)), list_tabulate (function j -> let j' = j + 1 in (((osecsp,i),j'), DO_ABSTRACT (((nsecsp,i),j'),modl))) nbc) in let indmodifs,cstrmodifs = List.split (list_tabulate lmodif_one_mind mib.mind_ntypes) in ({ mind_entry_finite = finite; mind_entry_inds = inds' }, indmodifs, List.flatten cstrmodifs) (* Discharge messages. *) let constant_message id = if Options.is_verbose() then pPNL [< pr_id id; 'sTR " is discharged." >] let inductive_message inds = if Options.is_verbose() then pPNL (hOV 0 (match inds with | [] -> assert false | [ind] -> [< pr_id ind.mind_entry_typename; 'sTR " is discharged." >] | l -> [< prlist_with_sep pr_coma (fun ind -> pr_id ind.mind_entry_typename) l; 'sPC; 'sTR "are discharged.">])) (* Discharge operations for the various objects of the environment. *) type opacity = bool type discharge_operation = | Variable of identifier * section_variable_entry * strength * bool * bool | Parameter of identifier * constr * bool | Constant of identifier * recipe * strength * opacity * bool | Inductive of mutual_inductive_entry * bool | Class of cl_typ * cl_info_typ | Struc of inductive_path * (unit -> struc_typ) | Objdef of constant_path | Coercion of ((coe_typ * coe_info_typ) * cl_typ * cl_typ) (* Main function to traverse the library segment and compute the various discharge operations. *) let process_object oldenv dir sec_sp (ops,ids_to_discard,(constl,indl,cstrl as work_alist)) (sp,lobj) = let tag = object_tag lobj in match tag with | "VARIABLE" -> let ((id,c,t),stre,sticky) = get_variable sp in if stre = (DischargeAt sec_sp) or ids_to_discard <> [] then (ops,id::ids_to_discard,work_alist) else let imp = is_implicit_var sp in let newdecl = match c with | None -> SectionLocalAssum (expmod_constr oldenv work_alist (body_of_type t)) | Some body -> SectionLocalDef (expmod_constr oldenv work_alist body) in (Variable (id,newdecl,stre,sticky,imp) :: ops, ids_to_discard,work_alist) | "CONSTANT" | "PARAMETER" -> let stre = constant_or_parameter_strength sp in if stre = (DischargeAt sec_sp) then let constl = (sp, DO_REPLACE)::constl in (ops, ids_to_discard, (constl,indl,cstrl)) else let cb = Environ.lookup_constant sp oldenv in let spid = basename sp in let imp = is_implicit_constant sp in let newsp = recalc_sp dir sp in let mods = let modl = build_abstract_list cb.const_hyps ids_to_discard in [ (sp, DO_ABSTRACT(newsp,modl)) ] in let r = { d_from = sp; d_modlist = work_alist; d_abstract = ids_to_discard } in let op = Constant (spid,r,stre,cb.const_opaque,imp) in (op :: ops, ids_to_discard, (mods@constl, indl, cstrl)) | "INDUCTIVE" -> let mib = Environ.lookup_mind sp oldenv in let newsp = recalc_sp dir sp in let imp = is_implicit_args() (* CHANGE *) in let (mie,indmods,cstrmods) = process_inductive sp newsp oldenv (ids_to_discard,work_alist) mib in ((Inductive(mie,imp)) :: ops, ids_to_discard, (constl,indmods@indl,cstrmods@cstrl)) | "CLASS" -> let ((cl,clinfo) as x) = outClass lobj in if clinfo.cl_strength = (DischargeAt sec_sp) then (ops,ids_to_discard,work_alist) else let (y1,y2) = process_class sec_sp ids_to_discard x in ((Class (y1,y2))::ops, ids_to_discard, work_alist) | "COERCION" -> let (((_,coeinfo),_,_)as x) = outCoercion lobj in if coercion_strength coeinfo = (DischargeAt sec_sp) then (ops,ids_to_discard,work_alist) else let y = process_coercion sec_sp x in ((Coercion y)::ops, ids_to_discard, work_alist) | "STRUCTURE" -> let ((sp,i),info) = outStruc lobj in let newsp = recalc_sp dir sp in let strobj () = let mib = Environ.lookup_mind newsp (Global.env ()) in { s_CONST = info.s_CONST; s_PARAM = (mind_nth_type_packet mib 0).mind_nparams; s_PROJ = List.map (option_app (recalc_sp dir)) info.s_PROJ } in ((Struc ((newsp,i),strobj))::ops, ids_to_discard, work_alist) | "OBJDEF1" -> let sp = outObjDef1 lobj in let new_sp = recalc_sp dir sp in ((Objdef new_sp)::ops, ids_to_discard, work_alist) | _ -> (ops,ids_to_discard,work_alist) let process_item oldenv dir sec_sp acc = function | (sp,Leaf lobj) -> process_object oldenv dir sec_sp acc (sp,lobj) | (_,_) -> acc let process_operation = function | Variable (id,expmod_a,stre,sticky,imp) -> (* Warning:parentheses needed to get a side-effect from with_implicits *) let _ = with_implicits imp (declare_variable id) (expmod_a,stre,sticky) in () | Parameter (spid,typ,imp) -> let _ = with_implicits imp (declare_parameter spid) typ in constant_message spid | Constant (spid,r,stre,opa,imp) -> let _ = with_implicits imp (declare_constant spid) (ConstantRecipe r,stre,opa) in constant_message spid | Inductive (mie,imp) -> let _ = with_implicits imp declare_mind mie in inductive_message mie.mind_entry_inds | Class (y1,y2) -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inClass (y1,y2)) | Struc (newsp,strobj) -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inStruc (newsp,strobj ())) | Objdef newsp -> begin try Recordobj.objdef_declare (ConstRef newsp) with _ -> () end | Coercion y -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inCoercion y) let push_inductive_names ccitab sp mie = let _,ccitab = List.fold_left (fun (n,ccitab) ind -> let id = ind.mind_entry_typename in let indsp = (sp,n) in let _,ccitab = List.fold_left (fun (p,ccitab) x -> (p+1, Stringmap.add (string_of_id x) (ConstructRef (indsp,p)) ccitab)) (1,Stringmap.add (string_of_id id) (IndRef indsp) ccitab) ind.mind_entry_consnames in (n+1,ccitab)) (0,ccitab) mie.mind_entry_inds in ccitab (*s Operations performed at section closing. *) let cache_end_section (_,(sp,mc)) = Nametab.push_section sp mc; Nametab.open_section_contents (qualid_of_sp sp) let load_end_section (_,(sp,mc)) = Nametab.push_module sp mc let open_end_section (_,(sp,_)) = Nametab.rec_open_module_contents (qualid_of_sp sp) let (in_end_section, out_end_section) = declare_object ("END-SECTION", { cache_function = cache_end_section; load_function = load_end_section; open_function = open_end_section; export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }) let rec process_object (ccitab, objtab, modtab as tabs) = function | sp,Leaf obj -> begin match object_tag obj with | "CONSTANT" | "PARAMETER" -> (Stringmap.add (string_of_id (basename sp)) (ConstRef sp) ccitab,objtab,modtab) | "INDUCTIVE" -> let mie = out_inductive obj in (push_inductive_names ccitab sp mie, objtab, modtab) (* Variables are never visible *) | "VARIABLE" -> tabs | "END-SECTION" -> let (sp,mc) = out_end_section obj in let id = string_of_id (basename sp) in (ccitab, objtab, Stringmap.add id (sp,mc) modtab) (* All the rest is visible only at toplevel ??? *) (* Actually it is unsafe, it should be visible only in empty context *) (* ou quelque chose comme cela *) | "CLASS" | "COERCION" | "STRUCTURE" | "OBJDEF1" | "SYNTAXCONSTANT" | _ -> (ccitab, Stringmap.add (string_of_id (basename sp)) (sp,obj) objtab, modtab) end | _,(ClosedSection _ | OpenedSection _ | FrozenState _ | Module _) -> tabs and segment_contents seg = let ccitab, objtab, modtab = List.fold_left process_object (Stringmap.empty, Stringmap.empty, Stringmap.empty) seg in Nametab.Closed (ccitab, objtab, modtab) let close_section _ s = let oldenv = Global.env() in let sec_sp,decls,fs = close_section false s in let newdir = dirpath sec_sp in let olddir = wd_of_sp sec_sp in let (ops,ids,_) = if Options.immediate_discharge then ([],[],([],[],[])) else List.fold_left (process_item oldenv newdir olddir) ([],[],([],[],[])) decls in let ids = last_section_hyps olddir in Global.pop_named_decls ids; Summary.unfreeze_lost_summaries fs; let mc = segment_contents decls in add_anonymous_leaf (in_end_section (sec_sp,mc)); if Options.immediate_discharge then () else List.iter process_operation (List.rev ops) let save_module_to s f = Library.save_module_to segment_contents s f