(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* (Coq_config.version,Coq_config.date) let print_header () = let (ver,rev) = get_version_date () in Feedback.msg_notice (str "Welcome to Coq " ++ str ver ++ str " (" ++ str rev ++ str ")"); flush_all () let warning s = Flags.(with_option warn Feedback.msg_warning (strbrk s)) (* Feedback received in the init stage, this is different as the STM will not be generally be initialized, thus stateid, etc... may be bogus. For now we just print to the console too *) let coqtop_init_feed = Coqloop.coqloop_feed (* Default toplevel loop *) let console_toploop_run opts ~state = (* We initialize the console only if we run the toploop_run *) let tl_feed = Feedback.add_feeder Coqloop.coqloop_feed in if Dumpglob.dump () then begin Flags.if_verbose warning "Dumpglob cannot be used in interactive mode."; Dumpglob.noglob () end; let _ = Coqloop.loop ~time:opts.time ~state in (* Initialise and launch the Ocaml toplevel *) Coqinit.init_ocaml_path(); Mltop.ocaml_toploop(); (* We let the feeder in place for users of Drop *) Feedback.del_feeder tl_feed let toploop_run = ref console_toploop_run let memory_stat = ref false let print_memory_stat () = begin (* -m|--memory from the command-line *) if !memory_stat then Feedback.msg_notice (str "total heap size = " ++ int (CObj.heap_size_kb ()) ++ str " kbytes" ++ fnl ()); end; begin (* operf-macro interface: https://github.com/OCamlPro/operf-macro *) try let fn = Sys.getenv "OCAML_GC_STATS" in let oc = open_out fn in Gc.print_stat oc; close_out oc with _ -> () end let _ = at_exit print_memory_stat (******************************************************************************) (* Input/Output State *) (******************************************************************************) let inputstate opts = Option.iter (fun istate_file -> let fname = Loadpath.locate_file (CUnix.make_suffix istate_file ".coq") in States.intern_state fname) opts.inputstate let outputstate opts = Option.iter (fun ostate_file -> let fname = CUnix.make_suffix ostate_file ".coq" in States.extern_state fname) opts.outputstate (******************************************************************************) (* Interactive Load File Simulation *) (******************************************************************************) let load_vernacular opts ~state = List.fold_left (fun state (f_in, echo) -> let s = Loadpath.locate_file f_in in (* Should make the beautify logic clearer *) let load_vernac f = Vernac.load_vernac ~time:opts.time ~echo ~interactive:false ~check:true ~state f in if !Flags.beautify then Flags.with_option Flags.beautify_file load_vernac f_in else load_vernac s ) state (List.rev opts.load_vernacular_list) let load_init_vernaculars opts ~state = let state = if opts.load_rcfile then Coqinit.load_rcfile ~rcfile:opts.rcfile ~time:opts.time ~state else begin Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str"Skipping rcfile loading."); state end in load_vernacular opts ~state (******************************************************************************) (* Startup LoadPath and Modules *) (******************************************************************************) (* prelude_data == From Coq Require Export Prelude. *) let prelude_data = "Prelude", Some "Coq", Some true let require_libs opts = if opts.load_init then prelude_data :: opts.vo_requires else opts.vo_requires let cmdline_load_path opts = let open Mltop in (* loadpaths given by options -Q and -R *) List.map (fun (unix_path, coq_path, implicit) -> { recursive = true; path_spec = VoPath { unix_path; coq_path; has_ml = Mltop.AddNoML; implicit } }) (List.rev opts.vo_includes) @ (* additional ml directories, given with option -I *) List.map (fun s -> {recursive = false; path_spec = MlPath s}) (List.rev opts.ml_includes) let build_load_path opts = Coqinit.libs_init_load_path ~load_init:opts.load_init @ cmdline_load_path opts (******************************************************************************) (* Fatal Errors *) (******************************************************************************) (** Prints info which is either an error or an anomaly and then exits with the appropriate error code *) let fatal_error msg = Topfmt.std_logger Feedback.Error msg; flush_all (); exit 1 let fatal_error_exn ?extra exn = Topfmt.print_err_exn ?extra exn; flush_all (); let exit_code = if CErrors.(is_anomaly exn || not (handled exn)) then 129 else 1 in exit exit_code (******************************************************************************) (* File Compilation *) (******************************************************************************) let warn_file_no_extension = CWarnings.create ~name:"file-no-extension" ~category:"filesystem" (fun (f,ext) -> str "File \"" ++ str f ++ strbrk "\" has been implicitly expanded to \"" ++ str f ++ str ext ++ str "\"") let ensure_ext ext f = if Filename.check_suffix f ext then f else begin warn_file_no_extension (f,ext); f ^ ext end let chop_extension f = try Filename.chop_extension f with _ -> f let ensure_bname src tgt = let src, tgt = Filename.basename src, Filename.basename tgt in let src, tgt = chop_extension src, chop_extension tgt in if src <> tgt then fatal_error (str "Source and target file names must coincide, directories can differ" ++ fnl () ++ str "Source: " ++ str src ++ fnl () ++ str "Target: " ++ str tgt) let ensure ext src tgt = ensure_bname src tgt; ensure_ext ext tgt let ensure_v v = ensure ".v" v v let ensure_vo v vo = ensure ".vo" v vo let ensure_vio v vio = ensure ".vio" v vio let ensure_exists f = if not (Sys.file_exists f) then fatal_error (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str f)) (* Compile a vernac file *) let compile opts ~echo ~f_in ~f_out = let open Vernac.State in let check_pending_proofs () = let pfs = Proof_global.get_all_proof_names () in if not (CList.is_empty pfs) then fatal_error (str "There are pending proofs: " ++ (pfs |> List.rev |> prlist_with_sep pr_comma Names.Id.print) ++ str ".") in let iload_path = build_load_path opts in let require_libs = require_libs opts in let stm_options = opts.stm_flags in match opts.compilation_mode with | BuildVo -> Flags.record_aux_file := true; let long_f_dot_v = ensure_v f_in in ensure_exists long_f_dot_v; let long_f_dot_vo = match f_out with | None -> long_f_dot_v ^ "o" | Some f -> ensure_vo long_f_dot_v f in let doc, sid = Stm.(new_doc { doc_type = VoDoc long_f_dot_vo; iload_path; require_libs; stm_options; }) in let state = { doc; sid; proof = None } in let state = load_init_vernaculars opts ~state in let ldir = Stm.get_ldir ~doc:state.doc in Aux_file.(start_aux_file ~aux_file:(aux_file_name_for long_f_dot_vo) ~v_file:long_f_dot_v); Dumpglob.start_dump_glob ~vfile:long_f_dot_v ~vofile:long_f_dot_vo; Dumpglob.dump_string ("F" ^ Names.DirPath.to_string ldir ^ "\n"); let wall_clock1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let state = Vernac.load_vernac ~time:opts.time ~echo ~check:true ~interactive:false ~state long_f_dot_v in let _doc = Stm.join ~doc:state.doc in let wall_clock2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in check_pending_proofs (); Library.save_library_to ldir long_f_dot_vo (Global.opaque_tables ()); Aux_file.record_in_aux_at "vo_compile_time" (Printf.sprintf "%.3f" (wall_clock2 -. wall_clock1)); Aux_file.stop_aux_file (); Dumpglob.end_dump_glob () | BuildVio -> Flags.record_aux_file := false; Dumpglob.noglob (); let long_f_dot_v = ensure_v f_in in ensure_exists long_f_dot_v; let long_f_dot_vio = match f_out with | None -> long_f_dot_v ^ "io" | Some f -> ensure_vio long_f_dot_v f in (* We need to disable error resiliency, otherwise some errors will be ignored in batch mode. c.f. #6707 This is not necessary in the vo case as it fully checks the document anyways. *) let stm_options = let open Stm.AsyncOpts in { stm_options with async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience = false; async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = `None; } in let doc, sid = Stm.(new_doc { doc_type = VioDoc long_f_dot_vio; iload_path; require_libs; stm_options; }) in let state = { doc; sid; proof = None } in let state = load_init_vernaculars opts ~state in let ldir = Stm.get_ldir ~doc:state.doc in let state = Vernac.load_vernac ~time:opts.time ~echo ~check:false ~interactive:false ~state long_f_dot_v in let doc = Stm.finish ~doc:state.doc in check_pending_proofs (); let _doc = Stm.snapshot_vio ~doc ldir long_f_dot_vio in Stm.reset_task_queue () | Vio2Vo -> let open Filename in Flags.record_aux_file := false; Dumpglob.noglob (); let f = if check_suffix f_in ".vio" then chop_extension f_in else f_in in let lfdv, sum, lib, univs, disch, tasks, proofs = Library.load_library_todo f in let univs, proofs = Stm.finish_tasks lfdv univs disch proofs tasks in Library.save_library_raw lfdv sum lib univs proofs let compile opts ~echo ~f_in ~f_out = ignore(CoqworkmgrApi.get 1); compile opts ~echo ~f_in ~f_out; CoqworkmgrApi.giveback 1 let compile_file opts (f_in, echo) = if !Flags.beautify then Flags.with_option Flags.beautify_file (fun f_in -> compile opts ~echo ~f_in ~f_out:None) f_in else compile opts ~echo ~f_in ~f_out:None let compile_files opts = let compile_list = List.rev opts.compile_list in List.iter (compile_file opts) compile_list (******************************************************************************) (* VIO Dispatching *) (******************************************************************************) let check_vio_tasks opts = let rc = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Vio_checking.check_vio t && acc) true (List.rev opts.vio_tasks) in if not rc then fatal_error Pp.(str "VIO Task Check failed") (* vio files *) let schedule_vio opts = (* We must add update the loadpath here as the scheduling process happens outside of the STM *) let iload_path = build_load_path opts in List.iter Mltop.add_coq_path iload_path; if opts.vio_checking then Vio_checking.schedule_vio_checking opts.vio_files_j opts.vio_files else Vio_checking.schedule_vio_compilation opts.vio_files_j opts.vio_files (******************************************************************************) (* Color Options *) (******************************************************************************) let init_color color_mode = let has_color = match color_mode with | `OFF -> false | `ON -> true | `AUTO -> Terminal.has_style Unix.stdout && Terminal.has_style Unix.stderr && (* emacs compilation buffer does not support colors by default, its TERM variable is set to "dumb". *) try Sys.getenv "TERM" <> "dumb" with Not_found -> false in if has_color then begin let colors = try Some (Sys.getenv "COQ_COLORS") with Not_found -> None in match colors with | None -> (** Default colors *) Topfmt.default_styles (); Topfmt.init_terminal_output ~color:true | Some "" -> (** No color output *) Topfmt.init_terminal_output ~color:false | Some s -> (** Overwrite all colors *) Topfmt.parse_color_config s; Topfmt.init_terminal_output ~color:true end else Topfmt.init_terminal_output ~color:false let toploop_init = ref begin fun opts x -> let () = init_color opts.color in let () = CoqworkmgrApi.init !WorkerLoop.async_proofs_worker_priority in x end let print_style_tags opts = let () = init_color opts.color in let tags = Topfmt.dump_tags () in let iter (t, st) = let opt = Terminal.eval st ^ t ^ Terminal.reset ^ "\n" in print_string opt in let make (t, st) = let tags = List.map string_of_int (Terminal.repr st) in (t ^ "=" ^ String.concat ";" tags) in let repr = List.map make tags in let () = Printf.printf "COQ_COLORS=\"%s\"\n" (String.concat ":" repr) in let () = List.iter iter tags in flush_all () (** GC tweaking *) (** Coq is a heavy user of persistent data structures and symbolic ASTs, so the minor heap is heavily sollicited. Unfortunately, the default size is far too small, so we enlarge it a lot (128 times larger). To better handle huge memory consumers, we also augment the default major heap increment and the GC pressure coefficient. *) let init_gc () = try (* OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable is set. * In that case, we let ocamlrun to use the values provided by the user. *) ignore (Sys.getenv "OCAMLRUNPARAM") with Not_found -> (* OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable is not set. * In this case, we put in place our preferred configuration. *) Gc.set { (Gc.get ()) with Gc.minor_heap_size = 33554432; (** 4M *) Gc.space_overhead = 120} (** Main init routine *) let init_toplevel arglist = (* Coq's init process, phase 1: OCaml parameters, basic structures, and IO *) CProfile.init_profile (); init_gc (); Sys.catch_break false; (* Ctrl-C is fatal during the initialisation *) let init_feeder = Feedback.add_feeder coqtop_init_feed in Lib.init(); (* Coq's init process, phase 2: Basic Coq environment, load-path, plugins. *) let res = begin try let opts,extras = parse_args arglist in memory_stat := opts.memory_stat; (* If we have been spawned by the Spawn module, this has to be done * early since the master waits us to connect back *) Spawned.init_channels (); Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun msg -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str msg)); if opts.print_where then (print_endline(Envars.coqlib ()); exit(exitcode opts)); if opts.print_config then (Envars.print_config stdout Coq_config.all_src_dirs; exit (exitcode opts)); if opts.print_tags then (print_style_tags opts; exit (exitcode opts)); if opts.filter_opts then (print_string (String.concat "\n" extras); exit 0); let top_lp = Coqinit.toplevel_init_load_path () in List.iter Mltop.add_coq_path top_lp; Option.iter Mltop.load_ml_object_raw opts.toploop; let extras = !toploop_init opts extras in if not (CList.is_empty extras) then begin prerr_endline ("Don't know what to do with "^String.concat " " extras); prerr_endline "See -help for the list of supported options"; exit 1 end; Flags.if_verbose print_header (); Mltop.init_known_plugins (); Global.set_engagement opts.impredicative_set; (* Allow the user to load an arbitrary state here *) inputstate opts; (* This state will be shared by all the documents *) Stm.init_core (); (* Coq init process, phase 3: Stm initialization, backtracking state. It is essential that the module system is in a consistent state before we take the first snapshot. This was not guaranteed in the past, but now is thanks to the STM API. We split the codepath here depending whether coqtop is called in interactive mode or not. *) (* The condition for starting the interactive mode is a bit convoluted, we should really refactor batch/compilation_mode more. *) if (not opts.batch_mode || CList.(is_empty opts.compile_list && is_empty opts.vio_files && is_empty opts.vio_tasks)) (* Interactive *) then begin let iload_path = build_load_path opts in let require_libs = require_libs opts in let stm_options = opts.stm_flags in try let open Vernac.State in let doc, sid = Stm.(new_doc { doc_type = Interactive opts.toplevel_name; iload_path; require_libs; stm_options; }) in let state = { doc; sid; proof = None } in Some (load_init_vernaculars opts ~state), opts with any -> flush_all(); fatal_error_exn any (* Non interactive: we perform a sequence of compilation steps *) end else begin try compile_files opts; (* Vio compile pass *) if opts.vio_files <> [] then schedule_vio opts; (* Vio task pass *) check_vio_tasks opts; (* Allow the user to output an arbitrary state *) outputstate opts; None, opts with any -> flush_all(); fatal_error_exn any end; with any -> flush_all(); let extra = Some (str "Error during initialization: ") in fatal_error_exn ?extra any end in Feedback.del_feeder init_feeder; res let start () = match init_toplevel (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) with (* Batch mode *) | Some state, opts when not opts.batch_mode -> !toploop_run opts ~state; exit 1 | _ , opts -> flush_all(); if opts.output_context then begin let sigma, env = Pfedit.get_current_context () in Feedback.msg_notice (Flags.(with_option raw_print (Prettyp.print_full_pure_context env) sigma) ++ fnl ()) end; CProfile.print_profile (); exit 0